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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16479195 No.16479195 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese food is delicious.

>> No.16479199
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>> No.16479377

stop posting the same thread every day you bellend, no one gives a shit

>> No.16479537 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16479575

Why yes, I do like plain tasteless white rice with no nutrition, with a large potion of salt-and-fungus soup
Fuck Japan. Only good thing on that plate is the fish.

>> No.16479618

When you live on an island for centuries and don't allow any foreigners your culture becomes very one dimensional.

I don't like their cooking, their traditional products/small scale are top notch though. I've been crying my eyes out ever since Fukushima got most artisan vinegars, soy sauces, tea etc banned.

Large corporations still export as if nothing ever happened. As usual.

>> No.16479670

Little bit of radiation never hurt anybody.

>> No.16479723

Itchy dick master!

>> No.16480139

They should have sold live stream tickets to accommodate the circumstances, this is not fair for Japan.

It's good but it is more or less soy sauce and variations.

>> No.16480219

Very bland once you've eaten Korean or Thai food desu

>> No.16480514

I love korean food but let's not pretend red chili, fake cheese and fermented rot is some advanced flavour profile. Thai food however is straight garbage that you'd have been better off getting indian or chinese every fucking time.

>> No.16480523

Jap food is style over substance, even england has better food.

>> No.16480524

There is no such thing as good asian cuisine, all of their ingredients are shit

>> No.16480559

japan confirmed for gay bullshit. only fetishest retards love it

>> No.16480683


insane take. thai and korean food is mostly garbage ingredients smothered in pepper

>> No.16480696

it actually has taste, not like gay jap food. weebs kys

>> No.16480788
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>a flavor

>> No.16480812

Okay, blog time. I made chicken teriyaki recently, it was okay but I feel like it was kind of suboptimal.

>fry deboned thighs skin down until crispy (this went fine)
>now flip, cover pan and steam with sake because nips don't have an oven
>of course that means the skin ends up soggy by the time it's cooked through
>now have to pour out pan, cook skin down again to get the moisture back out
>now reduce teriyaki sauce and pour over chicken, losing crispyness again
These are all steps from the "authentic" recipe, and desu it's sorta believable on an island with no ovens. Still, I think americanized teriyaki is better, save skins for the oven.

I liked gyudon and oyakodon though although they're kinda the same thing and one note

>> No.16480817

This could be the worst take I've ever seen on /ck/

>> No.16480829

>he thinks the eel is a fish
>gosh stacy, what an ameriburger, I cant even remain calm, I'm literally going to shart in my panties, he's so dumb XD

>> No.16480832

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.16480849
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The Japanese who created that recipe must have been a terrible cook.
I would bake it, reapplying the sauce several times.
If it's cheap chicken, I'd marinate it in the sauce before baking.

>> No.16480855

Marinating is the best way for any chicken

>> No.16480862

whats japanese

>> No.16480878
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kys japanese dog

>> No.16480932

When marinating high quality chicken, it is easy to lose its good qualities.
So it is better to grill it while coating it.

>> No.16480952

cry harder samchai

>> No.16481146

Japanese love curry and its sloppa. Thai beats Japanese due to the fact that it has more ingredients

>> No.16481203

It depends on what type of Thai cuisine you’re talking about. Northern Thai is the GOAT, Issan food should stay in the trash where it belongs

>> No.16481235

Not OP, but I've tried Korean spicy noodles (ramyon), initially really loved it and got hooked up on it for a while. But eventually it started getting boring. Drowning everything in spice is only cool when you are new to it. After the initial addiction phase runs its course, it starts tasting like poop drowned in pepper that makes your nose run and has little joy in eating it.

In contrast I still love making Japanese-style ramen bowls, there are countless possibilities for the toppings and stock. Fuck, even my plainest ramen bowls is tastier than noodles drowned in poopy red spice water.

>> No.16481243
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why does saying positive things about japanese food make this board so assmad

>> No.16481249
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>> No.16481282

I notice there's this subset of Americans (and other Westerners, but it's always the worst among Americans) who get assmad when anything positive is said about anything related to Japan.

Seems to be a mixture of misguided hypernationalism, envy of Japan's beautiful culture, envy of the people who love the wholesome stuff in anime that contradict their toxic masculinity culture, and maybe still being mad about how they got their asses blasted so hard in Pearl Harbor by Japan even 70 years after the event...

