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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 1200x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16568814 No.16568814 [Reply] [Original]

why is their food so good?

>> No.16568820

It isn't

>> No.16568847

what do they have besides sausage kale stew?

>> No.16568856
File: 5 KB, 1200x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their food is better

>> No.16568881
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>> No.16569085
File: 303 KB, 1250x1800, MK-bigos-mysliwski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorites include:
>bigos (slowly sauted, nicely caramelised sauerkraut stew - usually with meat, but I prefer the christmas version with boletus mushroms. I add prunes to mine as well, shit is cash)
>placek po zbójnicku (large potato pancake filled or toped with spicy goulash)
>żurek (soured rye soup. usually eaten with white sausages)
>barszcz z uszkami (polish style borscht - clear, sour and spicy, served with meat or mushroom dumplings)
>ogórkowa (polish-style cucumber soup)
>ćwikła (beetroot and horseradish salad)
>buckwheat kasha
>poppy seed roll
>sękacz (eldritch abomination cake)
>kompot (sweet drink made from boiled fruit)

>> No.16569098


>> No.16569114
File: 271 KB, 800x825, D9B0F8D1-A5B9-4669-9C31-75DFB23F1DFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zurek is so good it deserves its own thread. I never tasted anything like it before or after and I’m absolutely in love. Had a massive bread bowl of zurek in the mountains after hiking when I went there on vacation and holy shit was it fortifying.

>> No.16569163

rendang mogs almost anything pretty hard, everything else i've tried is basically chinese food or weird jungle stews.

>> No.16569492

Cope, faggot

>placek po zbójnicku
Based. I need to make some again. I had it only once, but fell in love immediately.
Based beyond any charts. Good bowl of żurek is good to die for, especially with diced and fried pork belly and big amount of onion with garlic.
I'll be honest, I never liked those. I prefer classical, american donuts.
BUT, faworki is the way!
I need to be slapped hard, for not making one this summer. Gonna fix that this weekend with forest fruits!

Based. Hope you had good time here!

>> No.16569494

They are european

>> No.16569506

What's the difference between bigos and kapusta? I grew up eating the latter, loved that shit

>> No.16569524

assuming you mean kapusta zasmażana - it's more of a side dish while bigos can be the main course on it's own, it's basically more packed with stuff

>> No.16569527
File: 199 KB, 666x834, a20414f063277cf4a0c275a561c8ca88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sękacz (eldritch abomination cake)
pic related is what they look like; this one's actually on its side. definitely lovecraftian
Have you ever tried it?

>> No.16569558

yes, I love that shit. the texture is a big part of their appeal, they're really soft and sort of creamy because of all the tiny layers. they go stale quickly though so should be eaten while they're fresh

>> No.16569633

Maybe it was bigos but I always had it as a side dish. I'm not Polish though

>> No.16569647

well, "kapusta" also just means cabbage and could be used to refer to bigos I think

>> No.16569769

Chwalisz się czy żalisz, kapusta means just "cabbage" and we eat a lot of it in different forms.
As bigos, fermented as a side dish or just grated raw and mixed in a salad

>> No.16569791

Yes, kapusta means just "cabbage" and we eat a lot of it in different ways.
>as bigos
>fermented as a side dish (like sauerkraut)
>grated raw and mixed in a salad
>as an outside layer of gołąbki, another great dish
>fried with flour and pork belly cubes as a side dish

>> No.16569862

>sausage kale stew
that's not Polish, I'm pretty sure. Not Poland Polish at least

>> No.16570696

Pretty much all of Polish food is comfort food. You have a lot of meat stews, fat and rich soups, good pastry.

>> No.16570705

Pretty much all Slav food is stolen from the Jews.

>> No.16570712

Pretty much everything in jewish "culture" and "cuisine" is stolen either from Germans or Poles.

>> No.16570963
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>> No.16570976

Yeah they were eating latkes while building the pyramids for sure

>> No.16571024

The Khazars are of Eastern European origin similar to the Poles.

>> No.16571136
File: 266 KB, 820x3042, Reality about Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not. And Jews have nothing to do with Khazars, stop posting this fucking nonsense.

>> No.16571299

nice try poleanon

>> No.16571307


>> No.16571356

it's not good.

