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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16534322 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans eat this?

>> No.16534333
File: 2.29 MB, 2739x4026, 4C701820-3242-48B5-98C0-4F651B2F6549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a streetshitting Hindu?
Because any country that eats beef has something nearly identical.
This is Lithuanian

>> No.16534342

Why not?

>> No.16534347
File: 33 KB, 500x381, tushonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16534355

??? Do t Brits & Irish also eat corned beef hash?

>> No.16534392

Brits and Irish eat your mom's ass

>> No.16534402

Havent had that in years. I loved fried hash with runny eggs as a kid. Might be grossed out now

>> No.16534431

I use it for fried rice sometimes.

>> No.16534432

My mom's ass is reddit

>> No.16534434
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Yes, but it's not sloppa.

>> No.16534442

This shit is insanely salty. I love it but I have to eat some runny eggs on top of it or the salt just overpowers it.

>> No.16534487

>corned beef hash
I prefer roast beef hash, it has less sodium

>> No.16534608

If I have to go canned I'll do roast beef. But a good homemade corned beef hash is literal food perfection. Last-meal worthy.

>> No.16534673

It's cheap and tasty

>> No.16534708
File: 21 KB, 656x384, images - 2021-07-12T230340.864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone steals the can of hash

>> No.16534717


>> No.16534742

We have many food items in America which nobody actually buys or eats, but somehow the companies never go out of business. Whatever the fuck you posted is one of them, as well as Twinkies and Spam.

>> No.16534756
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, corned beef hash omelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do Americans eat this?

Because it's good.

>> No.16534770

Because properly prepared it is delicious. Just the right amount of crust and an egg on top is S tier breakfast. You should try it

>> No.16534778

Tushonka is pretty good brother. I bought a few cans on a whim and tried experimenting with it. I found the absolute most delicious way to eat it was to fry it up, scramble some eggs in separately, and then fold the scrambled eggs in with crumbled blue cheese right at the end. Pure concentrated flavor bomb.

>> No.16534787


It's canned hash retard. That's like saying all ravioli is Chef Boyardee.

But it is pretty good, especially if you add onion to it.

>> No.16534792

tastes good.

>> No.16534802
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It's not THAT salty

>> No.16534853

Just because you only eat pizza rolls doesn’t mean the canned food aisle doesn’t get shoppers. Stop being an ugly loser and learn to cook.

>> No.16534863

Jesus, that's worse than I thought.
Loved it when young, but nearing 50 this shit becomes deadly.

>> No.16534873

Shit is cash, fry is hard then crack some eggs in a bowl and mix with seasoning then pour into hash while frying

>> No.16534878

mmm a day's worth of salt

>> No.16534897

To be fair, the DV for sodium has been lowered repeatedly over the last couple decades to a very conservative value of 2g. The average person with healthy kidneys who stays hydrated can consume several times more than that with no ill effects. I'm not saying you should, but salt isn't the harmful bogeyman they try to make it out to be unless you already have problems.

>> No.16534913

I usually make my own after mutt paddy's day but I have a few cans of the stuff in my cabin.
It's nice if you're going fishing all day through lunch and dinner and want something substantially filling for breakfast.

>> No.16535076

That’s actually brilliant

>> No.16535271

Looks good

>> No.16535284

It’s good

>> No.16535653

But this is really good I bought a few cans when corona started because of how the Americans were raving about it. I opened on to try and it was disgusting. I went to a thread to complain, and they told me I did not cook it right. I tried to cook it the American way and it was delicious. You need cast iron to be hot, and to spread it thin. The crust is important. When you flip only once, and you must immediately crack an egg over cooked side. Put pepper on it and eat the fried corned beef hash and steamed egg with black coffee.
Then it is delicious, it is amazing.

I ate the cans I bought for emergency supply. Now I order three cans online when I am out. I eat one every two to three months on a weekend as a special morning meal.

>> No.16535656

Ive never eaten that.

>> No.16536329

Yes we do but I've never seen it in a can, I'm not sure whether that's what OP is getting at though, I'd certainly be willing to give it a go, corned beef hash is delicious but I have it very rarely because of how much effort it takes to make it from scratch.

>> No.16537739
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Atta boy

>> No.16537748

>To be fair, the DV for sodium has been lowered repeatedly over the last couple decades to a very conservative value of 2g
it's literally 6 grams right now. it's always misinformed fucks that keep pushing this "salt is good for you!" meme

>> No.16537773

gonna try this

>> No.16537806
File: 48 KB, 645x729, 1509309951501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2350mg is 102% of 6 grams

>> No.16537845
File: 34 KB, 663x426, 1599094917172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally retarded. like literally. your iq must be below 70 or something.

>> No.16537862

You probably should have made it clear you were talking about sodium in terms of table salt. That would have helped make you look like less of a retard.

>> No.16537863

Are you trolling or are you genuinely this stupid? Can you not read labels? It contains 2350mg of salt per container (425g). >>16534802

I think you must genuinely be retarded because your picture doesn't even say what you think it does, how is 2325mg 96% of 6 grams?

>> No.16537885

This is it. The dumbest man on the internet.

>> No.16537888
File: 165 KB, 645x729, 1601186716217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trolling? i can't imagine someone being this slow

>> No.16537895

>how is 2325mg 96% of 6 grams?
lemme know when you pass high school chemistry

>> No.16537922

That's the correct/American way to make it. Otherwise it tastes like it looks. I usually have a couple of cans in the pantry, it makes great drunk or hangover food. It's gone up in price to about $4 USD a can at my local.

>> No.16537932

He said sodium, not salt, retard.

>> No.16537944

I've actually never even had the regular just the lower sodium and that shit is still salty as hell.

>> No.16537946

why is there an egg photo shopped in?

>> No.16538655
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, 5DC6783A-F516-4D3A-A0A0-881A327D61C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s fucking good