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16485729 No.16485729 [Reply] [Original]

why do americans keep their beer cold? is it just a cultural thing or is there a specific reason?

>> No.16485744

Increases shelf life. Maybe because there are also more places that generally have warmer weather compared to Europe.

>> No.16485746

Because we don't like the taste of cheap beer when it's warm. Tastes like piss.

>> No.16485749

Americans primarily drink lagers which are both typically fermented and served cold. The trend has carried over to other beers.

>> No.16485752

lager/pilsner should be cold, that is 99% of cheap american beer.

>> No.16485757

Why does yuropiss drink room temperature beers

>> No.16485759

What a good thread. An interesting on topic question. And two concise and accurate responses

>> No.16485766

Why do you act like drinking warm beer is common? A few countries out of 200 do it, and even those only with certain beers in certain settings.

>> No.16485767

ales, stouts, pretty much any high alcohol or darker beer are better enjoyed at 6ish celsius instead of ice cold.

>> No.16485801

That's about the temperature of a cold American beer from the fridge.

>> No.16485840
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Not an American, I'm an Ausfag, but I think I'll be able to explain it.
Because it tastes nicer and, since our countries are hotter than Europe, it's much more refreshing. That's all it is, especially the fact that it tastes nicer. Cold water is more refreshing than room temp, cold soft drinks are more refreshing than room temp; coffee is a drink people like either hot or cold, but not room temp. When you're sweating in the shade, a cold drink is the best thing you could ask for. And, like >>16485746 says, a cheap beer can be nice when cold, but disgusting when warm. Why not just put a beer of your own in the fridge and give it a shot? You really don't have much to lose, if you don't like it you can just leave it for a bit to warm back up and finish the rest.

You want to have a really nice time? Having a cold beer in a hot shower after a long day. Trust me.

>> No.16485852

If room temp is around 60F then it's not bad, it's cool enough to be refreshing without being too cold that it dulls the taste. But when room temp is more like 75-80F then it just seems too warm to be enjoyable to drink.

>> No.16485863

Nobody drinks warm beer. "Room temperature" is misleading, as ales are typically drank chilled to "cellar temperature" which isn't much warmer than a refrigerator. Even the term "lager" refers to how the beer is kept in chilled storage (TL Note: Lager mean storage).

>> No.16485952

Because it reminds them of drinking horse cum

>> No.16485970


American Adjunct lagers like bud, bud lite and PBR taste like shit unless they are ice cold like 35F (2c). All malt beers like Heineken can taste ok when a bit warmer.

>> No.16485978
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I'm American and I always drink my bud lite at room temp. Easier to drink, doesn't hurt my teeth, drinking cold af shit is discomforting to me.

>> No.16486003

You got sensitive teeth. There's toothpaste for that.

>> No.16486039
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Yup, I use it anon. It does help, but that's not the only reason I dislike drinking cold stuff

>> No.16486080 [DELETED] 

cry more no brain nigger monkey

>> No.16486104

euros probably drink coke and pepsi at room temperature as well

>> No.16486269

>drinking cold af shit is discomforting to me.
Same. I don't have sensitive teeth or anything, it just makes my throat/esophagus feel uncomfortable if I'm really thirsty and need to chug a bunch of water but it's too cold. Kind of makes it feel like it's cramping up. It's okay for sipping but if I'm gonna drink a quart of water it just needs to be barely chilled.

>> No.16486320

exactly. even in this shit summer heat and humidity i can't just chug ice water

>> No.16487500

Beer is just better cold. I always put my Duvels and trappist ales in the fridge.

>> No.16487520

Because it's hot as a motherfucker over here and a cold beer on a hot day is good stuff

>> No.16487556

Moot point.
Real beer doesn’t exist in America.
Piss water will always taste better cold.

>> No.16487561


>> No.16487564

Not just beer I like all my drinks ice cold especially a ice cold beer with a steak or a burger

>> No.16487999

>Having a cold beer in a hot shower after a long day. Trust me.

>> No.16488039

Where are you from and what beer do you like to drink warm?

>> No.16488044

>You want to have a really nice time? Having a cold beer in a hot shower after a long day. Trust me.
Reddit moment

>> No.16488121

It's not room temperature. It just isn't frozen.

>> No.16488133
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I really don't think yuros realize how hot many states get.

Where I live it's commonly 32-34 Celsius (throwing you boys a bone with that one) in the summer. That's not a temp you want a warm beer in.

>> No.16488223

Actually Euros also drink most beers chilled, OP is just a schizo making the same thread rutinely for some reason
t. Euro

>> No.16488258

Most places do?
Cold beer loses so much of its taste, why do people do this shit?

>> No.16489677

>6ish celsius
Well shoot, then there's just a cultural miscommunication here. "Ice-cold" in America is about 5-6*C.
Now you're telling me that "warm beer" is also 6*C. I think both us and you eurofags are just meming on each other without knowing it

>> No.16489679

>he doesn't appreciate rodeo cool beer
Only your trips save you from hellfire

>> No.16490435

European beers typically conserve a lot longer at room temperature than American beers

>> No.16490570

In America, as part of the beer manufacturing process, American breweries wash the shells on the beer. This removes the natural protection from bacteria that the beer would otherwise have. So Americans have to store their beer at a cold temperature so that it doesn't become riddled with salmonella.

>> No.16490589

Because most beer tastes like crap and people just want to chug a cold one to get drunk.

>> No.16490600

:D :D :D