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16593535 No.16593535 [Reply] [Original]

LIne Cook Doomer General: no other place will hire me edition

should I take a sushi job at 20/hr (leaf dollars) that says to expect overtime up to 50hrs? they say you get a raise if you go from back restauraunt to sushi chef but I've heard "you'll totally get a raise bro" before, also seems like hotels hire at 22 or more but I imagine the work is pretty hard, and late.

>> No.16593553

> I imagine the work is pretty hard, and late.
I feel like this is the case pretty much anywhere you work.
I was a barista at a corporate office, there was also a kitchen there and it was the most based gig for the cooks there.
M-F, 7-2, no weekends, no nights, good pay. Customers were office workers so no one was shitty. Very comfy
then covid hit and the food service company crumbled, lol.

>> No.16593556

food service seems to be ramping up a lot here in canada (BC at least) so there's a ton of jobs.

>> No.16593562

Hotel is 10x better and easier than working in a restaurant. Most of the time you're sitting around doing jack shit.

>> No.16593565

ok I'll see if I can find one, though honestly sitting around sometimes sucks in a restaurant as they don't let you go on your phone or anything while doing nothing, and hotels usually require more high end experience

>> No.16593568


Checked. Would you get free sushi?

>> No.16593570

I actually didn't ask but I have to imagine so, sushi seems pretty good there too, as it's actual japanese people.

>> No.16593707
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Line cooking sucks and I recommend against doing it. A lot of work for not great pay and little benefits otherwise. I graduated from culinary school (J&W) and worked in a few restaurants for a few years before I got out of the industry and joined the Army about a year ago, and I have to say that this is a much better career decision. But I don't wanna make it about me, do what you want, but line cooking sucks unless you can work for a great company in a corporate setting or something.
I only worked in local restaurants though, no big chains, no hotels. So that was my experience.

>> No.16593717

I know it sucks, I can't get an IT job no matter how many places I apply and I need work, I might be going back to school to get a bachelor's degree but right now it seems like restauraunt or nothing.

>> No.16593749

Yeah well in that case man it's fine to do until you can do something else, but me personally I would never do it long-term again, hell I would try to avoid it even short-term. Either way anon good luck with all that, I've definately had some great times working the line and I will say that I do occasionally miss it, mostly I just miss getting staff meals and being able to eat a lot of food. Because I was a poor college student and being able to eat multiple meals a day working a 12 hour shift was really, really appreciated by me.

>> No.16593752

yeah I refuse to work more than 9 hours so I won't get caught in that type of line cook fuckery, I'd sooner be out of a job than do that.

>> No.16593756

> though honestly sitting around sometimes sucks in a restaurant as they don't let you go on your phone or anything while doing nothing
In a hotel you'd be the only one there during quiet hours, no one to tell you not to be on your phone.
> hotels usually require more high end experience
True but you just have to be very presentable, show them you can give very good customer service and lie about hotel experience at some non-chain hotel that shut down from covid (there are many to choose from).

>> No.16594308

get on that shit anon. if i wasnt going to jail soon id steal that gig from right under your ass!!

>> No.16594310

keep in mind this is canada, so it's equivalent to only about 16 usd an hour + tips/overtime, also rent here is like $1600, it's enough but you might be coming from the midwest where that wage is insane

>> No.16594393

my rent is 900, my hourly is $20, it's summer by the lake and i'm making 20-30 hours of overtime every week, this is the summer i needed after covid. i've put like 10 grand in the bank

>> No.16594397

I made $10k over the weekend flipping shitcoins while drunk in my underwear.

>> No.16594398

Let me tell ya anon, as a friend. I've met many people in the bay during my internships who worked in tech and are retired in their mid/late 30s with enough money in the bank to ensure their great grandkids have enough inheritance to practically buy a house with.
Wanna know what, basically all of them were unhappy and lost. Because like you, they thought that all their problems would go away when they have enough money to retire, they just need to retire with a big stack and they can be happy. But all their life they never actually figured out what makes them happy. So they sit idly, doing nothing, talking to zoomers at tech meetups as its their only semblance of connection they have with other people. Even if you do have hobbies, you can only indulge in those for so long before you get bored of those too.
So, I'm sure I'll retire comfortably some day with the direction my career is going, but I'm not too worried about money anyway, because I'm happy and enjoying today. I have friends to hang out with, I'm part of student orgs on campus, I have a summer job in a kitchen that is actually making an impact on the community. And even after graduation I'll know to look for a job that has real meaning, not just a salary.
Your life has money, my life has fulfillment, and no amount of money can buy that.

>> No.16595097

conspire with the other employees to kill your boss and collectively manage the business according to maoist doctrine.

>> No.16595118

spoken like a true homeless bum

>> No.16595138

Depends on the situation and restaurant.

Smokehouse I worked at:
>Time flew, days month, years
>Everyone was in it to help each other out, when someone was in the shit, people who weren't jumped on and pulled them out
>Great atmosphere
>Even when doing back to back 16 hour shifts people were laughing and joking

Then a bellend sous gets promoted to head chef because noone else wanted to stay as head chef and work 80+ hours for a low salary that worked to less than minimum wage per hour.
He was a brown nosed cunt, always sucking up to the exec HC
>Always looking to make himself look good
>First time anyone working there ever did a 20 hour shift under him.
>Deep cleaning over night and then back in the morning for breakfast shifts.
>No concept of fairness
The hardest working got the hardest shifts constantly because he wanted things to go smooth all the time so wouldn't put the less skilled anywhere but the quiet times.
iirc my longest streaks of no weekend day off (Fri/Sat/Sun) was about 6 months. Holidays rejected for the first time under him.

Lots of people left at once.

But I wouldn't say I don't recommend line work because of my experience.
It was simultaneously the best and worst work i've ever done.

>> No.16595463

How do I get in to flipping shit coins? Anything beats another night behind the bar

>> No.16596229


This. 100 percent this. I'm not even a Zoomer and this is the case with modern day Millennials. There are so many I know now with kids and families that think that money a lone buys happiness so they sit at their deadend office job or corporate salary position even though they're miserable, bored and alone.

I don't want to be like one of those losers. Frankly, I want to the things in life that make me happy, not make me a buck.

Also have you seen the divorce rate? Over half of all marriages now end in divorce. So your friend from school, work or whatever that plans on getting married now. Good chance that marriage will fail in a few years.

It's bunch of kids rushing because they think their "biological" time clock is ticking.

>> No.16596235

>chef is either a bootlicking company man or a deranged alcoholic

why is this always the case?

>> No.16596300

OP here, I won't be taking the job, after doing that CAD to USD conversion I realized I need a lot more money, getting 23+ an hour or just getting unemployment or going back to school

>> No.16596359

>drunk in my underwear
nice, i do this too. i also have a demanding job that takes up most of my waking hours so i have something to keep my mind off of suicide all day. the state of humanity these days. what do you do in your free time?

>> No.16596375

when you're a few years older you'll learn that getting paid shit and worrying about money doesn't help with the life fulfillment.

>> No.16596385

idk man, cheffing is about the pirks. Which place has sluttier waitresses and less fuckwitts that will ruin your service? Which place has people hanging out for drinks after? Which place plays decent music in the kitchen.

>> No.16596387

sorry i'm retarded, perks, obviously.

>> No.16596388

this comment kinda proves that I need to leave the industry, I am annoyed by people playing music I don't like, I have a partner and no care for slutty waitresses, and I do like to have drinks but I also like to get home, i'm too old for this shit.

>> No.16597207

Exactly what I told the bozo in the other thread.