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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16511586 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so afraid of eating bugs?

>> No.16511590

because it's gross

>> No.16511591

Of course the buggelier would suggest a shit vintage like a 2004 Brood X just to get you to cough up your money

>> No.16511600

Even the biggest cucks on earth (government employees in Maryland) didn't want to eat that shit.

>> No.16511604

because bugs are the last resort for nutrition.
you'd only eat them if you have no other viable sources of food.

>> No.16511614
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>> No.16511639

We live like kings in developed countries on the backs of modern day slavery and don't appreciate it.

>> No.16511645

Would you appreciate your pay getting halved?
It's regression to eat bugs, it's not just change but loss.

>> No.16511654

Good thing they are just making meat and fish double in price so nobody notices and revolts.

>> No.16511676
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>si yo como chapulines, como sabias?

>> No.16511729

go away schlomo, we're not falling for your trickery

>> No.16511741

>live underground for 17 years
>only live for a single day to reproduce and die
>hipsters catch you and eat you
How is this more morally acceptable than eating cows and pigs?

>> No.16511746

Eating cows and pigs doesn't humiliate you.

>> No.16511765

Bugs aren't kosher. Pointing that out in comment sections causes much kvetching.

They want us to eat this shit knowing that they won't.

>> No.16511787

Can someone post bug meals, I'd never eat them but I like looking at gross things

>> No.16511791

can you fuck off with your discord psyop?

>> No.16511794
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>> No.16511795

You will eat the bugs

>> No.16511803

Cicadas are high in mercury. I am pro-insect-consumption but very anti-cicada-consumption.

>> No.16511806

People are fucking babies
Same sort of picky faggots who won't eat blue cheese because "ewww mold" or escargot because "ewww snails"

>> No.16511883

Ok chud

>> No.16511891

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16511896

Post bussy

>> No.16511909

Bugs are for animals.

We are humans. Well, not you.

>> No.16511911

At least make them into a sausage or a nugget, god damn.

>> No.16512043

>Voluntary commie cuisine
Hahaha get fucked.

>> No.16512051

any animal where you can't separate the flesh from the guts, brains, and poop is a YUCKY animal that should only be consumed in life and/or death situations

>> No.16512056
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When the anti capitalist beg billionaires to make it illegal for the working class to eat meat, eggs and dairy I will start rearing my own insects to eat instead of eating amalgamated plant oils and starches made in a lab to look like meat then shipped worldwide. But then the anti capitalists will probably not be happy with that and will beg for a law that bans regular people from farming their own insects, instead we will have to eat state sanctioned dehydrated cricket powder with added estromax formula and mood stabilizer complex.

>> No.16512059


>> No.16512063
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I will own property and eat red meat, yes

>> No.16512074

WAGMI frens!