Whatever it is, there's definitely an unhealthy amount of irrational hatred directed at everyone that likes anything Japanese, and the haters never manage to offer any convincing reasons for it.

>> No.16481324

because weebs are attention seeking faggots and japanese culture is low T

>> No.16481340

>it's impossible to enjoy all three for different reasons
Muh taste bud explosion!!!

>> No.16481345

I'm Japanese and when I post, I'm treated like weebs, why is that?

>> No.16481347

>attention seeking faggots
That's some stupid shit you pulled out of your ass because your brainlet doesn't even know what to say. It doesn't mean anything.

As I said in >>16481282:
>the haters never manage to offer any convincing reasons for it

>japanese culture is low T
See, another stupid reason. This thread is about food and the guy was asking why do people react like shit to Japanese *food*, and your response is that you don't like the culture and fans? It's exactly what I said. You're an envious, mentally deranged imbecile, and your IQ probably has 2 digits.

>> No.16481361
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It's a mix of burgers who think the overpriced mediocre japanese food they've been served by their local korean/hmong run "japanese restaurant" is in anyway indicative of what japanese food is. Which is why they'll usually pontificate about the superiority of other asian cuisines but usually are obsessed with pho or the szechuan/korean red chili dish du jour. The other half is chinese, koreans and jungle asians screeching because they're not as beloved as japan internationally

>> No.16481364
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wow what a load of outraged fucking drivel

>> No.16481369

because by western standards, japanese are all meek cucklings

>> No.16481382
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>> No.16481484

This is peak retarded.

>> No.16481742
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>> No.16481782

What are some good Northern Thai dishes?

>> No.16481834

>more ingredients
A good steak needs 2 ingredients (3 if you count beef fat as not part of the steak).
More ingredients doesn't mean anything.

>> No.16481839

Chinese posters

>Americans (and other Westerners, but it's always the worst among Americans)
They are literally 五毛党, not Americans.

>> No.16481845

and a good cuisine needs more than a good steak or else Argentine would be notable for their food

>> No.16481846


>> No.16481851

I'm actually American lol. I prefer Viet over chinese and japanese

>> No.16481857

As a professional Japanese-understander I know you are calling me a schizo, but I can't be bothered translating the first half of your chinkrat post.

>> No.16481870
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>> No.16481887

5 yuan have been deposited to your account

>> No.16481897

I'm pretty disappointed they only make those bowls out of that weird plastic, not ceramic or something.

>> No.16481905

They are traditionally lacquerware.

>> No.16481916

Everyone shits on everyone else on this board, not just the nips.

>> No.16481918

Yeah, I know, but I would prefer ceramic, I don't want lacquer leeching into my food.

>> No.16481929

No risk of that but if you are worried you can instead get unlacquered wooden ware in the same style (though it's not traditional for this dish).

>> No.16481956

>reply to bait

>> No.16481967
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>> No.16482035

>I prefer Viet over chinese and japanese

how's life in the midwest?

>> No.16482345

Khao Soi for starters

>> No.16482452
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I don't know about food, but I enjoy their way of plating.
The separation to multiple small bowls looks neater and tidier appealing to my inner autism.

>> No.16482464
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>> No.16482467

Eels are fish dumbass. Genus Anguilla

>> No.16482472

>raw eggs with natto and seaweed
Why do Japs eat so many slimy fucking foods?

>> No.16482475

Hello /qa/

>> No.16482486

no idiot they're reptiles
they are also called 'sea snakes' for a reason

>> No.16482783
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>> No.16482814

You’re pretty idiotic

>> No.16482901
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>> No.16482936
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Its filling and good.

>> No.16482953

I miss the Anon who would post SEA/Japanese restaurant food and hold up a crinkled dollar bill and say he doesn't tip because it's disrespectful.

>> No.16482958

I made somen the other day. It was so fast and easy and refreshing I wonder why no one eats cold noodles in the west.

>> No.16483235

Oh shit I remember that

>> No.16483272

>ywn come home from a long hard day from work to a mediocre meal made by your wife
>ywn berate her and throw a majority of her food out the window as you start yelling at her on why does everything she make come out so terrible
>ywn get closer and closer to hitting her, only to remember if she leaves you'll have to go back to the USA since you have nothing else going for you in this shitty island
>you hit her anyways

>> No.16483307

man i REALLY want to try anago on rice, it always looks so tasty.

