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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1300x867, 122208974-live-small-octopus-on-plate[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16499417 No.16499417 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop these guys drying out in the microwave?

>> No.16499435

plop them in a water bath?

>> No.16499438

Don't use a microwave

>> No.16499441

2 minutes at ~700 watts

>> No.16499468

Stop eating animals who could prpably smarter than most of the average 4chan users?

>> No.16499474
File: 175 KB, 843x1407, 1607891725557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. pic related

>> No.16499477

If they're smarter than us then we wouldn't be able to catch and eat them

>> No.16499478

that poster didn't say to stop eating all animals though

or maybe they did

>> No.16499482

Dude, i love a good steak like all sane people.
I just dont want to eat something as smart than an cute octopussy.

>> No.16499507

I know that's intended to make me hate vegans but if all the hamplanets switched to looking like that I'd be fine with it. if you aren't, you're obviously a hammyfat yourself. eat less fatty

>> No.16499510

It's intended to show you most vegans are idiots and can't feed themselves. Looks like you're reading into this too much and projecting to me.

>> No.16499520

Cover it in tinfoil

>> No.16499526

When was the last time you personally caught one?

>> No.16499531

I said "we" you midwit faggot

>> No.16499537

Arent a ton of WWE wrestlers vegan too? Why is this girl a skelly and those guys are ripped?

>> No.16499540

t. hamplanet. Eat less

>> No.16499547

I don't know anything about WWE diets, but the point is she's an idiot and can't feed herself

Lose weight

>> No.16499549

yes, that is what you need to do, bertha

>> No.16499568

Google Patrik Baboumian.
He´s a vegan and a beast.
Here´s something i found already.
But desu, i just love meat to much to even considering changing my diet.

>> No.16499588

that's not most vegans, those are RAW vegans, which is a whole different thing. Raw vegans are insane people who live off of watermelons.

>> No.16499611

carnists can't even tell the difference between a meatless (vegetarian) meal and being a full time vegan, how would they know that raw veganism is a niche subset of veganism?

>> No.16499618

When was the last time the average 4chan user caught one?

>> No.16499669

ask ur mum

>> No.16499680

I will when she's done fucking you, bitch.

>> No.16499696

Based animal intelligence appreciator. Wouldn't personally consider cows retarded enough to eat, but it's good to see someone else that decides shit like that on a species-by-species basis.

>> No.16499728

roids. you'll literally gain like 10 pounds of muscle without changing your diet or exercise routine if you start taking steroids. but it also makes your organs grow too which can be dangerous.

>> No.16499745

>Google Patrik Baboumian.
>He´s a vegan and a beast.
He only went vegan in 2011, he was an omnivore for 25 years and vegetarian for another 5 before going vegan toward the tail end of his career. It's still impressive to see what the body is capable of but nobody gets to that position without chemical enhancements, not even meat eaters.

>> No.16499768

Thats not the first time i heard someone mentioning cows as not so dumb as they seem.
I was raised in an pretty urban area with many cows not to far away from me and all i can say about them, is...they stand around, chewing and pooping. Thats it.
Pigs on the other hand can be trained like a dog. So im considering to stop eat pork at some point in my future.
But not right now,first we have to get rid of all the muslims here.

>> No.16501320
File: 2.93 MB, 960x540, cutehulu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cook them underwater

>> No.16501535

>When was the last time you personally caught one?
Not that guy, but last summer. Things are dumb as fuck and will just go into clay jars with food and stay there resting while you pull the line and fish them out the next day. They are hardly as intelligent as mammals we usually kill as pests such as mice.

Your argument is retarded.

>> No.16501549
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>> No.16501725
File: 1.65 MB, 720x900, 12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, I'm from a rural area, it's not the same just seeing them from a distance. It's true that cows do spend most of their time eating and shitting, but when you actually interact with them a lot there's obviously something going on upstairs, and that's enough for me to not eat them. One funny thing about them is how they'd all crowd around and stare transfixed if you sang near them. Now turkeys, those are so goddamn dumb I'd feel worse about taking an axe to a tree.

>But not right now,first we have to get rid of all the muslims here.
Why wait? Just find strategic uses for it instead of eating it.

>> No.16501756

That is one fuckable calf.

>> No.16501770

Oh, apparently they like instruments too. Damn, learn something new everyday.

That's obviously a dog.

>> No.16503089
File: 64 KB, 960x886, Aliens Land in China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16503104

put them in while they are still alive

>> No.16503114

Cope harder faggot. If they were more intelligent than us then they would eat us and not the other way around

>> No.16503727

Nice filename

>> No.16504364

How can she still have chubby cheeks?

>> No.16504413
File: 71 KB, 680x533, 1627392807554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two theories based on a few observations:
1. Vegan whores actually use their shitty facial creams that are actually a scam and have fatty oils.
2. Lack of omega3 and protein actually fucks their metabolism so bad instead of swelling the belly like it happens to starving africans it all goes to the face.
Anyway, I rarely saw a vegan bitch this thin without including a face looking like an exploding watermelon.

>> No.16504424

post body

>> No.16504428

Because that anon purposefully seeks out and saves pictures of skinny/anorexic vegans to further some weird personal agenda of his

>> No.16504434

>cows rush to sight/sound signals they associate with being fed

>> No.16505672
File: 71 KB, 550x823, 1581655578371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wake up late and it's my turn to feed the animals