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[ERROR] No.16559034 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone try this?

>> No.16559037

Looks good

>> No.16559054

>seasoned jackfruit
what is this fetishising of the jackfruit? they're never nice

>> No.16559056

Today i am doing eggs and cheese for b12. Does that count as meatless?

>> No.16559201

>Bowl of guacamole turns to a sliced up avocado.
Vegans are delusional.

>> No.16559207

>leftover rice
Even vegans know that fresh rice is only for humans and is wasted on them.

>> No.16559226

Friday is the proper day to abstain from meat, heathen scum.

>> No.16559230

But Friday is the night I give the meat to your mom

>> No.16559245

If eggs don’t count I’ve been meatless for weeks by now.

>> No.16559279

Yes unless you accidently ate a chicken fetus in one of those eggs

>> No.16559432

Diseased intestines typed this

>> No.16559443

What about guacamole causes your intestines to be diseased?

>> No.16559521

No I'm straight, I eat meat every day
Reminder this meatless monday is a spook and a gateway drug to replacing all forms of protein with bugs under the guise of "environmentalism" because muh beef bad
Because there's no other forms of meat than cow right?

>> No.16559544

You're not even going to thaw the corn first? Vegans are just absolute animals.

>> No.16559610

Almost all days for me are meatless, and most are entirely plant-based. I'm not vegan, but limiting animal foods to occasional is the best choice for personal health and for the environment. I feel great eating this way, and it's surprisingly cheap and simple as long as you keep it that way. Legumes (beans and lentils), vegetables, fruit, and whole grains (brown rice, wheat berries, etc.) all go a long way and can be had for very little money. I would remove the jackfruit from the pic just because it's exotic and hard to find and, in my opinion, unnecessary.

False flagger gtfo

>> No.16559660

I was going to go meatless today because I have an abundance of eggs but now I'm gonna have meat today. Fuck you.

>> No.16559667

>but limiting animal foods to occasional is the best choice for personal health
false animal foods are healthiest

>> No.16560078
File: 171 KB, 1079x1087, 7A4BFFEB-673B-4B18-9821-BDEB2068BEE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the pulled pork looking thing between corm and deconstructed guacamole, pls?

>> No.16560085

that's the jackfruit m8

>> No.16560111

there's a practical reason for this. it's a bit sloppy in my opinion but you see it a lot.

somewhere between photographing promotional images for menu items and actually finalizing and distributing the use-records (recipes/directions) to restaurant locations, they realize it's cheaper by the pound to buy frozen tubs of guacamole than whole or half avocados that can be sliced, and the final product will also be more consistent.

not worth hiring a photographer again to fix the tiny discrepancy and probably already past the deadline for rolling out new web designs and menu boards at locations.

>> No.16560118

Thanks pal!

>> No.16560119

It's pretty easy to go meatless if you just eat more cheese and eggs. I usually only eat meat maybe once or twice a week at the most. I don't really feel that satisfied without at least some animal protein in a meal though.

>> No.16560124


>> No.16560155

fuck corn

>> No.16560169

>burrito bowl
Might as well call it a sandwich bowl. It will be just as wrong.

>> No.16560182

the people who live the longest eat comparatively little meat. that doesn't mean it's unhealthy but a diet consisting of mainly vegetables and fruits is ideal for humans

>> No.16560194

you've contradicted yourself in a matter of two sentences. what you are describing is likely healthy user bias and some other con-founders we can't think of to measure. we have been telling people to eat less meat (red meat in particular) for over a half a century so if you just look at differences in meat consumption you are probably just seeing people who comply with medical advice and or "care" about their health

>> No.16560201

we've also got epidemics of anemia and b12 deficiency to go along with the diabetes and obesity epidemics. weird isn't it I wonder what foods are the best sources of iron or b12? almost forgot protein deficiency which should be non existent is prosperous countries yet still exists because of retarding taboos around meat and animal foods

>> No.16560224
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>best sources of iron or b12
animal foods, animal foods, animal foods, +fish

>> No.16560232

Going vegan is a great opportunity to learn more about nutrition and cooking, and improve your diet. Getting your nutrients from plant foods allows more room in your diet for health-promoting options like whole grains, fruit, nuts, seeds and vegetables, which are packed full of beneficial fibre, vitamins and minerals.

>> No.16560245

Lower calorie diets typically increase lifespan. Fruits and vegetables are usually lower in calories than meat and dairy which can contain significant amounts of high calorie fat. But people who don't eat much meat experience other problems too, especially as they get older. Like older people are more likely to start losing muscle mass, which only gets worse if they don't consume enough high quality animal protein. Low muscle mass makes them more likely to have mobility issues and experience more serious injuries if they happen to fall.