>> No.16571368

Only food I'm aware of is kielbasa

>> No.16572225

It isn't.
Also all I know about polish people is that the men clean toilets and the women fuck niggers

>> No.16572252

You seem to have lived a rather sheltered life

>> No.16572281

both statements were true, if you're still in Poland it might sound crazy but there is a better life out there if you can find your way out.

>> No.16572291

Name 3 culinary specialities from Monaco.

>> No.16572328
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, uurggh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Pole I can't understand the reddit-level sycophants that feel obliged to shill my cuisine. Shilling isn't even the right word, it's almost like people get off on the idea of displaying their 'culturedness', while insodoing completely disregarding what makes our culture unique in the first place. Polish food is alright. It's food. Whatever you have in your country can be just as good. What makes it special is it's utilitarian. Eaten by a people who've been fucked over more times than you can count, whose staple dishes have been the staple of the peasantry since the fall of rome. I'm sick of seeing these kinds of threads populated by americans with 4% slavic ancestry listing foods like they're stamp collecting. I don't mean to gatekeep, but the reason you guys like it is because it's made by someone who gave two shits about making it and it isn't a ready-meal. If you cooked for yourself and your family like that you'd find just as much enjoyment with any food that you cook, because that's all Polish food is. Carbs and protein, cooked in a specific way in some specific grandmother's kitchen. If this seems autistic to you just ask yourself how you'd feel about the hypothetical in which europeans, insecure about their american heritage, feel the need to constantly declare their love for chicken noodle soup and sweet potato pie. It's just depressing. You have more money, influence and opportunity than any of us in this godforsaken place and yet you spend your time fetishizing the rustic nature of those poorer than you, like how every upper class white girl heads off to uganda for a charity mission and is struck by 'how happy they all are despite the circumstances'. Poland is shit. The food is our mass opium, mountains of carbs, sugar and caffeine to dull the latent depression of every man, woman, and child east of the Oder.
these guys:
actually get it.

>> No.16572331

blah blah blah
Quit bitching you fucking whining faggit. We are here to discuss food.

>> No.16572338

Their sausage and mustards are top tier, besides that, no idea.

>> No.16572356

sounds more like you hate your life, not the food. Go to sleep Andrej

>> No.16572366

do you not trust yourself?
this is true, but doesn't discount what I said.

>> No.16572380

take your meds

>> No.16572505
File: 5 KB, 227x222, real clown hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you like, be more normal? You read like one of those 14 year old people trying to be unnecesarily adult which makes you actually seem like bitter and hateful retard.

Yes i get that we got fucked by two of that time superpowers, and that's exactly the reason why we cherish our culture (of which big part is food).

Along us, the food survived those fucked times too so stop being a faggot and feel the national pride

/political discussions @here

>> No.16572546
File: 580 KB, 990x682, 1624033094645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only poles worse than we wuzing types bragging about great hussars and our oh so heroic failures during WW2 are the self hating ones.
Fix your life.

>> No.16572798

Grow a pair. Eat some eggs and kielbasa.

>> No.16572841

You are a faggot.

>> No.16572845

Which is which?

>> No.16572866

Oh look a PO voter

>> No.16572944

sir, rotate your phone.

>> No.16572945


>> No.16572970

>implying I'm American and not just a Pole who wants to share some nice dishes with people who might not know them
idź na terapię ziomuś. wszystko jest "depressing" kiedy masz depresję

>> No.16572988
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>> No.16572994

Holy fuck. You sound like a loser. Kys

>> No.16572997

This guy Is right. Every white american whos sperging about pole food should kill themselves.

>> No.16573004

this post literally made me a fan of you

>> No.16573017
File: 98 KB, 700x700, 1624230729890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a Pole
More like a ungrateful, selfish stick in the mud.

>The food is our ass opium
Have you seen Murican food? How is it any different? Our bodies crave high energy foods and we like to forget about the meaningless of life by having something that'll give us a dopamine hit. Betting all those tards binge on food than to rape their way through society, no?

>> No.16573018

good lord i erect myself

>> No.16573020
File: 380 KB, 1242x1326, 1628551038258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damnit, my typos are hilarious.

*mass opium
*Better than, not Betting

>> No.16573027

more bicycle sluts pls. i need my ass opium.

