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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16520174 [Reply] [Original]

Why did English food fall of favor so quickly in America? I love watching Townsends and reading old cookbooks from the colonial period. But i lt seems like so many of these recipes and techniques have been lost or forgotten, replaced by various non-British ethnic foods. German, Polish, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, where is the British food or restaurants? My small town had a fish and chips shop growing up but eventually it closed down. Never seen a British restaurant in my city outside Irish pubs.

>> No.16520186


Better question: why has English food fallen out of favor in England? Everywhere you go, it's just tea (Indian), curry (Indian), kebab (Moorish), and chip shops (fried fish is Spanish allegedly introduced by Jews; potatoes are American). Even better question: Why do bongs worship a German royal family?

>> No.16520191

Better question: What's up with Jews?

>> No.16520223

Even Englishmen don't like English food

>> No.16520225
File: 53 KB, 768x768, grandmas-old-fashioned-apple-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boiled veg
>Sunday roasts
>Biscuits (basically scones) with preserves
>Coffee shops
>Cheese toasties
>Soda breads
>Apple pie
I don't think you could really say we've abandoned English food here, especially in places like New England

>> No.16520227

>Why did English food fall of favor so quickly in America?
>lt seems like so many of these recipes and techniques have been lost or forgotten
because it was and is utter shite

>> No.16520230


>> No.16520240

>kippers, Yorkshire pudding, Devonshire cream, muffins and crumpets.
>Christmas pudding, treacle tart and apple dumplings.
dark plum cake (such as you used to get at Buzzard’s before the war), short-bread and saffron buns.
everything in this sad pathetic list is pure shite bar treacle tart and i suppose muffins and crumpets but then these arent exactly anything to rave about, especially crumpets. theyre just crumpets
>a whole paragraph about all the shitty ways we prepare potatoes
stopped reading.

>> No.16520302


>> No.16520307

>Why did English food fall of favor so quickly in America?
[citation needed] pretty sure it didn't shit just got different names.

>> No.16520320

Also I think it's funny how Britain's most important contribution to America was pumpkin spice. Due to Britian's colonization of India and Jamaica people put Allspice, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and mace on everything, even savory dishes. Pumpkin spice lattes are the most WASPy thing you can drink.

>> No.16520328

The people ITT are the ones who spout the word "obsessed" when america is brought up, kek

>> No.16520333

Most of what we still cook at home, roast meats, mashed potatoes, fried breakfast foods etc is at least a version of traditional english food, including some ones you wouldn't necessarily expect like mac and cheese the earliest mention of which is by romans who were in the british isles. I believe the aformentioned townsends has a video on how fried chicken existed in britian centuries ago. One of the reasons some of these don't have presence in resteraunts and such is because people here have been making them so long everyone cooks them at home rather than going out for them

>> No.16520368

anti British sentiment and immigrant influence. It's not like we've abandoned it completely though.

>> No.16520411

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.16520421

It's largely because feminism. Women are conditioned to think cooking in the kitchen is oppressive so they have no interest in learning old family recipes passed down over the generations from their mothers or grandmothers. Similar to how men no longer learn from their fathers or grandfathers about working on cars, or firearms, or being a handyman or whatever else because that's "toxic masculinity". Also there are more German descendants than English descendants

>> No.16520437

Would you be ok with only being allowed to cook and clean and not being allowed to hold a job outside of the home?

>> No.16520441

I would be okay with raeping your homobutt.

>> No.16520447

obvious bait

>> No.16520452

Only if they were antivax hhkws

>> No.16520453

It is weird how "straight" men constantly think about anal sex as the only possible outcome of gay people being allowed to exist. The concepts of peaceful same sex cohabitation, emotional intimacy, and romance simply don't occur to you because you are laser-focused on male on male anal sex.

I wonder why.

>> No.16520455

Who the fuck are you quoting libtard?

>> No.16520456

>peaceful same sex cohabitation, emotional intimacy, and romance
I must have missed that float at this years Pride

>> No.16520457

Are you admitting you are in fact a closeted gay man obsessed with oppressing other gay men so you won't be suspected yourself of being gay?

