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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16481670 No.16481670 [Reply] [Original]

And apparently washing it makes little difference? Is this just propaganda or is there actual proof the arsenic in rice is bad

>> No.16481677

As with all things, the poison is in the dose. A trace amount of arsenic in rice won't harm you.

>> No.16481681

Nobody said it's bad. There is trace amounts. Just like the hysteria about trace amounts of arsenic in apple juice.

>> No.16481704

everything is poison and you are going to die

>> No.16481710

I rinse rice to get all the dust off so it's not fucking sticky. Y'know, If I dont want sticky rice that is.

>> No.16481721

just wait until you hear about radioactive bananas bro

>> No.16481813

Yeah and the skin of apples have the same components as glue. What about it you utter tool

>> No.16481814

>Nobody said it's bad
Huh? Nearly every source discussing the topic said it's very bad and the FDA Risk Assessment Report said the arsenic in rice is very toxic to your system.

>> No.16481816

Now look at everything you own and see how much of it contains rapeseed/canola oil. It will be over 90% in an average household and it's 100% more dangerous than any arsenic or mercury.

>> No.16481819

I buy rice from a local company. Idc about arsenic in specific but I like buying from farmers or markets where you at least know they aren't putting pure chemicals in your food.

>> No.16481822


That's not really as bad as arsenic. If you're gonna try false equivalence, pick a better example.

Just don't use rapeseed or canola. Oils is the one thing that has a fuckton of variety.

>> No.16481849

>the arsenic in rice is very toxic to your system
Correct. Arsenic is toxic, but you'd probably have eat an entire paddy of rice to actually be harmed by it. If it bugs you so much, stop eating grain like a fucking livestock animal and increase your meat intake.

>> No.16481859

rice grown in california and japan are just fine since the soil they're grown in doesn't contain much if any arsenic.

However, rice from Arkansas, Louisiana, or Texas is known to have higher levels of arsenic, especially brown rice.

>> No.16481970

Arsenic is good for you.

>> No.16482017


Potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, lima beans, apples...they're all trying to kill you.

>> No.16482023

The levels also depend on where the rice comes from. Asians eat a ton of rice, yet the lifespan of certain people are pretty long.

>> No.16482087

>People have been eating rice for 10000 years
>Suddenly some Amerikikes say it's bad
>Everyone thinks they are going to drop dead from a single grain

>> No.16483097

It varies based on where the rice is from. Occasionally it can reach dangerous levels

>> No.16483107

>implying arsenic was dumped onto fields for those entire 10000 years
it's a modern problem from rice being grown on farms that were previously growing cotton where pesticides with arsenic were used

>> No.16483166

>Just don't use rapeseed or canola. Oils is the one thing that has a fuckton of variety.
It's inside of EVERYTHING. I'm not talking about what you oil you cook in. Unless you make everything from scratch it's gonna contain rapeseed oil. Sauces, bread, snacks etc.

>> No.16483168

more than half of the world eat rice three times a day since ancient times and faggot retard op is quaking in his panties about poisonous rice. Fucking kill yourself

>> No.16483181

>b-b-but other people eat it
And most people are unhealthy.

>Asians eat a ton of rice
And they're the weakest, smallest, most deformed looking people with the smallest genitals.

>> No.16483197
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>And they're the weakest, smallest, most deformed looking people with the smallest genitals.
*throat sings in your path*

>> No.16483215

Finnish people aren't asian.

>> No.16483261


>> No.16483276

you are fucking retarded. we eat radioactive potassium from bananas and have trace amounts of uranium-238 in our bodies from water and plants. all that matters is how much is accumulated in your body from the dosage. the body is very good at filtering toxic metals.

>> No.16483283

go back to chernobyl radiationtranny

>> No.16483288

uranium is a toxic metal retard. same as arsenic and lead. not an argument.

