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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16558113 [Reply] [Original]

Growing up I was never allowed to eat these. My mom never allowed me. It always looked so luxurious and delicious. Has anyone tried them before, and can tell me if they're worth it? Now that I live on my own, I get to do things I never was allowed to do, play videogames, stay up late, smoke cigarettes and eat cookies.

>> No.16558118

It's just buttery cookies, they are fine. Try sex, though.

>> No.16558123

I have had sex before. It's very overrated. It's different to watch it but to actually do it is kind of awkward.

>> No.16558124

They're low-tier cookies, they got bought a lot because it was a cheap way to get a decent quality tin for storage purposes. The cookies themselves are like something from the dollar store.

>> No.16558140

The coconut ones were the worst. The best ones were the swirl ones followed by the sugar ones.

>> No.16558151

>The coconut ones were the worst.
Nigga those are great. The best one are the rectangle ones and pretzel shaped one

>> No.16558152

Agreed, sex is pretty embarrassing. Idk why everyone likes it so much

>> No.16558154

Theyre fucking butter cookies

>> No.16558155

Yeah, I remember those. I think they are pretty good, for what they are. As kids we used to fight for the ones with the coarse sugar. They go well with a cup of tea.

>> No.16558156

it takes practice and you have to be in ok shape

having a big dick helps too

>> No.16558160

Nah you just have bad taste.

>> No.16558161

Men ejaculate in a woman's vagina, And presto, after 9 months,you came to existence.

>> No.16558177

There's nothing wrong with coconut flavored food

>> No.16558188

These things were fake news always filled with knitting supplies and not cookies

>> No.16558204

Except everything

>> No.16558231

Your mother is a disgusting person and I hope she'll suffer, what a selfish whore.

>> No.16558235


>> No.16558242


>> No.16558247

i like them with black coffee
they're slightly different enough to have a favorite and least favorite, but essentially the same enough that you'll eventually finish the whole can. then you get to fill the can with coins, melted cough drops, random fasteners, cracked tubes of super glue and pens that dont mark

>> No.16558277

Have you ever had a Chessmen cookie from Peperpeprperidge Farm? It tastes like those.

>> No.16558282

For whatever reason, these Cookies are selling big in China.
and that's what we care about

>> No.16558284

There are no actual cookies in the tin, it's a meme. It's actually just thread and sewing needles and stuff, not good for eating.

>> No.16558311
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>> No.16558328


>> No.16558347


>> No.16558719

They're like shortbread, but sweeter and more bland.

>> No.16558730

So there's another bad thing about it.

>> No.16558735

bring some to your mom's house for christmas and tell the bitch "marry christmas, you crustly old whoer"
she'll thank you for it, trust me on this.

>> No.16558775

theyre fine
if they're at your grandmas house or your mother is old then this is absolutely the case, dont be fooled OP

>> No.16558779

Zoom zoom with no family structure has never had the false hope of opening G'mas butter cookie tin.

>> No.16558786

whoops, I meant faggot.

>> No.16558890

You can buy these in smaller quantities, always useful for the tins

>> No.16558905

like many others, my first experience was seeing them in pic form only, with the tin being filled with sewing supplies i didn't actually try them until many years later. based on the pic i honestly i expected them to be horrible, bland and dry as fuck shit, the kind of stuff that drains the moisture out of your mouth but they have just the right amount of sweetness and crispness.

>> No.16558954

They are not very good cookies and I think people mostly just buy them for the tin they come in.
As a Dane I'm a little ashamed of having my country represented by those things, frankly.

>> No.16558968

I personally don’t this you’re missing much. They’re very dry and don’t have a ton of flavor, but they’re not terrible. They might be good dunked in coffee.

>> No.16559082

bro, they’re like ~$5.00 per tin
just buy some

>> No.16559125

They are tasty, relatively cheap cookies. I crumble them and sprinkle them over ice cream.

>> No.16559175
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They're shit, you should try the homemade ones Danes make for Christmas though.

>> No.16559266

people are for the most part just mindless bimbos. also copulins.

>> No.16559271
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>I will never have my grandmother's homemade vaniljekranse again
I have the recipe, but it's not the same.

>> No.16559272

they were always a bit too sharp and pointy for me and the thread always got stuck in my teeth

>> No.16559316

What country is Dane/Danish?

>> No.16559319

How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.16559324


>> No.16559325

The Netherlands

>> No.16559328


>> No.16559375

Denmark, usually.

>> No.16559404

just because you are embarrassment in bed doesnt mean everyone else is as pathetic as you are

>> No.16559412


>> No.16559421

Interesting how you got so defensive.

>> No.16559445
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I tried them for the first time in 20 years. They're not as good as I remember, just lightly butter flavored styrofoam.

>> No.16559460

Thanks, I didn't realize they were a real country. Thought Shakespeare made em up

>> No.16559470

t. nigger

>> No.16559483
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These are a 1000 times better anon

>> No.16559488
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Is it normal to eat an entire box of these in one sitting?

>> No.16559490

My grandma had a couple of tins to hold her sewing kit. She kept it under her bed and I'd got so upset when 5-year-old me went snooping in hopes to find sweets but instead got pins, thread and tomato pincushions.

She only had a tin filled with actual cookies once, it was brought out after Christmas dinner, and by the time I got some all the good ones were gone.

As a child I remember them tasting like light, crispy, buttery, lightly coconuty cookies. Last Christmas I bought 5 tins because they were on sale and ended up throwing the actual cookies out because they tasted like shortening coconut extract and flour paste. The actual tins feel flimsier too. They're still fine for holding my sewing and craft supplies though. Starting last year I started baking large batches of cookies to send out to friends and relatives with a recipe that can easily be turned into 4 different flavors. The taste and texture is a lot like what I always imagined the blue tin cookies to taste like.

>> No.16559491

Not your blog you fucking loser.

>> No.16559493

We're talking about fucking Christmas cookies you mong. Get a hobby.

>> No.16559494

Yeah wasn't so good for me. Dick wouldn't stay hard and I had bad gas so kept farting. Was afraid I was gonna shit on the bed.

Lucky it was only a prostitute. Would be awkward having to explain that to someone the next day. Still embarrassing though. Don't think I'll bother again.

>> No.16559498

Stick to the cookies and omit personal drama

>> No.16559503

Reading comprehension is a learned skill I see.

>> No.16559505

Only one box?

>> No.16559518

I had to save the other for my mum

>> No.16559529
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>Reading comprehension is a learned skill I see.

>> No.16559540

Yeah, you really come off as the kind of guy who reads a lot of Shakespeare.

>> No.16559620

I've always liked these. I'm not sure where to get them though. Very nostalgic cookie that makes me think of Christmas time

>> No.16559819

wtf is wrong with ur mom ? Why in the fuck did she not allow you to eat cookies?

>> No.16559832
File: 123 KB, 615x386, Crispy-Butter-Cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are good and all but this shape makes them absolute god tier
it's ridiculous how a little change in texture makes these infinitely better