>> No.16573036
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you got it, buddy

>> No.16573042
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>> No.16573047
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nom nom

>> No.16573051
File: 253 KB, 1000x1249, 1623424844221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seat ... fits.

>> No.16573055
File: 76 KB, 539x598, 1612321059621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see my tires are not the only thing that is "rock hard"...

>> No.16573057
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1616522641507 based department ringing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 thread nuked

>> No.16573060
File: 233 KB, 1100x736, 1624223254871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ready for a... ride?

>> No.16573063
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, shutterstock_88175782jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beautiful. I always wondered where pastas come from. I will never forget the day I saw one born

>> No.16573064
File: 182 KB, 500x374, 1612326305248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y..you want to peel me out of my sweaty skin suits? w..with your teeth?

>> No.16573065

sir, you are based.

>> No.16573070
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A bit shopped by still kinda hot.

>> No.16573073
File: 130 KB, 610x882, 1624221775616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't fuck my ass, I have to take care of it like this...

>> No.16573075




>> No.16573080
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>> No.16573082

dzesxo on instagram for source.

>> No.16573090
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>> No.16573092
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Delicious waist to hold on to.

>> No.16573093

based ass opium thread

>> No.16573095

>thread about bland europooran food devolves intro thread about bland europooran women

No wonder Asia's appendage started 2 world wars. Y'all have nothing better to do.

>> No.16573096

am i supposed to know what country this is? stupid fuck

>> No.16573099
File: 785 KB, 1080x1696, 1624225054445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you craving some... buns?

>> No.16573101
File: 199 KB, 768x1024, 1620636847623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this more up your alley, grumpy lad?

>> No.16573108
File: 75 KB, 863x926, 1625421775717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to play with my pink... ride?

>> No.16573110


>> No.16573112

Yes. But still bland like nip food always is.

>> No.16573119
File: 492 KB, 1920x1200, 1623666195523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I aero, yet?

>> No.16573127
File: 215 KB, 1024x1280, 1610325757901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's ride our bike as our warmup to ride some more stinking like animals!

>> No.16573132
File: 86 KB, 533x800, 1620489146957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teriyaki is bland? Yakiniku is bland? Is your palate working, no offense, but it might be defective.

>> No.16573136
File: 103 KB, 740x921, 1622999942637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to enjoy some... meat.

>> No.16573141

Yes, yes, and yes. This bitch is not attractive either.

>> No.16573142
File: 236 KB, 1080x1237, 1624225222375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like my thick legs?

>> No.16573150
File: 583 KB, 1705x1705, 1618181166263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the depressed OP?

Is there anything you actually enjoy?

>> No.16573159
File: 187 KB, 736x907, 1628601909712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine getting smothered my this thicc ass.

>> No.16573162

>Is there anything you actually enjoy?

Many things including attractive women.

>> No.16573168
File: 289 KB, 1024x1280, 1624227909887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press your cock into where this seat is, ok?

>> No.16573174
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 1625420614365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to improve my palate, example pic?

>> No.16573179

This is true. Polish and eastern european food in general is just simple poverty food. They were soviet for 44 years, meat and anything non-local was scarce and their food culture became cabbage and potato soup.

>> No.16573185
File: 82 KB, 500x750, 1624222044930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As meat isn't that healthy, this is actually a good thing. Look at all these lardasses eating meat everyday.

>> No.16573190

>another 60lbs, flat chested plain jane

You have a thing. To each their own.

>> No.16573193
File: 360 KB, 2500x2500, Overweight_population_map_July_2021_V2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but now they have meat so they put kielbasa in their soup

>> No.16573205

Holy fuck you're a miserable faggot

>> No.16573206
File: 677 KB, 1400x1400, 1628168071370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athletic chicks with some stamina are hot as fuck, but big boobs are usually not part of the package.

>> No.16573212
File: 143 KB, 1280x853, 1628167537009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. Didn't know that Pols and Cechz are that big as the one I saw were not fat at all.

>> No.16573216

My roommate is in the literal military and has ass and titties like an adult.

>> No.16573221
File: 201 KB, 1200x965, 1625491683562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some nice pics to your liking, but I can't post them here as they show nipples and a multiple kinds of holes.