>> No.16483730

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.16483786

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16483790

food :/
japanese food :o

>> No.16483960

you better watch out and hope I don't see you on the minecraft street while I'm driving my van. I'm gonna run you over in minecraft

>> No.16484158


>> No.16484162

so many dishes to wash....

>> No.16484276

looks bland af. why do the japanese food pics look the most boring af?

>> No.16484311
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Most Japanese food places a lot of emphasis on ingredient quality and simplicity. The end result is that there isn't much room to hide if you fuck up because there isn't an abundance of overwhelming flavours to mask any mistakes like there are in Korean, Thai, and to a lesser extent Chinese food. Couple this with the problem that most 90% of "Japanese" restaurants are Korean/Chinese owned, or shitty "western fusion" bullshit and it's no wonder people have such a terrible impression of Japanese cuisine.

As an anecdote on this: in my hometown we have ~20 "Japanese" restaurants, only 1 of which is owned and managed by an actual Japanese family. We have terrible fast-food Japanese (Edo), a bunch of sushi places owned by Chinese, several Korean owned noodle/teriyaki places, and like 3 "authentic" places owned by white faggot weebs who think charging you $20 for a hilariously small bowl of pretentiously over-seasoned ramen is somehow in the spirit of the cuisine at all. Finally we have the one place that's owned by actual Japanese people and it's widely agreed across the entire city that they blow the socks off all of the competition in every way imaginable; unfortunately this gives people the impression that Japanese food just isn't good, because only 1/20 of the restaurants in town are even worth going to.

>> No.16484335

Looks expensive. What's the stuff on the far right?

>> No.16484375

Not everyone lives in the US, cuck. You can just cook Japanese food at home, it isn't that hard to do compared to Thai or Indian dishes

>> No.16485067

>thai or indian
>more difficult

Yeah nah cunt that's not even vaguely accurate

>> No.16485074

It pretty much is. Japanese is basically the same. Pick up both a thai, chinese and japanese cookbook and you'll find it easier to make the japanese stuff at home compared to the other two. I can make 90% of Japanese dishes with 5-8 ingredients

>> No.16485078


it's significantly harder actually, because as the other poster said japanese cuisine tends to use few ingredients, which leaves bad cooks nowhere to hide.

it's similar to french food in that way - you can't just cover up your shitty food with chilli peppers

>> No.16485098

fewer ingredients =/= harder. You don't have to perfect a dish in order to make it. Making sushi isn't harder than making a 40 dish mole sauce from Mexico.

>you can't just cover up your shitty food with chilli peppers
This is irrelevant because every cuisine has simplistic dishes, just like Japan, but they more to offer than Japan along with that

>> No.16485118

>smooth peanut cream
shows chunks. nice job, Nihon

>> No.16485124

Sushi isn't just ultra fresh raw fish pike people claim/do at cheap shit shops its mildly fermented/aged. You're basically saying dry aging a steak and searing it to perfection is equal in technical skill required as making stew. It's okay not to be informed on the topic but jesus christ it's impressive to be this wrong >>16485098

>> No.16485214


>> No.16485229

I'm basically saying that you don't need to perfect a dish to make it. It's easier to make traditional japanese food than it is to make traditional thai food on average at home

>> No.16485258

are those leeks wrapped in chicken skin?

>> No.16485383
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>> No.16485390

That's a lot of liquids. There's more liquid than food.

>> No.16485513

thread is probably filled with a bunch of tastelets or spice tards who have had their tastebuds ruined by years of hot sauce, japanese food is amazing, not the best cuisine, but it sits with other asian countries (besides mongolia) in quality, just for it's own reasons, meat is always handled very well, their basic stock/sauce works with everything, preperation and ingredient quality is always paramount, yes I like spicy food but japanese food just has such good balance of flavors, I love making oyakodon at home as comfort food, as well as mazemen

>> No.16485571

People are tastlets because they prefer one cuisine over the other?

>> No.16485575

"preferring one cuisine over the other" is not 90% of this thread

>> No.16485604

For real, man. I can eat all types of styles with Chinese food. from mala to simple dishes. It's the GOAT asian cuisine

>> No.16485608

>pool's closed

>> No.16485615

it looks fresh and healthy but i wouldn't say its the best food in the world. italian food is the best.

