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[ERROR] No.16537623 [Reply] [Original]

is there a reason to eat anything other than meat?

>> No.16537628

Yes, minerals, vitamins

>> No.16537631


>> No.16537635

I will die late
Unlike you

>> No.16537636

Yes. Fibre. Also carbs. It's funny everyone on the carnivore diet is either some lardass redditor trying to lose weight on meme diets, or some dyel skinnyfat loser who thinks eating only meat will make him more masculine.

>> No.16537646
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You're saying that like it's a good thing, you mentally crippled fuck.
Meat can provide you with almost anything you really need. Add eggs and dairy to it and you are set.
Yes. Especially organs. I would add the dairy and eggs to it though, maybe some vegetable of your choice, could be anything. Fuck the grains, fuck the vegan and keto subhumans..

>> No.16537649


>> No.16537650

funny imagining every one of those guys walking around with assholes that resemble the mouths of subway tunnels from a diet of acorn flour, chicken and protein shakes

>> No.16537654

yes, at the very least to season the meat and make stews

>> No.16537659

That would be the grain eating subhumans that shit more times than they eat.

>> No.16537664

>Calls people tranny for no reason
>Wants to die early
Hmmm, projecting perhaps?

>> No.16537671
File: 125 KB, 600x450, Painted-Mountain-Corn-Image-from-Dave-Christensen-IMG_1305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you hate food that looks like this anon\
grains are some of the most aesthetic food there is

>> No.16537673

? Check your eyes or take your meds

>> No.16537676

Offal is more nutritious in some ways. Liver provides way more iron and vitamin A than meat for example. Kidney is a lot higher in B12.

>> No.16537679

eating the shitters of animals and nothing else can't be that great

>> No.16537698

did you make this thread just to seethe at people who don't agree with your retarded view?

>> No.16537700
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x3264, calad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, just avoid seed oils as much as humanly possible, and carbs most of the time, if you want a sweet potato fries once a month go ahead (air fried in tallo ofc) or a salad or something, I ate carnivore for about 46 days before I got super bored with it, and ate a cesar salad today (it had those seed oils I should avoid :( ), didnt make me feel particularly good, but it was a nice treat

>> No.16537706

most people on carnivore are doing it cause they have some weird health issue like autoimmune or something, not me, im doing it as a meme diet

>> No.16537709

>nooo don't eat seed oils they're literally poison even though billions of people have them every day without problem
t. Dr Chud, MD

>> No.16537712


>> No.16537720

>people on carnivore are doing it cause they have some weird health issue like autoimmune
this meme started on joe rogan, guests peterson and his mentally ill daughter. claimed that it cured their autoimmune disorder. total busllhit

>> No.16537721

Yeah, dairy and eggs are good.

>> No.16537735

that just popularized it, it started in 2007 on the zeroing in on health forum

>> No.16537743


>> No.16537750


depends on if you dont mind getting a bad case of the gout and a heart condition

>> No.16537759

I didn't say eat nothing else. If you eat too much liver you can start overdosing on iron and vitamin A. But it's good to eat a little bit of it once in a while.

>> No.16537797

the meat floods your blood with the acid, but it wont crystallize on carnivore, switch abruptly to a sugary diet and watch the feet explode

>> No.16537800


>> No.16537817

True, and especially organ meats.

>> No.16538290

>claimed that it cured their autoimmune disorder. total busllhit
you never know they might've been allergic to wheat or something else in their diet and carnivore was just an easy way to cut all the crap out
seed oils (polyunsaturated fats) increase risk of death multiple clinical trials have shown this
An all meat diet can be fine but if you want optimal nutrition you likely want to include lots of fish with high omega-3 and the occasional organ meats. eggs and dairy are good too. green vegetables aren't a bad thing to include as well but aren't strictly necessary

>> No.16538458

>and a heart condition
the clinical trials are quite clear saturated fat does NOT cause heart disease...
>bad case of the gout
pretty sure high fructose is a stronger risk for gout than loads of meat and protein with purines

>> No.16538555

dairy causes obesity

>> No.16538602

amazing, amazing AMAZING!!!!

>> No.16538654

yeah maybe skim milk, but, cheese and full fat dairy are fine if you're not lactose intolerant

>> No.16538702

nope, skim milk is the worst, but if you are not losing weight on carnivore cut dairy

>> No.16538707

yeah that's what I meant probably wasn't clear from my shit grammar

>> No.16538711


>> No.16538741

You’re not a cat dude. Cut the bullshit unless you want your kidneys to hurt like hell lmao

>> No.16538766

having any dietary restriction whatsoever means youre a picky faggot
cope more carnifags
NOOOOOO I can’t eat a pie that has GRAINS im a BIG MAN and only eat ORGANS!!!
tastelets get what you fucking deserve

>> No.16538795

too much methionine, organ meats fixes that though

>> No.16538818

Fuggin slew 'im

>> No.16538838

Ayyyy gottem

>> No.16538842

>your kidneys to hurt like hell lmao
High carb diets will wreck you kidneys not a high fat or high meat diet

"We found evidence that LCDs for people with T2D may improve many renal and cardiovascular risk factors."

>> No.16538848

Too based for the thread

>> No.16538855

yeah except for that epidemic of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc. its probably not the meat causing it as well as meat and animal foods being the most nutritious

>> No.16538871

>not a high fat or high meat diet
that just wrecks your gall bladder and liver respectively
humans are omnivores. we eat a bit of everything. if you eat exclusively meat you're just meming yourself into some sorta long term problem with your gut health.
Also fiber makes shitting less of a dreaded chore that requires a long book and a cigarette to finish

>> No.16538877


>> No.16538880

its unreal everything you've said is wrong

>> No.16538973

You will die without vitamin C
It's called scurvy
Yes Lions live on pure meat, but they're meant to as their bodies literally manufacture vitamin C and ours don't because we're meant to eat lots of fresh fruit and fresh veggies.

>> No.16539055

1)theres vitamin c in meat
2)you need less vitamin c if you dont consume glucose
3)if you dont have enough carnitine in your diet, your body will create it from vitamin c

>> No.16539151

the Bellevue experiments disproved this. only a small amount of vitamin C is necessary if you are not eating a highly insulin stimulating diet basically what >>16539055 said

>> No.16539176

go pass a basic bio class then twit

>> No.16539179


used to work in the health industry, when people are low mood, weak, chronic depressed one of the main things recommend is red meat because there are essential b vitamins which help body absorb iron lift mood and feel more balanced.

i believe it was riboflavin but i cant remember

>> No.16539198

holy shit you faggots are almost as bad as vegans

>> No.16539228

difference is an all meat diet won't leave you malnourished and stunted... but sure we're just as bad as the vegans.

>> No.16539283
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young girls in the US are most likely to be vegan or vegetarian and most likely to be deficient in vital nutrients best sourced in animal foods. is this just a coincidence?

>> No.16539290

I dont tell people they have to eat only meat, I even tell them they dont have to be carb-phobic like the tards on r/keto, I just regurgitate points ive heard and follow, if they still think its gay, I dont really care

but I hate the vegans, if they fuck with my meat supply by implementing taxes or something, dont know what im going to do, I already spend a lot more on food now than when I ate crap like ramen and chunky soup

>> No.16539295

I also noticed girls are more likely to be carnivore, I have two theories

1) the female reproduction system has a innate craving for meats and fat

2) girls are just more likely to fall for meme diets