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[ERROR] No.16521144 [Reply] [Original]

I know hot sauce is ripped on as an automatic soyboy thing ... but ... sorry I'm into hot sauce.

I have decent indoor grow spaces and hydroponic systems as well as an outdoor greenhouse and ground and container plantings. Growing peppers is a hobby of mine. I take it too far, grafting, seed saving, hybridisation, experiments with plant growth hormones and regulators.

End result is I have a lot of peppers to process each year and my usual output is a lot of pepper mash which I make into hot sauce which I give away.

I do this every year, have done for the last 5 years and have about 100 regular people who look forward to it.

This year I want some new ideas for hot sauce combinations/blends/flavours.

>> No.16521148

For me it's hot sauces and deenz. They're both huge on plebbit, but I respect those guys.
>*raises fist*
>*pulls out rainbow flag*
We are the deenz and hot sauce gang

>> No.16521165

I figure ...

A green sauce with coconut and lime
A red sauce with a red fruit (raspberry, cherry, strawberry?)
An orange sauce with mango
A yellow sauce with pineapple
A red sauce with tomato

Then I'm into wildcard combinations. Chocolate habanero with plum?
Blood orange?
Passion fruit?

What other fruit ideas, combinations, ingredients (tequila, mustard, garlic, ginger) would people put together?

Previous years I've just fermented everything as one blend with salt and bottled it with a little lime juice. As I've gotten better at making peppers this sauce is basically inedible being about 80% pepper mash made up of about half super hot varieties. The sauces I've done where they are tempered somewhat by fruit and things which aren't spicy tend to be enjoyed more.

Equally though I don't want to go too far and start using 5% peppers and 95% fruit because I'll have to bottle 2,000 bottles. I need to keep it 50% peppers thereabout so I'm at a more realistic volume.

>> No.16521455

Why apologize? I think what you do sounds fun. Half the shitters on this board have nothing beyond their next greasy fast-food patty to look forward to in life, so having a hobby is pretty cool. Post pics of your sauce-making process!

>> No.16521483

I genuinely enjoy making cheesey scrambled eggs and putting some hot sauce on them for breakfast, making your own hot sauce sounds delicious and is 100% better than the store bought ones that are practically just bottles of vinegar and chilli powder dyed red or orange.

>> No.16521546

In my 20’s I was super into hot food. My fridge would be packed with meme sauces. My tolerance quickly grew, and I could stomach the hottest shit known to man. I would even cut a scorpion pepper and rub it against my eye to freak out my friends. After a while I learned that all these hot sauces are basically a waste of money, if you have random shit like blue berry habanero maple syrup hot sauce or polish mushroom hot sauce or weird stuff like that then you’re only gonna use each bottle maybe once or twice a month, and it just turns bad after a while. The sauces are good sure but they’re just not practical. Now I just stick with franks and maybe 1 meme sauce on the side.

>> No.16521718
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>know hot sauce is ripped on as an automatic soyboy thing ... but ... sorry I'm into hot sauce.

>> No.16521741

Don't do that. It isn't about tolerance, the capsaicin is a chemical compound that'll fuck you up especially if you get it in your eyes. When I'm processing super hots I wear gloves, before when I didn't my hands would burn the whole day. Also most hot sauces below 50% habanero are everyday edible. I'll usually finish a bottle a week

All my pictures have fairly personally identifiable stuff in them or would reverse image search unfortunately. I make fermented sauces though I hot fill and pasturise.

The vinegar is why I ferment. Too many sauces are almost pure vinegar.

>> No.16521765
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>I figure ...

>> No.16521781

Scotch bonnet/apple/garlic

>> No.16521797

That's a pretty cool hobby

>> No.16521806
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>That's a pretty cool hobby

>> No.16521808

haha literally me!

>> No.16521832
File: 59 KB, 1200x1200, 51vRjZ5HwoL._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make different chili condiments, like Mexican salsa or chili oil. Pic related is my favorite "hot sauce". It goes on everything because it doesn't cover up the flavor of the food at all.

>> No.16522035


Have you tried mixing them with chocolate, as an homage to ancient Aztec/Mayan recipes, and also as a way to prank children?

>> No.16523336

I make salsa and fresh preparations (like lime, salt, sugar) which keep in the fridge for a few days, but a lot of stuff doesn't keep. I can go out and pick a range of peppers right now for stuff like that, but sauce is about bulk preservation as well as being tasty.

No. I did once make some hot pepper candy. I find that using peppers in other stuff generally just makes it less enjoyable. I am partial to some mexican hot chocolate, but you need practically no chilli.

I feel the issue is mainly in the collecting that beta males love. The craft beer shelf. The hot sauce shelf. The nintendo amiibo shelf etc. Collecting stuff has always been dorky as fuck. Being known as the *blank* guy as a substitute for personality. Yes I vape what of it etc.

I'm not that guy. I've zero interest in collecting hot sauce. If anything I make it out of necessity to use up the excess peppers. While I can about the subjective quality of the fruit my interest is almost entirely in the plants.

>> No.16523346

well wtf do you grow?

t. horticultarist

>> No.16523349

Can I have a hot sauce too anon? I like hot sauces.

>> No.16523361

stop making candy sauce. sweet and heat is a meme that needs to stop. try making a pepper mustard or a pepper and onion jam or pepper mushroom ketchup.

>> No.16523366

every time I cook with peppers I don't clean my hands well enough and give myself jalapeno contacts

it's like spicy keychain but in your eyes

>> No.16523391

You should make some retardedly hot ones and turn them into pepper spray and sell that

>> No.16523396

Can you share your mash recipe or maybe just salt percentage and if you add any water? I've tried in the past, but can't get seem to get it right.

>> No.16523409

>hot sauce is ghey
Nope, hot sauce can be fantastic. Being a hot sauce cunt is soiboi, etc.
>I grow peppers
Very cool. Wish I had the space to do that.
>I take it too far
Yes, on the chon, this is to be expected
>New sauce ideas
Personally, I like a sauce that is hot (duh,) but also subtle. A late burn, buried in flavor. Look for Steve's pepper sauce. Not some douchey label making heat an indicator of masculinity, just a really delicious sauce that happens to add some heat.

>> No.16523414

This year jalapeno, maules, hot wax, thai and sandia from the c. annuums. Sugar rush, pineapple, lemondrop, mango from the c. bacctums and 6 types of habanero, scotch bonnet, moruga scorpion, fatali and carolina reaper from the c. chinenses.

I've indoor and outdoor DWC plants, a row of each in the ground, two of each in the greenhouse and about 5 of each variety in containers dotted around. I'd say 250 plants total but some of the larger containers have 2-3 in.

I also grow potatoes. Tomatoes. Cucumbers. Used to always grow onions, but not this year. I grow a lot of leafy salad greens, rocket or arugula, keep a decently variated herb garden. Kale, pak choi, taro, peas. Also have some grape vines, strawberries, raspberries.

This is the first year I've been growing some annual ornamentals though mainly companion plants like marigolds. The garden has a lot of mature ornamental plants and not a lot of space for new ones. I bought the property from lady with home business as a flower arranger and the place is over 130 years old. I don't know what even half of the stuff is and I've killed about 30% of it over the years, but the beds are still stuffed with a big variety.

>> No.16523463

Clean a bucket and fill with salty water.
Clean and fill the sink with cold water.
Inspect, trim and clean the peppers in the sink and under the tap and then toss into the bucket of salty water.
Tare the processor on scales so you know what a full load weighs.
Run the peppers in the food processor with 5-8% salt by weight.

Adjust your salt percentage depending on how thick skinned the pepper varieties are. The thinner the skins usually the greater the overall moisture percentage and the more salt you want.

Pre acidify your mash with a food grade acid. I use 88% lactic, but have phosphoric, sulphuric, hydrochloric, citric, they all work. The aim is to bring the starting pH below 4.5 as above 4.5 is the danger zone for moulds and enteric bacteria. Mould is mainly about controlling oxygen ingress, but still it helps. By doing this you provide a better environment for the beneficial bacteria to become established.

Take a sanitised food grade container you want to ferment in. I use either white plastic buckets with drilled and grommeted lids for an airlock or plastic jerry cans or drums similarly adapted depending on volume.

Purge your container with co2 to displace oxygen. I have a cylinder. You could use a few hundred ml of soda water.
Fill your containers with mash.
I usually use a normal lid to move them into final position, then fit the modified sanitised lid once in position with the airlock etc.
Make an effort to flow some co2 over the top before sealing.

Also I usually inoculate my mash. I use a commercial yoghurt starter which I buy powdered, but if I didn't have it on hand I'd prepare something else, either sour culture for beer, keifer, sour dough, natural yoghurt etc, there is usually a source of the right bacteria pretty close to hand.

>> No.16523613

Thank you very much.

>> No.16523615
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Such soy

>> No.16523697

what part of thew world are you in? i want to grow chilis in my apartment in australia so i only have access to a window sill. what conditions do they need to yield lots of chilis? and tips?
thanks bud

>> No.16523715

This CHAMP just spent his time writing up a professional process for fermenting chilis. Go cram a carolina reaper up your ass, you absolute CHUMP.

>> No.16523732
File: 102 KB, 543x655, 1597164614501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This CHAMP just spent his time writing up a professional process for fermenting chilis. Go cram a carolina reaper up your ass, you absolute CHUMP.

>> No.16523793
File: 1.97 MB, 3024x3024, 1_RxShN9bLzdeKhD4N0Pp9zw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make this flavor into a sauce form.

>> No.16523820

Do something with brown sugar, star anise, bay leaf, fennel, allspice, juniper berry, black pepper (probably leave some of those out, but that's the general flavor palette I'm thinking about). Rarely see that sort of profile in a sauce.

>> No.16523827

Thanks pepper anon. I'm building a hydroponics setup soon planning on growing serrano peppers I'm my first planting.

>> No.16523829

Peppers aren't photosensitive so they'll grow and produce fruits year around given adequate conditions. Flower set is 16-24C. They'll go dormant below 14C. I'm northern hem so I am limited by the growing season outdoors. I'd love to be southern hem because there is a fair chance you can grow year round with no frost right? I'd love to grow some monster plants over multiple years.

Windows aren't always great for growing. The angle of light at different times of year can mean there is less light than you think. To be really productive peppers really need full sun for 16 hours a day. Depending on angle it is rare for a window to achieve this.

Most pepper plants are theoretically very large though you can get fruit from small plants. Keep them in a small pots, prune them right, stop feeding them high nitrogen once they are at the desired size. Flowering and fruiting is often a stress response when the plant runs out of room it thinks, fuck I better reproduce because death is coming for me.

Tips? Pick a suitable variety. Annums usually grow, flower and fruit rapidly and are decently productive. Bacctums can be faster, but have some quirks. I find they take longer to establish, but once they reach full size they flower and fruit huge amounts. Chinenese are even worse for this, but they have a very long growth period and demand high amounts of light and heat.

What do you want your peppers to do? I start seeds in february and plant outside end of april/start of may. Some of my annum plants have fruit forming 80 days from sowing, chinenses 160 days.

I'd advise some compact thai varieties. I'll go take some pictures for you.

>> No.16523858

Not juniper berry, I meant pink pepperberry.

>> No.16523859
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This is a DWC chinense (chocolate hab) approx 90 days old. I've cut about four large branches off this plant and pruned all the lower leaves twice too. The branches go for cloning or grafting. As you can see it'd be quite a large plant for a window.

>> No.16523865
File: 3.37 MB, 2400x3200, IMG_20210808_095121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacctum hanging out. Bit unhappy, bit of fungal stuff developing on this particular plant, lot of rain at the moment, bit shit really. But again, huge plant, planted outside maybe 60 days ago.