>> No.16520459

Because gays have constant anal sex and that's where most disease comes from

>> No.16520462

You can stop writing fanfics about me at any time libshit.

>> No.16520466


>> No.16520487
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>Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.
I really wish that were true, anon

>> No.16520490

If a woman came up to me and said "Hey, I'll take care of our entire financial situation so long as you cook and clean and take care of our kids", that house would be spotless and we'd be eating like damn gourmets every night. Why would I want to work?

>> No.16520494

It absolutely is true. The chances of him actually supporting laws banning discrimination on the basis of orientation irl and also larping in pre-slavery years is zero. He wants the past to return, meaning a past where gays didn't have rights and were expected to not complain about being second class citizens.

>> No.16520495
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>He wants the past to return, meaning a past where gays didn't have rights and were expected to not complain about being second class citizens.
based, so do I

>> No.16520500

Well then you are delusional and shouldn't be surprised as gay hating white christians are replaced.

The government exists to protect its citizens.

>> No.16520516

it exists so that people in it can have power over its citizens

>> No.16520518
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1618241073376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repent, faggot. Gays are hated for good reason.

>> No.16520526

rapid industrialization and urbanization in the gilded age, followed by the world wars and the depression coinciding with the rise of the modern food industry wiped out culinary tradition in one generation

>> No.16520529

>cheese toasties
You're not fooling anybody you larper

>> No.16520533
File: 44 KB, 328x341, 1604455317335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The government exists to protect its citizens.
>except those evil white Christians they need to be genocided

>> No.16520534

Are you high?

>> No.16520541
File: 81 KB, 750x914, 1604910115083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be very happy with being able to spend all day fixing up the house, cooking food, working on project cars, and playing with my children while my wife works.

The thing is, women typically marry up. They marry someone who makes more than them. There aren't a whole lot of women looking for a "stay-at-home dad" since there's so much less value in a man like that for a to-be mother. I'm not going to get into this too much, you were clearly raised by mass media and public schools and deprogramming people like you is a waste of my time.

>> No.16520543


>> No.16520551

I would be very happy with not having to work and being able to spend all day fixing up the house, cooking food, working on project cars, and playing with my children while my wife works.

The thing is, women typically marry up. They marry someone who makes more than them. There aren't a whole lot of women looking for a "stay-at-home dad" since there's so much less value in a man like that for a to-be mother. I'm not going to get into this too much, you were clearly raised by mass media and public schools and deprogramming people like you is a waste of my time.

>> No.16520580

Wow, what a great source. Also nobody's homophobic, because nobody's scared of faggots.

>> No.16520584

this is true women being forced to work to provide for the family in modern times goes AGAINST feminism the subhumans dont understand this

>> No.16520611

A lot of the recipes he and other historical cooking series use include spices we usually associate with Indian or Caribbean food today like clove, cumin, mace, cardamom, etc.

>> No.16520614

Watch a taste of history you dumb pleb

>> No.16520623

phobia means aversion, you retard.

>> No.16520624

This guy cuts through the bullshit and gets to the real point underlying everything.

>> No.16520627

Not him and it's always meant an irrational fear. I don't care about your redefining of words through the years or your compliance with it.

>> No.16520631

>island nation
>fish was introduced by Jews
I'll give you the other points but come on.

Also two cultures that use tomatoes in everything, Italian and Indian, have only had access to those ingredients for maybe 350 years. Likewise you wouldn't say tobacco, coffee, chocolate, potatoes, and corn are exclusively new world cuisine.

Where do you put a cut off for this is a tradition or this is foreign? The British Raj was nearly 200 years ago.

>> No.16520632

You can't stop us. White christians have tried to oppress gays for thousands of years. Now Jews are finally putting an end to that and anyone who resists will be replaced. You can't stop migration, you can't fight the winds of time.

Remember what happened when you tried to resist in 1945? Do you really want to do that again? It won't end well for your kind.

