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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16496528 No.16496528 [Reply] [Original]

I am have a pseudo health food freak sister who has been saying shit like "You know your body doesn't do anything with vegetables right? Its why you basically just shit out whole corn. You body can't digest vegatables!" Whats even more crazy is that she is doing that keto diet or whatever. I don't mind people going on diets. Honestly, I have never done a diet and don't plan on it. I just eat complete foods. So fruits, vegatables, fish, lean meat etc. I keep things simple. I love vegetables though.

Is there any ounce of truth in what she says though? Are vegetables really lacking in nutrients are basically just fiber that your body is going to shit out anyway? I don't even know why I entertain the thought that there might be a smidgen of truth in what she says. She is the same kind of woman who won't eat an orange because "fruits are basically just soda."

>> No.16496558

Not really, but she's probably not wrong that fruit like apples and oranges only really offer fibre and vitamins that it's nearly impossible to be deficient in today. Berries are notably still valuable.

>> No.16496582

She is partly correct.

Veg contains indigestable fiber, but that's actually good because it helps with bowel transit. They also contain a w3lth of micronutrients your body needs to remain healthy.

Fruits are heavy in sugars. Just because they contain natural, unrefined sugar doesn't stop fructose being a sugar. They also contain useful vitamins that soda typically doesn't, and lack a lot of the additives and preservatives that the soda does have.

I ate keto for 3 months to lose weight and still made the effort to eat fruits and vegetables. I just avoided ones that contain large amounts of carbs, the macronutrient keto diets focus on reducing.

Tl;Dr educate yourself on nutrition. A lot of what you see on 4chan is just as misinformed as your sister.

>> No.16496668

I work manual labor and the difference in energy gain between eating an apple and having a candy bar/drink of soda is massive. Fruits are deeply nourishing, refined sugar irritates my body and makes me feel tired

>> No.16496708


Question, are certain vegetables just outright bad? Particularly beans and such. I hear beans are actually high calorie but I never really perceived them that way.

>> No.16496721

maybe she should chew her food if her corn comes out whole

>> No.16496724

Beans are nutrient dense. Beans and rice together is actually contain all 12 amino acids (complete protein

>> No.16496807

body for sure can't digest oxalates and fruit juice being labelled as healthy is one of the greatest scams ever played on the american people

>> No.16496910

Beef should be your staple food everything else is mostly empty calories in comparison.

>> No.16496934

are people really stressed about oxalates? drink some fucking water.

>> No.16496946

What's wrong with fatty meat?

>> No.16498590

Cuts of meat with fat are great tasting and sating too. His sister ain't wrong that certain fruits are mainly too sugary for mass consumption.

>> No.16498613

> all 12 amino acids
There are more than 12 amino acids

>> No.16498628

probably meant the 11 essentials

>> No.16498672

Yeah I'm retarded but I like to act smart

>> No.16498685

since we've established that I'll tell you meat and animal foods in general are more protein and micro nutrient dense relative to plant foods, grains, fruits, etc

>> No.16498690

Firstly, nutrition is not a settled science.

But in my opinion, she is mostly right. Vegetables DO contain indigestible fiber, which your body literally can't do anything with, and shits out. There is evidence fiber has beneficial effects, however people seem to do fine on low or even zero fiber diets. There are tribes who barely consume vegetables and live on meat and honey, there are raw carniovre tards who literally ingest no fiber at all, and heal their digestive illnesses. Is fiber bad for you? I don't think so. But it's literally not a nutrient.

Secondly, plants do contain vitamins and minerals, some of which the body needs and are digestible. However, there are antinutrient concerns that come along with these micronutrients. For example, lectins, phytates, oxylates, etc. These bind to minerals and prevent their absorption.

