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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16488726 No.16488726 [Reply] [Original]

this. My stimulant is essential before I start my day.

>> No.16488730

I quit drinking coffee after my best friend died.

>> No.16488732

I love coffee, but can't stand those coffee fags.

>> No.16488937

From coffee?

>> No.16488940

No it was a hsmster

>> No.16488941

> falling for the liquid J*w

Good goys

>> No.16488944

coffee is trash, the only thing im addicted to, I got some sorta tea from brazil that said it can be used in place of coffee

>> No.16488952

Yerba Mate?

>> No.16488958 [DELETED] 

yes yes, everything is jew.
jew food. jew drinks. jew air. jew sleep. jew rocks. we know

>> No.16488971

>jew rocks

>> No.16488976

mate de coca

>> No.16488988

>My stimulant is essential before I start my day.
You're a drug addict. Caffeine has the same effects on your brain as cocaine and amphetamines. It trashes your physical and mental health. The feeling you get after drinking it is just relief from the daily withdrawal.

>> No.16489017
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>drink coffee
>feel same
>never even drank it until like 5 or 6 years ago
>maybe have 2 cups a day
I don't get what the fuss is about.

>> No.16489032 [DELETED] 

Caffeine works differently if you have Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

>> No.16489043

drink G FUEL instead

>> No.16489103
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Old age, he was a mouse, not a hamster.

>> No.16489255

Sneed Rika in /ck/!

>> No.16489258

>Oh no! this chemical is mildly altering my brain chemistry!
>I'm a heckin' drug addict!
Same shit happens when you coom in your tighty whiteys, don't worry so much about it Melvin.

>> No.16489282

Gotta admit it's fun to cruise to the coffee shop and get an iced coffee on a hot day and check out the honeys in their little outfits. it's peak suburbs

>> No.16489452

Tastes good
It doesn't even wake me up

>> No.16489678

based, im in lockdown now and its really the only thing i can do in the day

>> No.16489906

For me it’s adderall

>> No.16489921

Coffee doesn’t have the same effect pharmacologically as cocaine and amphetamine in the slightest. Stop talking with authority on something you clearly understand nothing about, brainlet


>> No.16490087

I never got into coffee cause even a single cup seems to give me terrible stomach cramps.

>> No.16490172

sounds like you're addicted

>> No.16491258

I prefer meth

>> No.16491314
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You do remember to let moms pass in front of you in the Star Bucks®, don't you?

>> No.16491330
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thank you for triggering my antinatalism
captcha: X2 STD

>> No.16491343

My coworker is a soi faggot. He drinks 2-3 cups of coffee while at work in a huge mug. The coffee fills it about half way, the other half is soi milk.

>> No.16491344

aw so cute, he does look like a little old person

>> No.16491354

However many pushups you can manage, a couple planks and squats with a little bit of weight, is literally way better for you and will wake you up faster than coffee will ever do. Plus, it's healthier and takes less than five minutes.

>> No.16491388

Why? If she still has enough energy and excess time to go cafés regularly, her baby can't be that much work to rear.

>> No.16491407

how the fuck does that wake up anyone
I ride 50km with 900m elevation change as a morning wakeup and sometimes even that isn't enough

because babies are horrifying and without exception they turn women into dangerous monsters

>> No.16491413

Well if that doesn't wake you up, I sincerely hope you wear a helmet.

>> No.16491415

what a bitch. i take a shot of vodka everr morning, and i beat my wife and kids if they try to talk to me before than.

>> No.16491419

cutie. Rest in paradise. At least no more pain and suffering there.

>> No.16491421

how about you mind where you point your cage and I'll mind my skull?

>> No.16491422

This. some of us are not dumb enough to go on the roads with cars, i stay the fuck away from them. and i pay attention to the road im cycling on also, not just the sky like some dumbass

>> No.16491423

you can say onions here newfag

>> No.16491451

I'm just saying, if a almost 30 mile bike ride doesn't wake you up, you should probably wear a helmet, but you do you.

>> No.16491518

IM just saying, Live a little with danger, and the SMALLEST smallest hint of death like riding a bike, and you will wake up.

>> No.16491556

you ever try and talk to anyone there?

>> No.16491562

>everything i dont like is da joos
Imagine living like this lol

>> No.16491606

Who's the newfag now

>> No.16491640

I personally don't want to end up a vegetable, because traumatic brain injuries are not my thing, so I wear a helmet.

>> No.16491678

> falling for the bait Jew

>> No.16491683

I wear a helmet too, but I don't go around telling people what they should use to protect their brains from my 3 ton assault vehicle because it's like pointing a gun at someone and telling them it would be in their best interest to wear a bulletproof vest

>> No.16491689
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Try a triple or quad espresso and get back to me, bitches.

>> No.16491707

if someone points a gun at me, it is definitely in my best interest to wear a bulletproof vest, how thoughtful of you anon

>> No.16492962

I feel drowsy all the time, whether I've had 5 hours of sleep or 11. I'm gonna see a doctor.
>inb4 fix diet
My diet is impeccable.

>> No.16492971

i just need it so I can make bm in the morning

>> No.16493142

take vitamin b-12 and d supplements, dont get cheap b-12 either. This changed my life and its worth a shot imo.

>> No.16493311

Never heard of it but I will look into it. What is it?
I take this most mornings but I will be more vigilant .I'll be honest though I've never noticed an effect from it. People just say take it so I do.

>> No.16493572

Shut up, you retarded faggot.
jesus christ.

>> No.16493579

yeah it's the babies that do that

>> No.16493996

I finally manned up and asked my doc for a 20mg adderall script. So I quit coffee, which I was blowing $100+ a month on, for a $5 co pay per month. Adderall is so much more effective and doesn't fuck up your teeth/breath

>> No.16494157

I honestly just like coffee. The whole" dont talk to me before ive had my coffee" shit is dumb as shit. Getting a morning run, some body weight exercises or stretching plus fresh air aclimate me much better than any substance. Most coffee barely gives me a buzz unless its too strong or cold brew and if anything just makes me shit a lot. When i do get a caffeine rush, it pairs really nice with dudeweedlmao though.

>> No.16494549

I take both adderall and coffee. I'm a goddamn machine at work. Adderall makes me into an autist after the first hour though so I don't like it when I'm not at work, I drink coffee then. Also it gives me headaches sometimes.

>> No.16494700

why didn't you just get caffeine pills in the first place?
are you retarded?

>> No.16495456

Ha ha nice work faggot

>> No.16495468

What's the gaseous jew

>> No.16495481

Imagine if smokers were like
>I'm going to be an antisocial retard until I have my smoke, so suck it, fag
would we accept this like we accept coffee faggotry?

>> No.16495491

thats gonna pay off for you boy. i suspect its already paying off. big time.

>> No.16495503

coffee snobs are worse than smokers

>> No.16495769

rest in power rodent.

>> No.16495933


>> No.16495938

Liquid jew is soda