>> No.16485645

in the jap world. its stay slimy or "oh, blimey!"

>> No.16485659
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>because by western standards, japanese are all meek cucklings

>> No.16485678

is that all you guys can say? Responding with insults and images

>> No.16485775

Sir, this is 4chan.

>> No.16486095


>> No.16486099

the first one wasn't me. he actually motivated me to reply to myself haha I crack myself up kek haha

>> No.16486105

Every time I read the word furikake, I just hear in my head an Australian man saying "Furry cock, eh?"

>> No.16486147

looks like cow tongue

>> No.16486392

working hours in Weebland is 12 hours+, I doubt people have enough energy left to fight after going home

>> No.16486399

>wrap rice in seaweed

>> No.16486441


Wow, just wow. I knew 4chan was a bastion of heterosexuality and white supremacy but I never imagined that someone could sink to this depth of depravity.
My grandfather, who gave his life by the way, fought on the frontlines to prevent racists such as yourself from being given the right to speak their mind and spread their beliefs, but he should have stayed at home to fight the true evil that seeps and corrupts our country.

Unlike your thoughts everyone deserves the right to free speech, so I hope you use the last parts of humanity within you, if there is any, to think for yourself for a change and understand that special snowflakes aren’t to be discriminated against, but to be nurtured, much like the 3 immigrant children that we adopted at my wife’s insistence and have enriched our lives beyond belief, have you done your part to support life? Pro tip, since I don’t have children of my own I’m not contributing to the end of the earths limited resources yet still being a father in my own right.

Part of me thinks that you are the sort of person that happily rejects the idea that a woman owns her own body and that consent is a fixed value, pro. Tip, it isn’t, and just because my wife is willing to perform sexual acts on one man, didn’t mean that she is obligated to do the same for me, I might not be as attractive as someone she finds at the gym or mall, which I might add are prime examples of patriarchy at work with dozens of lusting young men getting sweaty and physical with each other, perhaps you could try some restraint?

I hope that I gave you something to think about and revalue your life but I seriously doubt it, I’m sorry I went of 4chan, I’m sorry that I went on r/cook and I’m sorry I clicked on this thread where YOU decided to post. CNN was right about you scum.

>> No.16486478

Looks nice

>> No.16486516

Jap curry is the worst of any asian culture but good with katsu.

>> No.16486576

stop samefagging

>> No.16486592

I like it because it's simple. Don't people always cum when they talk about how italian food is almost always just 5 ingredients? Something like that. You don't need to get all reddit to make something taste good, sometimes salt is all you need.

>> No.16486636

What's special about these one-tray meals? They look like an arrangements of different snacks you have with alcohol.

>> No.16486699

I got chicken katsu from a restaurant the other day and it had these cabbage omelette thing underneath it
Someone give me a good recipe for that

>> No.16486725
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>> No.16486744
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>> No.16486937

Twitternigger detected.

>> No.16486946

Marinating doesn’t do SHIT. A proper brine does, however

>> No.16486957
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>yummy natto
Is it OPnigga, is it really?

>> No.16486958


>> No.16487014
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>> No.16487018
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>> No.16487025
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>> No.16487046
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>> No.16487069

Cold soba with tsuyu and a pinch of oil is one of my favorite things to eat, japanese or otherwise

>> No.16487094


>> No.16487115
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, tenzaru soba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenzaru soba is my favorite japanese dish. Maybe favorite dish in general. It's so fucking good, I love how you can use the sauce as a dipping sauce for the tempura and how the tempuras breading will make the sauce richer and slightly thicker and fattier... then putting the cold soba in the sauce and slurping it up... I hate that it's so uncommon to find in America, makes me want to move to Japan.

>> No.16487118

This place near me that closed down after 10 years always served it with a single goose egg too, god DAMN that place was good, I'll miss you forever Mogame's

>> No.16487123

And I know that cold noodles doesn't sound good but you have to try it first before you make that opinion, it's divine

>> No.16487155 [DELETED] 
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>western standard
Like kissing nigger feets?

>> No.16487181
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>> No.16487217
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>> No.16487434

What are the dipping sauce ratios and ingredients?

>> No.16487470

He told you to take your meds. labeling everyone that disagrees with you as a wumao doesn't do much good to help your argument.

>> No.16487480

lmao this is just depressing.

