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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16577507 No.16577507 [Reply] [Original]

>doctor says i have to lose 30kg
>cut out breakfast from the day
>lose 7kg
>stop losing weight
how do i have to change my diet to lose 23 more kilograms? i eat 2 sandwiches at 12am and one meal with meat and noodles when i come home at 7pm

>> No.16577509

just eat what you want when you want its what i do

>> No.16577512

calculate your maintence calories with a reasonable boundary (5-15%, go with 15% if you have literally ever been fat) and eat less than that
also just start exercising you lazy fuck
t. 300 lbs -> 130 lbs currently

>> No.16577529

So the 2 sandwiches is like two hoagies and the meat and noodles is a family size pot of noodles isn’t it you fukin fatass

>> No.16577538

Lift. Jog. No sugar.

>> No.16577539

Eat under 1,200 calories a day.
Eat less to lose faster.
Your calories should be 50% veggies, 40% meat, 10% grains (Because everyone needs some rice here and then. Go on, treat yourself).
No sodas/artificial sweeteners, be under 10g of sugar a day, you can have 30g on cheat day (once a week).

>> No.16577545


Test/tren/mast 500/400/400
No need for ancillaries. You do this, 16 weeks and restrict yourself to lean meats and vegetables. You'll be lean.

After this you stay on 250mg of test e

>> No.16577552

Slight disinfo regarding recent science
Depending on OPs weight - and i'm assuming he's a massive fat fuck since he needs to lose 66 lbs - should start the cut at 1500 kcal and lower to 1200 or even 900-1000 once they inevitably plateau
More and more studies are confirming that obese people inevitably will develop (at least temporarily) a highly efficient metabolic state wherein formerly/recovering obese people need to eat even LESS than people who have never been obese cutting weight
stop pussing out and give the nigga a dnp dealers email

>> No.16577557

Just keep counting calories, stay strict and don't slip up, and get past the plateau.

>> No.16577558

You make a good point. I didn't take into account if he's American, I just use 1200kcal as a baseline "Weight loss gradually" number. Combined with exercise it shows amazing results. But if he gets fatigued and weak from that amount, then yes, definitely a bit more then to start with. That makes sense.

>> No.16577560
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I am currently losing weight. This is what you need to do.

I also recommend drinking a non-sugar whey protein shake every time you're hungry and it's not an appropriate time to eat.

>> No.16577568

i weight 97kg right now and weighted 105kg

>> No.16577591

i barely drink stuff with sugar or eat sweets but i'm addicted to asian noodles

>> No.16577595

cut out lunch and dinner too. ez

>> No.16577597

Carbs are a sin. Keep it under 1/10th of your diet. You CAN have cheat days, just, you double your amounts from your diet.

>> No.16577600

Not him, but how do I take this stuff? Just ingest or...?

>> No.16577604

Count your calories you stupid fat slag

>> No.16577610

almost all of this is injected
you'll need to purchase a supply of sterile needles and have to learn how/where to inject
you can use the Z-method on your back shoulder and thighs for the first year or two without anyone ever noticing, but you may have to start going for the buttocks if you develop a habit

>> No.16577614
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i'm not a woman. i have to lose that weight to lower the chance of getting diabetes of my schizophrenia meds

>> No.16577618

count your calories you stupid fat fag

>> No.16577626
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>> No.16577666

what's on the sandwiches? maybe just cut back to one. and probably eat less noodles, more vegetables. you could also just try doing one meal a day which makes it a lot harder to go over your calorie limit.

>> No.16577679

The fact that you cut out breakfast but you're still eating three meals a day should tell you something

>> No.16577686

Why are you eating sandwiches at midnight?

>> No.16577689
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one meal is not enough. salami like pic related or thin chicken slices

>> No.16577691

it's two small buns at lumch. doesn't really count as one meal

>> No.16577697

count it as one meal

>> No.16577700

that seems okay. how much of the noodles are you eating by weight and what else are you having with it?

>> No.16577701

Are all of you fat fucks, or genetic failures? Never in my life did I need to "count calories", basically I eat however I want and I hardly put on any weight.

I thought fat people were overweight because they had terrible diets, but apparently people here have super healthy diets with very limited calorie intake, and still manage to be fat fucks.

Am I genetically blessed or what?

>> No.16577712

>one meal is not enough
yes, it can be, you just don't have the discipline
if you can't survive a single week on 1 meal a day of the appropriate calories, you will 100% regain all this weight in the future
losing weight is changing HABITS. if you can't change your fatfuck undisciplined habits, you will inevitably revert back. there's been plenty of legitimate advice in this thread but you're clearly just going to eat yourself to death. i lose over 77kg in a single year making $400 a month because i made shit happen. get fucked you lazy freak

>> No.16577715

>thinks people become overweight on healthy diets with limited calories
>am i genetically blessed?
no. most overweight people eat too much junk food. it's hard to gain a lot of weight without processed food.

>> No.16577716

Are you using butter, margarine, remoulade or other fatty spreads on the bread rolls? If yes, cut them. You could also switch to rye bread rolls or rye(/wheat mix) bread.

>> No.16577719

>schizophrenia med
why even bother living?

>> No.16577722

Dont tell yourself you are addicted to noodles. Thats fatty talk. Get strict and starve yourself. Get used to feeling hungry and stop being used to feeling full.

