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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16489289 No.16489289 [Reply] [Original]

I've finally committed to going vegan. Any advice?

Also general vegan thread

>> No.16489294

Stop being so based and redpilled

>> No.16489296

My advice is to jump off a skyscraper fag

>> No.16489338
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Notice how the vegans make the incels seethe

>> No.16489342

>guy posting on 4chan cooking board disparages the sexual success of others

>> No.16489343

Wow, another vegan thread posted in bad faith with absolutely no content contributed by the OP like recipes or pictures. It's almost as if you're just an insincere attentionwhore who doesn't care about food at all.

>> No.16489380 [DELETED] 

Oh, WOW! Imagine the smell! Sssnnnniiiffff, ahhHhhhh. OH! A seethe my dear? SEEEEEEEETTTHHHEE. Oh my goodness! SNNNIIFFFFF. Ahhhh. SEEETHHE SEETH COOOOOPE. Oh, you seem to have made a mess my dear. Dont mind if i clean that up. SEEEEEEEEETHE SEETHEEEE. Oh my.

>> No.16489387

>Any advice

>> No.16489414

If you want to do it sustainably you are probably going to need to supplement iron b12 and some other vitamins. The alternative is to just eat some eggs and meat.

>> No.16489519

It's going to be a challenge to adapt. One thing you really should do is not make it hard on other people to accommodate you, especially when they're feeding you. Be humble and just do your thing.

>> No.16490047

Didn't you make a thread yesterday? What happened to it?

>> No.16490071

I did it for awhile and it's not worth it. Just slowly destroys your health and makes your social life hell. eat less red meat, eat less processed shit, eat less in general, call it a day.

>> No.16490080

I would be vegan but I can’t. I have TMJ

>> No.16490159

plant based alien lifeforms will not be impressed

we are literally mamals, eating milk / cheeze is the closest we get to photosynthesis
also, vast vajority of chicken eggs are unfertalized, meaning it's not taking a life at all
plus without farms animals will go extinct

>> No.16490240

just eat sustainable fish and homegrown eggs if it's a conscience thing, every part of the food production involves killing critters in some horrible way whether it be a slaughter house or a combine in the field.

>> No.16490246

You are saving the world anon. Always make sure everybody knows it and take your credit where its due.

>> No.16490316

Kill yourself

>> No.16490330

Nutritional yeast is imo a dietary staple and is rich in b12

Beans will be a frequent dish, and in many forms

Many vegan dishes require a food processor (i.e. vegan cheeses, vegan meat imitations, hummus, falafels) so it might be wise to get one if you're committed

Try to eat a varied diet full of fruits and vegetables

Most days i wi make a smoothie with nutritional yeast, plant based milk, 2 servings of frozen veggies (spinach, kale, etc), 1 banana,1 serving of frozen fruit, flaxmeal, a scoop of vega protein powder and a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter

Always tasty, never gets boring becausr you can always mix and match fruits and veg

Great way to eat 4 servings of fruits and veg and a start to your day

>> No.16490342

Have fun shitting your guts out. I eat more plants in the summer because I am obsessed with self sustainability and there's so many god damn crops you can't just preserve them all, so I'm almost vegetarian. The increase in vegetables and fruits causes me to shit 5 times a day and gives me awful farts. In the winter it's mostly meat with some appropriate plant foods like canned, dried and fermented foods, potatoes, and grains. Then I never fart and shit once a day.

I can't stand the constant shitting, but I eat plants mostly for taste pleasure and meat to keep me going. And before you faggots say anything, I cannot eat beans, they give me heartburn.

You can't be vegan for health since it's an inherently a deficient diet. If you're going to do it for ethics and the environment get local food from small farms only.

>> No.16490344

Have your doctor check your iron periodically.

>> No.16490347

I like bobs red mill nutritional yeast, it's high nutritious and tastes pleasantly cheesy so its great to cook with. On the package there's a recipe to make cashew cheeze thats pretty good

>> No.16490374
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Why are you vegan again?

>> No.16490593

Shitting more often is good for your digestive tract and causatially relates to over all better health.

>> No.16491868

Funny because it makes me feel like garbage. I'd rather shit no more than twice per day. Also having rancid farts is fucking gross.

>> No.16491880
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Vegans are weak incels

>> No.16491890

Um, if you want you can eat just basic things and not worry very much. beans and quinoa or whatever with vegetables and nuts