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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16531155 No.16531155 [Reply] [Original]

Now that it’s summer, it’s time to bring out those gars to go along with the BBQ. Post and discuss pipes, cigars, cigarettes, hookah, snus, snuff, dip, etc.

Previous thread: >>16475732

>> No.16531168
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>> No.16531290

Didnt the FDA v& all the recessed filter cigs right after they came out?

>> No.16531314

not parliaments I guess. it's not the absolutely most common cig but you can get them most places and they're all recessed filter.

I saw someone smoking a Camel recessed filter in Patton PA in 2014 too, but I've never found them for sale anywhere.

she said her doctor told her the recessed filter was actually better for her, still not sure if she was lying or just had a really bad doctor.

>> No.16531325
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Never been able to find unfiltered American Spirits but I’d buy a pack if I could. Unfiltereds are the way to go afaic.

Lucky Strikes are my favorite flavor wise, but I can only find them in certain specialty tobacco shops, so I usually smoke Camel Unfiltereds because they’re sold at my local 7/11. And honestly it doesn’t matter too much what I smoke any more since my taste buds are dulled enough now that all cigarettes taste pretty much the same.

I also buy Nat Sherman MCDs whenever I happen to stumble across them. Not much of a nicotine buzz but they’re the only cigarettes that taste like anything to me any more.

>> No.16531660

Niggers tongue my tobacco

>> No.16531673

I used to smoke cigarettes but eventually got sick of the side effects and quit the habit. I like the taste and smell of tobacco but can't stand smoking anymore. Whenever I have a cigarette I just want to give up after a few drags. Anyone know this feel?

>> No.16531687

Damn, I wish I could get my hands on some unfiltered american spirits... fuck being a eurotrash.

>> No.16531691

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.16531705
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>> No.16531706

Gross, I don't let them anywhere near mine

>> No.16531709

You could always do a pack swap with an American. Hell if you have a PO Box (or whatever it’s called in your country) there’s probably some anons here that would gladly send you some American Spirits and other brands in exchange for some brands from your country

>> No.16531710
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Used to be a heavy smoker, but I transitioned to pipes. Pipes make it easy to quit cigarettes, as long as you observe the obvious fact that you do not inhale, but just taste.
Dip Copenhagen evergreen every once in awhile when I'm feeling like spitting with manly abandon.

>> No.16531712

I live in Sweden, we don't really have a huge selection of ciggies, we do have a lot of snus tho. Maybe someone would trade me for some snus? idk lol

>> No.16531804

I bought a pipe and a variety of decent tobacco. It basically all tastes like warm water vapor to me. I smoke turquoise american spirit which I think is fairly strong

>> No.16531821

Sounds like you're a wet smoker (you produce a lot of spit). As dumb as it sounds I'd watch a couple videos on how to slow roll a light, so you don't burn your tobacco and so you get a nice cherry ember. It's not as easy as it sounds. Takes some finesse and practice. You really got to practice on slow patient breaths, ideally through your nose. Believe it or not, there is a lot of flavor in there. But it needs patience and practice.

>> No.16531874

I’ll look into it. Thanks anon

>> No.16531884

Just added this to my wishlist.
Anyone got experience with Rattrays, not owned one before?

>> No.16531907

I wish Cigarettes didn't give you cancer and didn't make you smell like shit, I'd smoke every fucking day.

>> No.16532518

am I the only guy who likes the cigarette smell even if I don't smoke

>> No.16532543

>Now that it’s summe
I can tell because there's a bunch of diphits that think tobacco is food lol i don't understand how so many people can be so unashamed about being so stupid, it's pathetic really.

>> No.16532764

>Never been able to find unfiltered American Spirits but I’d buy a pack if I could.
Just buy some loose American Spirits tobacco in a pouch and roll your own. It's not hard, and you save a ton of money. I've been buying the nicest, most expensive cig tobacco that my local tobacconists shop has, and it still works out to literal pennies per smoke.

>> No.16532788

This is the way to do it if you smoke often.
I roll them one at a time so I don't chain smoke when I'm drunk.

>> No.16532791

Quit cigs for vaping. I don't reek, it's less cancerous, it's way cheaper and I can do it inside without it ruining my apartment.

But it still doesn't hit the spot like a cig does. I still smoke a few cigs once or twice per month.

>> No.16533097

imagine keeping tabs on what brand you witnessed a stranger smoke from 7 years ago holy shit you faggot nerd lmao

>> No.16533119

he probably just remembered that detail in his memory anon. i remember my friend having a double-down from KFC in november 2012.

>> No.16533141


>> No.16533526

this, I'm on 24mg and I've never gotten the same buzz from cigs

>> No.16533546

for me its american spirit yellows

>> No.16533736

i like the smell of a burning cigarette but the smell it leaves on clothes and shit is terrible

>> No.16533755

I find it pleasant as well. It might be nostalgia from my neighbors house as a child whose parents were heavy smokers

>> No.16533759
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it's not tobacco but i'm enjoying nicotine pouches. here's what came in the mail today. currently using whitefox and i found it pretty good.

>> No.16533786

Oh cool, how are you planning on cooking them? I usually just boil mine before I eat them.

Jk I'm not a retard like you kek

>> No.16533794

well, in my country i can't buy snus, so i must stick with nicotine pouches. i don't smoke anymore since it can cause serious health problem. i enjoy them, i don't see the hate.

>> No.16533861

>doesn't even know where he is
You're posting about nicotine pouches on a food & cooking forum. Explain to me how this makes any sense.

>> No.16533872

Holy seethe

>> No.16533888

God I wish I could quit

>> No.16533890

Snus my friend

>> No.16533910

What cigars would you guys recommend for a smoky Islay like Lagavulin 16 or Laphroaig 10?

