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[ERROR] No.16518280 [Reply] [Original]

I want to go vegan for ethical reasons

but I eat so much dairy (cheese, yoghurt, butter), and eggs, and I don't know what to replace it with, or what to even eat?

And even worse, I don't really like fruits or vegetables, or beans. My diet is basically grains (bread and butter, porridge with milk, cheese and crackers), and fried haloumi, eggs, etc,

Any ideas? Probably 90% of my diet is eggs, dairy, and grains. I'd die if I just ate all grains.

>> No.16518331

why not try sourcing more ethically produced, and or local animal products if your budget permits?

>> No.16518333

Just be vegetarian then, still better than nothing

>> No.16518337

if you suicide you reduce your co2 fingerprint

>> No.16518338

ya op
if your poor ethics aren’t available to you, simple as

>> No.16518498

there's no such thing as ethically produced animal products

>> No.16518570

I can't even handle going vegetarian, getting the right nutrients has become almost life consuming.

In many ways you can give up dairy with no consequences, I gave up dairy years ago and didn't even care- adults don't need calcium, enzymes for digesting dairy is a cyclical argument, carbs and fats are easy to replace.

But giving up meat, eggs, fish?
Truly it's shitty, I've lost weight and I'm fucking miserable eating vegetable slop.

>> No.16518577

Also this.
Fucking capitalists, as soon as you're reliant on something they levy a tax on you.

>> No.16518578

Anything you can raise yourself and harvest from without harming (e.g. eggs from chickens, honey from bees) is ethically produced.

>> No.16518579

No you don't. You want to be 'right', get pussy and stay alive.

>> No.16518590


>> No.16518607
File: 151 KB, 566x755, my comfy duckc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru. Look at my miserable ducks. Pure animal abuse.

>> No.16518660

t. knows nothing about those industries

>> No.16518665

not shown: you cutting their heads off and eating them

>> No.16518762

>I want to go vegan for ethical reasons
Why not go lion hunting to save those poor zebra

>> No.16518848

Oh no not a quick and painless death!
If killing an animal quickly and painlessly is unethical then you better never euthanize a pet.

>> No.16518863

Cheese is hard to imitate well/nutritiously on a vegan diet. Most cheeses seem to be a mixture of different starches/xanathan gum. The flavour/texture is pretty good, but its not exactly good for you

Cashew cheese seems plausibly good, ive never had it because its always so expensive

>> No.16518869
File: 141 KB, 1079x755, no tears just dreamslean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwu u mean like dis?

>> No.16518874


I forgot i had more to add. Milk is really easy to replace with plant based milks (soy, almond, cashew, chickpea)

Bread and grains are vegan. Im not great with eating whole grains either but stuff like oats/quinoa/barley are ideal, over rice and pastas.

Butter - easy to replace with oil/vegan butter

Eggs - youll have to go without

Beans are wonderful desu. You should take a can of baked beans, rinse it well, mash it up a bit. Add a teaspoon of salt, 2 tbsp oil, and then some sort of spice blend i.e. italian herbs, cajun, indian, mexican

Then pan fry that mixture with a bit more oil. You wont be disappointed

>> No.16518887

everything dies
it's either a quick chop of the head or getting mauled by a predator

>> No.16519159

is this supposed to effect me? Shock me? It doesn't, all it does is prove my point. This is unethical. You don't NEED to do this.
well I don't think pet ownership is ethical either but whatever.
thanks for the advice. I can't eat beans due to digestive issues, but I'll try switching out butter for margarine and pick up some cashew cheese.
or you could just not breed farm animals in the first place..

>> No.16519171

Oh, man. That really sucks. Beans are a huge part of the vegan diet.

Look into tofu recipes. Tofu is grea tand versatile.

Tofu scramble can substitute eggs

Slicing up a block and baking it, like tofu croutons

Shallow frying tofu with veggies

>> No.16519193

But you think it's okay to keep people in artificial poverty to have them work for your useless crap and imported foods. But god forbid having a pet thats taken care of infinitely better than it can care for itself. You probably also think it's unethical for humans to reproduce.