>> No.16483303

>only eat meat and fuck yourself into ketosis
You meatheads are fucking stupid

>> No.16483317

This is some extreme americuck cope laced with insecurity

>> No.16483332

Not joking at all. You don't make everything from scratch? I don't buy bread or snacks anyway because they're poison. But when I do need sauce I almost always make it from scratch. Aside from alcohol, my diet is 100% whole foods. Just how fat are you?

>> No.16483342
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>> No.16483422

It has been well known, documented, and researched for YEARS, yet current regulation still allows it. It also effects rice cakes, rice milk, rice cereal and pretty much anything derived from rice. It's a problem of pollution, which is also highly unregulated. If you wash your rice, make sure your water isn't also full of arsenic:


>> No.16483467

>And apparently washing it makes little difference? Is this just propaganda or is there actual proof the arsenic in rice is bad
It is certainly bad. Don't do an asian style rice every damn day, and you reduce your intake by having variety in your grain rotations.

Avoidable? Yes, watch where you buy it. No former DDT landscapes. No rice paddies flooded by the most polluted rivers in the world, such as MeKong. Consumer Reports did a world sampling and found that basmati from india, pakistan and california was the least tainted. Some rices from Texas scored low too.
There is a video out there from Martha Stewart that shows the 3 methods to making rice, and one of them is cooking it in copious amounts of water, and draining it. It can be fluffed at this point, driving off water further. Imagine changing out the water too. Fussy, but could help the paranoid.

>> No.16483543

Depends on soil of location it is grown and brown or white

>> No.16483572

Even fucking caviar on tube contains rapeseed oil. Canned deenz? Rapeseed oil. Everything contains it.

>> No.16483697

Cope, Chang. Bugmen food is terrible.

>> No.16483848

i want to visit mongolia

>> No.16483854

Japan and korea also produce excellent rice with super low arsenic as well.
It's mainly the US and shitty south asia countries.

>> No.16483905
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Please guys tell me the symptoms and i will tell you if i have them. Should i fucking stop eating the fucking rice?

>> No.16483921

Considering japs and koreans live to 100 regularly. I'd say rice isn't going to be what kills you.

>> No.16483934

just give me your rice instead if you believe that it will kill you.

>> No.16483939

It has to do with the soil it's grown in.

Japanese and Korean soil has low level's of arsenic, so there isn't much in the rice grown there.

It IS a problem in some areas with shitty soil with a lot of arsenic.

If you stick to rice from california, japan, and korea. You'll be fine.

>> No.16483942

>babby from /fit/ just now learning about toxicity in foods

>> No.16483972

Luckily when Allah was creating the Human race he knew it would be wise to allow a certain amount of poison to enter the human body before it causes any problems. Stay below this limit and you'll be fine. Every animal was designed like this because our leader was smart and thought ahead. Just take Dogs for example. Chocolate will kill them if eaten in large quantities over a short period of time, but eaten in tiny quantities and left to filter out of their body they can consume chocolate their entire life without issues. It's that simple, why are Americans not taught this? This is like 2nd grade basic shit everyone should know.

>> No.16483980

Some things take a really long time to filter out of the body. So regular consumption even in small amounts will eventually cause problems.

>> No.16483994

Luckily these type of things are known, researched, and well documented. Our ancestors lived for thousands of years without FUD retards like OP trying to turn them into schizos. You can do, unless your organs are beyond repair, which may be true for most Americans.

>> No.16483997

He should give you a bullet sandwich if you're so poor

>> No.16484002

>Luckily when Allah was creating the Human race
Why do browns say Human instead of Man?

>> No.16484051

>And they're the weakest, smallest, most deformed looking people with the smallest genitals.

You know who else eats a lot of rice? West Africans. They even have their own rice species, called African rice.

>> No.16484167

Are you actually doubting whether arsenic is bad for you?
Avoid rice grown in the U.S. if you care, unless it's specifically labeled as being from California which should mostly be fine.
Washing the rice might not remove much of it, but soaking and then draining it does, and soaking the rice makes it better anyway.

>> No.16484181

You're supposed to parboil then pour off that water, rinse the rice again, and cook through with new fresh clean water.

The pre-boil removes the vast majority of the arsenic.