>> No.16520637

They're basically grilled cheeses

>> No.16520638

>Where do you put a cut off for this is a tradition or this is foreign?
The reformation.

>> No.16520641
File: 619 KB, 1242x984, 1604021587027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're going to oppress you because we rewrote history to demonize you
Jews, still incredibly evil.

>> No.16520652

It is evil to oppress gay people. You brought this on yourselves trying to make other people into a convenient scapegoat you could leverage for personal gain.

>> No.16520655
File: 120 KB, 826x611, 1603515484413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
The memes write themselves

Yet Whites and Christians are your scapegoat. Why are you pedophile jews always such hypocrites?

>> No.16520659
File: 439 KB, 813x788, 1604259752963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leverage for personal gain
You mean like the entire fucking slave trade? The slave trade that shut down on jewish holidays because it was so dominated by jews?

>> No.16520661

Almost all the lawmakers in Congress who oppose a federal law protecting gay people from discrimination are white and christian. Are you suggesting that is merely a coincidence?

>> No.16520665
File: 1.99 MB, 1455x1173, 1606954005114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you ask your buddy Jeffrey Epstein and his blackmail pedophile ring about that. Or the jewish mafia's extortion and bribery via the SPLC, ADL, and AIPAC?

>> No.16520671

notice you are avoiding directly responding to my point

>> No.16520676
File: 65 KB, 640x613, 1603902504059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point you made was a lie. The baby killing Democrat party isn't Christian. Neocons aren't Christian either, they're jews or zionists. Zionism is a heresy to Christianity.

All you have is pilpul and lies while you hypocritically ignore everything anyone else posts.

>> No.16520682

lmao imagine actually being angry about what fictional character our politicians pretend to believe in anno domini 2021

>> No.16520688
File: 94 KB, 600x582, 1603011128555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ is the messiah. Accept him or perish in hell.

>> No.16520692

jesus never existed

religion is a lie

>> No.16520693

>why do normal people associate butt fucking with degenerates who butt fuck each other?
Why indeed?

>> No.16520694
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I dunno, we still eat stuff like stew, various potato dishes, pies, roasts, and some other random stuff that most people wouldn't think of as British but it's kinda where it came from I guess.

If you asked an American what their favorite cuisine is I'm not sure you'd get a lot of people picking English food, but it's not like we hate Yorkshire pudding or English breakfast, it's just that it's drowned out by all the "fancy" or "exotic" cuisine available in the USA.

>> No.16520696
File: 64 KB, 549x788, 1604787821659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedoras really do make perfect golem for the jews. Too bad you're all just a bunch of fat fucking losers (pic related) and homosexual abominations (Leviticus 18:22).

>> No.16520714

What's even served at a bong restaurant?

>> No.16520731

Fish pie

>> No.16520757

your books won't matter when you are a powerless minority group

you tried too hard to oppress others, and now you are facing inevitable backlash

you got greedy

>> No.16520789
File: 1.27 MB, 1536x1015, 33B97639-31D0-4719-9C6E-D3972E9A75B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya christcucks have never been golems for the Jews. Not like there’s an army of them in this country who have given Israel a massive amount of its political power in this country

>> No.16520796

I don't need to think there's a big angry jew in the sky to not want to have sex with men, but if that's what it takes for you I suppose it's ultimately a positive thing

>> No.16520804

This thread gave me AIDS. Too much /pol/ and kikery trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.16520813

Israel is our greatest ally. Would you rather Muslims control the middle east in entirety?

>> No.16520817

christian posters are redditors who came here after 2016, with no cultural roots here and are completely serious about what they post

>> No.16520823

Better them than 2019 bunkers.

>> No.16520834

I'm Christain and been on since 2005, newfag. What do I win?
Thread theme:

>> No.16520836

Because everything he makes is bland and tasteless by his own admission

>> No.16520837
File: 55 KB, 1280x688, bunneh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that cuckolded empire had curry before fish and chips, and that was before the colonies that told them to fuck off were more than 100 years old. literally no one gives a shit but your entitled, basement dwelling fat entitlement complex though.