>> No.16577723

i do. i meant to write that it doesn't count as two meals. i'm tired of work

i don't weight the noodles but it's half of what you get in an asian noodles box.

>> No.16577729

>Are all of you fat fucks, or genetic failures? Never in my life did I need to "count calories", basically I eat however I want and I hardly put on any weight.
Counting calories is not about being an autistic control freak.
It is both to make a person aware of his eating habits and to make him learn what food does for his body.

>> No.16577735
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>getting this mad
i will not only eat one meal a day until exactly that happens, you dumb fuck

>> No.16577738

>if you can't survive a single week on 1 meal a day of the appropriate calories, you will 100% regain all this weight in the future
The method of delivery of calories doesn't matter at all.

>> No.16577739

>missing the point entirely
you're a grown adult measuring food in "half of an asian noodles box". i'm guessing you're "tired of work" involved standing behind the cash register for 8 hours a day
consider suicide unironically

>> No.16577744

the only reason i have a job is to consoom apple products and make money to support my mom when she is old

>> No.16577745

it certainly matters OP is such a fat fuck he's claiming it's physically impossible for him to eat 1 meal a day due to his lack of discipline lmao

>> No.16577747

nah, i think one attempt is enough but feel free to try it once yourself

>> No.16577754

>i don't weight the noodles but it's half of what you get in an asian noodles box.
that's not helpful information. if it's a regular box that's 450g like other boxes of pasta then it's too much. you probably don't want to be having more than like 100g. you can also try whole grain noodles instead which are more filling, but if you try them they need a bit longer to cook compared to refined flour noodles.

>> No.16577766

i don't like other grains. i will have to make smaller portions

>> No.16577768

Only the daily intake of calories matters.
As long as you meet it use the most comfortable way of delivery.
Be it one big meal or ten 150 calorie sandwiches.

>> No.16577800

>use the most comfortable way of delivery
this is a scientific, psychological falsehood, full stop
it is empirical and well documented that purely limiting caloric intake with no habitual change will cause the individual to revert to their original weight or higher in more than 50% of individuals

>> No.16577809


>> No.16577811

>how do I lose weight
eat less
>I'm eating less but not losing weight
eat even less
>I'm eating even less but not losing weight
eat even lessererer

this is not a complex problem

>> No.16577814

Then they're not limiting their caloric intake, are they?

>> No.16578825

Potatoes. Boil em mash em stick em in a stew.

>> No.16578831
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Fuck forgot image

>> No.16578838

Jesus christ you fucking fatass, no wonder you can't lose weight. Half a box of pasta every night my God. Given that most pastas are packed at 1lb weight you should be using a QUARTER of the box not half. Half is a two person portion you dumb fat fuck.

>> No.16578842

You're twenty.

>> No.16578848

>does this portion of carbs look satisfying
If it does you fucked up. If you're eating noodless the most you can allow yourself is a small side portion, think how big a pile of peas on your plate might look. If you're eating a sandwich the most you can allow yourself is one half(and no chips fatty, ever). You do that and don't use excessive amount of cream/butter/oil you're pretty much golden.

>> No.16578855

Just fast. Day 22 water fast here, aiming for 30 days.

>> No.16579881

Run at least 30 minutes a day and no junk food

>> No.16579893

nobody thought my comment was funny

>> No.16579898

Can I add brown sugar and teriyaki sauce to the veggies to make a sauce base so they don't taste so bland

>> No.16579910

Stop bragging in every thread, watuh nigga

>> No.16579926

just don't eat for 2 weeks

>> No.16579933

well yeah, but you don't need to add straight sugar, learn to season

>> No.16579946

Just roast them until they start to caramelize a bit. If your tastebuds are that messed up from consuming too much sugar for too long then you need to hold off and let them readjust to more normal levels of sweetness.

>> No.16580095

You need sugar to make teriyaki sauce, like a teaspoon

>> No.16580104

count your calories.

>> No.16580121

Honestly, before changing what you eat, the first step is changing what you drink. Calorie-count the fuck out of beverages moreso than food because at least food will fill you for a time. Drinks give you the calories and still leave you wanting to eat.

>> No.16580150

I already drink Steel, how much can I minmax sips you monster

>> No.16580795

Just calculate your BMR and cut 300 calories from it

>> No.16580820

Count calories
Exercise 1 hour every day

>> No.16580829

go on ozempic

>> No.16580851

dehydrate yourself to dab on him

>> No.16580854

or maybe you forgot that they're literally just lying

>> No.16580878

Three meals a day and no snacks whatsoever, drink water and do strength training.

>> No.16580881

Do the math on the calories. Then eat less it's really that simple. Cut one of the sandwiches and half the noodles. Bam u did it

>> No.16582091

stop eating so damn much

>> No.16582127

If you aren't still losing weight you are either not counting the calories strictly enough, or not counting your weight properly.
>Eat under 1,200 calories a day.
retard advice. 1200 is the minimum intake for a woman to lose weight.
A male should stick to 1500 or 1600.

>> No.16582192

They're keeping you both fat and schizo. I never took them when I was psychotic and I'm doing better than 95% of "schizophrenia patients".
Anyway, as for your question: eat less. There are details, but if you eat about 1500 calories or lower a day, you will lose weight. It's often easier to do it nosugar or nocarbs or whatever, but for some people it's harder. Do whichever makes you less fat. Or do what I do and have an eating disorder and read /ck/ as a replacement for eating.

>> No.16582624

i did