>> No.16484190

That works better I guess.
Personally I parboil then steam the rice, not because of arsenic concerns but because I think it tastes the best.

>> No.16484207

>deadly poison
>in rice
then explain how all there's over a billion chinks.

>> No.16484247

China is known for having no pollution issues and their rice is grown in soil that is chemical/metal free.

>> No.16484297

I thought ketosis was a good thing

>> No.16484322
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>> No.16484460

Is rice from Seattle, Washington good? I can't find anything on that place. I have Kirkland Farms long grain.

>> No.16484473

I can't find anything specific regarding Washington, but i can't imagine it would be too bad, if you're particularly concerned parboil as described here >>16484181

realistically though unless you're eating rice for 2-3 meals a day, every day. It shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.16484690

I wouldn't wash it if I were you since arsenic is the only arse you'll be getting, virgin.

>> No.16484857

red or swollen skin
skin changes, such as new warts or lesions
abdominal pain
nausea and vomiting
abnormal heart rhythm
muscle cramps
tingling of fingers and toes
darkening skin
constant sore throat
persistent digestive issues
And death

>> No.16484883

Its fucking over for me…

>> No.16484945

you can find anything in anything if you look close enough

>> No.16484974

>Aside from this poison, my diet is 100% whole foods

>> No.16485340

Lots of food has arsenic in it, rice just has more than average.

>> No.16485589

> Canned deenz? Rapeseed oil.
Don't buy them then retard. Just buy fresh sardines once in your life amerishart

>> No.16485599

All the food is poison.

>> No.16485610

Americans don't tend to use the term "rapeseed oil".

>> No.16485625

That's because they get most of it from Canada so they were influenced by the Canadian name.

>> No.16485643

Only in the old cotton growing areas of the South. California doesn't have that problem.

>> No.16486911

japs eat rice and live longer than anyone else. problem?

>> No.16487079

They're also the weakest and shortest people with the tiniest deformed sex organs. Your point?

>> No.16487245

Are you sure you can say that with your micropenis, "white" boy?

>> No.16487377

I mean, you can post your kik and we can compare. I'll even let you see my side bitch. But we both know you're too pussy and too microdicked to do that.

Notice how you stopped defending arsenic in rice and stopped with the "living longer" meme. The oldest man alive is not asian, he's Puerto Rican lol. And the oldest who ever lived was a French bitch and an American bitch under her before a gook.

>> No.16487384

Post body, whiteoid.

>> No.16487393

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.16487394

that's what I thought, fatass.

>> No.16487422 [DELETED] 
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Love the reddit replies ITT
>dude, we've been eating it forever, it's fine
>dude, we eat other toxic crap, it's fine
>dude, everything is toxic, it's fine
They probably think cancer is some mystery disease that's incurable and not preventable too

>> No.16487425

You are born to have cancer, it's fine

>> No.16487596
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1626749526845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck yourself you cumskinned mongrel.

>> No.16487702

>pic unrelated

>> No.16487729

>dude you can't just use science to debunk my mom pop science thread
>dude wtf you probably don't trust science behind diseases and shit man
???? Do you just larp as a retard or do you genuinely think toxicology is not a real thing?

>> No.16489137

And healthy.

>> No.16489152

Arsenic stays in the body if I recall, not unlike lead

>> No.16489650

>t. retard

>> No.16490877

You'd have to eat nothing but non stop rice for weeks on end to have the slightest ill effects.
No doubt it's been done though.

>> No.16491449
File: 219 KB, 900x1200, 1626911497183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOAH BRO did you know Breaking bad said Apple seeds contain RICIN WHOAH BRO!!! LIKE EPIC IM SO SMART YO VSAUCE Said i can die from RICIN WOAH BRO! Lets stop eating Apples, YEAH BRO WERE SO fucking Smart!~! YO Turn on TIKTOK im gonna dance and post this.

There im now a zoomer 15 yr old, give me your ZOOMER Sister

>> No.16491453

rice is chinky and gross anyway

>> No.16492102