>> No.16533939

Holy dipshit. You're too stupid to think of something intelligent to say so you have to resort to brainlet canned responses because you have no leg to stand on. I know alcohol makes you dumber, didn't realize tobacco did the same thing kek.

>> No.16533943

This place is more your speed little guy

>> No.16533950

My favourite is Nick & Johnny Red Hot

>> No.16533951

There you go friendo. Exactly where this thread belongs. You personally might enjoy >>>/x/ due to your limited mental faculties. Faggot.

>> No.16533955

>it's not tobacco
It is though

>> No.16533968

Every time someone smokes near me the aroma is simply intoxicating, but whenever I smoke, even the same brand, it never tastes quite right.

Someone said Luckies taste like a smore, and when someone smoked one near me I could practical taste the melty chocolate and gooey marshmallow, but then I light up one and it tastes like I'm burning a wet dog.

>> No.16533977

i'ts not, these are nicotine pouches, they don't contain tobacco.
unfortunaly that is snus and i can't buy it here. hope you enjoy it anon

>> No.16533984

Liga privada uf13.

>> No.16533986

I think the additives in cigs are formulated to make them smell much better than they taste. I always like the aroma of cigarette smoke but the one time I tried a cigarette it just tasted like burning chemicals

>> No.16533994

sorry, my bad. the skruf one is tobacco though. I'm 97% sure

>> No.16534002

One of the only reasons why I still live in Norway is because I can get snus here. Only Norway and Sweden allow it in the EU. I have no idea what is so fucking dangerous about it.

>> No.16534126

it's not. skruf make snus but in recent years started doing nicotine pouches as well. take a look here https://www.snusdirect.eu/skruf-snus/skruf-slim-super-white-fresh-extra-strong-portion-4-snus
yeah, i don't understand it neither. it's safer than smoking but it's forbidden. it must be some politics stuff. still pretty dumb though

>> No.16534232

>doesn't like cigarettes
>thinks /x/ is unintelligible
they're not sending their best lmfao

>> No.16534481

/x/ is populated entirely by schizos, the gullible, and children, this would be obvious if you spent any time there newfag.

>> No.16534499

Why would anyone spend time on /x/? It hasn't been interesting for years. Plus there's plenty of boards on 4chan I've barely been on and I've been here since the first Habbo raid.

>> No.16534587
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>he doesn't keep track of werewolf sightings in his neighborhood

>> No.16534620

I used to because i like spoopy stories n aliens n shit, but I realized the average IQ was sub 70 there and could feel myself getting dumber by association.

>> No.16534899
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wolfmans gonna fuck you up someday nigger
then you'll know you should have summoned a succubus to watch your back for you

>> No.16534960

>summoned a succubus
You better succ my bus you flaming queer

>> No.16534979

/trash/ = /x/

>> No.16534982
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Take the filter cigar pill
>$2 for a pack of 20
>taste better than budget cigarette brands
>burn as long as American spirits

>> No.16535092

Do you inhale them?

>> No.16535211

yep, basically a brown cigarette.

>> No.16535524

How harsh are they compared to regular cigs? I know inhaling cigars will cause many people to throw up

>> No.16535614

Fuck off shitlickers, this is now an /x/ posting thread. It's a fucking

>> No.16535696

As I am continuing to smoke pipes and cigars, and continually experiencing "tongue bite" even with all possible precautions, I am beginning to realize that I just might have an over sensitive mouth. I'm watching guides and tutorials and seeing guys puffing smoke that would scorch my mouth if I recreated it exactly. Anyone else experience over sensitivity when they started smoking? When did it go away?

>> No.16535709

Not sure what your issue is, but that's probably because it has nothing to do with food or cooking.

>> No.16536083

If you pull your tongue back so the smoke doesn't immediately give you the biting sensation (think how you would start to make an L sound) you can retrohale for flavor and then work on developing a tolerance to bite over time

>> No.16536568
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Smoked a cuban cigar the other day
>pic related
I have to say it was excellent. I always though Cuban cigars were just a meme, so never bothered spending the extra cash on them. This cigar changed my mind.

>> No.16536903

You're probably smoking it too fast, if it gets too hot, it'll make that tongue bite, it could also probably from too much virginia flakes in your tobacco, try out something else.

>> No.16537032

Some are a little more harsh. Cheyennes are less than regular cigarettes but they have a really hard pull and are over packed.

>> No.16537302
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Testing pH of some snuffs

>> No.16537324

I've never actually seen those AS packs in real life. Where do they sell them?

>> No.16538313

Yep. Happened to me when they made them fire safe. They taste like shit now. I got a pipe and buy unfucked tobacco to smoke once in awhile.

>> No.16538433

tobacco is bad for you

>> No.16538476
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Will this give me cancer?

>> No.16538672

Probably not

>> No.16538683

They're kind of a new thing, and sure it doesn't have any tobacco in it, but think those usually have artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners, and some other stuff. Take that as you will. I think the only form of tobacco that isn't commonly link to cancer is snus.

>> No.16539933

being a faggot is worse

>> No.16540133

What’d you have to shell out for them?

>> No.16540197

/x/ turning to shit was such an absolute shame. Used to be my favorite board for years.

>> No.16540198

Normal to get tongue bite when starting out. Most people who start smoking pipes quit bc of bite. It's the hobby's way of weeding newfags. Three ways to overcome it:
1. Smoke slower. Watch Muttonchop Pipers vid on cadence, it helps
2. Pack your pipe better. Work on the three-pinch method. Too tight or too loose can fuck your tongue up, but especially too tight. Draw should be like sucking a light milkshake through a normal sized straw.
3. Start with cooler tobaccos. Keep away from aromatics. They bite the worst. Virginias do, too. Both have higher sugar contents. Instead, get blends with more burley or latakia. Much more gentle on the tongue.

