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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 1367x725, MammaMiaTooGarlicky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16591010 No.16591010 [Reply] [Original]

Watch Italia Squisita
>Gotta remove the core of the garlic!
>Gotta just put the garlic in whole and then remove it!
>Vaffanculo! The americani use so much garlic!
>Waaah! Garlic gives garlic breath!

Jesus why are the Italians so pussies about garlic? Are they the origin to the "white people can't handle spice" meme?

And who the fuck gives a shit about garlic breath? Maybe speak in a normal volume and keep your distance, then it aint a problem.

>> No.16591019

It's ironic because garlic mellows so much as it's cooked that you could dump literally pounds of garlic in a dish, like a sauce, and most of the volatile garlic flavors would be cooked off.

>> No.16591023

that's just highly refined restaurant food

do you really never remove the core of garlic either, even if it's going to be raw?

>> No.16591167

removing the core does jack shit.

>> No.16591212

true on young fresh garlic
it makes a big difference on older stuff though

>> No.16591237

Italians are full of superstitions.

I tasted the core of the garlic, both young and old, and it tastes exactly the same. You may want to remove it from aesthetic reasons, since a green garlic core indicates an old garlic that's ready to sprout, but that's it.

No flavor difference.

>> No.16591286

Italians are turbo-autists about their food, and most of it probably does nothing. They have centuries long feuds between villages over fucking pasta shapes and the number of times you stir sauce clockwise vs counter clockwise. Being related to somebody from Europe who slavishly adheres to "the right way" of making old recipes, I can tell you it's more that they're engaging in ancestor worship than any sort of actual culinary tradition.

>> No.16591299

>fat Italians made a folk religion out of food
Sounds based to me

>> No.16591301

they have nothing else to show for

>> No.16591328
File: 83 KB, 923x797, Pineapple_on_Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern eyetalian cuisine is a revisionist culture that exists in the wake of their smarter, more accomplished cousins immigrating to the US and exporting their Americanized 20th century cooking to the rest of the world.

Italians in the new world had access to a far greater amount of expensive things like meat and dairy, allowing them to elevate their poverty cuisine into something truly great and memorable. Because most immigrants came from the garlic and red sauce-heavy South, this came to chiefly represent Italian food to the rest of the world, much to the dismay of modern shitalians.

The manifestation of their cope is that they autistically cling onto the poverty origins of their 'traditional' ways of cooking, while doing everything they can to differentiate themselves from Italian-Americanisms under some phony guise of superiority of ingredients or '''freshness''' (read: COPE)

So garlic?
>Mama mia we barely use-a da garlic, only one little clove in da sauce-a for five seconds, then make-a the sure you go and fissha it out-a you no want the stinky garlic breath-a

Mama mia, we gonna pretend pizza wasn't just some looked down upon miserly poverty flatbread for centuries-a, we gonna-a center our identity around America's largest culinary export and pretend-a our version was superior the whole-a time. Burnt crust and two miserly grams of fresh mozzarella for me, please! It's-a the true way we eat-a it in Napoli!


imagine unironically living in a country shaped like a fucking boot

>> No.16591336

Good lord, Americans are fucking cringe.

>> No.16591350

What do you expect from a country that was overrun by barbarians because it's greatest empire fell to societal decay?

>> No.16591353


no, in nice restaurants, if the garlic flavor is an important component, they will crush and finely mince the whole clove

only italians do that stupid shit before dumping the garlic in super hot sauce anyway, which cooks and kills any garlic flavor. they do it because they're the most myth-bound group of idiots, because their grandmas told them they must do X, then they do X.

>> No.16591363

fuck americans, but I agree with italians being idiots



>> No.16591379

I had to explain garlic to my Italian neighbour. She didn't get that it mellows as it's cooked, gets more intense if it's mashed and left to bruise before adding it, and can be downright spicy if you treat it poorly for a week or two before harvesting... didn't her people basically invent garlic?

>> No.16591381

Italian butthurt is top tier kino. Busting out the popcorn and enjoying a hearty chuckle at Romans trying to defend their disgusting peasant slop is almost as great as trolling Americans about their weird toilet procedure or their capeshit worship.

>> No.16591382

have you considered that you only have access to bad garlic?
In NZ I can buy chinese garlic, or, sometimes, NZ garlic at a massive premium. Only some of which is good.
And the difference in flavour is big.

Ingredient quality is what Italian cuisine revolves around. It just doesn't make sense with what a lot of people have to hand.

>> No.16591387

I knew an Italian guy who would put a whole red onion in his sauce, then take it out at the end of cooking and throw it away. I guess it worked if you didn't understand what the onion was doing and couldn't be bothered to figure out how much diced onion you would need to get the same effect. It was basically a waste of most of an onion.

>> No.16591393

do you actually believe that italian-americans and actual italians cook the same food?
also, americans have weird views concerning italian food, probably because most italo american immigrants came from southern italy, that italians put a lot of garlic in their food but they typically don't or they are very careful with it. In my experience, Americans in general use way more garlic than italians in their food and probably more than any meditteranean people.

>> No.16591411

I bet my garlic is pretty fucking good. I don't live in anglo land, I live in one of the med countries and buy local.

That only works for getting out the excess salt, mostly.

>didn't her people basically invent garlic

>> No.16591422

>Watch Italia Squisita
this was your first mistake

>> No.16591425

>I live in one of the med countries
why didn't you just say it retard

>> No.16591433

why did I need to say it, it was completely irrelevant to my statement
you're the one making stupid asinine assumptions

>> No.16591437

>I live in one of the med countries and buy local.
why don't you name your country?

