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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16533549 [Reply] [Original]

What's your personal food quirk? for me, I like cheese with honey

>> No.16533554

For me, it's a cucumber that's been up a woman's brapstinking ass

>> No.16533556

I put peanut butter in shrimp ramen.

I like mustard with sweet potato fries.

I don't like to eat with the lights off.

>> No.16533558

I like grilled cheese with ketchup

>> No.16533559

I add lettuce and tomato to my cheese and Vegemite sandwiches.

>> No.16533565

I will eat rice and salsa as a meal. My friend still bothers me about it cus he knew from eating lunch with him at work

I don't find it that weird, but apparently it is?

I guess I'd also have oatmeal with berries for lunch sometimes too though

>> No.16533591

is it ve-dje-might or va-dja-mity

>> No.16533592

I put hot sauce in everything not sweet.

>> No.16533596

This isn't too bad, most people eat grilled cheese with tomato soup anyway. I started to like grilled cheese with mustard a bit more though.

>> No.16533617

I dip my potato chips in ketchup, mostly Doritos. I also do the same thing as grilled cheese in ketchup guy. I just like ketchup.

>> No.16533624

Unboiled farfalles with Roquefort, especially Carles/Gabriel Couley
To be eaten one by one like doritos in guac

>> No.16533662

What kind of cheese? I like ricotta with honey. Not sure about honey on cheddar or something like that though.

>> No.16533670

>potato chips
Hmmm desu

>> No.16533676

>sautee onions and peppers
>take instamash potatoes like those cheap $1.50 a pack 4 cheese or something made by idahoan
>start boiling the right amount of water
>add bullion and spices
>add the dry potato mix
>when its fluffed up add the onions and peppers
>add more butter to the skillet i cooked the onions/peppers in
>burn the shit out of the mashed potatoes in the skillet
idk why, i just like it bros

>> No.16533681

I agree with eating with the lights off, it just feels wrong

>> No.16533684

BBQ sauce on a slice of white bread.

>> No.16533686

cheddar, the canned ones specifically

>> No.16533767

I love plain pasta with cheddar cheese on the side but not melted in, am I autistic?

>> No.16533893

Almonds and Red Cabbage. Literally tastes like marzipan.

>> No.16533894

I could pickle brine raccoon meat & make it taste good.

>> No.16534188

Peanut butter and sliced pickle sandwich. Haven't met anyone that doesn't think of me as an abomination for it. Am I truly alone in enjoying this?

>> No.16534202

>literally everyones childhood go-to snack
You may have missed the point of this thread fren

>> No.16534206


Gorgonzola with honey is actually a thing though.

>> No.16534235

I like bbq sauce on my mac n cheese

>> No.16534242
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I put massive amounts of raw white onions on sandwiches, burgers, and other items if I’m alone.

>> No.16534554
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Black pepper in green tea

>> No.16534965

Spoonful of peanut butter wrapped in salami

>> No.16536877

Spanish/Mexican rice or white rice with the salsa?

>> No.16536890

I put ketchup on toast instead of butter.

"Burn the shit out of" it like a fritter of latkes with mashed instead of shredded potatoes?

>> No.16536895

I like microwaving my salads

>> No.16536900

dipping fried chicken in maple syrup

>> No.16536905


>> No.16536911
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Why not throw some pancakes in there and have yourself a damn good breakfast?

>> No.16536915

peanut butter and chili on a hot dog

>> No.16536944

Same, spicy BBQ sauuuse

>> No.16536947

I like pancakes with pate, maybe some fresh dill thrown in. Alternatively there is this brand of pate I like that comes with melon seeds and dried cranberry, shit is fucking fire on pancakes.

>> No.16536949

Anything is delicious with cream and/or butter.

>> No.16536952

Meaning being cooked in them.

>> No.16536958

>"Burn the shit out of" it like a fritter of latkes with mashed instead of shredded potatoes?

>> No.16536961

What the fuck

>> No.16536994

no waffles bro

>> No.16537185

When my friend orders pizza he fucking wipes the cheese and sauce off and then puts Parmesan cheese on it. It fucking drives me nuts it’s so autistic. I ask him why the fuck he doesn’t just get a pizza without cheese and he says
>it’s not the same the cheese bakes the flavor into the crust

>> No.16537377

Getting my wedigo to fuck the succubus in the gay saunas
Oh wait wrong board

>> No.16537395

>the succubus in the gay saunas
You gays really know how to enjoy being degenerates. I'm impressed.

>> No.16537397

Bread and vanilla pudding

>> No.16538178

Pickles with peanut butter and hot sauce

>> No.16538192

If I'm having a normal day I leave a 20% tip and if I'm having a shit day I leave nothing. Whether or not I tip has nothing to do with the service.

>> No.16538198

The main ingredients of which are almonds and sugar.

>> No.16538215

cold pizza with a few drops of tabasco

>> No.16538249

That's not a quirk. That's perfectly normal.

>> No.16538297

I sometimes mixed leftover curry with mashed potatoes

>> No.16538326

Veggie might

>> No.16538341

Aloo masala and pav bhaji are actual Indian curry dishes.

