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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16502080 No.16502080 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most healthy food in the world? I am trying to fix my liver and the rest of the body. Prohabs raw beetroot?

>> No.16502083

Chia seeds.

>> No.16502089

Wasn't it confirmed that there are gut worm egs mixed with chia seeds?

>> No.16502092

why is /pol/ so obsessed with this chick? have they never seen a non-obese femoid before?

>> No.16502102

Why are you obsessed with pol? I literally didn't know who she was until I reverse search it a few seconds ago. I just like her expression, that's all

>> No.16502123

>most healthy food
What does this mean? If you mean most nutritious food that would be liver. If you are trying to fix your liver you need to cut the alcohol and fructose down as low as possible. Refined carbohydrates may be a problem as well.

>> No.16502130

polar bear liver

>> No.16502139

lol thats 50+ humans dead from one liver from vitamin A toxicitiy

>> No.16502160

Where can I buy it?

I mean, there are foods that can fuck you up if you eat them frequently. So there might be some holy grail foods that can heal you. Are deer or shark liver good too?

>> No.16502205

nope, in the fat of the land, the eskimos tell the white guys that its poison, so the white guys of course start eating it, they found about every 6th bear they killed the liver would fuck them up (but not kill), most of the time no ill effects though

>Where can I buy it?
you need a good gun and take a expedition to the artic

>> No.16502208
File: 12 KB, 220x249, 220px-Russian_Cod_liver_in_an_opened_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish liver in oil feels so good

>> No.16502214
File: 482 KB, 300x300, 1627755842982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it legal? To hunt polar bears? Not saying it's not worth if it can make you live a few years longer

>> No.16502222

Black cumin seed oil.

>> No.16502233
File: 586 KB, 785x1052, 1627945397227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That works only for bucks and jews, Not me

>> No.16502235

>Russian grocery store in the city sells this for cheap
>Move away, literally can't find a single fucking place on earth that sells it anymore
I miss that place. Awesome meats, jarred foods, delicious kvass. I can't read any of the cyrillic shit on the labels, so I'd just go in there and buy random stuff while sticking out like a sore thumb. Never had a single bad item. Can't believe how hard it is to find even just cod liver, man.

>> No.16502239

Was it in New York?

>> No.16502247

Moringa, honey, Reishi mushrooms, there's plenty of one's you can grow yourself with tons of nutritional content, Moringa is often dried and ground into a green powder taken as a supplement, it's full of vitamins

>> No.16502248
File: 15 KB, 222x225, 1627746078206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbers are not lying

>> No.16502307

Interesting were those not well fed polar bears? Because I'm quite sure polar bear liver will kill you if the bear hasn't been starving...

>> No.16502333
File: 164 KB, 1023x838, pfs9ys2o7ze71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16502347

>Because I'm quite sure polar bear liver will kill you if the bear hasn't been starving...

What the heck Anon! I ve already eat some bear liver with brown rice!

>> No.16502356

Not just bear liver but specifically well fed polar bear liver could kill you from vitamin A overdose.

>> No.16502357

this is the boards version of "not even american, lmao, I just talk exactly like an assblasted american and hopefully you will simply accept that you have been btfo by me, totally not an american"

>> No.16502404

take your meds

>> No.16502410

take NAC, milk thistle and taurine

>> No.16502412

Wow. You really got me...

>> No.16502418

Kinda funny you say that because there's an arabic saying,"black seed oil cures everything but death." Might be more based than you think.

>> No.16502423

If you have fatty liver or fibrotic liver, it will heal on its own, just totally stop drinking and popping pills for 60-90 days.

If you have cirrhosis, sorry, but you're fucked. There is no cure.

>> No.16502436

Teen girl pussy

>> No.16502475

Coffee is very good for liver. Prevents from liver cancer even. Like 20 percent less risk per cup. That's huge when considering diet and health. Healthy weight is good for liver. Overweight people can getty fatty liver. And veggies and fruit are always healthy. Also, exercise
t. drink way too much beer, have good liver stats

>> No.16502533

Wait, I thought you were talking about sperm from the black man.

>> No.16502602

They get super defensive without fail every time you spot them leaving their containment board. Literally every single time they'll retort with their programmed response of "not everything is /pol/? Lol rent free??" faggots

>> No.16502612

>had to cut out coffee because of hypertension
>liver goes to shit
Well, fuck. I never thought to put two and two together there.

>> No.16502627

If you have liver problems then obviously you need to eat more liver

>> No.16502632

No you need to eat less sugar and drink less alcohol. Some fruit is okay because most of the fructose won't make it to the liver but stay away from sugary beverages like the plague.

>> No.16502671

Why would you say such a thing?

>> No.16502693

No you need to eat more liver.

>> No.16502726

Snail liver?

>> No.16502740

its garlic btw

>> No.16503351

you can easily consume vegetable and fruit juices with a juicer. fish is your best and healthiest protein source if sourced right - next to chicken and organ meat which you can grind up into patties or sausages. the easier to consume, the faster, the better, the easier.... your body will adjust to it though. you've gotta switch it up to keep your organs doing what they can.

>> No.16503480


>> No.16503779

I like this one

>> No.16503782

She was posted first on /int/ no?

>> No.16503783

dark leafy greens. kale and spinach for example.

>> No.16503922


vitamin d, iodine, calcium, omega 3, protein, literally the perfect meal if you eat it with a leafy green salad

also avoid alcohol and fructose and sugar if you want to fix your liver