Good luck and keep at it, bro

>> No.16540202

Do RYO tobaccos have the same fire safety bullshit as commercial cigarettes? Lots of people online say cigarettes tasted much better before obunga mandated all cigs have fire safe chemicals added to them

>> No.16540238




>> No.16540759
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You can see it clearly when you change the paper.

>> No.16540799

>It basically all tastes like warm water vapor to me.
when I started smoking pipe this happened to me with aromatics, they smelled great, but tasted like nothing
part of it is packing and smoking technique, as the other anon said, but I recommend you get a tin of something strong and flavourful like Nightcap to help you along

>> No.16540811

you're in for a pleasant surprise once you actually try a proper one
the cedros are ok but desu it's just a cheap, meme 5€ cigar not really worth the price, with much less quality than other RyJ
try one of their short churchills and you'll see what I mean

>> No.16540819


>> No.16540822

I'm sorry, what is this?
Why would tobacco need to be fire safe?

>> No.16540863

Honestly? a lot of aromatics aren't very good, they're ok at the begining if you burn it cool, but they die off at the mid point
if you burn it hot? going to be a bad experience, and a lot of them burn very hot even for an experienced guy

There's ofcourse good ones, but i feel like unless you know what you're buying, you're likely to get a dud

English blends are really good to start with, lots of flavour, burn's cool

>> No.16540988

because nanny state socialists want the only sensation a man wnjoys to be the ass fucking big brother gives him

>> No.16541576

Every time I smoke mild cigars they taste like fucking nothing.
This leads to me buying super harsh hard hitting cigars which I love but every guest that smokes them usually can only get halfway through. I do stock milds for guests now, but I'm curious:
Is there something wrong with my tastes or are mild mellow cigars really that tasteless?
Does anyone know any medium body cigars that are worthwhile?

>> No.16542268

I love Habanos, but they're definitely a meme price-wise.
Strangely it's easier (and somehow cheaper) to get Cuban cigars in my part of Asia than anything New World, so all the stuff you Yanks smoke seem even more memey to me.

>> No.16542720


>> No.16542868

tried camels and they fucking sucked.
If I ever smoke again I’m sticking to luckies

>> No.16542903

what are the better tasting natty spirit cigs? i usually smoke newports or camel silvers but the menthol nattys were pretty good, looking for similar tastes

>> No.16542938

Tell us what sticks you're buying retord.

>> No.16544188

perique blend, yellow

>> No.16544192

I didn't know you could eat cigarettes

>> No.16544215

>cheap tobacco
>rolled with rose petals

its actually quite nice.
Sorry everybody. Gotta be a hippie to get the roses. lololololololololololololololololol

>> No.16544221

literally just tear the filter off. I used to do this when i first started with spirits. lucky strike and ASs are the only cigarettes i use filterless. Camel if i buy them filterless..

>> No.16544266

>get incredibly drunk
>excuse myself from everyone and go lie down to smoke a cig
>black out
>wake up to me chewing my cigarette and I'm already halfway through it

>> No.16544381

having more than one pipe makes you a huge faggot.

>> No.16544420

Yes, you can, and it is a very effective anti-parasitic.

>> No.16544435
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>having more than one pipe makes you a huge faggot.

>> No.16544486
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>yes I smoke a pipe how could you tell?

>> No.16546029

that's just your tolerances being stronger
i cant even taste light cigarettes

>> No.16546263

Anyone here ever try adding their own flavorings to tobacco?
I've read a few guides on the process, but am curious if any of you fags have done it and have info to share.

>> No.16547514


>> No.16547520

what are oriental cigarettes and where can i get them?

>> No.16547753

I started smoking a bit again a few days ago and literally only the first cigarette tasted like fucking anything
imagine not having a good memory
parliaments are a meme, a good meme, but a meme

>> No.16547788

Yo. I’ve only had cheap as sugary usa snus. I would trade you.

>> No.16547816
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anyway yeah these are the best cigarettes to smoke on LSD

>> No.16548559

Are there any places that sell cigarettes online that don’t ID? I’m only 19 but want to buy some packs

>> No.16548600

>I'm only 19
so why can't you buy cigarettes?

>> No.16548639

You have to be 21 to buy tobacco in America now

>> No.16548655

land of the free

>> No.16548670

You aren't drying your tobacco enough. I usually set out my tobacco on a white piece of paper for at least a few hours before
Pipe tobacco that stays wet even after hours or more of drying has propylene glycol added to it. That's usually a sign of a cheap and shitty tobacco.
Depending on what you're smoking, like for example something like a pure cavendish or a blend with a lot of burley, it's still going to be pretty underwhelming. I switched to pure virginias and some latakia blends and I haven't looked back to aromatics.

>> No.16548680

Clearly you've never smoked a cigarette and had to don a mask immediately after. I love the smell of the bugler and lucky strikes I smoke, but having your mouth/upper lip back up on you is very unpleasant right after a cig. I would definitely quit if I had a girlfriend.

>> No.16548795
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these are what you should be after.

>> No.16548921
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Destino al siglo phantom and some bourbon root beer. Ribeyes on the grill. Might be one of the best cigars I've ever smoked but boy is the strength deceiving in the last 3rd.

>> No.16549075

I was buying juul pods from my local gas station, and while I was paying for them some greasy toothless southern trucker fuck that was half behind the counter claimed he was with RJ reynolds, and suggested I buy some other vape. I said no, but was he serious?

>> No.16549521

>these are what you should be after.
Gitanes don't even contain real tobacco....they are filled with old upholstery and lawn clippings

>> No.16549794
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Can't get enough of these
Also can't get them at the local stores, but the filtered are fine.