>> No.16538343

Macaroni and cheese with apple sauce on the side

>> No.16538350

kino. Add some pulled pork with bbq sauce

>> No.16538352

You're right, and i've seen instant mashed potato that's curry flavoured and plenty of potato curries. People still give you weird looks for mixing mash and curry though.

>> No.16538404

I've never seen curry flavoured instant mash. I make my own with cumin and turmeric.

>> No.16538426


I've only ever seen it when looking around shit shops for a laugh, but i've never actually thought to flavour it myself as a home made dish.
I just chuck leftover curry and mash into a pot and heat it.

>> No.16538450

Microwave food is a big no from me.
If you make your curry mash at home, you will need to experiment with the amount of cumin and turmeric. The amount of spices depends on the amount of potatoes. Just keep adding and tasting.

>> No.16538455

Why do you eat with the lights off`?

>> No.16538474

Might just give it a go, maybe with some extra chili powder thrown in.

>> No.16538490

Don't overdo the chilli. You still want to taste the buttery mashed potatoes.

>> No.16538499

One of my favorite snacks is a can of great northern beans with tabasco.

>> No.16538503

As I said, you will have to experiment with quantities of spices. If you are making mash for 2, I start with a teaspoon of cumin and a teaspoon of turmeric. Then add extra as required depending on your taste.

>> No.16538552

Oddly enough i bought a potato ricer last week.
Might make some spiced lamb shanks and serve it with curried mash.

>> No.16538776

Ikr, gfs always give me a weird stare when they find out

>> No.16538808

ketchup cheetos with milk

>> No.16538811

Cheese and mustard sandwich

>> No.16538828

Cheese and mustard is a normal thing. Existed for decades.

>> No.16538829

I like to put anchovies and habaneros on those shitty 1$ Totinos pizzas.

>> No.16538899

I put a green tea bag in with my black coffee
It gets rid of the bad bitterness while keeping the good bitterness, and adds a nice smell

>> No.16539325

I'm back in love with the girl from Chick fil a. I don't even like the food, I just like seeing her smile :^)

>> No.16539512

for me its eating wings with one hand

>> No.16540569

I prefer to drink shit like Tang with a spoon like soup. I did it as a kid and now that's how I just do it.

>> No.16540584

I prefer to eat my pancakes and waffles with my hands. I rip the item and dip it into whatever condiment I am to eat it with before consumption.

>> No.16540591

this quirk presents much stronger in pancakes than in waffles. I really don't like eating pancakes with utensils, and I don't understand why people would pour syrup over pancakes instead of having it on the side to dip.

also, I prefer to eat waffles with whipped cream. always have. I am of average weight and build (bmi is 21 last I checked) and I do not partake in these foods often. It's just the biggest food quirk I can think of.

>> No.16540599

if you haven't tried dipping your mozzarella sticks in honey mustard you're missing out

>> No.16540614
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I am very particular when I make my own sandwiches: Fresh black pepper over a thin layer of mayo, vine-ripened tomato, never beefsteak, sliced thin but layered thick, with salt and pepper on top, and lettuce, which I'm the least picky about. I also curl/fold the meat like you see in stock images of cold cut sandwiches. Then I play my sandwich-eating song as I take my first bite.

>> No.16540619

for me, it's Cheap Charlie

>> No.16540621

Hunk of cheddar and an apple

>> No.16540626

I dip my fries in a mixture of mayo and bottled hot sauce

>> No.16540736

I used to cook salami with the fire on an open stovetop. like you would a tortilla.

>> No.16540781
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Chili dogs with chocolate milk

>> No.16540794
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>> No.16540864

beans in the pasta sometimes

>> No.16541003

What's your sandwich eating song?

>> No.16541014

Wow so quirky. Retard

>> No.16541030

Lmao next you'll say you butter some bread

>> No.16541350

Peppered steak pie topped with nutella

>> No.16541767

Studio 54, the first song in Saint Pepsi's Studio 54 album. It's mainly for the first few bites.

>> No.16541921

I enjoy eating shin ramyun by making "mini-tacos", using a slice of hard salami for the shell, the shin noodles as the filling, then I dip it in the soup and take a bite.
It's something I did as a kid and while I'm not as crazy about it now (havent had instant noodles in months), I don't eat shin ramyun without salami, ever.

>> No.16542033

paging Dr. Gay

>> No.16542038

up bum no baby

>> No.16542120

I like to browse /ck/ when I'm eating my meals so I can connect with people and feel like I have friends. You guys are all I have

>> No.16543202

I like to cut cheese into small cubes and have crackers with my ramen. I'll stab the cube with my chopstick or fork and dip in ramen as I get some noodles and then come up and under the cracker to get a cheesey crunchy ramen mouthful. Would recommend.

It was just something my parents did once when we were poor to add some calcium to the cheap meal and I commented that 'is this a special occasion?' and they thought it was sad and cute at the same time. Now it's just something I do with ramen. Very good.

>> No.16543274
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>> No.16543352

I cram about 90% of my food up my ass.

>> No.16544880

>and they thought it was sad
right in the feels

>> No.16544990

>boil chicken
>shred it
>add peanut butter & thai chili paste

>> No.16545022

I cannot eat without something to watch. I have literally let food sit for over an hour and go cold because I was trying to find something to watch.