>> No.16487487

>get baited by a "professional" Japanese-"""""understander"""""
You are stupid and you are a wumao. No arguments needed.

>> No.16487495

Oh shit, mb. Uhh, fuck the chinks! I love japanese seaweed! I love sushi!

>> No.16487513

Most of these pics are bland and depressing. Sometimes I feel like people are trolling when they post Nippon food pics

>> No.16487521

How to make sobatsuyu anime

>> No.16487528

Every post of false information or propaganda equals to 50 cents.

Simple as.

>> No.16487529

what's tsuyu

>> No.16487538
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You fucking queer. You absolute faggot. You stupid moronic retard of the highest order. I never fucking said that "Japanese food is hard", I said it places emphasis in ingredient quality and simplicity. The end result of that is a dish without much wiggle room to hide off flavours in. Also, I don't live in the US, I live in Canada; not that it even matters because the Japanese diasporas is far smaller here than it is in the US. Instead you have to call me a cuck and bring some other random shit into the conversation that no one cares about.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot. Holy fuck.

>> No.16487540
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>envy of Japan's beautiful culture

>> No.16487543

Sorry, it takes a while for my wumao to get to me. I do know where my wife and kids are though.

>> No.16487547
File: 636 KB, 1920x1280, DSC06952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, that's a retarded recipe. This one gets you crispy skin and is dead simple

>> No.16487578

On an unrelated note, I love this reaction image.

>> No.16487607

It's a sauce made with.............you got it.......soysauce and mirin.

>> No.16487610

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.16487616

Nothing exeptional

>> No.16487642

Japanese food is simple and basic, we get it. If you want something exotic try South East Asian

>> No.16487654

First off, I'm not Deng. Deng got taken to somewhere in Xinjiang to become a forced laborer. I'm Ming.

Second off, I'm not answering that question. It's a state secret. If I tell you, they're gonna force me to get pegged by my wife.

Also, I bought some food with my wumao today, tastes good, but probably has shit ingredients unlike the cool Japanese food I see here.

>> No.16487673
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i would kill for laksa right now. all we have here is average pho and ramen

>> No.16487722

In my area it's
>shit ton of pho varying from shit quality to great quality, an entire little Vietnam mostly comprised of Saigonese refugees who had to bug out and flee Khmer rouge
>lots of shit tier dorra scoop Chinese with one or two authentic expensive boutique Chinese restaurants (my favorite, which had those little gas burner stone hotpots, went under because of Covid)
>trendy hipster Korean joints, mostly bibimbap, counterfeit sushi, and bbq. One absolute madlad who advertises his business as a "burger joint" but then he actually sells korean food in poppy seed buns with burger fixin's-which is very good
>Japanese restaurants who consider themselves real hot shit, fucking dress codes and 30$+ a plate, one or two ramen dives with more reasonable prices
>a handful of Nepalese/Indian fusion places run by what I'm pretty sure are probably mostly Dravidian, based on appearances. The Nepalese dishes I've tried so far were greasy and unappealing compared to the Indian dishes
>a half dozen Thai places, often cheap and in disrepair, being temporarily shuttered all the time, good food if they manage to be open

>> No.16487728

haysoos kreesto is ripped AF. Chad city.

>> No.16487734

you know you are white and not Japanese, correct? I really hope you know this.

>> No.16487740

>I'm not pretending to be Japanese! You're pretending to be Japanese!
Hmmm, that sounds like something someone pretending to be Japanese would say.

>> No.16487996

WTF is that!?

>> No.16488015

I have nasty chronic acid reflux and can't eat/drink lactose, so I greatly appreciate Japanese cooking for being tasty without demolishing my stomach.

>> No.16488031

You can also cook Indian and Thai food at home too if you aren't a literal invalid, they're really not that difficult

>> No.16488055

Best post itt

>> No.16488430


>> No.16488442


That looks really good about now. Unagi is so under appreciated in the states. Hard to find without it costing a fortune. Like I get a bowl near where I live, but it's about $16 for less Eel then in that pic.

>> No.16488518

now THIS is baser

>> No.16488525
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you sound like a weak little man
nothing sweeter than hearing that word, by god, I love it

>> No.16488534

>please let me go, i wont tell anyone

>> No.16488548

egg in hot dog bunny??