And it's important to remember that vitamins come in multiple forms, the ones found in plants are generally less bioavailable. So for example the iron found in animal products is heme-iron, which is easily absorbed compared to the non-heme plant form of iron. Another example is vitamin A. Vitamin A, in plant form is actually beta-carotene (i.e. a pigment), which your body very inefficiently converts to vitamin A. Likewise, youll find advertising that a plant food is high in epa/dha (essential fats). However what plants actually contain is ALA, which again, youre body ineffienctly converts to epa/dha. Another example is vitamin K, which in plant form is k1, whereas the animal derived version is K2, which is again, better. Also, no plant foods contain vitamin b12, which is essential for your nerves basically.

>> No.16498697

Now, on a personal note, I have dissected and inspected my own feces many times. I shit in the shower, chop it up, and see what comes out. What I've learned is that your bodies digestive system isn't magic, it doesn't break down everything you put into it. If something is bound up in fiber, it comes out the same way. Especially ingestible I have noticed are nuts and seeds (literally come out whole, undigested if you swallow them whole, if you chew them, they come out as you chewed them - little bits of nut). Everyone know about corn. But also brocolli (comes out still with visible florets, still green), ginger (incredible fiberous, body can't do anything with it), carrots come out as you chewed them. any leafy green leaves behind long fiberous strings in your shit. Cooked grains seem to be digested very well however. Raw oats (in muesli), comes out whole and undigested. Mushrooms literally don't get digested at all, they just come out exactly as you swallowed them, but darker. I could go on. Fruits are varying. Mango will leave strings in your shit, but little else. Oranges leave some fiber, pineapple leaves chunks of fiberous things, apples are fully digested, papaya I never noticed anything in my shit, etc. On the whole it seems like fruits are far more easily or better digested than vegetables (although for some reason blueberries arne't digested much).

But basically the point here is that in my experience any food without or low fiber (eg, animal derived foods, sugars/honey, milk, rice, bread etc), your body digests very well, leaving no discernable trace in your shit. Although I noticed that eating large amounts of mussels DOES leave a trace in your shit (you can sort of tell where the lip of the mussel is, they're quite rubbery, also they still smell like mussels in your shit).

>> No.16498701
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Yeah but beans are pretty good with the protein fr fr

>> No.16498716

When you combine the antinutrient concerns, with the indigestibility of plant foods, I have come to the conclusion that low/no fiber foods are far more healthy, especially considering that these are generally animal products and therefore their vitamin content comes in forms your body can use directly without conversion. Not to mention b12, iodine, preformed epa/dha, the complete protein profile, carnitine, collagen, etc.

I still eat vegetables though. I just think it's a meme that they're so healthy. Society says "eat your vegetables, vegetables are so good for you, vegetables contain so many vitamins and minerals etc, but when you actually look into their nutritional value, and their digestibility, it's clear to me that they are the least nutritious foods you can eat. That doesn't mean they have zero nutritional value (not to mention culinary value), or we should avoid them though. it's just there's far better sources of nutrition out there, especially those derived from animal products (primarily due to their digestibility and the form of their vitamins).

>> No.16498748

Wow anon, wow
We have a shit inspector here

You should also consider the effect that vegetables may have on your gut fauna
I know for a fact that I feel much healthier after my stomach has acclimated to eating vegetables regularly

>> No.16498787
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>I have dissected and inspected my own feces many times. I shit in the shower, chop it up, and see what comes out.

>> No.16498796

Are you german?

>> No.16498806

>least nutritious foods you can eat.
everything else you said is right except this the award for this goes to refined carbohydrates and things like sweets. your main point that animal foods are more nutrient dense is objectively true

>> No.16498825

It's not about getting the most nutrients for your calories unless you are a bodybuilder.

>> No.16498834
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stay quiet smooth brain

>> No.16498837
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Is this why YOU are retarded? I don't know but its definitely possible.

>> No.16498845

I eat beef and seafood everyday but also leafy green vegetables and fruit because that's what my body needs. You seem to be reactionaries

>> No.16498849

did you miss the rest of the board that's just shilling for fast food garbage vegan or otherwise?