I know you hate how things work in this world but it works. It's worked for a long fucking time.

It's a dead animal. It's not unethical, it's dead, it died without pain. Probably a far better death than you or I will be getting.

>> No.16519239

Firstly, why are you mad? I'm just trying to eat a more ethical diet. Secondly I barely eat imported foods except for pepper, orange juice from australia. Thirdly, pet ownership is undignified - animals are not tools for our amusement (only after having surgeries performed on them, forced to live among an alien species, fed an unnatural diet of factory farmed animals, not living among their own kind with no chance to express their nautral behaviours..).

>You probably also think it's unethical for humans to reproduce.

Just you buddy.

>It's a dead animal. It's not unethical, it's dead, it died without pain. Probably a far better death than you or I will be getting.

Dead animals don't appear out of thin air. They are killed for human taste pleasure. Regardless of how much an animal suffered or didn't, you're still violently killing an animal that wanted to live. I don't want to support that with my money/through my diet.

>> No.16519246

The pets Ive had never had any surgeries and hated their own kind.
I think you just have an unhealthy relationship with death due to having an unhealthy relationship with your food in general. I'm guessing you have never really grown your own food before or spend any reasonable amount of time with livestock.

>> No.16519349

I used to work as a chicken catcher in chicken sheds, and I grow vegetables in my garden

>> No.16519364

>Firstly, why are you mad?
Based cope and seethe. Take your meds, autist.

>> No.16519435

Then eat your vegetables and shut the fuck up.

Also wtf is a chicken catcher?

>> No.16519720

Shit man. If you can’t eat beans you’re going to have a shit time. It’s half of what I eat.

I know this sounds naff. But just stop eating cheese. It’s honestly not as essential as vegetarians think it is. You realise it was a substitute for good cooking a lot of the time.

>> No.16519724

Your ethical stances on pets and meat are based, shame you undo it by being a cheese-breather

>> No.16519727

Hahaha vegans are fags that were neglected by their parents. My next door neighbours daughter was vegan. I say was. Now she lives in my basement and eats cat food.

>> No.16519779

>ethical reasons
switching to almond milk does more damage to the environment than just drinking normal milk
stop being a fucking hipster

>> No.16519790

That’s actually bullshit and you’d realise that if you thought about it for at least a second. Do you really think cows consume less water and land than almonds?
Besides, nobody says you have to drink almond milk.

>> No.16519949

I eat like shit nutritionally but i also ate 99% cheese and egg stuff before i went vegan. "Follow your heart" brand is great for cheese and "just egg" works well enough for omelettes and scrambles, even better if you add Himalayan salt. If you dont like vegetables and shit you can get nutrients from smoothies or something

>> No.16520744

seethe bean farter

>> No.16520852

>pet ownership is undignified
This is coming from someone who has the palate of a literal child.

>> No.16520902


>animals are not tools for our amusement (only after having surgeries performed on them, forced to live among an alien species,

stopped reading here, you are absolutely bonkers. you don't even make sense from the animal's point of view and you conflate pet ownership with animals bred for slaughter in the same sentence. people like you don't care about reality, you are struck with an image then build an entire delusional world in your head - all because you're more than likely avoiding your own issues. seek help.

>> No.16520949

humans need meat
and eating meat is not the same as killling

>> No.16520971

Devils advocate. I do understand that you usually need to kill an animal to eat it (unless you want to scavenge roadkill, which a surprisingly high number of people do), but that doesn't make killing an animal for food some taboo on par with killing your fellow man. Although we have seen time and time again people forgiving people killing for cannibalism out of necessity.
The only difference is when a vegan gets so sick they have to eat animal products again out of necessity, their so called "fellow" vegans will not forgive them. That's right, they would prefer you get sick and die than kill and eat an animal. This is one of many reasons why veganisim is not a community I would want to be apart of.

Even if someday for whatever reason I stopped eating animal products, I wouldn't affiliate with any communities or assign myself any labels. I most certainly wouldn't expect others to cater to my diet either. I wouldn't call myself vegan, vegetarian, or even plant based. I would just mind my own business and feed myself much as I do now.

>> No.16520993

Unironically, if you go "vegan" without becoming a full ascetic and getting the bulk of your nutrients from sunlight and the earth itself, you are just going to develop chronic illness through malnourishment.

>> No.16521071

Is he asleep?

>> No.16521147

Seems like it would be a lot easier to just eat less meat desu. It's wonderful and nutrient dense, and losing it completely is a huge blow to your diet, but you don't actually need that MUCH of it to fill you up and keep yourself healthy. Eat small portions of meat with a bunch of veg and greens and you'll be good. ezpz

>> No.16521154
File: 95 KB, 830x468, duck dinnac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he WAS, until you woke him up.

>> No.16521371

The best thing we can do for this planet is reduce the number of humans on it. You can start by killing as many as you can and then kill yourself just before the police get you.

>> No.16521393

Do duck heads make a good stock? Seems a waste to throw it out

>> No.16521402

Improve the sources of your dairy and go vegetarian/pescatarian. This way you can have the ethical benefits of getting the highest quality of animal proteins while not becoming an anemic waif that appears sickly to everyone else.

>> No.16521512

Why do people go vegan and whine about ethically sourced animal products? If it's that important to you, just source your own. Or, better yet, raise your own.

>> No.16521539

I bet you'd kidnap and kill house pets to "free" them from the "evil oppression" of someone sheltering and feeding them like those PETA lunatics do.

>is this supposed to effect me? Shock me? It doesn't, all it does is prove my point. This is unethical.
Prove it.
>You don't NEED to do this.
Some people do. Some people also need to hunt, a bullet is a lot cheaper than a whole deer, for example.

>> No.16521820
File: 58 KB, 489x652, duckhead2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck heads make an INCREDIBLE stock. I recommend roasting them in a bit of oil/fat for a bit to up the flavor. The stock is rich, flavorful and very gelatinous. The only parts worth throwing out (aka composting) is the shit chute and intestines. You can't use them for sausage or much of anything though if I was starving I'd probably clean them out and try frying them.

>> No.16521830

Some vegans are actually okay with you slaughtering your own livestock and sourcing from small farms that you can self certify raises animals to your own personal code of ethics. Other vegans can't accept that because they have a deep hatred for death and can't believe there is any way to rear and slaughter a domesticated animal. I think they hate domesticated animals because they themselves are domesticated humans.

>> No.16521852

No idea, but you could try looking for ethical eggs and dairy, like from a smaller local farm.

>> No.16521922

>cityfag hipster thinks he knows shit about how farming works
ok mate, keep drinking your soy :)

>> No.16521935
File: 515 KB, 600x400, activating these almonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cows consume less bees than almonds.

>> No.16521939

do you split the skull and remove the brain? Or do you go full thirdie and boil the brains too?

>> No.16521972

I stew it with the brains in the skull. Then once its released most of its goodness I fry it in sauce and eat it, cracking open the skull at the end. Some brains are better than others. I have to admit, the brain is my least favorite part, but I don't like to waste anything.

>> No.16522054
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Mine get compensation.

>> No.16522088

maybe some brains are better than others to eat, I'm not sure if I could do it myself

>> No.16522163

How long does it take your chickens to skeletonize a cake?

>> No.16522172

You could, if you were hungry enough.
>t. has been hungry enough

>> No.16522180

terveisin means "regards", not whatever you seem to think it does

>> No.16522193


>> No.16522198

it means best regards, maybe he was giving me his best regards after quoting me and calling himself a guy who has been hungry enough

>> No.16524110

Every mass produced vegetable you eat only lives because thousands of insects are poisoned. And much like you don't give a shit, most other people also don't give a shit about a decapitated chicken.

>> No.16524113

You make these threads to shadow box don't you?

>> No.16524334

>this kills the duck

>> No.16525142

The only time I make threads on here is when I want to showcase some home cooking. I don't do bait, and what does shadow boxing mean in the context of your post?