>> No.16488586
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GANZ genau. anon was pointing a loaded gun at this gook before forcing her to eat this monstrosity

ya dude. I quit bread, and it's all I got right now. for carbs, rice is where it's at

>> No.16488625
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>> No.16488629

whats in the soupy bowl?

>> No.16488630 [DELETED] 

omg... is that a pizza but like japanified??? That’s so sweet!
no.... i-it can’t be... I-I-IS THAT BEANS ON BREAD??!???!

>> No.16488637

remember your blood pressure, anon

>> No.16488648

post pics of McDonalds wrappers beside you at your desk or your mom will die cooking cereal tomorrow morning

>> No.16488663

Japanese food is good, but modern weebs have made it overrated. The food itself is very simple and clean. The food is truly some of the least complicated food to make. This isn't a knock. It's an island nation. For what they have to work with, they did an excellent job. It just so happens that anime being popular has made it the only foreign cuisine most manchildren will bother to try because japanese shit makes them cum their pants.

>> No.16488693

okay, misses obama. what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.16488738

Nothing. I was just stating an opinion without being asked just like everyone else here.

>> No.16488785

I honestly don't know what half the people in this thread are harping about, have any of you ever been to Japan?

Because when I was there on a company event and we had a local guide that had us eating at what I'd call hole in the wall type places morning noon and night that were obviously the staple joints of the locals and just about everything was breaded and fried, fried food, fried vegetables, fried slivers of meat or fish that were fried, things that were breaded and fried then served with rice or fried things in soup, served with bread, more rice and beer.
carbs for days and days.
fucking rice, made into a pancake and batter fried for even more carbs in the morning.
don't think I saw a single green vegetable or fresh piece of meat or fish the entire time.
My takeaway is that average food that average Japanese folks eat is bland as hell and fried, fried and more fried. Also the cigarette smoking with every other bite they take... how they're not all obese and dead by 40 I don't understand.

I'll never forget that the in flight meal on the return to the States, I had a green salad and a steak, and i relished it.

>> No.16488823

I haven't been there, but I have some input.

Japan is an island so fruit and veggies are more expensive there. Got it?

Also, if you were eating in restaurants, and they were not picked by you, on the daily, it's possible you got the wrong impression because the tour guide thinks everyone loves carbs. Got it?

>> No.16488827

You can but Japanese food is easier to make. Just pick up a Japanese cookbook. There's no magic spells involved in making seafood with soysauce, sake and dashi

>> No.16488832

I've been there and I HATED eating breakfast in Japan.

>> No.16488847

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.16489142

This thread reeks of midwest. Sorry you guys can't enjoy fish like us coasties can :^)

>> No.16489238

Bread and cheese are baby's first cuisine, just make some, you student-diddling English teacher faggot.

>> No.16489247

Your marinade should have a salt or acid aspect to it to actually affect the meat

>> No.16489264

>why is Japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
Because it was created mostly by starving peasants while any of the more complex or exotic recipes were kept hoarded and hidden away by nobles, and are now likely lost
Their culture literally lost its taste

>> No.16489272

I just had some smoked trout

>> No.16489274
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>> No.16489276

Did /ck/anon who started a thread about no Jap recipes with cherries find any good ones?

>> No.16489280

And it's all you'll ever have :^)

>> No.16489489

Nah we have quite a few varieties of fresh water fish who aren't glowing with radiation

>> No.16489503

stick a cherry instead of avocado in a california roll wa la

>> No.16489735

My sister was there and judged that the Japanese like stuff that looks foreign but doesn't taste foreign. It's like it's all about what you can show others you did and not the substance of the experience. Apparently even Chinese food gets this treatment!

>> No.16490640
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>> No.16490689

90% of Indian and Thai food is literally just soups and stew, which is the easiest shit to make. Do you know how hard it is to fuck up soup? At worst you accidentally overcook an ingredient.

>> No.16490695

To be fair, most people don't like food that tastes "too foreign". I had lunch with an old couple that have been to Europe multiple times that thought paella was "too exotic", and my grandma literally hated any food that wasn't plain comfort food.

>> No.16490725

A woman.

>> No.16490734

Didn't know they had so many legs.

>> No.16490754

Most women have 2 or for modern women some have 3

>> No.16490757

I think I see at least 10 there. Could be wrong.

>> No.16490773

Very modern.

>> No.16490780

All me.