>> No.16498861

well depends how you define "nutritious", obviously refined carbohydrates are incredibly nutritious in terms of macronutrient carbohydrate fuel. Your brain runs on glucose and needs it constantly.

>> No.16498862

I don't care about that. You're literally reacting to other people and not what I've been posting in this thread. You seem to have assumed I'm a vegan because I said vegetables are good for you lmao

>> No.16498876

It's especially about that when you're not in intense physical training. You don't have the calorie schedule to waste on ineffective micronutrients.

>> No.16498991

Your sister isn't a nutritionist.
Vegetables help you poop better, lower inflammation, lower insulin spikes and give you some nutrients. If you eat carrots you'll never have vitamin A deficiency unless you have a gastroenterologic or metabolic disorder/disease.
>she is doing that keto diet
confirmed fad diet
> She is the same kind of woman who won't eat an orange because "fruits are basically just soda."
She's retarded, soda is a lot worse.
This guy knows what' s up.

>> No.16499025

>vegetables are good for you
Maybe but meat is better nutritionally. Objectively true.

>> No.16499027

>confirmed fad diet
It's not a fad if its been used to treat disease for over a century faggot

>> No.16499060

When will the ketofag infestation gb2 /fat/?

>> No.16499069

When there were ketofag general threads I think we were mostly contained to those thread.

>> No.16499879

bae..sed sister really. I hope she inherits everything from your parents while you get to take care of the family dog

>> No.16500012

How is this possible still? A cup of whole milk gives you like 16g of protein and alot of b12.

>> No.16500052

Meat is more efficiently absorbed into the human body than plants because it's more relatable to us down to the DNA. But we still derive nutrition from plants even though we do it less efficiently. Your doctor may use broken english but they will tell you better information than an english-speaking native who has no medical background.

>> No.16500148

Why is beef so good for you?

>> No.16500173

large amounts of micronutrients that are highly bioavailable.

>> No.16500187

What percentage of my diet should be beef?

>> No.16500191

That's half the reason you eat vegetables. Call her a stupid niggerbrained retard. The fiber helps carry waste out of your body, making you function more efficiently. The bioavailable nutrients and antioxidants are also another reason. You eat shit like cabbage so you can also eat red meat, make use of bioavailable nutrients in each, and successfully excrete a sufficient amount of carcinogenic waste.

>> No.16500200

So it's best to eat veggies after meat? That way the veggies push the meat carcinogens out of your intestines?

>> No.16500299

Vegetables are basically a meme, but to be honest it's unlikely you're eating enough organ meat. So basically eating large amounts of low bioavailability vegetables is a good coverage tactic for micronutrients.

>> No.16500300

Fruits are just sugar and fibre really

>> No.16500305

>If you eat carrots you'll never have vitamin A deficiency

Unless you are unable to efficiently convert beta carotene into retinol.

>> No.16500404


>> No.16500517

Gonna be kind of a long post, but bear with me. I did a lot of work on gut microbiology in grad school.

Basically, your intestines are filled with a shit load (lol) of bacteria. It's actually estimated that there are more bacterial cells in your colon than human cells in your entire body. And these lil' dudes do so much for you, including keeping your immune system up, preventing leaky gut syndrome and other pro-inflammatory compounds that can get through a weak intestinal wall, and even produce or modulate the production of fucking neurotransmitters.

All this cool stuff that they do for us is dependent on there being genetic diversity among all the different species. When your diversity of bacteria goes down, you go into "dysbiosis", and all kinds of bad stuff can happen: obesity, chronic inflammation and its sequelae, depression, and a host of IBS related diseases.

