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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16531470 [Reply] [Original]

is meat good for you?

>> No.16531480

Short answer, yes.
Long answer, yes, so long as it's from a good source.

>> No.16531487

yeah, but it doesnt mean you eat it for every meal

>> No.16531611

do you have a longer long answer? I don't known if I understand what you mean

>> No.16531916

Get grassfed beef, lamb, and goat.
Modern factory beef whether you get it from Publix or from Whole Foods or Costco, it's all the same. Fed corn, sorghum, or worse, rejected candy with the wrappers ground up lol (and we wonder where the microplastics come from).
Of course this makes the meat:
- nutritionally devoid
- the fat becomes filled with the lipid-soluble myco-oestrogens from the mould in the grain

You can't always bank on "grass-fed" also. That just means for some amount of time (could be minimal), the animal ate some amount of some kind of grass. It's a bit like the "organic" designation in that way.

You have to see the animals eating the grass and other plants yourself. Also avoid the whole "grass-finished" or "grain-finished" whatever business. That's all a scam.

Avoid most all pork except for the rare sort of acorn-fed high end stuff. They are fattened on soya and such.

Avoid most poultry, for the same reasons. Wild or truly pastured goose or duck should be much better though, and chicken should be better although it is high in unsaturated fat.

>> No.16531972

why not?

>> No.16531985
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Into the trash, no bump, hidden thread

>> No.16532007

In moderation certainly. You really need to pay attention to how often you eat it but as long as you don't eat too much too often it will be healthy for you.
Good meat though, shit meat is worse for you overall

>> No.16532027

That's a yikes from me chief. If there ain't meat it ain't a meal.

>> No.16532032

The perfect woman

>> No.16532206

imagine the diseases...

>> No.16532239


>> No.16532267

Technically yes, however we over consume it in western society, so factoring that, no. Here is gud video on the topic:

>> No.16532281

>big strong manly man

>> No.16532286

>lean, fresh meat from a well fed domesticated animal not given any growth hormones
>meat from large fish such as tuna or crustaceans, which are known for having high volumes of mercury
>meat from non-domesticated animals that are likely to eat garbage or plastics
>highly processed meats which contain artificial preservatives, flavors, colors, and sweeteners

>> No.16532595

that's almost too much investigative work. I think I'll just stick to tendies, eggs, salmon and tofu. Thanks tho bro. really appreciate your humor. got a good laugh out of this

>> No.16532611

no I'm just gay

>> No.16532689
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All your food is fucked up with microplastics in it.
Just get some fucking meat.

100% grassfed ruminant meat is the way to go. You don't even have to buy it that often. 1/4 of a cow should last you a year and the highest quality pasture rotated beef is 9 dollars a pound. The chest freezer pictured can easily be bought for under 300. When u finish the beef you defrost the freezer and then buy your yearly meat again. It's pretty comfy and based and drops your monthly food bill dramatically.

>> No.16532756

unfathomably based.
I want to do this once I move out and get a job. Having good meat ready year-round sounds comfy af.
Would it work for other meat like chicken, pork, minced, etc.? How are the last packs in terms of quality, usually?
What about electric bill of the freezer?

>> No.16533018

doesn't mean you don't have to eat it for every meal either

>> No.16533063

I “eat meat” with every “meal” haha.

>> No.16533220
File: 107 KB, 867x650, freezer flockc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say the chest freezers electricity use is actually pretty low since you don't open it as often as you open your main fridge/freezer. Also it doesn't release as much cold air.

The freezer pictured could easily fit in an apartment also. It will work with any meat. As far as how long the quality lasts, I have eaten meat 1-1.5 years old from a freezer and have noticed no freezer burn or dip in quality. Again, this probably has to do with the fact that the chest freezer is only opened a few times a week at most vs a regular freezer which is opened multiple times a day.

Here's a pic of the freezer I have with the drakes I slaughtered last year.

>> No.16533266

>retty low since you don't open it as often as you open your main fridge/freezer. Also it doesn't release as much cold air.
ah, ja
it's because it has a top-lid, right? Cold air sinks
now that you're storing meat in the chest freezer, what do you store in the main freezer? cooked meal to be reheated later?