>> No.16490799

Did you paste this from another thread

>> No.16490807

Lurk moar.

>> No.16490924
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If Japanese food is good, then give me Japanese recipes that are good.
If its Americanized, then its hardly even Japanese food, so I'd especially like foods that aren't commonly talked about.

>> No.16490931

Not op, but I think gyudon is pretty fucking tasty, and I dig the weird cucumber and seaweed salads.

>> No.16490960

How much cunny have you seen at the olympics?

>> No.16490961
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I'll try gyudon and a cucumber-seaweed salad (Sunomono).
Do you recommend any things in addition to the standard Sunomono ingredients?
I see some people saying they add red pepper flakes, crab meat, boiled octopus, or anchovies.

>> No.16490966

The same amount that Bill Clinton saw on his 26 flights in Epstein's planes.
In other words, absolutely none.

>> No.16490974
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I understand that is your public statement.

>> No.16491034
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>> No.16491048
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>> No.16491185

Not neccesary. I'd try it without it first. It's very simple. If you don't like salty/vinegary tastes, japanese food is going to be not so fun for you.

>> No.16491196

*Japanese food is not delicious.

>> No.16491270

i know it's pasta but just want to say it's the same in china
all their indian and italian restaurants are actually english restaurants for some fucked reason

>> No.16491304
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>> No.16491454

you guys are retards you should kys

thai food is the best in the world

>> No.16491538

You haven’t been there? Get your ass there first and then give your retarded opinion.

Everyone knows The japs live in a fucking tiny island and there are no tours anymore! So shut the fuck up. Got it?

>> No.16491642

listen, you dont need to go somewhere to have insight about it. you need to understand that. okay?

>> No.16491823


>> No.16491854

Its alright. About on par with Mexican middle eastern. Blown out of the water by French and Northern Italian cooking.

>> No.16491856

insight about a place from someone who has been there > insight from some clown on 4chan who has never been there

>> No.16491974

based baka gaijin pasta

>> No.16492488

t. Tranime fag

>> No.16492500
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Japs are great but weebs like
Are annoying

>> No.16493204

if someone gave me a can of beer and then ANOTHER metal cup to drink it out of i would punch them in the face

>> No.16493272

I have always been of the opinion that 2 nukes wasn't enough. But not gonna lie, a lot of the food in this thread looks pretty good. Would try most of it.

>> No.16493583
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>> No.16493602

>Pastry, Japan

>> No.16493766

>Kirin Ichiban

Tastes like garbage, haven't tried Asahi Dry or Sapporo but Kirin was trash. Of course It might taste better if you buy it over in Japan.

>> No.16493824

is that 高田憂希

>> No.16493829

japan has its own unique pastry culture.

>> No.16493862

Japanese women are delicious.

>> No.16494367
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>> No.16494520
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>> No.16494673

I've completly forgotten the language at this point but i was an exchange student a decade ago and they were either
A)fucking with you by only feeding you bar food
B) for whatever reason thought you wouldn't like anything else

>> No.16495179


>> No.16495234

How so?

>> No.16495330
File: 125 KB, 640x480, 1e3101d2cc3f4497d297061fa64f8c9e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New type of copy pasta

>> No.16495641

thai food as you know it was invented by a fascist dictator not so long ago. Its a fake cousine.

>> No.16495776

Why does japanese food look like it's all made with the same marinade

>> No.16495878

Wtf I love it even more now

>> No.16496105


>> No.16496217

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16496402

Japanese ingredients like mirin, dashi powder and sake are easier to find than lemongrass and galangal too, for example.

>> No.16497067
File: 91 KB, 800x750, 38CEA8C6-9F17-4BD4-8A52-6B3CCF97A93E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo my hecking niche avant-garde artisanal tea soaked in the steam of Mt. Fuji noooooooooo

>> No.16497229

never expected a /pol/tard to have good taste anyways.

>> No.16497255
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>>nooooo my hecking niche avant-garde artisanal tea soaked in the steam of Mt. Fuji noooooooooo

>> No.16497275
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Probably spics, just like every other retarded "American" on /pol/ and /int/. I'm an American ultranationalist/WASP supremacist and I love my special little buddy across the Pacific.

>> No.16497283

>Toxic masculinity
>boomer "..."

That was a pasta, wasn't it?