>> No.16550247

these are good. i'm not an expert but they give me the sensation to smoke tobacco in the old fashioned spaghetti western way. my gf can't stand these because they smell a lot and hit a lot too.

>> No.16550255

luckies are too sweet

>> No.16550370

How is tobacco related to food?

>> No.16550589

How are any liquids?
why don't you go there and complain?

>> No.16550837

Liquids are often used for cooking food or paired while eating food

>> No.16550844


>consumable item
>administered by mouth, chewing, smoking or nasally
>comes in a range of flavours
>enjoyed by millions
>hundreds of years old practice

This is the board for this thread and none of your whining will change it.

If you don't like it bucko hide the thread and fuck off, or report it, we'll see who's right and who is wrong.

>> No.16550858

>consumable item
>administered by mouth, chewing, smoking or nasally
>comes in a range of flavours
>enjoyed by millions
>hundreds of years old practice

>> No.16550861

Then this thread should only talk about chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes isn't food related

>> No.16550870
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>Then this thread should only talk about chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes isn't food related

>> No.16550871
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>This is the board for this thread and none of your whining will change it.
>If you don't like it bucko hide the thread and fuck off, or report it, we'll see who's right and who is wrong.

>> No.16550875
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>> No.16550876

>Soyjak posting
low iq detected

>> No.16550887
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> >Soyjak posting
>low iq detected

>> No.16550895

dude, I'm on your side.
If you werent such a soyjack posting newfag >>16550870
(you as well) you'd realise this
stop this cancerous shit >>16550887 (you)

>> No.16550899
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>> No.16550906
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Oh no!
People I don't know and I've never met are talking about smoking on the internet!
I better go and tell them why they're wrong. You can't eat a smoke and it's bad for your health!

>> No.16550916

>You can't eat a smoke
How would you do even do this?

>> No.16550926

That's just the thing. You can't eat smoke because it's a suspension of fine particles that acts not unlike a gas.

>> No.16550961

I often pair what tobacco I'm having with a drink, with certain foods/snacks and for after-meals

It fits your crtieria for what is acceptable

>> No.16550977

Not enough talking about pairings in this thread

>> No.16550986

I frequent /tea/
there is as little about pairing there, as there is here

>> No.16551026

Good thing we don’t care what you think

>> No.16551060

Tea is implicitly associated with food already, because when you have tea you are more likely to have it with a snack such as a biscuit (it is even a tradition to do so in some countries). I can't recall there being any such tradition existing with regards to food and smoking (though I know it is more common to do so after eating), so naturally there is a weaker association between food and smoking compared to with food and tea. Besides the process of preparing tea is far more comparable to cooking, and there is more considerable overlap too when you consider spices.

Cared enough to give me a (You) :)

>> No.16551087

There are lots of traditions when it comes to smoking while eating or drinking all over the world, it's extremely common

You say people are more likely to have tea with a snack, everyone I know personally has a snack or a drink with their pipe or cigar

you find it weaker of an association because you're ignorant

The proccess of perparing tea isn't similar to cooking at all, no one I've ever spoken to that is in the hobby of drinking tea, has made that association, i've only ever seen it bought up now by you.

there's a considerable amount of spices and other things other than tobacco, mixed into tobacco

Your arguments are from a place of ignorance rather than fact

>> No.16551091

Go back to Twitter retard

>> No.16551125

I do all of this, the tongue bite, like I said, comes on the second light. If I do not draw while lighting, how can I light the tobacco? I think it's just my mouth getting used to the smoke, not much that can be done to avoid it if it is not possible to be avoided.

>> No.16551155

cleaned up a pail with hundreds of nearly smoked cigs that had been sitting in rain water for a year or more
spilled some of that shit on my arms, my heart was racing for the rest of the day and I was wired

>> No.16551157

>There are lots of traditions when it comes to smoking while eating or drinking all over the world, it's extremely common

Name a couple from memory

>You say people are more likely to have tea with a snack, everyone I know personally has a snack or a drink with their pipe or cigar

Anecdotal evidence, I know smokers and they don't do this

>The proccess of perparing tea isn't similar to cooking at all

Why not?

>there's a considerable amount of spices and other things other than tobacco, mixed into tobacco


I should also add that tea is consumed differently than tobacco, so this isn't really a fair comparison to make since the tea you drink during or after a meal is actually digested by your body. The tobacco you smoke during or after a meal isn't digested.

>> No.16551190


Unfortuantly, I don't respect this conversation enough to start educating you or providing sources for my statements
Because our conversation is meaningless to getting this thread to stay or not

Anecdotal evidence is on both sides

Again, I don't respect this conversation enough to stard educating you, if you want to know more about tea, then go lurk in the thread

You're moving goal posts
So now the criteria isn't what you said originally, but what does or does not get digested in the body

>> No.16551199

why chimp out about a smoking thread? Are there really maniacal ck puritans? Or just kids mad that people are enjoying a time honored hobby that they think is scary lol

>> No.16551244

All I am trying to do is light the pipe, I recreate the youtube videos exactly, they have a lot of ember and ash, if I try to recreate I scorch my mouth

>> No.16551390
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>got a estate briar of ebay
>smokes fine
>smoke mostly English blends in it
>ghosts out of nowhere with some Lakeland shit

>> No.16551412

Jesus wept. The cope is practically palpable.

>> No.16551683

same way any ingredient is


>> No.16551701

my cigarbid strategy has once again backfired on me. I bid on 75 CAO Brazilia GOL! 5-packs with a maximum bid of $10. Usually when I low ball a massive quantity like this I wind up just a couple. well I went to bed last night and I was still winning 54 of them. With only 4 hours left its only gone down to 40. oh fuck. and what I don't understand is, my bid is at $10 with no maximum bid, yet for anyone to snag one of my $10 5-packs they have to bid a minimum of $12? wtf? you can't outbid me with $10.50 or $11? I know I've done that before. There's something screwy going on.