>> No.16573227

this'll do anon

>> No.16573230
File: 120 KB, 690x1000, 1624967329800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, she's doing heavy squats, for sure.

>> No.16573234

Imagine those pantyhosed feet after a long day of work MMMMHHHHHHHHH

>> No.16573239

>that pic

Much better. And yeah, she has the best thighs I've ever seen ever.

>> No.16573242
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, loch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something Polish that's not depressing.

>> No.16573247

Like this or bigger?

>> No.16573251
File: 299 KB, 1668x2532, 1615054194132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip to 11 minutes, you're welcome.

>> No.16573262

Self-hating faggot
If you really think our cuisine is shit, just look at Britain

>> No.16573265
File: 1.78 MB, 298x298, 1613027075814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine her looking disapprovingly at you for enjoying the aroma of her sweaty toes, hhhnngg.

>> No.16573272

>these ugly masculine frames

She's still feminine. There's enough fat to balance out the muscle.

>> No.16573275

I'd take british cuisine over polish cuisine.

>> No.16573284
File: 170 KB, 890x1280, 1628709983775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that'd be funny

>> No.16573286

Then you are legit braindead

>> No.16573291
File: 407 KB, 869x873, 1608033550989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feed this troll, he's not for real.
Noone prefers British "quisiiine" to literally anything else including shit like Balut.

>> No.16573295
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1609349795287.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, this is triggering my appetite.

>> No.16573334

I'm not trolling, how does polish dishes compare against english? Roast beef dinner, fish and chips, full english, curry, beef wellington... what polish dishes are better?

>> No.16573421

I guess this means both British and Polish cuisine is nothing to write home about.

>> No.16573430

They are both simple and rustic. Poland definitely comes out on top in terms of nutrition.

>> No.16573448

It’s not healthy mediterranean food, but it is hearty, if you are in the mood for that kind of thing

>> No.16573466

they're both simple hearty foods. I feel like Poland has more a bit variety with all the sour pickled stuff and whatnot though

>> No.16573554
File: 1.96 MB, 423x264, 1624648488340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, like you prefer to fuck skinny, athletic chicks on the regular but sometimes get drunk and like to shag a girl with some heft to her?
I hear ya.

>> No.16573573

All food in north europe is the same

>> No.16573583

True. I was impressed by the different flavors available in Japanese cities.

>> No.16573594

>Famine cuisine
Hungry people need to eat i suppose

>> No.16573597

German and polish is differentiated from british by the use of kraut

>> No.16574532
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>> No.16574554
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>> No.16574560
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>> No.16574566
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>> No.16574575
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>> No.16574586
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>> No.16574593
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>> No.16574599
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>> No.16574603
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>> No.16574610
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>> No.16574617
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>> No.16574623
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>> No.16574629
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>> No.16574639
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>> No.16574644
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>> No.16574653
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>> No.16574665
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>> No.16574670
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>> No.16574678
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>> No.16574682
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>> No.16574704

I remember having beers and zapiekankas in Krakow, good times, great country.

>> No.16574728

based. look at all the 1/3 hispanic, 1/3 black, 1/6 German and 1/6 "unknown" mutts you triggered ITT

>> No.16574790

A lot of the people who responded to his shitty overdramatic post are Poles, but they've written in english, cause they aren't niggerish enough to turn the whole thread into foreign language fest

>> No.16575010

It’s more just that normies have never heard of most Polish food and are surprised that it’s not, like, potatoes in a ditchwater broth or some shit. The sausages especially, you guys are killing it on the sausage front but it’s only just now hitting the mainstream. Kielbasa is the best straight-up sausage in the world, hands down. Grilled kabanosy is like an alt-chorizo. Pączki are fucking delicious, they’re literally just jelly-filled munchkins but not mass produced, they’re practically designed to be loved by Americans. Don’t be so hard on yourself, Polskanon. Americans might be a little over-enthusiastic about it but it’s not posturing, that’s just what we do. The appreciation is genuine.

And my grandma’s bigos is one of the best dishes anywhere on the face of the earth, and that’s just an objective fact, so fuck you.

>> No.16575052

>nip food
Why are you even posting on the food and cooking board?

>> No.16575074

Literally everyone over the age of 60 is a hamplanet. It’s just the natural order over there.