>> No.16497299
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>implying a few cherry picked images are indicative of the US

>> No.16497316
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Mentaiko onigiri.

>> No.16497323

Also the nog in the webm works at Subway, take from that what you will.

>> No.16497550


>> No.16497560
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>> No.16497667
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>> No.16497975

I love Japan, period!

>> No.16498008
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>> No.16498981
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>> No.16499324

fuckin love unagi bros, thought it was one of those basic japanese fish dishes when we ordered it (with bones and all), turns out it's incredibly soft and tender, taste wasn't out of this world but it managed to please the carnivores in our group

>> No.16499356
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>> No.16499391

lower right is actually a common Chinese breakfast dish.

>> No.16499395

Things pictured are also on sale i my own country, the round thing left is a common pastry thing with various colors, flavours and fillings. Nothing typical Japanese about it.

>> No.16499544
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>> No.16499760
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>> No.16500304
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never ever

>> No.16500443

Why bother if they'll never be honest to you?

>> No.16500553

>even england has better food.
objectively wrong

>> No.16500583

sounds like houston, although we have quite a few decent korean places as long as you're willing to read/speak korean. luckily it's rare to see anyone but asians on the west side of town, for some reason the other races avoid it like the plague

>> No.16500594

doesn't england have really tasty indian/pakistani? i thought that that was the whole point of living in London at this point

>> No.16500784


>> No.16500791

my japanese wife makes this for us once a week

>> No.16500802

ywnbaw also post hand there, Carlito

>> No.16500806


>> No.16501063

got the W/E axis close, but further north- Colorado front range.
Our Vietnamese and Mexicans have some kind of uneasy truce/shared culinary affinity, and every pho restaurant I've been to the tables are at least 33% Mexican.

>> No.16501287
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>> No.16501302

god damm she is hot

>> No.16501330
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northern european is better

>> No.16501331




>> No.16501357

>I quit bread
>hot dog bun
are you dense?

>> No.16501410

Hello little Rollmops i'd like to inform you about the nickname for your mothers...box. most call it Fischbrötchen

>> No.16501417
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this looks Lovecraftian

>> No.16501494


>> No.16501795
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>they're gonna force me to get pegged by my wife
Amerimutt projection detected

>> No.16501813

>called krabben
>it's shrimp

>> No.16501826

Holy hell that is the most absolutely unappetizing food I have ever seen. Disgusting.

>> No.16501857

Ah yes got yourself a bento box good job commrade

>> No.16502229

How do you rate the J-wife experience? How are your kids doing if any? I'm wary about race mixing but I've met this cute Japanese girl and we've really hit it off...

>> No.16502409

>grilling bread

>> No.16503316
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>> No.16503343

I love miso. Nothing better on a cold winter morning than a bowl of hot, salty, savory liquid.

>> No.16503608

Bacon, most likely.

>> No.16503670
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>> No.16503696
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>> No.16503773
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>> No.16503996


Unagi is god tier. Why would you drink beer and shochu with it though.

>> No.16504190

You mean egg with some sauce on top? Whoa, that's some real authenticity coming only from China

>> No.16504554
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It's a minced tuna rice bowl.
It's like spicy tuna.

>> No.16504561

Ketchup spaghetti is actually delicious.

>> No.16504661

If pinoys don't get a pass neither should the japanese

>> No.16505685
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>> No.16505733
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>> No.16505933
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It's disgusting how much the Japanese use ketchup in their dishes.

>> No.16506005

they are mushrooms

>> No.16506018

good appetizer

>> No.16507491

Damn, that’s a ton of food. Something about sushi is so filling

>> No.16507587
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>> No.16507596

>be ancient japanese
>run an inn
>not gonna bother with learning how to cook so instead im gonna take this poisonous fish cut out its liver and market it as a delicacy because you can die even though it tastes just like any other fish

>> No.16507697

is this part of your incest isekai fanfic? wtf are you on about lol

>> No.16507699

Ketchup is good as a topping.

>> No.16507735

common chink food!?!?!? wowzers!!!!!

>> No.16507782

>everything is hyper processed in an attempt to make it 'cute' because that's all they know from their degenerate animes
fuck japanese culture, vile subhuman filth

>> No.16507890

I'm Japanese, if you choose Japan over Korea (South) and China you’re joking yourself
Food isn’t bad here but it has no spices or variety what so ever compared to them