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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1200x1800, australian-fairy-bread-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16528375 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best Australian cuisine has to offer..

>> No.16528379

Lose the crust... then maybe we can talk.

>> No.16528380

There is also the humble snag.
And of course the blooming onion.

>> No.16528381

Nah, we perfected liquorice and invented the Neenish Tart.

>> No.16528398
File: 42 KB, 600x338, https___prod.static9.net.au___media_Network_Images_2017_12_20_15_19_171220_coach_vegemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight.

>> No.16528452

I mean what do expect, a nation of virtually no one that's only 100 years removed from Britain, is only 60% white, destroyed all the native fauna etc and has a government that actively cuts down anyone who shows even a spark of innovative spirit.

>> No.16528454

So just plain sugar on white bread?
Australia is a third world country?

>> No.16528456

tell me about vegemite
it always seems to be given as a gift to someone visiting from overseas

>> No.16528463
File: 13 KB, 300x186, violet-crumble-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even huff gas?

>> No.16528464

you are what you eat mate...

>> No.16528466

sorry, petrol.

>> No.16528478

I sometimes wonder about Australia. The weath disparity is shocking and no one seems happy
Its just a crunchy

>> No.16528482


>> No.16528524
File: 54 KB, 919x737, perfect island for testing bombs and biological agents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its quite embarrassing to be Australian. They have nothing to offer. Super liberal nanny state, basically if you don't want to work for any reason, the government will just hand you enough money every two weeks to rent a comfortable unit with amenities, and you can spend a lifetime just sitting on your ass. You can do this indefinitely, and millions do exactly that. The people are so incredibly stupid, they all repeat the exact same shit online. I swear they are bots, but they are really just extremely coddled children who were never, ever presented with one challenge in their life. As a result they complain about the mildest of problems endlessly.
I fucking hate Australia so much.

>> No.16528526

I'm Australian too Hahaha.

Guys I just had like three cones and I'm driving my remote control car around the house and flirting with my hot as SHIT fourteen year old sister. Relax we aren't fucking yet. No foul. I hate black people!

>> No.16528592

>basically if you don't want to work for any reason, the government will just hand you enough money every two weeks to rent a comfortable unit with amenities
I question how true this is

>> No.16528600

nice cunt bread, usually I only see sprinkles on vaginas before I force my concubine to perform cunnilingus on another. weird to see it on bread

>> No.16528740

All you have to do is lie. The mildest of mild social problems qualifies you for indefinite disability pay.
Just say you feel anxious sometimes, or feeling a bit depressed. Guaranteed free ride. Try it.

>> No.16528748

Idk, I'm already on student gibs so I know its relatively easy, but what else is there to it. I'd assume you'd need an anxiety diagnosis or something.

>> No.16528749

I remember hearing about a chocolate bar from Australia called a Cherry ripe, thoughts? I like cherries so I'm curious if it's good.

>> No.16528766

Its alright but its more coconut than cherry. I quite like them but its been ages since I ate one (only really wat Belgium chocolate these days) so they may have changes the recipe

>> No.16528771

I'll send ya a box of Favourites to try em. My fav is Fry's Turkish Delight, which is one that hardly no one else I know likes.

>> No.16528791

Cause it's shit tier Turkish delight, but its still alright