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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 40 KB, 512x648, Specs-Bunny-Color-Tilted-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16507036 [Reply] [Original]

Work at pic related. I'll answer all your liquor store questions

>> No.16507059

Why is the Steel Reserve out of stock at all my local stores?

>> No.16507072

Why did Rolling Rock go up $4 a 30 pack over night?

>> No.16507082
File: 76 KB, 743x942, 1627139121576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.16507084

Texas is the only state where there is basically one store with a bunch of selection and not many other stores. Other states I lived there were tons of places with a great selection including a few larger stores.

>> No.16507086

Is this a chain? Where is this store located?

>> No.16507145

It's a Texas based chain. In Texas liquor cannot be sold in grocery stores or anything other than specific stores for it

>> No.16507238

why is Total Wine & Spirits such a superior store to your shithole? nothing but ex-cons and their corn chip nail tip gfs working the register, which are 13 people deep because Shaneequa is busy texting her baby daddy

>> No.16507306

but why

>> No.16507315
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only (((they))) know

>> No.16507321
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>> No.16507322

yeah. I remember visiting Dallas once and all the liquor stores were on this one street. That was weird

>> No.16507341

My location never carried it to begin with

>> No.16507345

>Deus Ex: Live Action

>> No.16507378

will u id me.
t. 20 year old fag

>> No.16507417

Depends. Do you look super young? Are you being a shit? How close is it to closing? If it's close enough to closing, you look like 25, and aren't being a shit then I probably won't be assed to ID you. maybe just a verbal "Are you over 21?"

>> No.16507427


What's your favorite Texas beer?

>> No.16507445

Devil's backbone or Burro's Breakfast. Depends on how I'm feeling

>> No.16507452

What's your shrink rate?

>> No.16507525

a couple bucks more an hour than what you currently pay

>> No.16507925

You do not know what shrink is

>> No.16509570

Very interesting indeed

>> No.16509599

how much allocated bourbon do you save for employees

>> No.16509722

Do you have Blanton's?

>> No.16509906

We don't really save any for us. It goes to the people on the list first. Then anything left can be set aside for an employee until the next payday at the longest. so basically just ask to be on the list if you're interested

>> No.16509915

You know how many times I get asked that a day? We laugh every time. Saying that, yeah we got a case in Monday, but it was all claimed by people on the waiting list

>> No.16510072

Why did you fucks stop doing custom burgers? The onion bun was fucking based.

>> No.16510079

I see someone lives near the Midtown location in Houston.

>> No.16510082

beat me to it

>> No.16510183


They are axing the cheap bum beers like Steel 211, still keeping the flavored varients. Aparently kids want Fruit Seltzers now and sales were slowing

>> No.16510917

my location doesn't even have a deli but I hear the ones that do are good as fuck

>> No.16511750
File: 8 KB, 243x207, Spec's Music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you sell music at one point?

>> No.16512228

The internet has poisoned my mind to the point where I thought the logo was a furry soijack.