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[ERROR] No.16547066 [Reply] [Original]

>have some vegan co-workers
>some of them are pretty fat like me
>they supposedly have been vegan for 10+ years
how does this shit happen? do they just end up eating lots of beans to the point of getting fat?
i generally assume that vegans cant really get to that fatass status like some dude that eats pizza and fried chicken all day.

>> No.16547080

You would be surprised what shitty food they eat.
I see vegetarians eating a fuck ton of dairy/pizza, and i see vegans eat tons of deep fried non meats items, covered in mounds of ketchup etc.

>> No.16547102

alcohol, most likely.
also a lot of vegan ""food"" is just empty calories.

>> No.16547112

they probably and only eat that fake meat shit which is nothing but carbs

>> No.16547254

Doesnt surprise me. I was at my fattest on a vegetarian diet.
You get told animal products are the only thing that makes you fat and if you are a retard you believe it.

>> No.16547581

Nuts and sugars. A friend of mine is vegan and he always eat nuts. Coconut and cashew and peanuts. Its extremely fat and so he does become fat. He also put sugar everywhere because vegan food is EXTREMELY bland. So agave, mapple and corn sirup. He also drink "Fruit juice" but its not fruit its just extract with even more sugars and calories.

>> No.16547596

probably because all the alternative meats are all refined starches. All processed foods are shitty for your health regardless of whether they're vegan/vegetarian/meated

>> No.16547604

you're missing the obvious. it's the same junk food that everyone else eats. you can be vegan and still get fat as fuck on chips, soda, icecream, etc.

>> No.16547650

Probably, I also was constantly hungry and adopted my binge eating disorder from that time. Thank god I wisened up and quit. More meat I ate, less I binged. No other way around it.

>> No.16547993

>You get told animal products are the only thing that makes you fat and if you are a retard you believe it.
Literally nobody claims this, ketotard.

>> No.16548017

you're an abject retard carbnigger

>> No.16548046

lol subhuman fattie scared of bread is mad

>> No.16548054

not at all you're just braindead. unwittingly spouting cocoa cola talking points. bravo

>> No.16548060

>there is only vegan or keto. Omnivory is a spook made up by the jews

>> No.16548064

>vegan or keto.
this is a false equivalence. one of these diets will leave you emaciated and malnourished while the other cuts body fat and increases lean mass

>> No.16548067

>there is only vegan or keto. Omnivory is a spook made up by the jews

Fuck vegans, fuck ketards.

>> No.16548069

keto is not carnivore diet retard

>> No.16548300

Just eating a normal omnivorous diet isn't keto, fag.

>> No.16548544

You spelled faggot wrong....

>> No.16548607

keto could be vegan, carnivore or omnivore so I have no idea what you're on about try adding some cyanide to your coffee should help things along

>> No.16548654

I quit drinking coffee after my best friend died

>> No.16548661

Most vegans eat nothing but carbs. Figure it
out from there. I new a vegan who hated vegetables.

>> No.16548664

As much as I hate keto I wouldn't say it makes you malnourished, just more likely to buy nootropics and participate in pyramid schemes.

>> No.16548718

I was talking about the other one

>> No.16549461

>who hated vegetables.

>> No.16549642

By eating more than you need to.

>> No.16549989

potato chips are vegan

>> No.16550027

Vegan here
I hate those fuckers with a passion
A vegan diet can literally improve your quality of life if conducted correctly but most of these fuckers just eat whatever new hip beyond meat fuckery and vegan candy
They are too lazy to properly plan and cook their meals but pray their veganism to gain some form of non-existent moral high ground
I hate them since they put a bad light on vegans like me who just don't like meat that much but still properly cook to have nutritional and tasty meals, fuck em do much bros

>> No.16550030

candy is vegan

>> No.16550079

>Vegan here
where do you get your B12?

>> No.16550089

Some soi-beverages get enriched with it, there's also b12 toothpaste, I admit, it's the only vitamin you can't get just via vegetables but it's manageable to get your intake with the examples I stated rather than taking supplements

>> No.16550200

Veganism is good but it's just not for Americans. They are too retarded and too addicted to eating for it. They cannot view food as just fuel, that's why American vegans can only do it by either getting fat or making it their whole personality and lifestyle.

>> No.16551209

i knew someone who only ate chips and french fries

>> No.16552051

Based, I don't know where this malnourished meme came from

>> No.16552059
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>> No.16552101

They eat nothing but carbs; pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, etc. Not to be a keto fag, but carbs are also usually high calorie. Vegans who eat mostly veg and fruit are also getting a lot of sugar but not necessarily too many calories, but combine that with huge amounts of pasta and rice and bread and starchy veg as well as snacks like chips and it's easy to be very fat and vegan. I had a female vegan friend from school who was like 5'1" and 400lbs and never fucking shut up about how healthy her vegan diet was when all she ate was chips and vegan cake and rice bowls. We stopped being friends after years of my my wife, who spent a bunch of time trying to cook vegan-friendly things for her, getting shit-talked by her for how "unhealthy" her food was. My wife is a waifish tiny thing who barely eats and this cow I met in college would not stop going on about how unhealthy it was for her to cook chicken. Eventually I had enough of it and said if she was going to insult my wife's cooking she could just not come eat it, and then she sperged out on Facebook and I havent seen or talked to her in like 3 years.

That's why no one likes vegans.

>> No.16552107
File: 193 KB, 500x500, download (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are either American or you are a foreigner.
Based and patriot pilled

>> No.16552113


>> No.16552117

>Vegan here
>I hate

>> No.16552145
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