>> No.16533282

I store a lot of frozen vegetables and homemade ice cream since that stuff goes fast, lol

>> No.16533295

I do this but with game, to get a moosarino this year

>> No.16533299

For me, it's thin cut beef

>> No.16533309

Based but never say moosarino ever again.

>> No.16533319
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Look at this ripped vegan beauty.

>> No.16533625

how is her face still normal and not like a necron waking up from 40k years slumber?

>> No.16533638

maybe she's bulimic. throwing up a lot can make your face puffy.

>> No.16533766

you would think eating all those raw veggies you would just shit it out immediately after eating it so you wouldnt have a chance to throw it up.

>> No.16533772

Because being alive is a disease.

>> No.16533814

How did you know? Yeah they digest so fast it's crazy!

>> No.16533825

its the growing season here and my garden is doing very well. For the time being I am eating mostly vegetarian, mostly fruits and vegetables, eggs and dairy daily and meat once a week. It fucking sucks and I lay nasty shits 4-5 times a day along with horrible gas. I don't know how these people do it long term.

>> No.16533987

>get sick
>have passionate fever sex
what's the problem?

>> No.16534177

yep you're a retard

>> No.16534358

yes, as part of a balanced diet. moderation is key as with anything. carnivore diet is bad for you, vegan is bad for you, humans are omnivores and nothing in the world will beat millions of years of evolution towards an omnivorous diet

>> No.16534420

>carnivore diet is bad for you,
evidence? the only experiments ive seen on carnivore diet showed the subjects to be in great health at the end

>> No.16534699

>40k years
60 million

>> No.16534930

Will grills like me if I know 40k lore?

>> No.16535365

Talking from experience, no. They'll think nid models are cool though.

>t. was building a swarmlord the first time my now wife hung out at my house.

She actually collects dark eldar now.

>> No.16535468

>nutritionally devoid
You really are that retarded aren't you

>> No.16535475


>> No.16535493

dietary cholesterol being a problem is a myth. same with saturated fats but that the latter is still held by the establishment as true despite all the evidence against it

>> No.16535528

This but also bear in mind the preservatives used in most meats, even traditional butchers use sulphites which is very bad for your gut flora. I'm not averse to it but modernity has ensured most meats are basically pozz tier toxicity.

>> No.16535637
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It's always good for you
I actually want to learn more meat recipes and better my ability to cook chicken and fish

>> No.16536035
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>be me, vegetarian
>tfw no buff meat-eating tomboy gf who gives me deep, juicy carnivore kisses
What's the point in going on?

But yeah, meat's fine for you (in moderation, like everything else). Obviously eat more than just hotdogs or you'll get malnourished, but yeah.

>> No.16536241

There's all sorts of different modern diseases. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, IBS, Crohn's, Alzheimer's, etc.

You seem to suffer from mental retardation and some sort of emotional psychological problem. You appear to feel personally attacked by discussion of dietary treatment for modern disease. Regardless of whether you suffer from obesity you clearly have a brain disorder.

I strongly recommend you fix your diet. You were probably born a bit retarded and your upbringing would have caused some permanent damage, but you still should try to maximize your remaining brain capacity.

>> No.16536242

why are you complaining about microplastics in food and then storing your meat in shrink wrapped plastic?

>> No.16536374
File: 17 KB, 350x350, VeganGains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was expecting you to post vegan gainzz

>> No.16536455

for me its
meal = has to have meat
snack = no meat

>> No.16536457

>She actually collects dark eldar now.

>> No.16536570

Got Em!

>> No.16536676

not even /ck/ is safe from coomerism is it?

>> No.16537124

Kill yourself, election tourist.

>> No.16537233

I don't know, but I would like to have unwashed sex with that girl.
I'll bet you consoomed the electronic device and your internet connection to make this abhorrent post with your time and money somehow.

>> No.16537355

Idk why he looks so disgusting and green

>> No.16538263

the supplements and steroids probably

>> No.16538317

But I would seriously like an answer to this question, as well.

>> No.16538351

maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter