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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 850x735, shutterstock_100322618hass_avocado_a87156f7-188e-4adb-b4b7-89d4313e6659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16521338 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16522031
File: 207 KB, 874x960, Aztec Jaguar Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit keto cause I'm already too thin. But yeah, avocados are great and I'll always eat them. Many thanks to Mexico for inventing guacamole.

>> No.16522223

omg woooow

>> No.16522303

fuck avocados I dont live where it grows so Im not eating it.

>> No.16522407

Why do you hate 'cados?

>> No.16522683

this is insanely based. Being a locavore is significantly better than meme diets

>> No.16522794

Because its been transported and like any long distance fruit it was picked before ripeness and therefore I am getting screwed over on quality. If I'm gonna eat an avocado I'm gonna pick one. Not get one shipped to me from a shitty industrial farm.

>> No.16522876

>because it's been transported
That goes for any food though. It's even worse with meats and most of the other shit you usually eat. If you want quality grow your own veg/fruits and raise your own animals. If you don't actually see what's going on in the farms or your sources then you don't actually care about quality and only pretend to.

>> No.16522889
File: 210 KB, 873x655, gardenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want quality grow your own veg/fruits and raise your own animals

I do both. I'm not eating any imported shit avocados or any imported shit "fresh" produce.

>> No.16522896

>that thumbnail
does eating 'cados every day really make your skin fall off?

>> No.16522928

Avocados don't start to ripen until you pick them. You can leave them on the tree for months and they won't get ripe. Literally all avocados are unripe when picked

>> No.16523041

Don't care. I don't want them. I dont eat avocado or bananas or pineapple or any fresh imported fruit. Also avocados are shit fruit.

>> No.16523054

Fine, idiot. Keep being an idiot whom no one likes

>> No.16523067

Keto is just another way to say
>I'm a giant fatass who hates exercising

>> No.16523095

>doesnt like something I like
>this means they have no friends
Don't mix me up with you.

>> No.16523099

Oops my bad

>> No.16523103

It's okay. The first step to not being a gay retard is admitting it. I mean, I think it is. You see, I've never been a gay retard.

>> No.16523317

I'm an endomorph with a shit metabolism and ketosis is the easiest way for me to stay in shape despite working out daily. It's not the only way, but it's the easiest.

>> No.16524305

I hope you don't use any fossil fuels from far off Saudi Arabia then, friendo

>> No.16524345

The US produces most of its own oil domestically