>> No.16591447

I said where i'm from
you're saying you get good produce 'in your country'
it's what we're talking about
why not just say it?

you're being purposefully obtuse for no reason

>> No.16591465

you said you're from a mediteranean country, there's more than 20 of them. where are you from? is it such a shithole you're too shameful to name your motherland?

>> No.16591475

Because burgers and associated angloes are incapable of making distinctions between them, so I unconsciously act condescending to try and filter the complexity of the info, i.e. I assume it's easier to say med because then you're capable of making the link med=good produce.

>> No.16591476

It's a good thing. Means that they care. Anybody who takes food seriously will develop a few pet peeves, some of which might be irrational or superstitious. If you have a whole country obsessing about food this seems like the inevitable result.

>> No.16591483

Wow, obsessed. Already answered your ass.
Yeah, it's kind of a shithole but the produce is good. >>16591475

>> No.16591487

Portugal isn't mediteranean, you retard.

>> No.16591488

you're replying to the wrong person retard

>> No.16591491

Geographically, it technically is not, correct, it's atlantic.
Culturally and in usual international classifications, yes it is.

>> No.16591492

Hmmmm.. no i don't think so sweety :)

>> No.16591493

I use 4 cloves of garlic for every meal I make

>> No.16591499

No, it's Southern. Not mediteranean.
You are very very very stupid.

>> No.16591500

I know a bit about Portugal. When I think about your food I also think about your influence on Goan cuisine and Macau.
Lisbon is the capital. Now what's the capital of New Zealand, cunt?

>> No.16591505

Literally go and spend 30s on google searching for exactly the keywords you were posting and you will see what I mean, my autistic friend.

>> No.16591509

gordon ramsey's favorite dish
Impressive how much you guys love Brit reality tv to bother and change the capital because of it.

>> No.16591511

I am right. Thank you for admitting defeat, though.

>> No.16591517


>> No.16591530

I believe my middle aged neighbour wasn't born here, considering how thick her accent is. I believe that she should have at least figured out at some point in her life that needing to bum garlic from a neighbour because she's using whole fists to make things garlicky means that her approach needs some tweaking. I also believe that Americans avoid, and openly mock, the use of the letter "U" in neighbour.

Maria's good people, and now she can cook with like 1/4 the garlic she used to... which is good, because she's still bumming my garlic, because "It's better than the cheap Chinese shit at the store."

>> No.16591531


>> No.16591536

(Beef) Wellington
You're not the brightest, right?

>> No.16591542

beef... wellington?

>> No.16591546

ok, didn't ask lol

>> No.16591552
File: 16 KB, 480x360, kiwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admit you googled it

>> No.16591559


>> No.16591561

Ok, so you injected yourself with your unrelated bullshit. How's autism treating you, Kyle?

>> No.16591564

I wasn't sure it was Auckland or Wellington so I googled it to verify.

>> No.16591575

My name is not Kyle.

>> No.16591582

that italian MILF wants BWC

>> No.16591585

I thought it was Christchurch for some reason.

>> No.16591596

She'll have to settle for a compromise - average cock, but great breakfast.

>> No.16591659

Reminds me of a cooking show here, where they advised to cook an ingredient (it was some vegetable, don't remember) for a long while, so that it loses its taste.
It was the main ingredient of the side-dish....

>> No.16591775

What is italia squista

>> No.16591986

>Jesus why are the Italians so pussies about garlic?
Garlic is a very overpowering flavour. If I wanted to taste garlic as a primary ingredients I would make a bagnacaude or a aglio and olio.
The real question is why americans cannot cook without garlic or chicken broth and why everything have the same 2/3 notes

it makes a huge difference

Not true.
Fashion, luxury cars, music, sport, telecom, free healthcare, country with the most unesco sites, good climate, top 10 in life expectancy.
I mean if you're not retarded there's a lot to show off

It's an italian youtube channel about high-end/traditional italian cuisine that makes amerimutt seeth and scream because they point out how retarded sometimes they are
If you want to know italian cuisine (the real one, not the /ck/ or eceleb american meme) it's one of the best youtube channel

>> No.16592139

this is fine for cooking things that contain a lot of water or will cook for a long time, picture mirepoix but bigger

>> No.16592162

I don't think I've ever pictured the removal of mirepoix - maybe the careful removal of the liquid that it's simmering in. It's pretty rare that I don't just cook it down in the dish.

>> No.16592182

I've only seen it in italian recipes - and it's whole vegetables in something that has been simmered for hours which would otherwise be come nasty mush if you fucked with it in the pot too much.

>> No.16592340

>it makes a huge difference
No it does not, because you nuggas coom the garlic until it's dissolving so you denaturate all the acids that make it sting in the first place. Just fucking google it, you idiot pastaman.

>> No.16592342


>> No.16592348


What do Italians listen to nowadays anyway.

>> No.16592725

pasta nogs are just serial culinary bullshitters

>> No.16592744

>Thank you for admitting defeat, though.
This unfortunate type of arguing impresses no one.

>> No.16592751

not him but have you heard of pavarotti? puccini? verdi? guy didnt even mention art, the innumerable cathedrals, michelangelo, leonardo, raffaello, giotto.

>> No.16592786

> No it does not
Yes it does you tastelet monkey
> because you nuggas coom the garlic
sorry, I don't speak the retard

>> No.16593034

so is pineapple on pizza, and nice reddit spacing you fat fuck