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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16563319 No.16563319 [Reply] [Original]

did he get philly right?

>> No.16563320

What phenotype is this?

>> No.16563322

Why does he looks so gaunt in his new videos?

>> No.16563351

hope he's dying, just like op for making this shit thread

>> No.16563398

Has the inept voodoo priest who's keeping withering corpse animated begged the Loa forgiveness for his trespasses against nature?

>> No.16563470

>Mmm this bread is hard and beef tastes stale.. Oh. Wow!!

>> No.16563995

Cancer hopefully

>> No.16564003

Post it

>> No.16564024

philly is an absolute shithole, extremely overrated city, it is like a retarded new york city but 300% dirtier and with more homeless people

>> No.16564241

All the Philly sandwiches just look like sloppy fuck ups.

Why is everything so disgusting there?

>> No.16564416


>> No.16564450

his supply of adrenechrome was cut off

>> No.16564457

that's just oxidized adrenaline, there are many ways to get it naturally from your own body or from hunting

>> No.16564514


>> No.16564524

I know he's probably being genuine in his videos, but his general body language and facial expression is so ludicrously eerie that I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking he's faking everything.

>> No.16564540

did he get any pork sandwiches? if not then no

>> No.16564548

god i fucking hate philly so fucking much
single handedly bringing pennsylvania down

>> No.16564574


>> No.16564659

I'll actually answer your question OP. I thought he did a good job of converting what I guess we're the main cheesesteak places, I like the middle of no where convenience store sandwich for $5. The guy that was with him, JT, was not too bad of a companion, BUT, almost tried to take away the spotlight, ie was acting like he was the host of the show showing Mark around instead of, it being Marks show and he's the guest. That and he put fucking ketchup on his fucking cheesesteak. I can't believe Mark put up with that nonsense. Is that what people from Philly do?! Also the smear of liquefied cheezwhiz kinda made me nauseated, why do that instead of melted provolone or whatever. In any case, it was a fine roadtrip, but I definitely prefer Jeffrey Merrihue and Mexi Papa as video companions

>> No.16564663

thoughts on the slutty chick from the NE vids?

>> No.16564674

Is she the one with the muscly Giga-Chad hanger-on husband? Lame. Flat chest.

>> No.16564688

>nooo you can't say anything negative about my irrelevent flyover shithole!!!!

>> No.16564701
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>> No.16564721

She has an absolutely disgusting face. Looks like some grandma. Might be just the overexposure and oversaturation in Marks videos though.

>> No.16564724

sun damage

>> No.16564753

What's shocking to me about this guy is that he brings his wife and toddler kid on each of his ventures. You literally can't raise a kid on the road, the kid's gonna turn out developmentally challenged. They need to socialize with other kids, practice language with them, make friends, have a familiar and safe environment around them, etc.

Ultimately my impression about this youtuber is that he's escaping his responsibilities as a father and a spouse and his channel is an elaborate cover-up for his infantile inability to act as an adult. Not a single time did he not orgasm over the food he was eating which is a clear indication that he has absolutely no idea what he's talking about and that he literally doesn't give a shit about the food, it just serves as a useful excuse. He has to pretend to his wife that every single meal he had during this elaborate escapist career of his was the best under heaven in a desperate attempt to over-compensate for his fear of having to assume a fathers role and to pretend that this is his true calling in life.

Midlife crisis going to hit him hard.

>> No.16564769

It's called being in shape, fattie. The standard is having one chin.

>> No.16564777

Dude he’s getting fucking rich. One of the biggest you tubers going. Stay salty incel

>> No.16564807

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but might not feel as strongly about it. You're right, that kid is gonna be fucked up, and at some point, all these YouTubers, you just can't keep doing this forever. You just can't. Mikey Chen just said in his last video that he is going to cut down substantially on travel (of not completely) bc he met someone and was going to concentrate on cooking videos and mukbangs. No offense but he can't cook for shit and he's not a competitive eater. Will be interesting to see what happens to these guys that are pumping out these videos 1-2x/week

>> No.16564858

>turkey neck
>in shape
He’s withered, he’s not toned.

>> No.16564877

He's a runner ... All serious runners look like that. I know a guy who is 60 still running marathons and he looks like fucking death, skin hanging off him see every muscle fiber. It's gross. He also eats like a hungry horse.

