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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16497673 No.16497673 [Reply] [Original]

>father is over to visit for the day
>i decide to make a pasta meal from complete scratch
>it turns out nice, i’m proud
>after eating, my dad thanks me and tells me that i am a wonderful chef
>feel great about the whole thing
>not two minutes after being done - he decides to go for a walk
>returns with a fucking hamburger

>> No.16497682
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Can't wait until they're all dead

>> No.16497686

I wonder what stories our children will come up with regarding millennials.

>> No.16497693
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what kind of burger?

>> No.16497710

>What is wrong with millennials and food

>father is over to visit for the day
>I decide to fry up some Criquet Wings™ to try and get him to eat more insect protein
>he puts fucking hot sauce on the wings
>he doesn't eat with a knife and fork so the sauce gets everywhere
>thanks me for the chicken wings
>don't have the heart to tell him what he just ate
Why can't millennials just be normal people like us?

>> No.16497723

some asiago burger from mcdonalds. it was dripping with white sauce. >>16497710
lol’d thanks lad. reminds me of how he has also put hot sauce on my shepherds pies that i would make for saturday dinner. i had to leave the table once.

>> No.16499522

Boomers grew up with an incredible amount of wealth and are very entitled and engage in rampant consumerism. They can’t help themselves

>> No.16499527

Did you serve a plate with zero protein? 'cause I'd do the same, that's not a meal, that's a snack

>> No.16499553

maybe you were serving baby sized portions and the dude just wanted to feel full because he skipped a meal or something

maybe it wasn't actually any good and the was just being polite

maybe you should think about if you are the problem first before blaming others

>> No.16499560

Maybe you just suck at cooking lad

>> No.16499562

not enough meat

>> No.16499569
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>> No.16499571

>dad comes over to visit
>make a tofu hamburger with avocado topping and egg on top
>he doesn't make a picture for his social media despite all the time I spend plating it
>asks me what kind of drinks I have
>see visible disgust when I mention soymilk or almond milk
>he leaves before eating and comes back later with a 6pack of beer and burger
Fucking millennials at least my mom's boyfriend tells me he's proud.

>> No.16499572

>serve small portion of food
>dad eats compliments iit thanks me for it
>gets himself a burger because he is still hungry
>wtf boomers are bad

>> No.16499577

Some people, and not just the boomers either, have some sort of food addiction that means they just don't register certain meals as meals and they absolutely need to get some bread and meat in them regardless of how much they just ate.
I guess I can understand it a little because even though I love a simple salad with some some fresh veggies from the garden it never makes me feel full in the same way as meat & potatoes no matter how much I have.
It's clearly some kind of conditioned mental issue and while it's really fucking annoying in situations like yours I guess people don't do it to insult you or your cooking.
Maybe a breadroll on the side can mitigate it next time, I don't know.

>> No.16499589

never happened

>> No.16499633

Either that or OP didn't make enough food. I made my mother spaghetti from scratch also but I always make sure to make extra's so I have diner for the day after. But even though we were with 2 people the 3-3,5 person sauce was gone by the time we finished eating.

>> No.16499639

>radical feminism and multiculturalism to the point where your sons will be unable to find wives
just cut off your ding dong and become a woman, zoomer. it's the only way

>> No.16499644

>feed your overweight father a 400 calorie meal with no protein
>take offense when he sees it as a snack and gets a real dinner

>> No.16499649
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a serving of durum wheat dry pasta contains about 8g of protein. presumably egg pasta contains even more

>> No.16499666

By that time you will be old yourself. Eat shit zoomer hahaha

>> No.16499670

This might be news to you but eight is a small number

>> No.16499679
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it's more protein than in a medium sized egg, and that's from literally just the wheat and nothing else
if you're having trouble meeting your nutritional needs off a single serving of plain boiled pasta, maybe consider eating a variety of different things throughout the day instead of sperging out and flinging your bowl of spaghetti across the room because it's not mark rippletits approved

