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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16545897 [Reply] [Original]

I can't cook and don't even know where to start...

>> No.16545905

Small. Try something like an omlette and slowly work your way up

>> No.16545933

Literally start anywhere. Pick a thing you want to cook, get a recipe, and try following the directions.
Why are people so scared to do fucking anything these days?

>> No.16545959

Follow a recipe anon but follow it to the t because if you don’t add ingredients, substitute ingredients, get the time and heat wrong etc it’ll turn out shitily but if you make a good dish it’ll boost your confidence. For me, cooking is like 90% confidence.

>> No.16545970

First crack the eggs in a small bowl and make sure there are no egg shells in there
add salt to the eggs
put some butter in the pan
turn on the heat
cover all the pan with the butter when it melts
add the eggs and mix the shit out of them with a non-metalic spatula or similar
they are done when the eggs are not liquid anymore.

>> No.16545988
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You know how some shit from childhood you never get over? I never got over feeling bad for stuffed animals. I feel bad now.

>> No.16545993

I don't recommend this anon's shitty basic as fuck recipe. You'll get a superior omelette by blending a chicken stock cube (or powder) with some worcheshire sauce or maggi sauce. Blend the 4 eggs together just a little as to not completely homogenize the mixture. And then cook in a nonstick pan with a good amount of oil. Don't bother with butter until you're more advance.

>> No.16546017

Pork chops. Arguably the most newfag friendly food. 1" thick, 3 minutes on either side. If there's an appreciable amount of fat on an edge then stick that on the pan for a minute. All you really need is salt, applied before cooking, and pepper applied after.

Same here, it's hard not to humanize them. I'll probably keep mine until I die and really that's just passing a hard choice onto someone else.

>> No.16546028

cook your favorites and start with simple recipes like pancakes or something

>> No.16546056

It's supposed to be basic, and butter is what gives it flavor.

>> No.16546080

It's really hard to fuck up ground beef.
Browning up a pound in a skillet can give you a good idea about the temperature of your range and give you confidence for real meat.
Then just add a can of premade pasta sauce and turn down the heat to learn how to simmer shit, add to noodles, and enjoy a nice spaghetti.

>> No.16546103

This is too hard for some people I know because of the lack of measurements.
>how much salt???
>some butter?? what does that mean???
>how much heat???
But then you spell everything out for them and cooking is "too hard".

>> No.16546270
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Find a cookbook that interests you, and watch some cooking shows. Maybe start with some crockpot meals. They're typically easy and tasty. You will be impressed with yourself.

>> No.16546283

I'm the same way and I deal some pretty horrible things daily at work. I'm glad I'm the only one.

>> No.16546287
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You can do it anon. Here is my first attempt at this.
A bit fucked, because I cooked it for like 35 minutes because I assumed it would need 45 to 50, but 30 would probably enough, so most of onions burned up (maybe I should add them a bit later...). Some potatoes also burned up a but inside was very tasty anyway.

>> No.16546288
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>Download "Gordon Ramsay Masterclass" Torrent
>Watch: Jacques Pepin Essentials
>Subscribe to KQED
Make your way through the new Pepin "cooking at home" videos, his older Fast Food My Way series and the Yan Can Cook series.
>Subscribe to Chef John
Just about anything you could think to want to cook he's done a recipe for.
>bbq, burgers, meat cooking that can be recreated on stovetop frypan\oven.

Ramsay, Pepin, John & Yan will introduce you to variety of techniques from basic to expert tier, ingredients of all values with the core techniques of classic French, modern Western/American and Asian cooking. Alton Brown's series are also interesting and informative.
Avoid cross-contamination. Raw chicken & pork are most dangerous & avoid re-using equipment that touched raw meat with other ingredients.
When you first start use sunflower oil in your cooking.
Clean the worksurface & equipment as you go.

