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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16495384 No.16495384 [Reply] [Original]


Okay, Calibros. How much of this is actually true, and how much of it is just attention-grabbing click-bait?

>> No.16495388

I'm Jewish and I support this. I'm not religious but anything that makes Christians mad I support.

>> No.16495490

there are almost 40 million potential pork customers in california, the market will provide

>> No.16495771

you post this thread as if all pork products were made illegal when in reality all that was changed is the amount of living space given per animal. are we now supporting industrial meat production to own the libs?

>> No.16495796

Libertarian website.

>> No.16495845
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Don't care. I get pork from pigs that live outside during the warm months, I live in flyover, and plan to eventually raise my own hogs for meat.

>> No.16495881

Another librard that doesn't understand economics. Many such cases.

>> No.16496020

>it is my RIGHT as an American to eat pork that was raised drowning in its own shit and pumped full of antibiotics/growth hormones
>compassion for animals? that's commie thinking!

>> No.16496043

nothing is stopping cali from producing the way SJW whores and faggots want, for their own market there.

>> No.16496431

Get ready for the bacon riots.

>> No.16496797

Good the McRib is going to be back on the menu
Except in California

>> No.16496847
File: 541 KB, 897x881, 46185C6D-3FBE-4898-96D3-CAF6CCE7AA76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb trumpers! No one is coming for your meat or guns! We just want common sense legislation!

>> No.16496906

nothing is stopping pork farmers from deciding not to sell in California. But they are going to adhere to the drives of the market and keep selling there because losing California would devastate them more than these rules. You are a bitch and we are TELLING you what the market is like, does that make you mad? That lack of control as we libs FORCE you to live in our world? I love thinking that people you are trapped in a reality where we will force pork rules down your throat while all you can do is squeal. Those pigs are getting there living space and those farmers are going to make it happen. that's basic economics for you, you weak bitch

>> No.16497020

Oh shit son. Is that a red waddler? Looks like a little tuft hanging from its chin.

>> No.16497043

Mexicans love their pork. This will piss them off.

>> No.16497529

Hitler was so right about you leeches.

>> No.16497533

this, >>16497529
was for >>16495388

>> No.16498085


Asians, Mexicans, everyone will be fucking pissed. The dems just pissed away the majority of their voting base over some PETA bullshit. I can see some major political changes, especially in the recall election.

>> No.16498715

lmao, /pol/tard newfag doesn't even know how to reply.

>> No.16498723

umm how about white people

>> No.16498725

Pigs don't give a shit about how much room they have to roam around in. They will happily live in an area that is the size of their body if they are provided with food.

At any rate who gives a shit about animals that you literally raise for slaughter?

>> No.16498755

Kys kike

>> No.16498792

Lots of no religious Jews eat bacon.

>> No.16499751 [DELETED] 

Smoothbrain. Did you ever bother to grasp what the world outside your little bubble entails?

>> No.16499765

lel you think you are smart don't ya. Some will comply, then use every single gray area they can to half ass the fuck out of it and those pigs will still live the same shit filled lives while the pig farmers raise their premiums and make more money from gullible people like you under the pretext of "we have to do this for the benefit of the animals". Meanwhile the pigs far from benefit because of this, you pay more and farmers/government bureaucrats laugh all the way to the bank. If you could for one second rub two braincells together you may one day decide to look at things beyond the surface. I'll give you a hint, look into "cage free chickens" lel. Way to own them rednecks bud, you win a bucket of shit.

>> No.16499888
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Wasted digits on a filthy j*w rat. Kill yourself.

>> No.16499890
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Try again, this is a natsoc website.

>> No.16499902

The website tolerates natsoc views because it is a libertarian website at its core.

>> No.16499924
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No. It is severely natsoc... And that's a good thing!

>> No.16500020
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>food & cooking?

>> No.16500487

how much did that California bill for eggs a few years ago increase the cost of eggs? From what I've searched, the price for eggs about doubled back then. I believe bacon going into 2022 will hit $10-$12 for a 12oz package

>> No.16500853

No it's not, it's an image board. Take your nutsucc politics back to where it belongs.

>> No.16500890

Yes it is

I don't care. I don't eat pork. I'm a chicken man.

>> No.16500899

based revenge digits

>> No.16501162

The only people throwing a fit about this are the same ones who whine about a $2 fast food sandwich now being $3. Boohoo I either have to pay more or stop eating absurd portions of low-quality meat

>> No.16501172


>> No.16501244


>> No.16501249

you could wipe out every single metropolitan area like la, nyc and nothing of value would be lost. take out the so called rural retards and suddenly you have zero power, food, water.

>> No.16501879

if you wipe me out, America would lose forever the nation's largest private collection of silver butt and urethra plugs. Think twice before eliminating me