Then, fiber comes along. Fiber is recognized as any complex carbohydrate that isn't starch. Humans only produce one enzyme for carbohydrate breakdown, and that carb is starch. But there's a ton of other carbs out there like cellulose, hemicellulose, chitin, etc that these bacteria have the ability to break down. So when you eat vegetables, they get access to sources of carbs that we aren't competing with them for. It also takes longer to break down, meaning that you're feeding them all along the length of your intestines, ensuring that genetic richness throughout. The opposite is true with a high sugar diet: bacteria at the top of your GI get a population boom and the ones lower down get nothing.

There's also antioxidants and other stuff in them that are good for you, but the gut microbiome is pretty much at the axis of most human health. "Let thy food be thy medicine", after all. I'd be happy to post more gut micro information if anyone's interested

>> No.16500676

No, with it so the fiber can absorb toxins in your stomach

>> No.16501223
File: 79 KB, 715x736, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have dissected and inspected my own feces many times
never change /ck/

>> No.16501236

>A cup of whole milk
Whole milk is literally illegal in US schools. They give the kids low fat chocolate milk loaded with sugar instead.

>> No.16501293

based Hippocrates poster

>> No.16501304

here's a (yoU)

>> No.16501307

>lil’ dudes
Go back and/or stop typing like a quirky 16 year old girl

>> No.16501312
File: 10 KB, 270x187, download (50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. I spent most of grad school helping poorfags add enough chlorine to their water so they didn't die. Well explained.

>> No.16501317

Or a highschool science teacher that speaks in a way children actually listen to. 15 year old me would have paid attention to what this lil' dude had to say.

>> No.16501318

tl;dr protect the liver, feed the gut
i.e. eat a high fiber low sugar diet

>> No.16501321

How resistant were they to adding chlorine to their drinking water?

>> No.16501326
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>What percentage of my diet should be beef?

>> No.16501333

They were not resistant, but didn't understand why they were getting ill from drinking surface water without treatment. After that they decided that adding more was better and got even sicker from drinking what was essentially (40-60ppm CL) pool water. It wasn't an incredibly long study, but the thesis took me over a year because no matter what I did to help and explain they figured that the more you add the better it is for you.

>> No.16501334

Thanks, Bob.

>> No.16501348

not bob but I did get that from his book

>> No.16501360
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Does baker have clinical tests to back up being a carnivore? I think he was the guy that went on Rogan preaching his carnivore diet and didn't have any bloodwork or anything to back it up, just kept saying "I've never felt better"

>> No.16501437

there was an n=2 year long experiment back in the 1920s on an all meat diet. It was a guy who lived with Eskimos and his partner and they were both in great health by the end even though everyone thought they'd be dead from scurvy in months

>> No.16501452


relevant interview ~11:00 he talks about the diet and experiment

>> No.16502489

Both are retarded
Chinese bugmen defeated the mongols.
Get yellow pilled and eat dogs, frogs, pangolins, bats, human fetuses and a lot of raw meat.

>> No.16504226

I think you really need to see a doctor for your defective digestive system and also for your mental issues

>> No.16504250

I agree with this. I feel like fibre is only necessary if you eat certain foods that require some help to get out of your body. If you ate things like honey, you don’t need insoluble fibre to help the process.

>> No.16504259

I like someone who goes the extra mile. Experimentation is pretty much the definition of a man.

>> No.16504309

Is she hot? Fuck some sense into her. But yeah all my siblings are taking up whatever shit they read on the internet and then claim x thing is bad for them. Their tummy hurts because this or that. Personally I can't say. My diet is bad, I drink a lot, and I take a cocktail of supplements. I always feel like shit. I'd still follow a balanced diet though. I believe that can't steer you wrong.

>> No.16504384

Food is not about "nutrients" ,it is about prana

>> No.16504423

the two populations of people who live the longest are Okinawans and Cretans, both of whom eat a fuckload of vegetables
yes your sister is retarded

>> No.16506017

Outright bad? Outside of eating literally poisonous plants no, but antinutrients are a real, if highly overstated, thing.

>> No.16506483

based and scat pilled

>> No.16506567

people on this board literally rummage through their own excrement... i'm not even surprised...