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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16530768 [Reply] [Original]

Memories/scars from meals your parents made when you were growing up.

My mom thinks she's a good cook, and her signature dish whenever I visit home is SALSA AND EGGS. She makes scrambled eggs with no salt or seasonings, using cooking spray. She then tips them out onto a plate and tops them with ice cold Pace salsa straight from the fridge.

>> No.16532324

my mother always made chicken / beef broth by boiling the meat. when i was learning cooking, i did the same and i was confused why my broth tasted bland. i asked about it on /ck/ and they said "you didn't boil the actual chicken, did you?". after that i didnt go to /ck/ for several years

>> No.16532327

also her favorite dishes are just disgusting
millet porridge with pumpkin and pea soup
all these dishes and you eat that garbage

>> No.16532353

My mom once put jelly beans in meatballs as an april fools joke. The whole family vomited

>> No.16532356

Dad was left alone with me and my sis for a week one time. He had a brilliant idea for a pasta sauce one evening:
>Spreadable cheese with ham flavour
>Put in a pot, heat it
>Boil pasta
Wa la, ham & cheese pasta sauce. Needless to say, it was horrible.

>> No.16532365

tv dinners and hotpockets as far as the eye can see. TV dinners when feeling fancy. Once i learned how to make grilled cheese i was the house chef, I shit you not. Making a quesidilla was magic and grilled chicken? holy shit anon youre better than going to a restraunt ( denny's was the family to go )

fuck i grew up as such trash.

>> No.16532369

Hamburger helper when feeling fancy*****

Fuck im drunk

>> No.16532436

I generally dislike eating my mom's cooking. Not necessarily because it's bad, but because she seems to have insecurities/self-esteem issues, and won't accept any comments other than glowing compliments. I am more than happy to shut the fuck up, but she always demands compliments.

I will never outright call her cooking bad. No one likes hearing that. But she can't even accept the lightest criticism. If I say anything remotely negative, she launches into a tirade. Even saying "it tastes alright" is enough to upset her. Again, I would prefer to say nothing at all, and it would be the most diplomatic approach, but she fishes for compliments all the time. Even remaining silent can upset her.

She will ALWAYS ask
>Does it taste good?
And if I say anything other than Yes, she gets VERY upset about it. Even minor things like "It could use a little more garlic." But I don't want to say Yes every time, because I don't want to be a liar, and ironically, it was my mom who taught me lying was bad.

>> No.16532439

My mom once made chicken wings for dinner, and a few pieces came out raw. She tried to play it off like it wasn't a big deal.

>> No.16532447

ngl that sounds pretty based, actually. I wish my mom had a sense of humor.

>> No.16532738

Do you make scrambled eggs with salt and seasoning and think it makes them good?

>> No.16532832

My mother is a fucking idiot that boils angelhair for half an hour and then refrigerates it for a few days. I didn't eat meat until I was a teenager because I thought I hated meat. Turns out my mom was just an awful cook.
Welp at least it pushed me to learn how to actually do things and be nothing like her.

>> No.16532843

Mom cooks food from her village: lumpia shanghai is her signature. Would love some right now. Flip food is perfect for getting drunk and hangovers.

>> No.16532849

You can boil meat...that's what broth is. Of course brown it first. Do you mean without any other ingredients or something?

>> No.16532913

My mom only cooked lemon chicken tenderloins. She was the fancy version of chicky tendies. Atleast she know how to bread/flour chicken and shallow fry it. My father however was a savant on the grill, so that was nice.

>> No.16532928

My mom made amazing food every single day.
Laughing @ all the incels ITT desu

>> No.16532937

I don't think you know what words mean

>> No.16532942

>t. seething anime-watching incel

>> No.16532947

I think most anime is absolute cringe trash and I can't recall last time I even watched anime, so wrong again. Maybe samurai champloo a year ago?

>> No.16534317

I won't give you anything. I will blow up my mom's recipes and kill myself before I let you have them, Humongous.

>> No.16534503

My mum is kind of similar in that she is insecure, but it manifests somewhat differently.
She would be set off whenever someone complimented my dad's cooking. Honestly, their abilities are pretty similar, better at some things than others, but for whatever reason she thought she was much better and would seethe if he did something well. Particularly if it was something she cooked regularly.

