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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 700x773, worst-food-photos-posted-social-media-cookingforbae-269-5df0c4d466eaf__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16524404 [Reply] [Original]

It amazes me how most women now can't cook. I'm a decent cook and anything I make for women they say it's like restaurant food. When their time comes to cook for me it's bland and disgusting.

I'm not saying all women can't cook because I know one or two who can but get your shit together ladies.

>> No.16524425

In their defense, the sloppa is sloppa, but it's really hard to make cheap pork chops like those look good.

>> No.16524431

That's funny, I'm a woman and my experience is exactly the opposite - most men I've known can barely dice onions, much less cook a full course meal. Its almost like the majority of people can't cook and it has nothing to do with gender.

>> No.16524436


>> No.16524464


>> No.16524473


>> No.16524477
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>> No.16524483

Vile, kys tranny

>> No.16524486

thats a mans foot

>> No.16524497

You look skinny. I never trust the skills of a skinny cook

>> No.16524501

here's the thing though... men don't go on social media posting images of their slop and thinking they're cooking is great and praise worthy.

there's entire sections of social media sites where shitcook women are "showing off" their shit slop and are getting praised for it by other disastrous female "cooks".

>> No.16524508

Footfag, worse than incels
Have sex.

>> No.16524511

Nah. That's a female with too much T.
Male feet are decidedly thicker, and usually have more muscle mass on them, with more definition around the joint.
This is a woman who is either a FTM tranny, or a woman who had a shit puberty.

>> No.16524513

I lost weight over the last year because of depression. I'm underweight now. Not an excuse or anything. I do think its weird when people say they don't trust skinny cooks, but want to date skinny women.

>> No.16524517

but why would a ftm tranny identify as a woman in its post?

>> No.16524518

I'm not a footfag I just have principles

>> No.16524522

I don't shit where I eat

>> No.16524525
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>not liking transpeople because Reddit brainwashed you not to like them

>> No.16524532

Thank god my woman is as good a cook as I am.

>> No.16524533

no m8 my stomach did that
i ordered some chicken tendies and chili from the wendy's drive thru and a tranny was at the window
my stomach dropped and i was a little freaked out by the uncanny nature of the creature, i havent returned to that wendys since

>> No.16524541
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Interesting, do you really think so? I do grow unfortunately thick body hair, but I am relatively normal proportions for a woman except for my sad feet. My family made fun of it a lot when I was a teen. I thought maybe I have a hormonal imbalance.

To keep this post food-related, here is a load of bread that I baked.

>> No.16524560

Wouldn't that actually also be partly due to the fact that most men actually can't cook? Men have an ego too, if they were great cooks they'd be showing off to one-up other guys or attract women.

>> No.16524562

>reverse psychology
Did you come from the late 90's?

>> No.16524572

>men don't go on social media posting images of their slop and thinking they're cooking is great and praise worthy
>posted on /ck/

>> No.16524588

men that are shit at cooking at least know they're shit at cooking and are not taking pictures of their slop and sharing the pics of their slop on social media to get affirmation 'Likes" and 'way to go bro!" comments like women are CONSTANTLY doing.

women that are shit cooks and posting their shit to social media have only themselves to blame for making themselves into meme's

>> No.16524594

Sloppa posting originated on /ck/ you wench

>> No.16524600

If this bread really is yours, then it's beautiful! The dating on the picture name makes me think you took the photo.

I've been trying to get better at baking bread. I'm not brave enough to score my dough yet. What kind of knife is best for that? Is it quick slits across the top, or slower deliberate slices?

>> No.16524615
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I had to -get this- actually explain to a woman why I piss in the kitchen sink. She had no clue.

>> No.16524616

this desu

>> No.16524622

Baker here; nta
Use a slightly serrated knife. If it's heavy steal, let it slide. Otherwise provide a little pressure. Do it as quick as you're comfortable with, otherwise you'll pull the dough.

>> No.16524629

its all drains whats the big deal

>> No.16524633

OP aims low.

Remember OP, if you procreate with stupid, your children will be stupid and annoying too.

>> No.16524650

I just used an ordinary kitchen knife. Honestly it looked really bad before baking, my knife is super blunt so the dough stretched more than it cut through. But I figured as long as you somehow score the surface that gives the loaf the room it needs to 'bloom' open.

Thanks for the information. I do have a serrated knife, so will try this next time.

>> No.16524733

>Have sex.
Cool, come and let us GET YOU TOPPED, FAGGOT

>> No.16524747

LOL ok like you could handle my boipussy. Go fuck your pillow like always you limp dicked fairy.

>> No.16524785


>> No.16524802
File: 1.60 MB, 576x1024, ywnbaw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16524807

>maybe if i say that hating trannies is reddit, they'll believe me
Go back, faggot.

>> No.16524813

Didn't know actually posting feet would overload their brain kek

>> No.16524830

Bread them and fry them

>> No.16524844

Latinas don't count

>> No.16524848

If you can make restaurant quality food (doubtful) and your girlfriend can't, how about cooking with her and helping her out? If you can't even communicate on something like that I can't even imagine how bad your sex life must be (I honestly don't think you even have a girlfriend, or have even had sex, but am giving you the benefit of the doubt).