There are so many factors that determine lifespan. Just having a stronger community that you feel like you belong to with more socialization will increase your lifespan. Less stress increases your lifespan. Diet clearly plays a part, but I think as long as you're avoiding processed food you're going to be okay.

>> No.16560250

Lots of studies have been done on vegetarian diets, and the results are pretty conclusive--vegetarians actually do tend to be leaner and live longer than their meat eating counterparts
And a lot of people mistakenly think vegans don't get enough protein. That is not generally true.

>> No.16560251

>whole grains, fruit, nuts, seeds and vegetables
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with these, but going vegan also means you're going to need to get your nutrients from supplements. You can avoid most deficiencies if you have a varied diet and eat enough but you're still going to need supplements.

>> No.16560256

>And a lot of people mistakenly think vegans don't get enough protein. That is not generally true.
It is and it isn't. You can get enough protein to not have any deficiencies on a vegan diet. Especially since it's pretty easy to find meat alternatives now. But vegans are usually shown in most studies to have less muscle mass than omnivores. Getting enough doesn't mean you're also getting the optimal amount and that you wouldn't benefit from a little more.

>> No.16560390

>leftover rice
who has bowlfuls of leftover rice laying around?
And if you do, why wouldn't the other ingredients be leftovers as well? In which case, why not just call it "random non-meat leftovers in a bowl"?

>> No.16560402

>Lots of studies have been done on vegetarian diets, and the results are pretty conclusive--vegetarians actually do tend to be leaner and live longer than their meat eating counterparts
This is false and I've explained why. But another point is that most if not all of these studies are simply observational and therefore no causal conclusions can be drawn from the data. If you want causal data you need to conduct randomized experiments not just ask people what they've been eating. The latter will be confounded for many reasons I've already outlined only some of.

>> No.16561436

>Reminder this meatless monday is a spook and a gateway drug to replacing all forms of protein with bugs under the guise of "environmentalism" because muh beef bad

>> No.16561442


>> No.16561444

You're gay

>> No.16561455

Tempeh is great protein for vegan. Tempeh is generally considered to be the healthier option due to its rich nutrient profile. It contains more protein, fiber, and vitamins than tofu. Tempeh is also fermented, and fermented foods are easier to digest and provide healthy gut bacteria

>> No.16561461

Tempeh It's popular with vegans and vegetarians because it has vitamin B12 and is a complete source of protein. That means it has all nine of the essential amino acids your body need for healthy bones and muscles.

>> No.16562478
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Plant Protein

>> No.16562975

is fish and poultry considered going meatless? well i know fish isn't

>> No.16562993

>is fish and poultry considered going meatless?
No. Meatless means not killing an animal and eating its flesh. Some people try to twist the definition for whatever reason but it's about the killing rather than the distinction between red meat, fish, poultry, etc.

>> No.16562995

>Living with yourself after getting the majority of your protein from "nut butter"

>> No.16563040

No, I'm not gay

>> No.16563682

>we've also got epidemics of anemia and b12 deficiency to go along with the diabetes and obesity epidemics
>retarding taboos around meat and animal foods
You've got to be shitting me. People in western countries (especially the obese ones) eat a ridiculous amount of animal products (multiple times a day). If consumption of animal products lead to healthy outcomes, we would be doing much better than we are. Granted, people also eat a bunch of refined plant foods and processed shit as well, but clearly eating animal foods is not solving the problem of b12 and iron deficiency, not to mention the cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease problems killing millions a year in America.

>> No.16564180

You could do without the jackfruit and rice and just use squash instead. Seasoning the actual fruit of the jackfruit is a waste of fruit. Now if they're talking about the unripe parts of meat, sure.

Fuck you, manchild.

>> No.16565143
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>intentionally picking days to not eat meat

>> No.16565190
File: 115 KB, 991x744, us-food-consumption[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granted, people also eat a bunch of refined plant foods and processed shit as well, but clearly eating animal foods
Processed food is less nutritious and higher in calories. Most processed food is plant-based. The majority of extra calories that people are getting is coming from plant-based processed food. The average person is getting almost 300 calories a day from pure sugar. The average person is also eating only about 1/3 pound of meat per day, which isn't an insane amount, and is only about 400 calories. Animal foods don't make up a significant amount of calories in the average American diet.

>> No.16565203

Getting my nutrients from plant foods has been making me fart and shit all day. Its exhausting.

>> No.16565225

>Meatless Monday
This is me every day.

>> No.16565236

You probably need to chew your food better. I've been a vegan chad for years.

You do eat more than half raw right?