>> No.16551784

I think you have a gambling addiction

>> No.16551840

I think you have a cock addiction

>> No.16551920

American Spirit Nonfilter. A favorite but suffers from poor combustion, requiring multiple warming-puffs to minimize CO generation, a possible consequence of the paper. The FSC material is also rather nasty alginate derivative that otherwise is captured by the filter on their other tobaccos and repeated smokes will give a headache.

Cigarette Rating 6.5/10. - Decent. Would be much excellent 10/10 if construction was correct.

Parliaments have a subpar body. The full strength ones are decent and similar to Marlboro with a fraction of the body.

Rating 4/10 - Acceptable.

Nat Sherman MCDs, second only to the Havana Ovals they offered. A fine smoke and a sorry occasion that Altria has chosen to discontinue the LOB.

Both 10/10 - Excellent.

>Lucky Strikes
A short smoke but decent.

10/10 prior to ~2015 reformulation.
8/10 post.

>Camel NF

The best cigarette around. It would have been previously

It doesn't work like this as other cigarettes use reconstituted sheet, which is easily discernable when the filter is removed.
American Sprit Yellow. Dislike it intensely. Lousy, smoke, poor body, like sucking on a straw with a milkshake and nothing is coming through by wispy airy, flavorless.

2/10 - Worse.

No. And not all FSC in cigarettes is equal. Some FSCs are just thicker paper bands, others are vinyl acetates or alginate. Stick with the former. In any case, they increase CO by 20% and you will get a headache if you do not maintain a hot burn, especially with repeated smokes.

>> No.16551962

>Some FSCs are just thicker paper bands, others are vinyl acetates or alginate.
Do you happen to know which cigarettes use only paper?

>> No.16551979

If you don't have room for em send me 5 or 10 sticks to lighten the load.

>> No.16552008

Formulations change, find the maker of your cigarette and ask the manufacturer. There are consumer point of contacts that will disclose the paper composition of individual cigarettes. It will be difficult as most entry level tobacco people do not know what they are talking about but you'll get an answer if you are persistent enough but expect an email response by someone else. Contact Altria (Phillip Morris US name), or RJR/BTI depending on who makes what.

Camel and Lucky Strikes used paper bands last I checked. You can also tell if you unravel the paper and look at it.

>> No.16552017

I'll probably sell a dozen 5-packs for $15 each to some dudes in my city. but I think I may have stumbled on a way to game cigarbid.

>> No.16552038

When I lived in the US, I exclusively smoked Djarum blacks, but I was never able to find them in the UK so I started smoking Marlboro Ice Blast. They are shit, honestly. I miss my. Djarums.

>> No.16552056

>be UK
>be overrun with pakis but not their cigs

>> No.16552076

Fair enough. I think they were far better before CI bought them anyway.

>> No.16552171

Djarum blacks are my preferred smoke as well. I like the sweetness when you first light it especially, and that they are black makes people come over and talk to me when I’m smoking outside. Just wish they came in normal size packs

>> No.16552173

Tobacco smoking is not food and/or cooking

>> No.16552181

Reminder, clove cigarettes contain eugenol which has antiviral, antiinflammatory, and antioxidant effects. This is in addition to the antiviral effects of nicotine and NO from tobacco. I've smoked since COVID started, never wore the mask, been around people who have had it, and never gotten sick once.

>> No.16552207

werent they always owned by CI? I know they always claimed otherwise but they had the exact same product, descriptions, packaging, and they even had CI branded merchandise and youd get fricken CI matchbooks in your shipping box. I dont know who owns them now but they merged with Thompsons auction.

CI and cbid does some shit shady shit. they sell the same garbage un-banded cigars as premium branded 2nds and fumas, but its the same damn stick. I got Alec Bradley Tempus Fumas, Man o War seconds, and wink wink we cant tell you its Olivia but we suggested its Olivia and we had our employees anonymously post that they were Oliva seconds on forums.

each of those were the same garbage cigar that had no tobacco from those premium brands.

>> No.16552309

Yeah I've generally stayed away from CI/cbid in the past 10 years. And sorry, CAO was bought by Scandanavian tobacco group in 2007. Theres so much brand fuckery these days I try to stay out of it. Boutique cigars are where its at.

>> No.16552314


bought by STG, merged with General Cigar. Thats the issue. Fuck General.

>> No.16552388
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Hi, mod here (I'm not logged in at the moment). I just wanted to let you all know that I am going to request /tbg/-Tobacco General be moved to another board due to several complaints I've been getting. This thread is not related to food and cooking (see picrel). We have a new board, /hc/ Hardcore, for discussion of drugs and other things might not be appropriate for an audience under 21 (anything related to tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, gambling, etc.) Have fun!


>> No.16552405
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Corn cob pipes are comfy with pipe tobacco

>> No.16552411

oh I thought we were talking about who owned cigarbid, not CAO.

not up on CAO's line, the last new cigar by them I smoked was the Sapronos line and I think thats been discontinued for like 8 years. but I've been smoking Brazilias for 15+ years and they've stayed the same

>> No.16552498

nice pipe, why don't you actually use it

>> No.16552952

Since they're so cheap I buy a new one every time my old one is burnt up and chewed up. They're like $6 and come in all shapes and sizes. That one is my 15th or 20th cob

>> No.16552969
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it worked out boys. won 11 of at $10, and man I cant believe I won 22 diesels at $8 a 5 pack. goddamn I wasnt even sweating that because I thought there wae no way I was gonna win even 1 at that price

>> No.16553009

Salt that bitch of a ghost out
Exorcise it

>> No.16553135

am i a faggot if i like menthol :(

>> No.16553204

not at all. youre a faggot no matter what you like :)

>> No.16553510

Turkish Royals, best in the game

>> No.16554112

Damn that's nice anon congrats

>> No.16554708
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Had an Epic: Maduro Reserva Lancero yesterday evening. It was very good.
I bought two singles, this was the second and I enjoyed it a lot more than the first for some reason.