>> No.16499681

I don't consider a single egg to be a meal

>> No.16499691

>doesn't consider a single egg to be a meal
>didn't go through college

>> No.16499695

nigger you would have to eat seven servings of pasta to consume the recommended daily amount of protein. You would have to eat more than twice that if you’re not a manlet and you do any kind of strength training. Pasta is just not a high protein food

>> No.16499709
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>nigger you would have to eat seven servings of pasta to consume the recommended daily amount of protein. You would have to eat more than twice that if you’re not a manlet and you do any kind of strength training. Pasta is just not a high protein food
when you acquire object permanence later in life, you'll be able to understand how nutrients consumed at different times can continue to provide benefits even outside the exact instant when they are in front of your face

>> No.16499723
File: 219 KB, 1273x1024, 3D5A1C6E-1C05-46CE-993A-91BF62FEFFD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s the point you’re trying to make here

>> No.16499732

it's not important. go back to chugging your ON brand whey protein isolate and agonizing over whether to buy adipowers or romaleos, rest assured that if you aren't inhaling at least 5g per kg of body weight per minute you will stay a dyel skellington

>> No.16499744

Well if your portioning was anything like in your image, he was probably still hungry. I'm almost positive he didn't mean anything by it. You said he's a boomer so he's probably at least a bit on the fat side anyway.

>> No.16499795

anon even if you’re a normal non-bodybuilder eating only 56 grams of protein a day then 8 grams is a pretty insignificant amount. If the entire serving of pasta you eat for lunch has only 8 grams then you’re going to have to eat a pretty meat-heavy breakfast and lunch to make up for it. Also it was retarded of you to compare an entire serving of pasta to the protein in a single egg, which no one eats only one of.

>> No.16499803

Plant proteins typically aren't used by our bodies as well. You can't just go by the amount, protein quality also has to be taken into consideration. If OP just served pasta with tomato sauce then it's not going to be satisfying to a lot of people even if it tastes really good. I'd at least serve it with some ricotta cheese that can provide some needed higher quality protein and fat.

>> No.16499832
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>flings bowl of boiled spaghetti across the room
>MOOOOOM look what you made me do? !??! you don't understAAAAAND mark rippletoe said every pl8 needs to be piled up with boiled skinless chicken breast and a gallon of milk on the side otherwise I will have a panic attack and start crying for more ON brand whey protein isolate, don't you know it's my anabolic window right now?!?!?

>> No.16499845

What is wrong with millennials?
>go to "daughter's" apartment that "she" is sharing rent on with other people "her" age (she was born my son, but I'm accepting this new way of life for "her")
>she tells me when I get there, she will cook for me
>I skip lunch
>she hand-makes pasta, using a $300 pasta roller, instead of just using the $2 box of barilla
>pulls out a $100 stick blender to make tomato sauce
>has a $400 hydoponic herb garden for the basil
>realize that her thought process is to cook for me, not to feed me
>it's just a handful of spaghetti and meatless tomato sauce
>all carbs, so I get hungry 15 minutes later
>walk over to the nearby Wendy's for a double baconator

>> No.16499867


>> No.16499876

it was over a half kilo of pasta and i put like six sausages in it
thanks for replies

>> No.16499877

>>go to "daughter's" apartment that "she" is sharing rent on with other people "her" age (she was born my son, but I'm accepting this new way of life for "her")
does your "daughter" still have her "penis" and if so can I get her "contact info"? I would like to "marry" her and impregnate her "butthole" with my "sperm"

>> No.16499884

That doesn't necessarily sound like a boomer thing, more of a probable eating disorder thing.

>> No.16499928

Fucking based.

>> No.16499949

DYEL skeleton detected.
I’m sorry anon, but us men have different dietary needs .
OPs dad did nothing wrong except for committing some stupid etiquette faux pas around his chef son

>> No.16499967

6 sausages between ten people is still kinda scant

>> No.16500027

>it's got the same protein content as ONE egg, wtf do you mean you don't consider that a meal???
Vegans are hilarious

>> No.16500038

If your serving size is the same as OP picture, I’d walk out and get McDonald’s too.

That’s a child’s portion anon.

>> No.16500043

>he doesnt eat 50g of protein a meal