England is spoiled for having a near perfect temperate climate. Rain doesn't magically fall from the sky everywhere, so native veggies ( like corn and squash) became a lot more important. >>16520225 is pretty correct though, its unfair to say that american food has abandoned English food the same way its unfair to say that your local Chinese diner has abandoned the culinary traditions of the Han dynasty

>> No.16520840

an award for being gullible and easily brainwashed

>> No.16520847

You've probably never even read the bible, sodomite.

>> No.16520860

the jew part or the part with the other jew?

>> No.16520875
File: 163 KB, 505x505, clowncultepilsy3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better question: What's up with Jews?


>> No.16520878

talk about jews and homos

>> No.16520882

Even from a scholarly perspective due to the impact it's had on human history, you're the dumbass in this equation.

>> No.16520886
File: 316 KB, 1114x506, unbasedfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repent, faggot. Gays are hated for good reason.

Based. Faggos and globohomo is unbased by definition

>> No.16520894
File: 74 KB, 1024x542, RayCist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like your a racist Caucasophobe. You and your hate speech has no place in the current year meme, bigot

>> No.16520899
File: 112 KB, 800x600, bftoforeigninvader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean the foreign invasion? easy to stop. Just drive away with their cars while they are stubbornly holding on

>> No.16520901
File: 1.06 MB, 2512x1332, 1611616169670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's the perspective he was suggesting to have

>> No.16520907
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>> No.16520909
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Today I will remind them

>> No.16520923

Yeah and nobody but bongs call it that

>> No.16521003

>Would you be ok with only being allowed to cook and clean and not being allowed to hold a job outside of the home?
This is bait, but yes, I would. I love cooking, and taking care of my home is way more pleasant than having a 9-5 job.

>> No.16521009
File: 356 KB, 1084x656, christvsjews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this 100%

>> No.16521033

this is why Catholic Charities greets illegals at the border with food, supplies, and transport to white areas I guess, cause they're the chosen people too?

>> No.16521034

If they're Christian yes

>> No.16521085

I thought I was talking to bongs in the first place, don't get your panties in a wad

>> No.16521089
File: 225 KB, 720x565, christvsjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice your not calling them foreign invaders. So that makes you the real cuck

>> No.16521152

based (you)farmer

>> No.16521174


>> No.16521201

>Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

So he's actually a pretty good guy then? Nice.

>> No.16521207

no. liberal = good, conservative=bad
didn't you go to school

>> No.16521209

Fuck off with your stupid "homophobic" cancer. Your post demonstrates exactly why people can't stand you faggots.

>> No.16521215

>replying to pasta

>> No.16521216

Since this is essentially a /pol/tard thread now, I want to take a moment to point out that us Anglo-Americans have essentially been ethnically replaced by people with German lineage. Nobody seems to care either, sad.

>> No.16521227

Raising children is far more important than doing market research reports for some faceless corporation that doesn't give a fuck about you, and since men don't produce breast milk to feed babies, or carry children, then women are the best candidates to do the child rearing.

Women have been shirking their DUTY for decades now, and as a result, more of them are dying ALONE than ever before.

Fuck you and your brainwashed Marxist conditioning.

>> No.16521233

Based Townsend

>> No.16521234

white is white is right
simple as

>> No.16521239

>dude just make yourself financially dependent on the person most likely to start abusing you, you're not a commie are you

>> No.16521240

not according to christkikes

>> No.16521246
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Sounds like a nice guy

>> No.16521251

That is the driest apple pie I have ever seen

>> No.16521265

I hate jews so much.

The good guys lost WWII

>> No.16521281

That's a dumb mentality to have and likely not what your ancestors believed and fought for. European pan-nationalism is actually an agenda pushed by lefties who don't care about certain white ethnic groups dying off in their own countries.

>> No.16521559

white christians dying off would be the best thing possible. Nobody is scared of the intelligence/power of brown people, they are complacent and easy to control.

I just want gay people in power. The rest is irrelevant.