>> No.16554910

inferior to cloves

>> No.16555870

it do be on my list of thing to be doing

>> No.16556345

What are some absolute god-tier pipe tobaccos that are currently possible to buy (rip McClelland). Doesn't matter which style.

>> No.16556666

Lmfao cigarbid is hilarious. I think 75 is very greedy. I'd just do a couple 5's and one or two twenties.

>> No.16557049

The middle earth pipeweed series is delicious

And for cheap tobacco, Carter Hall from drugstores and grocery stores is extremely good burley. You can also buy it online

>> No.16557303

what are you drinking, blessed pipe smoker?

>> No.16557306
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i miss japanese cigarettes
leaf land cigarettes are complete garbage in comparison

>> No.16557873


>> No.16557912
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not a smoker personally, but something you menthol smokers might want to see that the Biden regime is about to ban menthols and flavored tobacco and vaping products


>> No.16557930

first the 94 crime bill now this. hologram joe just cant stop dabbing on black people

>> No.16559322
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had an Oliva Serie O last night
my first Oliva and it was good enough that i bought 10 more sticks from them off cbid last night

>> No.16559729

In USA, cigarettes are rasist

>> No.16559789

Don't forget to smoke it out of a churchwarden to complete the full middle earth faggot larp

>> No.16559796
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>Don't forget to smoke it out of a churchwarden to complete the full middle earth faggot larp

>> No.16561047


>> No.16561302

L. J. Peretti Royal, Tashkent, Oriental #40, and Cuba Mixture
McConnell Oriental, Scottish Cake, and Latakia Flake
Balkan Sasieni
Dunhill (now Peterson) Navy Rolls
Rattray Black Mallory, Red Rapparee, Accountant's Mixture, Old Gowrie, and Exotic Passion
Bengal Slices
Fribourg & Treyer Special Brown Flake
Mac Baren Navy Flake
W. O. Larsen Signature Mixture
Robert Lewis Tree Mixture and Orcilla

Ignore anyone who shills Seattle Pipe Club or Pease - they're both Cornell & Diehl shit pushed by internet "influencers".

>> No.16561561
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the goat

>> No.16561808

It’s a camel retard

>> No.16562039

for it was the crush

>> No.16562072

>disparages Pease
>likes Shat Barren and Shieterson

>> No.16562080

I tried getting into pipe smoking but sucked at it. Could never really get into the nuance of it. Cigars and cigarillos are kino though. Would only smoke cigarettes if I could roll my own and make it extra strong and tasty with some good tobacco.

>> No.16562375
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picrel are the best

>> No.16562391

lol indonesian is such a silly language.
Also if you like cloves just roll your own kretek, it isn't difficult and you can avoid all the horseshit additives.

>> No.16562464

>light cigarettes
Not gonna make it.

>> No.16562505

How do I get into smoking? Is there a flowchart or guide I can follow?

>> No.16562536

smoking what

>> No.16562553


>> No.16562566

Why would you willingly want to get into smoking
It’s shit for your lungs and your body, and it’s very easy to become addicted, and once you’re addicted the cravings never really go away, even if you do manage to quit. It’s fucking shit man, don’t get into this just because it seems fun. It’s not worth it.

>> No.16562685

Not him but I imagine it's not pleasant to smoke then put on a mask to go inside. That smell trapped on your nose all day would be ass to me. Also, I've smoked several cigars and having to do so outside in the cold isn't really enjoyable and I imagine the 3 minutes a smoker takes isn't great either.

>> No.16562729

Why are you so dismissive of Pease and praise average blends like Peterson, Sasieni and Larsen?
What Pease have you actually tried?

>> No.16562734

>It’s shit for your lungs and your body
Prove it.
>and it’s very easy to become addicted
Prove it.
>you’re addicted the cravings never really go away, even if you do manage to quit. It’s fucking shit man, don’t get into this just because it seems fun. It’s not worth it.
False. I've quit smoking for year long periods and have had no urges to redose. Sounds like you're low IQ.

>> No.16562769

no shit that guy is fucking batso. I don't even smoke pipe anymore, but if I was ever going to have 1 more bowl it would probably be Maltese Falcon or Union Square

>> No.16562900

How much should you space out smoking a pack to not get addicted from it? Is one cig per day too much already?

>> No.16562930

So I've recently gotten in the habit of putting straight cigarette tobacco in my pipes and smoking 50% weed 50% American spirit. Not even to save weed, just cause I'm enjoying it more. How much trash am I?

>> No.16562936 [DELETED] 
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camels on the border of turkey!

>> No.16562962

addiction is more about the ritual/routine. it starts with boredom, then meals, then bathroom breaks, then blinking, then etc. etc. better to see it as a treat/reward for finishing something and not something to fill the time.

>> No.16562973

Back in the day Sampoerna Extra were the best. Do those still exist?

>> No.16562983

The only Pease blend I smoked was Gaslight, I loved it at first smoke and no Dunhill/Peterson blend came close (I do like Dunhill and Peterson don't get me wrong but it's no comparison). It's been a few years since I actually smoked some and I have a 5 year old Gaslight tin looking like it's ready to burst, it's literally expanded like a years old can of fruit.
Maltese Falcon and Quiet Nights is on my to-do list, Union Square worth it as well?
There's nothing like getting your tobacco in big ol' plug and carving it up for yourself, I'd recommend Gaslight to any English blend lovers reading this.