>> No.16565239
File: 142 KB, 991x723, uscalories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granted, people also eat a bunch of refined plant foods and processed shit as well, but clearly eating animal foods is not solving the problem
Processed food is higher in calories while being less nutritious. Most processed food is plant-based because it's cheaper. The average person is getting about 300 calories a day from pure sugar. The average person is also only eating about 1/3 pound of meat per day, which isn't an insane amount, and only has about 400 calories while being more nutritious and satiating than an equal amount of sugar. Eating meat isn't going to undo eating an extra 1000 calories of junk food.

>b12 and iron deficiency, not to mention the cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease problems killing millions a year in America.
People used to eat liver and that kind of stuff more often. Just eating meat actually isn't ideal for health. Liver is one of the best sources of iron, vitamin A, and b12 but meat is quite a bit lower. Obesity is most likely the main cause of the other things you mentioned, as losing weight typically eliminates those problems. Healthy omnivores don't really have those issues even though they eat meat and animal fat.

Processed food is the worst thing you can be eating and it wouldn't surprise me if the people who make it are pushing the idea that animal products are the real problem just like they did before when trying to say you should eat more sugar and vegetable shortening, both of which are clearly bad for us. You don't really see any studies saying that tons of refined sugar and vegetable shortening might be okay but you see plenty of studies showing benefits of animal products, even stuff like butter.

>> No.16565270

First of all, you're definitely not a chad if you cuck yourself out of the most nourishing food in the world. Real chads avoid the industrial food system all together and are self sufficient, vegan or not.

I cook the fuck out of my food, and I probably know more about nutrition than you due to having to talk to millions of retarded vegans showing me their sad heavily supplemented chronometer pages over and over again. I only will eat some fruits and some stalk vegetables raw. I know which foods are high in oxalates, goitrogens, phytoestrogens, and all the other defense mechanisms that plants have evolved over the years to prevent certain animals from predating on them.

Every vegan all of a sudden is a nutrition expert but they are miserable fucks who produce room clearing and shit liquid all day. The only way to keep half sane on a vegan diet is to suck cooperate dick and eat the fake animal products, which is a road I would rather die on than walk down.

Fuck veganism, it's all about ditching the city and our destructive capitalist system and engaging in food sovereignty.

>> No.16565298

All the obese people I know who thought they had to limit animal products to get healthier and lose weight struggled so much and never succeeded. Even though I don't entirely agree with the keto diet, they lost weight and got healthier on keto because it forces them to cut out processed junk food even though they'd be eating lots of meat and fat.

>> No.16565434

>Even though I don't entirely agree with the keto diet,
What don't you like about it? As you rightly point out it is a simple way to cut out the junk which is mostly processed carbohydrates usually with added sugar and or seed oils and focus on eating more nutritious, whole foods like fish, eggs, meat, and green vegetables. It used to be called an animal diet back when it was prescribed for diabetes but it doesn't necessarily have to be high in animal foods.

>> No.16565576

Hey jews, we already do meatless Friday.

>> No.16565735

What's the cough supposed to mean? Is it funny that you incorrectly think vegetarians get sick more often?

>> No.16565750

all the vegetarians/vegans I worked with would call off sick more often than me.

>> No.16565758
File: 47 KB, 1013x570, genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting people to not eat animals is secretly a plan to get more people to eat animals

>> No.16565786
File: 61 KB, 360x367, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.16565788

fucked up my reply

>> No.16565802
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like Catholics have been doing on Friday for hundreds of years, except instead of for philosophical reasons it's done to acclimate you to a life of lowered standards and miserable servitude under global capital? Whoa, based!

>> No.16565854

I don't think fruit, whole grains, and milk are bad for you but it gets avoided on keto for being too high in carbs. It can still be a perfectly healthy diet though and a lot of people clearly have success using it for weight loss which is great to see. I just don't want to see a bunch of unhealthy processed keto foods start to become accepted because some people think carbs are the only problem.

>> No.16565907

I have gone more than one day without eating meat, yes.
I've gone more than one day without eating at all.
I don't think I've ever purposefully abstained from meat though.

>> No.16566963

that’s why you abstain, it all goes in Op’s mum.

>> No.16567055
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What can I say I need to replenish because the way your mom drains me

>> No.16567552
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Cakes are meat-free. So... cake day?

>> No.16568001

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16568036

shut the fuck up you pagan in denial

>> No.16568047

you're retarded.

>> No.16568056

Do you have gluten free seitan?

>> No.16568077

I bought tempeh recently after going pescetarian

Absolutely disgusting. Tasted awful, smelled awful, couldnt eat it

Total waste of money.

Ive had it in the past and it wasnt bad i dont think. I dont understand why its so bad from the store

>> No.16568112

i have never eaten a jack fruit? what does it taste like?

>> No.16568283
File: 244 KB, 859x980, tempeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that want to try new things with their tempeh