>> No.16575104


>> No.16575758
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>> No.16575768

Polish food has been all over much of the upper midwest for the entirety of the 1900's and it's still taking its sweet time getting out of there. It's not that popular with non-poles, it's just not different enough from most other american foods that people go out of their way to eat it.

>> No.16575804
File: 82 KB, 1080x834, 1625520100673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying Poles are in general not intelligent enough to adjust their diet to their slowing metabolism? It's a shame, as young Slavic chicks are hot as fuck.

>> No.16575836 [DELETED] 

>Poles are in general not intelligent

>> No.16575883

British food is underrated, I think people forget about a lot of it because they think of it as so “normal” that they forget it actually came from somewhere. Like the concept of fish and chips is such a basic thing that people don’t consider that someone had to invent it and should get credit for it. That said I still think Polish food is better on balance, they use more and better spice and can somehow make boiled cabbage taste delicious. Kielbasa alone is just so damn good.

>> No.16576025

What's wrong with poverty food? A lot of great dishes from around the world started as simple peasant dishes. There's this attitude on /ck/ that the only proper way to enjoy Eastern European food is to not enjoy it.

>> No.16576038
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not him, but some people who were forced to eat some poverty food every day for decades refuse to ever eat them again. e.g. hamburger helper, rice and beans, boxed mac and cheese, etc. It's not that they don't taste good, rather they invoke a certain memory of poorness they don't want to relive. Taste and smell are both strong ways to bring a memory back.

As for people trying other culture's poverty food? Or poverty food tourists? who cares, that shit can taste really good.

>> No.16576116

I just learned that my favorite sausage, cabanossi , originates in Poland. You did a good thing there, Poland, a really good thing.

She's not a food, but I really like Polish weightlifter J. Lochowska. Her stoic, classy attitude whether she fails a lift or makes it and gets gold gives me hope that not all females are shit.

>> No.16576155

This is true for every country dipshit.
It's only a select few dishes that make up the sort of international cuisine interchange.
Do you think Viets only ate pho and bahn mi? Mexicans only eat quesadillas and tacos?
No, if you apply your standards of peasant staple foods they eat rice and rotten fish with veg and beans and rice respectively.
I know your DNA compels you to be a pathetic pessimistic drunk but you should try to turn over a new leaf.

>> No.16576298

they have food?

>> No.16576546

I'm not white so something simply being "exotic" isn't enough for me to enjoy it. Mainland Chinese food is a million times better.

>> No.16576551

What exactly was unclear about that statement?

>> No.16576558

ironically enough, the worst thing about Poland is how pessimistic and insecure about their country most Poles are

>> No.16576613
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>Mainland Chinese food is a million times better
>than Japanese food
Anon, I…

>> No.16576624

beautiful post

>> No.16576655

ahem, cough cough, ahem.


Thank you.

>> No.16576690

One anon tells it like it is, shames americans and then a degenerate coomer starts shilling his porn to try and shut it down. Cant wait for the chinese to put you people in camps

>> No.16576702


>> No.16576708


Yeah, Nah

>> No.16576765

If the food was too good, all your women would get fat, and you'd lose the best thing about Poland. I'd wife one if they weren't all golddigging, post marriage apathetic, jealous bitches- because they can be much more fun playthings than British girls. But I have grown to keep them at arms distance.

>> No.16576769

>But I have grown to keep them at arms distance.
I'm sure they'd be devastated to hear that

>> No.16576786

Perogies, kielbasa, ... ? What other foods do they even have?

>> No.16576810
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This is why I have choice and you have never touched a fanny that wasn't attached to a wet hog

>> No.16576831

Red and white, food delight
white and red, shit the bed

>> No.16576832


>> No.16576834

>are surprised that it’s not, like, potatoes in a ditchwater broth or some shit.

but it is

>> No.16576838

Shitting on Poland is a Polish national pastime

>> No.16576840

you are cuck with a loser mentality. crying doesn't ake you look deep bitch. greetings from Germany :)

>> No.16576845

>because that's all Polish food is. Carbs and protein, cooked in a specific way in some specific grandmother's kitchen
that's literally all food in every country around the world you massive faggot retard. Is everyone in your country a pseud?

