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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16489295 No.16489295 [Reply] [Original]

who is your favorite food reviewer that you trust the most?

>> No.16489379


>> No.16489403

Someone once posted a clip of the guy on the right being mean to the one on the left. Asking if he is a psycho or something. Anyone know which video that is?

>> No.16489404


>> No.16489413
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>> No.16489508

I dont watch food reviewers but when I do it's Wolfe pit

>> No.16489510


>> No.16489512 [DELETED] 

all nigs and brown people should be culled into the ocean

>> No.16489548

this but were all afraid to say it

>> No.16489561

>who is your favorite food reviewer that you trust the most?
me. no point in relying on someone else to tell you what tastes good. especially since most of them are just being paid to do it or hoping to be paid and aren't trustworthy because of that.

>> No.16489721


>> No.16489743


>> No.16489747
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>> No.16489758

He kind of lost me when he says he hates pickles, mayonnaise, and pasta and actually rates items poorly when they are featuring any of those. When half the things he reviews are burgers, what the fuck is that

>> No.16489759
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>> No.16489788

post it

>> No.16489825

I hate pickles and the faggot who decided to but them on burgers deserves to be shot

>> No.16489846

Post what?

>> No.16489860

You know what.

>> No.16489862


>> No.16489864


>> No.16489930
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there's only one viable answer

>> No.16489936

review. brah.

>> No.16490150

that guy with the nice MREs

>> No.16490152

these people make food digusting
Gluttony and eating shouldn't be one in the same and they dont have to be

>> No.16490849


>> No.16490853

I recently noticed that "food youtube" has the highest concentrations of absolute freaks
Why is that

>> No.16490859
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For me? It's Ken Domik.

>> No.16490883

this guy is so fake and annoying

>> No.16490884

Does rabia still appear on his videos?

>> No.16490885

why do you think this?

>> No.16490887

Because it takes literally zero effort to be one.
Your content revolves around FOOD, something everyone is intimately familiar with. However the problem is that the vast majority have absolute shit taste and can't cook for shit which is why they're so mediocre, but everyone and their dog has an opinion to broadcast regarding their tastes and cooking """style"""

>> No.16490897

because he's paid by companies to tout their food
it was so obvious in the infamous "impossible whopper" video

>> No.16490901

I trust fat people because they know about eating

>> No.16490907
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>> No.16490909


>> No.16490910
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>> No.16490911

where is the chin nick

>> No.16490916

How is this pudgy ricecel so famous?
He is even a voice actor of some sort, not to mention that he has a beautiful white wife.

>> No.16490917

>not to mention that he has a beautiful white wife.

>> No.16491833


>> No.16491853
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>> No.16491869
File: 72 KB, 1000x1310, EricSurf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16491872

i like bob and super K but not a fan of the other guests. bad comics especially is just gross as fuck always belching and shit

>> No.16491929


>> No.16492006

people who eat a lot have very little to say about food

>> No.16492010

Yeah, Bad Comics is gross. He said that he doesn’t want to be in videos anymore though. Special K said the same thing the other day because he’s trying to lose weight or something

>> No.16492379

what video is that from

>> No.16492390
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