>> No.16534618

desu is not completely his fault. If you shorten "to be honest" into "t b h" (without the spaces), it wordfilters to "desu."

>> No.16534644

Your family are pussies. Your mom is based.

>> No.16534658

How do people live like this?

>> No.16534666

My mom is shitty at cooking and ignored me my whole life. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.16534690

He's calling him new if he doesn't know about the filters you retard, which clearly you are

>> No.16534714
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Point to me where exactly he says that.

>> No.16534728
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my mum is a good cook but is autistic about always cooking things the same way. Like for example we have roast potatoes all the time. One time I added some rosemary and garlic to them and she got very annoyed.
She also hates the thought of putting cinnamon in apple pies or cheese on a shepards pie, among many other things.

Also, not just my mum but half my family hates any kind of sea food which annoyingly limits meal options.

>> No.16534739

What does she put in her apple pies if not cinnamon? Is it literally just a pie crust filled with apples and sugar?

>> No.16534752

if I suggest anything else she says "Whats wrong with just tasting the apples?"

tbf it still tastes nice, just plain

>> No.16534797

growing up i figured she was a pretty good cook but now i realize it was more about efficiency and being somewhat healthy. tuna salad, baked chicken, fried chicken, baked fish, lots of basically plain vegetables like carrots or whatever. She made sure we ate 3 times a day and we rarely went out to eat so i respect and appreciate that.

>> No.16534882

based mom

>> No.16535453

Ask her "Why not just bake the apple?"

>> No.16535465
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Why not just taste the apple directly?

>> No.16535470
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>> No.16535473

my mom made the best chilaquiles and migas every weekend growing up

>> No.16535491
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It's hilarious that your mom did it as an April Fool's joke, but had it been your grandma, she probably would've been put into a home.

>> No.16535634

>Windex, candle wax, bubblegum, flour
>400° oven for 1 hour
Somebody here needs to make this.

>> No.16535695

My mom had postpartum after having my little sister and could absolutely not function for years. She regularly served crunchy rice swimming in water with a can of chicken thrown in. She didn't bother following recipes she "knew how to make" but obviously never learned skills like not packing flour or leveling measuring cups so all baked goods were a disaster. When she got better she still cooked incredibly bland things.

She would also get weirdly competitive when I started making things and my dad complimented them. She'd have to add that she "stopped [me] from burning them" or something.

>> No.16535844

Yeah this is my mom
Zero passion for cooking but it wasn't some mental illness and she loved us and didn't take the "idgaf eat hot pockets and potato chips" mompill

>> No.16535874

My mom made up several dishes in the midst of our poverty growing up. One of my favorites is as follows:

Boil some russet potatoes, cut into medallions, fry in a sautee pan with canola oil and salt. Add bone-in pork chops and fry, let the pan get that brown crust at the bottom. Add 2 can sof El Pato sauce and summer until nice and thick

Serve with Mexican white rice (seasoned) or red rice and tortillas

We are no longer poor but I still ask my mom to make this

>> No.16535880

Hell you ate better than me. Just beans and bread sustained me until I turned 18.

>> No.16535898
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my mom has always been a great cook. She loves Italian cuisine so we were always eating Italian instead of the standard potato-meat-veggie dish.
She can do a lot more complicated but my favorite will always be her Spaghetti (in b4 moms spaghetti)

>> No.16535959

To be fair, I'd eat SALSA AND EGGS. I love hot food paired with cold salsa.

But, my mom's main dish was "chicken surprise." It was Campbell's condensed Cream of Mushroom, white rice, and chicken breasts all thrown into a glass dish and put in the oven to... bake, I guess. It was the most bland shit ever. The chicken was always overcooked, and I'd store it in my cheeks to go spit it up in the toilet when I got permission to leave the table.

>> No.16535962

I want to see my mother impaled on a pike.