As for utensils, find a commercial restaurant supply store:
>Pair of 8 inch chef knives. Basic 420 or 440C (aka AUS-10) steel then upgrade after your beginner stage.
>A honing rod. 12 inch stainless steel shouldn't cost much.
>Small pairing knife
>Measuring spoon set
>Small saucepan, large saucepan and stockpot 7 or 8 litre/quart. These should be stainless steel with glass or steel lids
>10 inch frypan & 5 inch frypan, non-stick or ceramic to start with
>Oven roasting tray
>Never use glass or pyrex, they will explode on you at some point
>Aluminium baking sheet tray
>Bamboo cutting board
>Plastic board for chicken/pork
>Whisk, peeler, ladle, spatulas, stirring spoon
>Metal bowls
>Large microwave bowl for cheap rice cooking (2.5 cup water per 1 rice, high for 11 minutes with a stir halfway)

>> No.16546290

I have them all in the box, I guess I just couldn't throw them away.

>> No.16546301

I miss the days when I could ascribe things rich internal lives with such ease. That ended for me when I was ten and my mom decided I was too old for stuffed animals (to even have em in my room, not even play with em) and gave them to the dog to destroy/hump.

>> No.16546336

post soitits you fucking manchildren

>> No.16546351

You can say soy here, newfag.

>> No.16546358

No one asked manchild
>oooohhh no he was mean about my stuffywuffies better deflect!

>> No.16546365

They're from xxy and estrogen not soy

>> No.16546427

From what, your off topic soy obsession? You are a person of low quality.

>> No.16547198

>discussing his wittle babby stuffie wuffie age playing garbage
>on topic
Pot. Meet kettle.

>> No.16547540

>age play
You're the one talking like a baby. Something you want to get off your chest?

>> No.16547574

You start. That's it. Doesn't matter with what. Doesn't matter if it seems too complicated. Whether it's because you crave something, see food porn online, see something simple OR complicated and want to try replicating it, just fucking pick something and start. Google whatever you have an idea of with "recipe" followed after. Look up a youtube video recipe. But you have to start. What are you hungry for?

>> No.16547598
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>no you

>> No.16547695
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>Pot. Meet kettle.

>> No.16547712

of course its a trannycord fag posting like this

>> No.16548233
File: 536 KB, 768x719, 22D21CBC-89DE-47E8-ABCE-C6D390E90EB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course its a trannycord fag posting like this

>> No.16548337

I started frying some chicken and adding in premade curry sauce from a jar
Then went on to add some extra veg to the curry to bulk it up
Then went on to just using the premade as a base and added some extra spices
Then finally I was making my own curry with tomatoes, spices, vegetables etc

Did something similar with pasta, eventually I looked up recipes to see what people were adding that I wasn’t, eventually I just got into the habit of learning how to follow recipes and when to mix it up, and what each kind of ingredient will do to a dish.
Nowadays I can look at the ingredients list for a recipe and have a pretty good idea of how to cook it just from that.

>> No.16548759

Tuna steaks.
>Buy thick ones
>A bit of salt on one side
>50/50 butter and olive oil in a pan with peppercorns
>~1tbsp each, melt the butter on med-low heat and let the peppercorns sit for a while
>Put the steaks in salted side down
>Set timer for 90 seconds
>Salt other side
>Flip steaks
>90 more seconds
>Let rest for a few minutes

>> No.16549937

You see comrade, cooking is simple. All you do is throw stuff into a pot at certain times and at certain amounts and heat it. For a better reference, Life Of Boris has a bunch of cooking videos that will get you established on cooking. Some of his meals happen to be 1-pan 3-ingredient dishes that are dirt cheap.

>> No.16549946

fry an egg, desu

>> No.16549966

Boil an egg

>> No.16550146

if you can use a stove, boil some eggs
the only way you could fuck up is overcooking them and even then you lost what, 1 or 2 eggs and 20 minutes so what? even the clean up is easy like rinse out 1 pot i guess
you can google yolk consistencies and heat levels or experiment to figure out your specific stove settings for the perfect egg