>> No.16523870
File: 3.80 MB, 3600x4800, IMG_20210808_095038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DWC bacctum outside. Difficult to see, but extremely productive plant. This was a cloned trimming moved to hydro about 40 days ago.

>> No.16523876
File: 3.90 MB, 5440x4080, IMG_20210808_095055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of how stupid productive plants can be, even in containers. Bacctum species from growth pattern, maybe 70 days, third generation saved seeds.

>> No.16523896

How do you produce seeds that grow "true to type"? What's the tastiest pepper you're growing?

>> No.16523918
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These are thai. They grow very compact though given enough space will grow huge, but small stems, small leaves, small fruit, but hugely productive, hundreds of peppers. I grow these specifically for hanging baskets. If given space in open ground they'll form huge bushes, but restrict the space and they'll flower and fruit.

>> No.16523925

you can clone and graft pepper plant cuttings?

>> No.16523939
File: 3.21 MB, 2400x3200, IMG_20210808_095138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys (scotch bonnets). They are maybe the perfect balance between heat and flavour for me. Shame they are so ubiquitous, there is almost little point in growing them compared to the more interesting varieties.

There are more interesting/flavourful peppers, but maybe less suited to my palette. Many bacctums and ornamental types are extremely floral, at a pinch lemony/citrus, but unflatteringly toilet cleaner/air freshener.

True to type ... difficult. Several generations of successive cross breeding and breeding back to type. Difficult to isolate plants and prevent open pollination, but you can wrap plants and flowers. In reality I collect seed from plants I love and roll the dice. It works out more often than not, but there are occasional surprises. Many seeds sold online by enthusiasts are unstable hybrids, verified seed has to meet all sorts of requirements to be sold and stocked by commercial suppliers and they'd never pass.

>> No.16523950
File: 3.63 MB, 2880x3840, IMG_20210808_095144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely more bacctum. It is hard to see, but if you go looking amongst the branches you'll find hundreds of 4-5" peppers. They've yet to pick up colour, but by the end of the month I'll have plenty from each plant.

>> No.16523958
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Maules? Maybe 10" in some cases.

>> No.16523967
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They can be difficult to see, but once you get in amongst the plants you get a feel for finding them.

Anyway. All this bullshit was for the benefit of >>16523697 I'm trying to get across allowed to grow they will happily become large plants. I do have many peppers in 12oz coffee cups and small pots though, most of them by this time of the year have a couple of fruits on them. I'd be happy with some small plants with one or two fruits for a project/hobby. Easier to manage too.

>> No.16523992
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Fuggin hell thanks for the info dump mate, ill see if i can grow some in the courtyard of my apartment building if not ill try with some annums inside, enjoy ur chilis lad

>> No.16524955
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My habaneros

>> No.16525016

I have 6 varieties this year. Two jalepeno (numex orange, mucho nacho), habanero, scotch bonnet, 7-pot douglah, and bahamian goat. I'm want to do three sauces. Mild and fresh with lots of green, herbs, onions, garlic, etc. Medium and flavorful where I'm going to try some smoked peppers/fruits, maybe like a smoked mango habanero. The third will just be a simple very hot pepper sauce with the 7pots.

>> No.16525033

can you grow peppers as mostly ornamental plants and only pick as much as you want to eat and just let the rest get eaten by birds or whatever? or will that mess the plants up somehow?

>> No.16525116
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Yeah man. Ornamental peppers exist in loads of funky colours. They are usually extremely productive with tons of brightly coloured fruit in different shapes, they can be quite attractive plants and a bit different. They are usually edible, but because they are bred for looks not taste that is subjective. Some have no heat, some are ridiculously hot, some have bitter flavours. I've never found any that were inedible, but really spicy, really bitter, really floral and weird tasting yes.

>> No.16525256

i think people rip on people for being really into consuming hotsauce, rather than what youre doing which is actually a hobby.

>> No.16525984

Bump for glory