>> No.16535996

My mom cooked a lot of rice, protein, and vegetables when I was growing up. I always resented it because i wanted mcdonald’s instead but looking back if was pretty good and consistently healthy and filling. She was a stay at home mom then though, now it’s just my youngest sister living with our parents and my mom doesn’t cook frequently because she’s so inundated with work. I find myself feeling pretty resentful over it sometimes, because while i grew up attended to with home cooked meals, we were poorer when i was a kid, but now my parents are solidly upper-middle class, which i would have enjoyed as a child. I guess it evens out though. She made lentejas frequently, stovetop chicken tenders, and every so often she would make a phenomenal baked chicken with potatoes and vegetables that was very lemony. I don’t recall her baking very often, but there were seldom sweets in the house that weren’t pre-packaged snacks for school lunch.

My father loves cooking, though, and even though he worked weekdays he’d always spend hours trying to barbecue and roast different things. One of my favorite memories from my childhood is making Cuban garlic bread with him nearly every Sunday, and feeling honored when he let me mince the garlic each time. He built a meat smoker out of an oil barrel once. He’s been a pescatarian for a few months now, which is a stark contrast to the love of meat I remember him having throughout my childhood. When i come back home next week, i’m going to make him seared salmon and grits, and he, my boyfriend, and I are going to make cowboy candy. When I was a kid he would roast steaks, pork shoulder, ribs, goat meat, kabobs.

>> No.16536061

My mom DUMPS salt on everything. She will go through a whole salt shaker in a few days. And then she wonders why she has high blood pressure.

>> No.16536174

He means putting raw meat into a pot with flavorless water and boiling it

>> No.16536183

>poverty food growing up
>a full hearty meal
good kek

>> No.16536196

Your parents sound a lot better than mine were, be grateful that through poverty they learned to raise a child properly rather than being “sit down shut up” parents like most are

>> No.16536197

>my boyfriend
Is your dad upset that you're a faggot?

>> No.16536209

Indeed, the memory of a singular thing he particularly enjoyed from his childhood is clearly indicative of his entire childhood.

>> No.16536213
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My favorite food growing up was chicken/turkey rollups. It was basically shredded chicken/turkey and cheese in a tortilla and baked in an oven. I should ask her for the recipe, she'll like that.

>> No.16536214

Single mother, had zero cooking ability, her sterling achievement was making Käsespätzle once a month, which she pronounced 'Kay-Shpet-Slee'. She'd take a bag of egg noodles, boil them while scorching some onions, drain the noodles, and mix it all together in a baking tray with swiss cheese and bake it until it was overcooked and beginning to dry out into a flavorless mess. Otherwise my dinners were almost always those shitty tv dinners in the blue tray with the penguin.

Her other classics were "spaghetti" with just butter and parmesan cheese, or if I was lucky, some sauce straight from the jar. For breakfast, cereal most of time, or overcooked fried eggs with no salt or spices. For school lunches, never anything more complicated than a peanut butter and jelly or bologna sandwich. I never got to have any turkey or ham sandwiches because, as a vegetarian, she thought that meat was disgusting but was apparently fine with bologna.

>The whole family vomited
No they didn't.

>> No.16536224

Sorry you had worthless parents anon. I know that feel.

>> No.16536246

If he still has the smoker, why don't you suggest smoking some salmon with your dad?

>> No.16536253

>would leave beef stew on to simmer while nobody was home expecting me to be home in 10mins to take over cooking so she could go to bed
>would mistake the coming home time and so I would come home from highschool to find the entire floor filled with smoke. Beef stew unrecognizable and the entire pan fucked up beyond repair

>normally puts a wooden plank over the stove when turned off so we have more space in the kitchen
>on some occasions forgot to turn off the gas
>someone else has to point out the burning smell before she even realizes it is there

My mom is a suicidal hazard in the kitchen.

>> No.16536282
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>> No.16536291

I want to see my mother impaled on my cock

>> No.16536313
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some things she did well like pasta, meat sauces, and generally having the fridge stocked with fresh vegetables. but others were pretty bad.
>every meat it cooked beyond well done, hard a leather with no pink left.
>making 6 hamburgers in the same pan. it's so crowded they end up all chopped up and uneven. then "toasting" the breads all at once in the same pan without draining it, so they get soggy and fall apart.
>every boiled vegetable was way overdone with no seasoning, butter or anything, just mushy green
>under-seasoned everything, especially chicken. just baked chicken with nothing on it.