>> No.16564894

Learn his story. It's a lot like most people who are raised in Africa and aren't 'African'. Their parents are travelers. It's how he grew up. Plus, they aren't always on the go, they shoot blocks of footage a year and then upload it all slowly. Most of the year they are where her family lives, Thailand, where they have been stuck for the last two or so years.

>> No.16564911
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Looks like those samurai demon masks

>> No.16564958

I don't think this is true. I think they travel a lot more than you believe.

>> No.16565626

damn mark

>> No.16565715
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checked and wienspilled. mark is making major income and will exit from this a millionaire who lives like a prince in a foreign land.

>> No.16565728

im just waiting for the video where he announces that he has aids/cancer/both

>> No.16565772

>But E;R...

>> No.16565866

thought you were going to say you were waiting for the weins videogame. id play that shit

>> No.16566240

Pork sandwiches are not good. They're a Philly sandwich but they're like Chicago thin crust.

A mediocre local food that bloggers overhype because the actual world class food from the area has been talked about for decades and they need to write something to get clicks.

>> No.16566271

This could be the best real time strategy game ever made for PC.

>> No.16566326

>Not a single time did he not orgasm over the food he was eating which is a clear indication that he has absolutely no idea what he's talking about
It’s called editing, you fucking mong. It’s not his brand to be critical and snarky about shit.

>> No.16566340

And in his most recent lobster roll video, he really didn't like the second one they tried, and said as much. It was the one with the softball-sized dollop of mayo on it. I'm beginning to think his oooh and aaaah bullshit is to not make the Thai grandmother in backwoods Chiang Mai thinks her food is shit, but gives honest reviews in first world countries.

>> No.16566362


>> No.16567400

Roast pork and broccolini sandwiches are excellent, while I wouldn't buy a plane ticket for one, it is far from mediocre. Thankfully there are places here in Southern California that make it reasonably close to the original.

>> No.16568261


>> No.16568353
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>> No.16568387


>> No.16568503

>he put fucking ketchup on his fucking cheesesteak
That fag that was with Mark in that video disgusted me to no end with his childish ketchup quip.

Does anyone here who enjoys cheesesteaks think they can sit quiet next to an acquaintance or guest that squeezes dollops of ketchup into their cheesesteak? I would've set off an argument worth dying on the hill for.

>> No.16568514

can we PLEASE talk about mark's spice tolerance? pretty impressive

>> No.16568769

Especially coming from someone who positions himself as a hardcore homegrown Philly native. Fucking ketchup. Jesus

>> No.16569508

ketchup is fine

>> No.16569536

She’s a jew.

>> No.16570126

I don't like ketchup on my cheesesteaks but its an extremely common ingredient

>> No.16570658

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16570755


>> No.16570961
File: 113 KB, 226x243, MARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.16571325

>eats weisswurst with the skin on
what an absolute retard

>> No.16571490

You also have to have long hots and sharp provolone. Most everywhere makes em wrong even here.

>> No.16571509


>> No.16571553 [DELETED] 


>> No.16572167


>> No.16572345

I've only seen people eat them with dry cheesesteaks, or also as a dirty substitute ranch sauce. Makes sense that ketchup is readily available since fries are universal. Someone who uses ketchup on a savory sandwich like this probably uses ketchup regularly on lots of foods. For some reason lots of flips love fucking ketchup on all of their foods.

>> No.16572555

Kill yourselves children

>> No.16572649

You are a tremendous faggot if you put ketchup into a cheesesteak sandwich. You are a tremendous faggot for putting ketchup in most sandwiches, short of a burger or bbq sandwich.

>> No.16572821

because pittsburgh and those inbreed hillbillies are much better

>> No.16573135

ketchup is for chads

>> No.16573153
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>> No.16573171

I love ketchup on well done steaks too

>> No.16573192

Imagine having a chad chin and jawline but a soy everything else

>> No.16573385

who is this guy?

I've lived in Philly for a while now, the city has a lot of nice things about it, but the local food is nothing remarkable. There are good restaurants but they aren't serving cheesesteaks and soft pretzels.
Philadelphia is a place where you can get laid a lot if you have a decent office job and like getting drunk, but you need to be cool. Yuppies stay in Manayunk, noboby will get with you here

>> No.16573398

So wit or wit out?

>> No.16573412

weak b8 m8