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16560050 No.16560050 [Reply] [Original]

A 7% ABV can of beer is not the same as a 7% ABV bottle of wine, right? Like the beer gets you more drunk? I know I’m retarded. Sorry guys.

>> No.16560055
File: 63 KB, 650x423, Like pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumb thread
>Dumb OP
>Mobile filename

>> No.16560059

if you drink the same amount it is the same

>> No.16560105

What's your highest level of education, chief?

>> No.16560271

if you drink the same amount it is the same

>> No.16560414

>7% wine
That will be some sickly sweet cheap bubbly shit.

>> No.16560424

There are excellent german wines that are around 7% you winelet.

>> No.16560430

A 7% beer would (presumably) be easier to drink than a 7% wine (?), but a 13% beer is typically going to be heavier than a 13% wine. So you're probably going to drink them differently, but obviously the alcohol is the same. It's kind of like asking, "what's heavier: 100 pounds of bricks or 100 pounds of feathers?"

>> No.16560494


>> No.16561324

I like your dog.

>> No.16561344

the wine gets you more fucked up

500ml vs 750ml

>> No.16561359

The bricks

>> No.16561378

It's actually the feathers. The bricks are more compact so you can get a good purchase on them, while the feathers have more volume and are prone to shift around.

>> No.16561397

The carbonation in the beer will cause you to absorb the alcohol faster thus making your peak BAC higher.

>> No.16561428

a ton of bricks weighs more than a ton of cotton

>> No.16561466

Carbonation actually does affect blood alcohol levels.


>> No.16561471

The bricks are heavier tho??

>> No.16561868

maul me comfy beast

>> No.16563376

Dog bump

>> No.16563380
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I'm so drunk rn

>> No.16563442

Depends on your body really. Some people can drink a bottle of whisky and be fine and get drunk in a single glass of rum while both are at the same level of alcohol.

>> No.16563553

beer gives you gas and gay hormones, wine makes your stomach an acidic cesspit, just stick to high percentage alcohol and a sugarfree chaser

>> No.16563557

fucking zoophile

>> No.16563580

no they cant you abject retard.

>> No.16563594

>beer is 330ml/500ml
>wine is 1 litre
>wtf bro I slammed two beers and was wasted
>wine? Oh, took a few hours to finish the bottle
This is how dumb you sound.

Also, wine gets you drunk easier if you drink it like beer. There is a reason seasoned middle class, alcoholic Stepford wives drink it. Less calories and it's good for you in moderation (so they think they're healthy), vs empty carbs.

>> No.16563641

What the fuck are these? I don't like them.

>> No.16563656

If you're concerned about calories then spirits are best, but yeah wine does have fewer calories than most beer unless it's super light

>> No.16563665

that reminds me, last time I went to the supermarket there was a drunk middle aged woman drinking bottles of vanilla extract, and the wagie was trying to pick up all the bottles to make her pay for them but they couldn't keep up with her slamming them and dropping them. those bottles are tiny, but that was some impressive dedication to alcoholism

>> No.16563678

I don't get it.

>> No.16563680

Mondo faggot detected

>> No.16563686
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Prove it.

>> No.16563840

The beer can give you a quicker buzz, cause the carbonation raises the pressure inside your stomach, which "squeezes out" the alcohol into the blood vessels in your stomach lining

>> No.16563869

Theyre called jelly boopers

>> No.16563915

Looks like some kind of shroom or other fungus

>> No.16564037

>german wines
top kek

>> No.16564132

I pity anyone who hasn't had a good auslese before. Truly sad.

>> No.16564697

i dont know of anything in beer that makes you absorb alcohol faster
though i did hear from Dr Karl that your stomach passes stuff into the intestine at a fixed rate based of calories, so if minimize the calories then the liquid will get to the intestine faster so you get drunk a tiny bit faster

>> No.16564708

>wine makes your stomach an acidic cesspit,
what exactly do you think is in the stomach anon

>> No.16564863

hasn't had a good what?

>> No.16564875

i fucked an aus lass just the other day m8

>> No.16564885
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looks to be some sort of stalked puffball fungus.
t. mycofag

>> No.16564891

happy pride month you fucking fairy

>> No.16564898
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>Drinking 7% wine
>Calling someone else a winelet

>> No.16565000

not everyone is an alcoholic

>> No.16565007

Kabinett, auslese, beerenauslese, trockenbeerenauslese, and eiswein are the names of german riesling based on their sugar content. kabinett has least, TBA and eiswein are highest sugar. The sweetness is balanced by acidity, so even the sweetest wines will not be acrid or sickly sweet.


See this >>16564132

>> No.16565013

7% wine is just cider

>> No.16565102
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>> No.16565119

Cider is made from apples

>> No.16565126


>> No.16565131

Is this the new Death Stranding expansion?

>> No.16565158

And grapes are just vine-apples. What's your point?

>> No.16565168

What's saying apples aren't tree grapes?

>> No.16565191


Interesting. I should not be surprised if there was an actual psychosomatic effect due to subjects "eagerly" drinking the diluted, lower-ABV solution vs more "cautiously" drinking the more obviously-alcoholic neat vodka.

>> No.16565198

post it then

>> No.16565201


Perhaps they're both a kind of superterranian potato.

>> No.16565208

I can't fucking believe I just googled that

>> No.16565228
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Look up "j.j. prum gold capsule auslese riesling". Donhoff also makes excellent riesling of all sugar levels with lower alcohol. Prum has plenty of good vintages and is relatively easy to get in the states.

These two vintages of eiswein were some of the greatest wines I've ever had. I got them at auction for cheap, but they sell for about $700 for a half bottle nornally.

>> No.16565248

This person votes.

>> No.16566445


>> No.16566488
File: 25 KB, 554x554, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain how different ABV percentages work?

Like how many 6% beers is one 9% drink of the same size worth?

Three of these and I feel pretty wasted. A 6 pack of 6% tallboys will make me feel just nicely drunk but leave me wanting more.

>> No.16566504

You shoulda paid more attention in math class fucknut

>> No.16566522

I would say you just drink it faster due to wine being a more sip-type beverage, but this >>16561466
is the most interesting post in the thread so look into it.

>> No.16566550

That was 15 years ago brother.

>> No.16567364

The comfy beast must never die.

>> No.16567463


>> No.16567480

Is it really that simple?

>> No.16567495

Almost. The decimal is technically a repeater.

>> No.16568024
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>> No.16568129

There are some factors at play - what you've eaten, what you're eating with your drink, residual or added sugars, terpenes, aldehydes (in with the alcohol, and how you digest it),esters, fusels, sulfite sensitivity, and straight up psychosomatic responses. If you drank the 35mL of ethanol in a pint of 7% beer, or the 35mL of ethanol in a pint of 7% wine at the same rate, under the same circumstances, they'd hit you the same way. If you're drinking capfuls of ethanol, you need to question your life choices.

>> No.16568194

>Reposting fake videos on a Cantonese cooking collective.

>> No.16569293


>> No.16569360

Do you really not have a basic grasp of percentages?

>> No.16569368

It's 1.5 retard

>> No.16569379

>2 fish 1 eel

>> No.16569445

I wrote a python program once to do this, I needed to figure out what the most drunk for my buck was

>> No.16569577
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>Can someone explain how different ABV percentages work?

>> No.16570551

The dog must never die.

>> No.16570918

>Australian abv vodka is foreign journal
>Sample size of 20
>Breath tests instead of blood tests
>Mixed results anyway
Idk, not a very convincing study.

>> No.16570930

Only winelets wouldn't want the abv to be lower so they could drink more wine.

>> No.16570953

why would you write a python script to do this when you can use excel retard

>> No.16570973

Because you can pull the prices directly from a website and don't have to waste hours typing out a spreadsheet.

>> No.16571335

sea anemones

>> No.16571339

multiply ABV by volume and add it up

6x x 6% 12oz beers = 4x 9% 12 oz beers

>> No.16571395
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>> No.16571673


I fear the dog will die, so I give it bump.

>> No.16571678


>> No.16571720

hehe doge

>> No.16571738

13% beer is disgusting and tastes exactly like you would expect: like wine made from beer.

>> No.16571740

You're just a substance abusing idiot that decided to post tonight.

>> No.16571760


>> No.16571767

OP posted this like 3 days ago. I've been bumping the thread because I like the dog.

>> No.16571814

I had a 15% beer that tasted like cheap whiskey once. Not even watered down whiskey, which was interesting since it was so weak in comparison. I can't remember the brand, but it was Indian.

>> No.16571841

You like the dog because you're most likely a substance abuser too.,

>> No.16571894

technically yes the beer does get you drunker, not because of the % but because of the carbonation

>> No.16572403

ever heard of copy paste. retard

>> No.16572435

If you're concerned about calories you don't drink alcohol. Alcohols are like 7~9 calories per. Higher ABV means more calories per given volume of liquid, added sugar notwithstanding.

>> No.16572460

Where lies the strangling fruit that came from the hand of the sinner I shall bring forth the seeds of the dead to share with the worms that gather in the darkness and surround the world with the power of their lives while from the dim lit halls of other places forms that never were and never could be writhe for the impatience of the few who never saw what could have been. In the black water with the sun shining at midnight, those fruit shall come ripe and in the darkness of that which is golden shall split open to reveal the revelation of the fatal softness in the earth. The shadows of the abyss are like the petals of a monstrous flower that shall blossom within the skull and expand the mind beyond what any man can bear, but whether it decays under the earth or above on green fields, or out to sea or in the very air, all shall come to revelation, and to revel, in the knowledge of the strangling fruit—and the hand of the sinner shall rejoice, for there is no sin in shadow or in light that the seeds of the dead cannot forgive. And there shall be in the planting in the shadows a grace and a mercy from which shall blossom dark flowers, and their teeth shall devour and sustain and herald the passing of an age. That which dies shall still know life in death for all that decays is not forgotten and reanimated it shall walk the world in the bliss of not-knowing. And then there shall be a fire that knows the naming of you, and in the presence of the strangling fruit, its dark flame shall acquire every part of you that remains

>> No.16572470

What does carbonation have to do with getting drunk?

>> No.16572851

Presumptuous, baseless, and quite rude if I may say so.

>> No.16573636

>Kabinett, auslese, beerenauslese, trockenbeerenauslese, and eiswein are the names of german riesling based on their sugar content. kabinett has least, TBA and eiswein are highest sugar
>german wine
Kek. Reminded me of this
>German: give me the sweetest wine you got
>Austrian:here, have some coolant

>> No.16573679
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i dunno, looks pretty easy to me bro

>> No.16573805

Cool doc. I like how they wrote a polka about it.

>> No.16574605

That man has been lifting feathers for long than you have been alive. It is NOT easy.

>> No.16575456

Fluffy boop for the pooch.

>> No.16575467

Thanks for the answer, I didn't know it was that simple. I thought there would be some magic going in as the percentage increased.

>> No.16575474

Tannins. That is all.

>> No.16575727

a beer is usually 12oz and a glass of wine is between 4-6oz. if your beer is 7% it's like drinking a wine that's about 14%

>> No.16576660
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>7% ABV
>7% of volume is alcohol
Congratulations, this is one of the stupidest posts I’ve seen in a while. 8/10, sincerely can’t tell if bait.

>> No.16576679
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>The bricks are heavier tho??

>> No.16576745

Have you ever seen a can of beer as voluminous as a bottle of wine? You've been duped, matey. It's you who are the fool.

>> No.16576941

Crowlers are 32 oz. You ding dong.

>> No.16577041


>> No.16577063

You could argue that if you have 2 alcoholic drinks, one with a density of 1 and the other with a density of 2, 7% ABV in both represent a different quantity of alcohol.
For beer and wine, the difference in density is probably negligible though.

>> No.16577313

If you drank the same volume of each, you would get equally drunk

>> No.16577329
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>he thinks barleywine is disgusting
the absolute state of underagies
enjoy your 3.5% lo-cal gluten free light beer
or maybe hard seltzer is more your speed, i've heard teens like la croix more than icky bitter beer anyways

>> No.16578227

The same volume of alcohol you mean.

>> No.16578239

The abv gives you a clue.
You can use it to calculate the volume of alcohol.

>> No.16578483

nah, it's just that when I tried something like that it was Faxe, which was already confirmed to be shit in another thread.

also apparently it's not even 13% it's 10%, horrible shit tho, tastes like beer and wine were cousins and had a retarded child

and I do enjoy the 7% beer we have here. there's nothing lower than 4.5% here either. I've been wanting to try hard seltzer but it's way too expensive for what it is.

>> No.16579213

Just mix some voddy with some bubbly and a squirt of lime bro.

>> No.16579230

talk like an adult you underage emoji using little fuck

>> No.16579280
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>> No.16580106

ABV x .01 x volume = total alcohol in bottle. Happy?

>> No.16580485

I've kept this handsome pooch around for 5 days now and it has honestly made me a happier person. Any objections for this thread reaching the post limit?

>> No.16580660

13% wine is absolutely bum wine tier shit like cisco or mad dog 20/20

>> No.16580832

Yeah, Piefkes had it coming.

>> No.16581685

Are you a hobo?

>> No.16582252

beer is more digestable so it would get you drunker faster

>> No.16582373
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>I've kept this handsome pooch around for 5 days now and it has honestly made me a happier person.

Sticky when?

>> No.16582609

A true hero amongst men resides with us.

>> No.16583493

Gotta source, bub?

>> No.16583502

Wine gets me drunker way faater and without beer bloating

>> No.16584141

If you chug it yeah. A lot of good higher abv wine is quite difficult to drink quicklg because it is so full bodied.

>> No.16584982

That is not all. Tannins are merely a single piece of the boozy puzzle.

>> No.16586377

Bark bump

>> No.16587079

The last hurrah is here. Goodbye sweet pooch. I'm truly sorry.

>> No.16588442

Okay one last bump.