>> No.16536327

I’m very grateful, i wasn’t as a kid but i grew up and realized how shitty a lot of parents can be and how good mine were/are, and it gave me a newfound appreciation for them. I never was outright ungrateful as a child, but i still feel bad for asking for fast food all the time
Not at all, he loves my boyfriend. Whenever we visit my boyfriend helps him do all the yard work. He’s disabled so he enjoys the help
I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll bring it up to him. Not sure if the smoker’s still in working condition

>> No.16537274

>The whole family vomited
you are weak

>> No.16537280

word filters fampai

>> No.16537471
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My dad had to learn how to cook because it was the only way to get good food when they were dating. The practice goes on to this day, with mom doing the baking and dad doing the cooking.

Mom does make a mean oatmeal and boiled eggs though.

>> No.16537550

This would’ve been me and my girl if she didn’t hate my guts

>> No.16537581

my roommate/sex slave is the same way. She will cook me dinner and if I don't fawn over how much I love every morsel she will get bitchy. I've begun to tell her if she wants me to compliment her food she should start by making it taste good.

>> No.16537717

>being pedantic
Do you like trains?

>> No.16537730

Dude this was literally my exact upbringing. I’ve probably had every possible variety of Hungryman and Banquet meals, and when I started cooking food in college it literally blew their minds

>> No.16537747

I member you anon, did you get some practice like I advised?

>> No.16537771

I am so glad your line dies with you.

>> No.16537814

Bet she wouldn't be tripfag cunt like you, so looks like you were somewhat successful

>> No.16537835

brown hands typed this

>> No.16537852

My mom used to make pinto beans with pork sausage cut up and mixed in, with cornbread on the side.

It was decently tasty, but as an adult I realized beans as a main course is kinda hobo.

>> No.16537881
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My mom could cook about seven things. Tacos, sausage and sauerkraut, boiled potatoes and SOS.
Her "Chinese" food came out of a can. It was gross.
Her ham and bean soup though was very good but not as good as I make it now. We always had heavy carb meals a rarely ate out.

>> No.16537886
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Sorry to hear that bro. have a cute cat to ease the pain.

>> No.16538123

>She also hates the thought of putting cinnamon in apple pies
cinnamon is cancer

>> No.16538982

I thought about doing it myself for an experimental YouTube channel, but I'm not gonna stank up my house for views, so I'd probably do it outdoors in a BBQ grill.

On the off-chance I actually end up doing it and I somehow make it big on YouTube, I'm gonna put out a preemptive disclaimer: I am not a bigot, nor am I a political extremist of any kind. My criminal record is clean, so don't cancel me on Twitter or whatever.

But in reality, it's either not gonna happen, or I'll just remain a nobody on YouTube. Or hell, someone will steal my idea, which I more than welcome.

>> No.16539195

Liver and onions, my parents loved it, myself and my brother and sisters not so much. Would drown in shitty ketchup just to get it down cuz you know "had to clean your plate" Fuk'n child abuse if you ask me.

>> No.16539562


>> No.16539573

that's not a trip, you newfag redditor

>> No.16540218
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My mother grew up dirt poor in a third world shithole before getting a student visa and getting the fuck out of there, so she had a very different understanding of what edible meant. She used to get pissed off when I threw away moldy food instead of cutting off the mold and eating the rest, to the point she would grab food out of the waste bin that I just threw away and put it away to eat later. I used to love stir fried eggs and tomato, and she would make it for me all the time. Until one time she must have used extremely spoiled eggs or something, and I got extremely bad food poisoning. The next time she made it I couldn't taste it without feeling violently ill and gagging, and when I tried to force it down I immediately vomited. I couldn't smell or taste fried eggs or tomatoes for almost a decade after that without feeling sick to my stomach. I've had food poisoning from bad clam chowder before and had the same reaction afterwards, but I've never had it that feeling last as long or felt it as strongly since then.

>> No.16540325

My mom was actually a really good cook, the problem is that over the years she became extremely dissatisfied with her life as a homemaker and would cope by getting completely blitzed on absolut vodka and cooking these huge intricate meals then start berating me, my father, and brother as we were all coming home from work/school/sports to eat.

>> No.16540346
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>grew up dirt poor
>stir fried eggs and tomato
Sounds like your mom is from China or a nearby country. On the bright side, at least your mom doesn't waste food.

Too many chinks these days love to waste food, often on purpose. I'm not even kidding; in the more well-off parts of China, they intentionally waste food to flex their wealth (or to make themselves look well-off to others). It's actually considered impolite for guests to finish everything on their plate; apparently it's insulting to the host, implying that they "failed" to nourish you adequately. Food waste was becoming such a problem in big cities that the government had to take measures to curtail food waste.

tl;dr respects to your moms for at least trying to be a better chink

>> No.16540354

Wait, so does this mean that the meals got more intricate, but the taste/quality went down? Usually they go hand-in-hand. I gotta say, I would be impressed if she put more effort into her cooking only to make it taste worse.

>> No.16540364

Die faggot

>> No.16540375

the overall quality of the meals always stayed really high but the drama from the drinking was what got worse, the cooking and angry drinking just went hand-in-hand. In a weird way it was kind of beneficial because that was what resulted in me first learning how to cook was because we didn't want our mom to do it anymore.

>> No.16540383

lmao why you so upset? It just means more room in Heaven for you. Let God handle him. You guys ARE trying to get into Heaven, right?

>> No.16540433

She grew up in the China after the communists took over and got the fuck out asap. I don't even blame her that much these days, and she's not as bad about it as before. That kind of kind of thing is probably just a learned survival habit. You either sucked it up and ate rotten food or you were picky/slow and starved to death. My family is well off, but she certainly gave me an appreciation of growing up in first world county after all the hell she gave me.

>> No.16540460

>> 16536291
Some of this and this

>> No.16540532

a literal bean boy

>> No.16540535

its probably kind of weird, but for some reason i really remember this one thing. it wasnt long after my parents got divorced, but i was going to have supper at my dads. he cooked my sister and i some sauteed button mushrooms with sesame oil as a snack before dinner. i never liked mushrooms, but for some reason i really liked these ones. its also probably the earliest memory i have of him cooking, even though he must have cooked before that. its not very exciting, but it really stuck with me

>> No.16540538
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In all honesty i think my mom's cooking has always been pretty damn good i can really only recall a few times where she mad something bad. The one i remember the most was some random meal she made one day i dont remember what the fuck it was i just remember it being god awful. I wanna say it was super salty or something and it had a really bad taste. She would not let me get up from the table until i finished eating it so I wounded up stuffing it all in pockets and then dumping it in the toilet. She also seems to have this fear of medium and rare done type stuff. It it has any sort of pink in it she freaks out and cooks it until its all gone so steaks weren't exactly the best either.

>> No.16540560

Probably wasn't properly cleaned and was overdone.
Liver can be very good, but you have to do it properly.

>> No.16540833

My mom cooks really well and actually likes finding and trying new things. Only two problems. She often underestimates the time needed to prep things, so often the dinner was/is ready really really late, and by that time everyone became hungry and ate whatever was in the fridge. She also becomes stuck sometimes and makes something over and over again, so you can stuck with eating the same thing for a month. Also not really good with steaks and meat magic in general.
My father is hit and miss. Sometime he finds something cooks it and it's just great, but sometimes the things he makes are vile and disgusting. My worst childhood food memories are of one or another of his mystery overspiced slops.
But thanks to both of them I actually love cooking and started doing it pretty early.

>> No.16540853

Same as my mother anon. My mom cooks old southern comfort style. Every pan and skillet in the house is cast iron. Butter and salt....lots of it. I swear tho my mom makes the best fried chicken. 4" deep cast iron skillet full of LARD.

>> No.16541114

homie thats not a trip, lurk more your embarrassing your self to the anons

>> No.16541191

>mother is a good cook and can cook most things well
>she's a weeb but somehow manages to fuck almost every asian dish up

>> No.16541208
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Gravy, according to my mother.

>> No.16541221

I lucked out with having good home chefs for parents. Mom learned proper southern cooking from my grandmother, and I miss regularly having basics like cornbread and the occasional fried pork tenderloin biscuits. I know how to make most of her recipes, so I really should indulge more often for the nostalgia hit.

Dad was an autistic rage-aholic who would spend literally all day cooking on the rare days he did, but he makes one of the best gumbos I’ve ever had.

Eating at other people’s houses was always weird for me because the food rarely compared to what I had at home.

>> No.16541224

>Memories/scars from meals your parents made when you were growing up.
Always overcooked
Always oily/greasy
Always too salty

>> No.16541225

dad hated garlic.
only things mum really cooked were beef stroganoff and spag bolognase. both of which I hated.

>> No.16541237

mine crams as many vegetables into any dish, which i would usually say is a good thing. but when you start putting pumpkin into bolognese its just too far
also uses a slow cooker for just about anything

>> No.16541241

i had no idea chicken breast could be good because what she'd do is get a bunch of tiny goujon shaped bits of breast and put them in the oven for an hour or so. she makes good soups though
lately she's started trying out different shit and she can follow recipes, she just doesn't ever want to cook anything that's good.

>> No.16541318

Mam was always a stay-at-home kind of mother so we always had some good shit. Some of it was homemade and some of it was just freezer shite chucked into the oven.

Here's a sample:
>Roast dinners - albeit using store-bought gravy
>Pie & mash
>Sausage & rice with peas & sweetcorn mixed in
>Bacon & eggs
>Fish & chips
>Spaghetti O's from a tin
>Beans on toast

She went through a phase (probably had something to do with her bad health) where all she would ever make was microwave shite - literal TV dinners, dried noodles, and "spaghetti & meatballs" which was just picrel thrown onto plain spaghetti WITH NO SAUCE.

>> No.16541321
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I'm a retard and forgot the pic. These were fucking awful as is everything made by Fray Bentos.

>> No.16541344

Awful, meat is burned and so are most vegetables, bellpeppers are soggy, can't cook preparation foods since she ignore the instructions, thought zest was lemon juice, she believed in the "fat is bad" falsehood and used transfat-filled margarine to replace butter.
Father was so mediocre he could only cook pasta while still cooking them wrong.
Was a fat Kid from eating outside of eating periods, brioche and other sugary foods you'd eat for breakfast.

I insisted to go eating at my grandma's place who's the polar opposite of my mon, she put butter in everything, her turkey milanaise was a delight, I miss her.

Fiance cooks better than mum tho is below my newfound standards so I cook for the bunch.
As a self aware ex fatty, I want my children to eat well so they don't have to go through wahat I went through.

>> No.16541606

My mom is actually a great cook and im not/wasn't a picky eater but she traumatized me with one meal
>About 12 years old
>Mom makes baked chicken tendies breaded with smashed doritos
>First bite i almost puke
>Choke down tendies with lots of fruit punch after every bite
>Older brother knocks my cup over
>Mom says no refills until i finish food, stop wasting
>Sit at table staring at tendies
>Mom lets me go after like 30 minutes without another bite
Years later here on /ck/ i saw the fucking recipe in a webm thread. Turns out the tendies were coated in mayo to help with doritos stick. Fucking hate mayo

>> No.16541787

God I fucking hate chinks

>> No.16541896

>The practice goes on to this day, with mom doing the baking and dad doing the cooking.
This is the ideal household

>> No.16542997

go back to plebbit

>> No.16543117

I am so desperate to wipe bugland off the face of the Earth.

>> No.16543296

my mom made this nasty shit check it out
pilsbury crescent rolls unrolled into a pan
covered in sloppy joe
topped with mozzerella cheese and then baked
like some kind of demented jailhouse pizza or something

>> No.16544455
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Some examples of my mom's cooking:

It's literally tomato soup with red kidney beans, white mushrooms, green bell peppers, onions, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, and ground beef. Our family obviously does not come from a background that does a proper chili, but even the canned chili you see in supermarkets would be more accurate than this. It's very clear that it's not chili, but it's what she calls it. She's been making this for over 20 years. Sorry if I sound extra salty here, but I had to eat it growing up, and it was awful.

>"Burritos," ver. 1
White flour tortilla stuffed with canned chili (not even the homemade "chili" from earlier) and slices of medium-aged cheddar cheese. In her defense, this is pretty close to what you'd find in a microwavable burrito that you'd see in the frozen foods aisle. The only real difference is that it costs more, and it takes more time to prepare; no real improvement in flavor. Props for using real cheese, I guess.

>"Burritos," ver. 2
White (sometimes multigrain, sometimes spinach) flour tortilla filled with grilled teriyaki chicken, sauteed onions, carrots, bell peppers, and lettuce. This is closer to a fajita, but she calls it a burrito anyway.

Her steaks are 2 levels higher than what she actually claims it to be. So if you ask for Rare, she'll give you a Medium.

She uses stoned wheat thins instead of Graham crackers. And she'd use a microwave instead of an open flame. She'd assemble the ingredients first & melt them in the microwave.

What's crazy is that she used to work at a restaurant.

>> No.16544467

She have me a plate of plastic wrappings and I had to sit there till the plat was finished so I could get some catfood after

>> No.16544495

Dabbing on you pussies

>> No.16544511

>Generally bland, because "salt is bad for you"
>Tough meats, because "undercooked meats are bad for you"
>Flavorless meats, because "gotta cut off all the fat, because fat is bad for you"

Other than that she was actually pretty good, and she cooked and cleaned for all of us even when she had to work, so really, what am I bitching about?

>> No.16544517

Mom can't cook
Dad can cook but not alot.

>> No.16544523

Too much salt and butter growing up, couldn't manage a fresh potato for shit and loved fried southern breakfasts. But she's willing to listen so I changed a lot of her cooking for the better by telling her different approaches.

Still does fried breakfast if I visit, but the potatoes are FAR better and the eggs aren't swimming in a stick of butter. She learned to do a good crisp bacon., too.

Could be worse.

>> No.16544760


>> No.16544812

my mom cooked well enough to feed the family, but my picky dad wore on her over the years and now she refuses to cook anymore. spaghetti & meatballs, baked chicken legs with rice/noodle helper stuff and mash, chicken/cheese quesadillas, pork chops with green beans and mash. typical stuff. but she does make some bangin egg salad.

>> No.16544830


>> No.16544899

Biggest meal that stands out is Beefaroni
Both parents made their own versions, I preferred my moms but I cannot remember their differences. They would compete on certain dishes: beefaroni>sloppy joes> ribs

Elbow noodles
Ground beef
MAYBE sauteed sweet onion or green pepper for color

My mom as she got older made a huge variety of dishes and she is a awesome cook and I am very blessed to have her as my mom. I love her. My dad specialized in the meat department and has been smoking his own meats for over 10 years now and is kicking ass in that department. My dad always made franks and beans whenever we was hungover, I never cared for it but I did enjoy it every once in awhile. He made one dish that was not meat related that stuck with me a long time. He made a 'cucumber salad' all it was was white vinegar, sugar, salt, sliced cucumber and white onion. The first day he made it I couldn't keep my spoon out of the bowl, the second day was even more ferocious, it didn't last the third. But I still make variations of this today, I add dill and sour cream and it's amazing and I love him for showing me that.

My mom loves to try all sorts of random recopies she finds online, pad thai, butter chicken, chicken salad with grapes and nuts, you name it. She made one dish that stuck out to me and that was a quartered and roasted brussel sprouts with peppers, onions and bacon, and most importantly, BALSAMIC VINEGAR. She opened a beast in me when I first tasted that savory sweet vinegar. I had nothing like it before. I still ask her to make it to this day because it's just so damn satisfying.

Her and my dad always compete with their ribs, my dad loves to make meaty juicy ribs while my mom opts for the smaller, wine braised, oven baked kind which just fall off the bone. I love both of them a lot and I hope they can continue cooking and sharing their experiences with me for a long time.

I ended up dousing it in garlic powder and bbq sauce