>> No.16576860
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There's no doubt you're a pole, only a pole would be this much of a whining faggot.
>Waaah people like my food waaah
And don't think too highly of yourselves, you've been the staple of peasantry since BEFORE the fall of Rome. At least the Balkans had the Byzantine Empire before we became uneducated, belligerent retards, you've been shit since day one.

>> No.16576877

>Carbs and protein, cooked in a specific way
It's almost like the definition of food

>> No.16576953

sure thing incel

>> No.16576995 [DELETED] 

I meant Indonesia. I didn't know Monaco had the same flag
>Beef Rendang
>Nasi Lemak

>> No.16577001

I meant Indonesia. I didn't know Monaco had the same flag.
>Beef Rendang
>Nasi Lemak

>> No.16577037
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>Hi, I'm American and I enjoy -insert anything-
>Rats come out of the woodwork to seethe over it and write lengthy novels on how we're enjoying it wrong
I can't even imagine being European, I literally cannot. Icing on the cake, "utilitarian staple dishes of the peasantry" describes the cuisine of literally every country on this fucking earth, but expecting a European to have more than 2 braincells is asking a lot.

>> No.16577046


>> No.16577115

Here's a handy way to remember it:
Poland's fields are red with the blood of getting gangbanged by every single neighbouring country for five hundred years, which is why their flag looks like a red field with a white sky.

>> No.16577126

That’s a fun way to remember that. Will never get it out of my head now. Thanks

>> No.16577160

Polish beef stews are underrated. They are similar to beef bourguignon, in that they are thickened with roux, rather than being soupy, and braised for hours so that the meat falls apart, some of the vegetables like onions dissolve, and the whole dish is infused with the flavors of both.

>> No.16577179

Idk man, my grandparents, may they rest in peace, were polish immigrants, and got me into cooking, so when I make pierogi or whatever according to their recipes, it takes me back to a time when they were still alive. Europeans don't get it, America is very much still a nation of immigrants, most of us are second or third generation, why do you think we all obsess over our heritage? It's not because we have no culture of our own, it's because most of us actually have family from those countries, who raised us with the foods and traditions from those other cultures. I've been to Kraków a bunch of times. Yeah, I don't speak Polish, and yeah, I have a Georgia accent and grew up eating southern stuff, as well, but the food will always be important to me.

>> No.16577425
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>le raw fish and rice is peak East Asian food xd

Get btfo, weeb.

>> No.16577492

Porque no los dos

>> No.16577493
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>leaving out spirytus

>> No.16577494

I've made žurek before and it's fucking godly

>> No.16577586

Kill yourself, self-hating cuck.

>> No.16577592

I'll eat both, but Chinese food is better.

>> No.16577721


Nasi Lemak is Malaysian you wimp

>> No.16577752

>the bread bowl


>> No.16577816

I've got no drains to unblock at the moment

>> No.16578064
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Your point about the loads of carbs is true. It is a very flour and salt based cuisine that makes people tired and prone to sleeping on couches. However, bigos (hunter's stew) and zurek is very delicious while not overly fatty, and is also very flavorful.

I will also agree that it is also a simple cuisine, unlike French or Italian dishes. Perhaps more research needs to be done to advance the perception of Polish cuisine as being the simple "Kielbasa, Pierogi, Golambki, Bigos, Zurek, Kapusta, Nalesniki, Kotlety" that probably grew out of the last four centuries of poverty, warfare, and national trauma. Perhaps during the prosperous Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth the cooking culture advanced to a point that was lost afterwards, and studying texts from them can help rediscover dishes that will expand and deepen the rather spartan Polish cook book.

>> No.16578120

nie podoba ci się? to wypierdalaj i nigdy tu nie wracaj

>> No.16578151

cope nigger. you'll come crawling to beg us to save you. and while you'll be grovelling on your knees i'll just piss on you

>> No.16578156

i'd rather eat raw shrimp than a dog or cat or bat or fetus

>> No.16578421


is that the one that smells of piss?

>> No.16578510

It's all SEA to me, baby

>> No.16579473

Ironically most of those countries are more distinct that neighboring European countries due to being islands or peninsulas. Only I would say only Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos are similar to one another.

>> No.16579497


>> No.16580824


>> No.16580873
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Radź sobie z tym jakoś, siedź wkurwiony i wkładaj sobie pałke do dziury po toporze cioto jebana