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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16574608 No.16574608 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here
Potato cups with meat and melted cheese

>> No.16574624


>> No.16574625
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If you work out can't you just eat whatever you want

>> No.16574640

My god, I didn't need to know about this possibility. It's like little single-serve inverted sheperd's pies. Have you tried pouring gravy over them?

>> No.16574645

are those just hollowed out and skinned potatoes or did you mash them and then shape the cups?

>> No.16574646

no diet is more important. you might think you're fine due to weight but you're not seeing the damage being done by eating garbage

>> No.16574647
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Does the OP image look like the work of a man who worries about what he eats?

>> No.16574658 [DELETED] 

Post a high quality photo of your beautiful bulge in wet speedos.

>> No.16574675
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>/fit/ here

Oh Fuck off. Do you think anybody from any other board announces their favorite board before posting.?

>> No.16574688

Getting that stoned is really unpleasant, and that's before a giant monkey starts pulling your hair.

Poor bird

>> No.16574979
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That would be a great idea, I'll have to try that out next time!
I mashed them and shaped them into cups :)
What are you gonna do? cry about it?

>> No.16575017
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/tv/ here

>> No.16575075

I used to as well
But that's as 7 years ago when I thought being from /fit/ was something to take pride in
None of it matters. /fit/ is cringe and full of uglies
Take the leanpill

>> No.16575112

I'm 5'9 140lbs, I agree take the leanpill

>> No.16575207

Normally I see this with bell peppers, so you basically de-keto'd a recipe which I must say is pretty awesome.

>> No.16575237

I've done this with bell peppers and my tomatoes (my favorite).
It's really delicious.

>> No.16575246

there is literally no point in just cooking them separately, all you are doing is drying out the potatoes

>> No.16575268

It made the potato crispy on the outside and moist on the inside though.
The meat when i cooked it on the skillet was halfway done and in the oven it cooked thoroughly

>> No.16575573

based /fit/ bro.

>> No.16575578

>/fit/ here


>> No.16575584

Do some of the juices seep into the potato as it cooks? It has me thinking of sheperds pie.

>> No.16575600

yup, and it was magnificent. I added a dollop of sour cream on top of it.

>> No.16575685

these could probably look and taste pretty good but they honestly look really ugly, sorry anon. why not just make them shepherd's pie cups and add some colorful vegetables? you talked about health but plain meat and potatoes isn't going to nourish your body and mind in the long run

>> No.16575942
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>I added a dollop of sour cream on top of it.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any better...

>> No.16575961

pfft /ck/ is the worst burichan board...convince me otherwise

>> No.16575962

this is probably the best thing that I've seen someone from /fit/ make. you fags are legendary for being terrible at cooking.

>> No.16577073

Literally the most nutritious food is meat and dairy

>> No.16577278

>nourish your body and mind
kys, we eat SCIENTFICALLY here

>> No.16577344

Scientifically, vegetables are nutrient dense so my point stands

>> No.16577366

/pol/ here

Niggers belong in Africa, spics belong in Mexico, chinks belong in China and kikes belong burning in the depths of Hell.

>> No.16577393

Hey /fit/-izen, how did you make the potato cups?

>> No.16577428

Yes and Natives should rule America not mutts formed from the trash nobody wanted in Europe.

>> No.16577861

Prairie coons belong in nature traversing the trail. Specifically the Trail of Tears.

>> No.16577906

I've never seen such an egregiously wrong post on this website.

>> No.16578907

Prove me wrong

>> No.16579756

it was delicious man, I'd love to see someone post their version of potato cups
i just mashed the potatoes and shaped them into cups

>> No.16580141


>> No.16580142

6 pack abs are 10% working out 2 hours a day and 90% diet.