>> No.16562997

Is it a bad idea to smoke whenever I do something really fun, e.g. on festivals or when camping? Those are the situations where I would like it the most, but I fear that I can never enjoy them without smoking again

>> No.16562999

>less cancerous
Big doubt on that one, even tho it is true still not enough time passed to know for sure

>> No.16563092 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16563093

do it before or after you do fun thing. make nicotine your bitch.

>> No.16563106

>Union Square
its an all virginia on par with Samuel Garwith Full Virginia Flake

>> No.16563117 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16563128 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16563197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16563226

fucking classic

>> No.16563441
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I'm quitting smoking. This time for real.

>> No.16563927

Let's start a pill popping general since drug discussion is allowed on this board apparently. Ironically it would be slightly less off topic since you at least swallow pills, like food.

>> No.16563955

Advil are delicious, its so hard to stop at ten.

>> No.16563971
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Irish Dew lads

>> No.16564164

This isn’t the 1960’s, no one is gonna just believe you when you say stuff like that anymore.

>> No.16564182
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does anyone have any experience with these?
I want to purchase one but apparently it's a real hassle to get the type of tobacco needed for it since it's illegal to export out of japan.

>> No.16564699
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>> No.16565311

it gets easier and easier every time

>> No.16565336

my grandfather smoked one, he was japanese.
Its a short smoke like 4-5 puffs a bowl.

>> No.16565365


>> No.16565369

I think you need glasses pal

>> No.16565378

i stopped trying to quit
it is what it is
i fucking hate that i started
i'm going to be a disgusting weirdo skinny smoker for my entire adult life

>> No.16565385

no way are you serious?

>> No.16565494

Because they're actually shit and people who larp buy them because they're cheap

>> No.16565499

Oh look its this moron again.

>> No.16565545
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>Because they're actually shit and people who larp buy them because they're cheap

>> No.16565627

It's real, breh

>> No.16565688

I don't understand that shit. Just stop buying cigarrettes. What are you gonna do go rob a store for a pack or use colillas from the ground? Just stop buying and stay away from smokers. Go do something you smoke when bore (or stressed) so even if you get stressed you will not get back cause you don't havr fucking ciggies. Is as simple as that

>> No.16565763

Woah, just don’t buy the cigarettes!
Why have I never thought of that !!

>> No.16566263

smoking is literally the only thing I still enjoy in life why the fuck would I quit for my health when I'd probably just blow brains out from no longer having anything that I enjoyed in life

>> No.16566303

Nothing special. Rolling Rock. Drinking it again tonight. Cheers!

>> No.16566352

It's a money drain tho

>> No.16566639

Try getting a hobby, no one is going to make your life more interesting or fun for you, you’re the master of yourself.
If you want to continue being miserable and use smoking as an escape than so be it, but nothing will ever change and this will be your entire life.
You CAN change, you can make your life interesting and fulfilling and fun and an adventure, but you have to put in the effort to achieve these things, it will not come down from the sky.
You do not need to be wealthy to have these things, you just need to cultivate the right mindset in order to drive you, which you CAN do, you are not broken, you may feel that way but that is because you are stuck in your current mindset and you don’t see any way out.
You can get out though.

>> No.16566945

Money you enjoy spending is not wasted poorfag. Some morons blow thousands taking their fat wives and dumb kids to disneyland. You can't tell me they're having a better time than grilling and smoking rare nicuraguans.

>> No.16566993

There's only so much bootstrapping an atomized individual can do. You zero control over your thoughts a moderate amount for desires. You have zero control over your genetics, upbringing, and people around you. Some people got dealt shit hands in every category and can't recover.

>> No.16567075

You absolutely do not have zero control over your thoughts, you can 100% train your thinking, it takes time and effort and practice every day but you can change automatic pathways in your brain, Dr. Thomas A. Richards has a really good course for this, it’s designed for social anxiety but it’s applicable to all kinds of automatic negative thinking. You can find the torrent for his audio tapes and the PDF of the workbook if you search for it.

>> No.16567204

All of our activites in life are for killing time and to distract ourselves from thinking about reality and to function as slabs of meat
Only your ego justifcations is telling you that your way to live life is more meaningful or correct
addiction, becoming a better human, work, thinking that what you do, what your actions are mean something
it's all the same, stop lying to yourself, you've just surronded yourself with more layers of distractions and justifcations, for good reason

>> No.16568042

I'm a poorfag tho. Money is tight. I need to stop smoking. But I enjoy the fuck out of it.

>> No.16568939

>grilling and smoking
Maximum comfort

>> No.16569061

So stash back 5 nice sticks in a tupperware with a boveda pack. You are no longer habitually smoking, you are habitually looking for the PERFECT time to light up something nice. When you get down to the last cigar, order another 5 pack or sampler.

>> No.16569818
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>> No.16569909

To any and all fellow cigar smokers. I want to run something by you.
What do you prefer to light your cigars with?
>regular store matches (including light anywhere, strike-on box)
>Zippo or similar fuel flame lighter
>Cigar specialty matches

>> No.16569971

The reason lighters have such a bad name when it comes to lighting cigars is because gasoline lighters used to be the ubiquitous type. This was a problem because gasoline flame leaves a very distinct and unpleasant odor on a cigar. Butane lighters, however, are practically odorless so now that they're what everyone has it's no longer an issue to use a lighter to light cigars.

>> No.16569980

bic lighter

>> No.16569988

Dammit, I knew I had forgotten a lighter type.
I use either cigar matches (box gift from my last ex) or my zippo (regular not butane) if I'm extremely lazy.
On that same note, I watched in amusement as a friend attempted to light a cigar with a Zippo arc lighter the previous weekend. Good for general fire starting and cigs. But not for cigars.

>> No.16569995

Butane torch, preferably flat flame.

>> No.16570035

used to love smoking hookah/shisha with my bros. we'd hit up a local cafe, play some card games, drink some mint tea.

miss it so much. don't think it's ever going to happen again. t. covid.

currently smoking a shitty roll up and drinking a tea, browsing.

>> No.16570163

Why not pick up a nice little setup for your house? Get some plastic tips and party like its the good old days.

>> No.16570299
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get your foot off of it you sick cunt.

>> No.16570555

Waiting on a snus order is hard. Broke down and paid 48 leaves for a tin of American chew. That shit sucks so hard. Tastes like shit and you got to spit like an uncultured cunt every minute. Anyone who dips should be shot on sight. I should be shot for paying that. Hope my shit comes soon.

>> No.16570590

i find the flavor of weed and tobacco to synergize excellently. shame i hate the high from marijuana, i love mixing the two.

>> No.16570624

Low income people smoke these

>> No.16570738

I smoke American Spirits myself, got the light green ones but I switch on & off from menthol to non menthol every now & then. Have been cutting down though because I want to quit soon. Went without for like 2 days but I caved & bought a few packs yesterday, haven't smoked much though

>> No.16571087


>> No.16571202

What blend did Einstein smoke?

>> No.16571227

Bought some lucky strikes today. You faggots made me start smoking again

>> No.16571232
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>> No.16571370

And so Epiphany is the modern equivalent?

>> No.16571439

There are a few imitations in production.
NB: Smoking a pipe to imitate a pop-science kike fraud is even worse than doing it to LARP as a middle-earth wizard.
I'm sure you have your own unique reasons though, so no worries anon :^)

>> No.16571495

>this, I'm on 24mg and I've never gotten the same buzz from cigs
and you never will becaues tobacco also contains some naturally occuring MAOIs, which are a class of anti-depressant drugs. they act synergically with the nicotine. it also makes cigs more addictive.

vaping is based tho, fuck everyone who hates it for no reason. I love it.

>> No.16571723

>t. doesnt understand how pipes work

>> No.16573037


>> No.16573085

Just ignore him, he endlessly seethes about corn cob pipes and other trivial things for no reason

>> No.16573086

I use to get a buzz from vaping. Now only time I can ever feel it is if I'm drunk enough. I've stopped since it was doing nothing for me.

>> No.16573237

I like a lighter that does torch and sift flame.
The torch is good for toasting and touch ups, but I prefer a soft flame for that first light up.

>> No.16574008

properly humidified, how long can a cigar stay good?

>> No.16574017

some vape juices have tobacco particulates and so I would imagine you'd be more likely to get a buzz from them

>> No.16574066

The guy at Cigar Obsession says that he notices a drastic decline in flavor after cigars have been aging for 5 years, but that’s with new world cigars so I don’t know about Cubans. But as far as being purely smokeable then I assume that as long the proper humidity and temperature are maintained and cigar beetle eggs don’t hatch they should last indefinitely

>> No.16574112

I posted a 9 year old phantom in this thread. One of my top 5 of all time.

>> No.16574162

before JFK put the embargo on cuba, he had his staff buy every single cuban cigar in every single cigar store they could get to. those cigars JFK never got to smoke are still around today. most of them were bouvht by wealthy Hong Kong film producers and sit in their collections.

>> No.16574308

what's the purpose of testing pH, just curious?

>> No.16574309

That doesn't mean they're any good. There's still wines from like Thomas Jefferson's cellars that are collectible items but no ones going to drink it.

>> No.16574338

i just bought some turkish royals for the first time, my first different brand after 6 months of spirits

smell incredible but they don't really have much of a taste

>> No.16574355

specials >>>> blacks

>> No.16574420

not him but corncobs are actually shit, I don't get why people here have such a boner for them. Enjoy your fisher-price pipe

>> No.16574424
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>not him but corncobs are actually shit, I don't get why people here have such a boner for them. Enjoy your fisher-price pipe

>> No.16574446
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> soyposting
the irony

>> No.16574458
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>the irony

>> No.16574490
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keep posting please

>> No.16574511
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>keep posting please

>> No.16574537
File: 125 KB, 900x900, 90F2D8AF-3EB0-4134-8101-36F4BEC62506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I do seethe over corn cob pipes on an anonymous cooking forum, how did you know?

>> No.16574585

Why are you so butthurt? Everytime someone mention how shit cobs are you instareply with wojak. Are you paid by MM or are you a good golem that monitor /tbg/ for free?

still order of magnitude less soy than the cobs smoker

>> No.16574667

>“Why are you so butthurt?”
>mass replies

>> No.16574694


>> No.16574699


>> No.16574702


>> No.16574742


>> No.16574756


>> No.16574765


>> No.16574785


>> No.16574806


>> No.16574824


>> No.16574829


>> No.16574981

wine spectator actually pulled the cork on one that had come up for auction a decade or so ago.

>> No.16576133

Try Marb Southern Cuts. Smell amazing and taste pretty great, too. I only notice a taste on Turkish Royals if I exhale through my nose, so maybe try that? ymmv

>> No.16576536

Has anyone ever gotten a grab bag or random sampler? Thinking of getting this one, but not sure if it is just a scam or something.


>> No.16576836

Hey guys, anyone have any recs for good starter cigars? Lookin for a guy in his early 30s and two mid age women

>> No.16577192
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i quit smoking ages ago and never looked back but sometime miss filterless camels. but the fact that they stained my teeth permanently yellow really helped me quit. something to mull over, fellow anons that want to quit.