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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16473139 No.16473139 [Reply] [Original]

What is the bare minimum/cheapest diet you can live off of without being malnourished, or still receive at least most of your needed nutrients?

Milk, flour, and vitamin balls? Rice, beans, and spinach? Just tuna and eggs? What about just peanut butter and seeds?

>> No.16473147

It's a complex topic that descends into needless and endless flamewars.

We need a /larp/ general as a containment thread for this sort of question.

>> No.16473150

Eggs and ground beef once a day

>> No.16473175

Potato pork stew

>> No.16473180

You need some source for protein, some source for fatty acids, and minerals and vitamins. Some meat, fish, some fruit and vegetables.

>> No.16473189
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The legendary.

>> No.16473817

> live off of without being malnourished
For how long? If you mean for life, there's no simple answer, you just need a complex, and possibly varied, diet.
Any cheap retarded "eat this and that + vitamins" could work for a short term diet, but after years you will probably be irreparably sick.

State of the art nutrition science suggest
> ~2500kcal
> 50%:60% from carbs
> 20%:30% from fats
> 10%:20% from proteins (or [0.5g:1g]/kg)

- Drink 2l of water a day (or more if you sweat)
- sleep 7/9 h a day
- do at least 30 min (but the more the better) of moderate/intense physical activity

And also
- eat seasonally, and lot of fresh vegetables (raw and cooked) and fruits with peel on
- prefer proteins and fats from vegetable (legumes, bread), then from animal derived source, then from meat
- your meat preference should be fish > white meat > seafood > red meat > ... > cured meat
- if you are goind to eat red meat, choose organs like liver and hearts
- eat regularly fermented food (yogurt, kefir, pickles (not the store bought), sauerkraut, kimchi, ...etc)

>> No.16473824

Farmers feed their cows expired and deformed candy because it's cheaper than grain.

>> No.16473836

Meats minimum twice a week for iron and other related things. (Can be milk)
Greens once a day.
Rest can be whatever the fuck you want, noodles, flour, rice, knock yourself out.

A sample grocery list would probably be like:

1,000g milk powder
1,000g ground beef
5,000g pasta
60 ramen packets
2,000g cabbage
3,000g flour
Packet of cocoa
1,000g sugar
Packet of baking soda

>> No.16473850

- use always iodine salt, or eat seaweed (with extreme moderation) to cover iodine
- drink a small glass of wine or a glass of beer while eating
- smoke a cigar/pipe or a cigarette, 2/3 time a month
- be careful to not drink tea near your meal
- always soak your legumes

This should make you live long and (possibly) happy

>> No.16473856

Eating salty meals with minimal potassium or calcium intake is dangerous.

>> No.16473865

Rice, beans and something for vitamin C will be enough to sustain yourself on, but you will be B12 deficient so you will need to eat meat, drink milk or eat insects regularly.

>> No.16473948

rice or pasta for carb
chicken or pork for cheap protein
butter or oil for fats

>> No.16473955

> Meats minimum twice a week for iron
Bullshit, meat (aside from organs like heart, liver and spleen) is not a good source of iron. Legumes are way better source

That's why I didn't suggest to eat exclusiverly salt dumbass

>> No.16473956

Thanks for posting this, forgot about it and it made me nearly pass out from laughter

>> No.16474204

Just shop for the cheapest foods you can for each category in the food pyramid. It might vary depending on season.
Usually it'll probably be:

>> No.16475015

depends what's in the supermarket

cheapest grain/starch/sugar/carb (could be rice, bread, oats, banana, potato etc)
cheapest protein (eggs probably, milk, tuna, chicken, meats on special)
fats (eggs, milk, butter, oils, peanut butter)
various shit to not kill yourself (salt, cheap vegetables/frozen, pepper, ramen for treats)

it all depends on what's for sale and what's cheap around you. you could probably live a very long time on just rice beans and eggs, might need iodized salt and some vegetables every now and then

>> No.16475025
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peanut butter
coconut cream
milk powder
some beef mince or chicken wouldn't go astray either.

>> No.16475962
File: 88 KB, 924x600, lmao turbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I forgot how good this classic is.

>> No.16475975

oats: 200g (2 cup)
chia: 24g (2 tbsp)
cacao: 20g (4 tbsp)
cinnamon: 1/4 tsp
k citrate: 3g
lecithin: 15g (3 tbsp)
olive oil: 45mL (3 tbsp)

blend. mix with milk or water.
take a multivitamin.
live forever.
ive been doing it for years, anon.
every meal.
for years.

>> No.16476053

for me, it's milk steak

>> No.16476056

multivitamins and eggs

>> No.16476078
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>posts the repost from 2016

>> No.16476108

It's almost certainly combining something incredibly cheap and filling with a multivitamin

>> No.16476120

Found the vegan.

>> No.16476127

contains nothing you need, and consists solely of what you don't need.
everything else you mentioned is great.

>> No.16476160

What's your opinion on how to minmax your diet to gain weight?

>> No.16476173

Pinto beans, scrambled eggs with salt and pepper, glass of milk. Plenty of water. I would add some spinach to the eggs but some people don't like cooked spinach. You'll be more than fine.

>> No.16476202

Just eat more bro

>> No.16476207

I saw an interview of a old guy who lived on eating only rye bread and lingonberries.

>> No.16476260

Potatoes have pretty much all the shit you need. Throw in a couple of fruits every once in a while and you're gucci

>> No.16476538

>smoke a cigar/pipe or a cigarette, 2/3 time a month

>> No.16476543

you only eat this?

>> No.16476556

Someone post the guy who was sifting his shit and re-eating it

>> No.16476565

White rice and chicken and/or eggs. If you get sick of the rice go for sweet potatoes that week.

>> No.16476624

Nope, it's just how nature works

>> No.16476647

Go to Costco and buy bulk sardines, eggs, ground beef, some green veggies, and your carb of choice. This is like $5 a day last time I worked it out. In reality most high carb foods are quite micro nutrient poor but they tend to be cheaper so you have to figure out that trade off for yourself.

>> No.16476649

This is incorrect. If you said milk and potatoes that's arguably a nutritionally complete diet but just potatoes not so much.

>> No.16476959

Potatoes and water can last you years.

>> No.16476985

North Korean Bug roast

>> No.16477028

complete protein (all amino acids)
complete fat (omega 3)

so chicken, spinach, fish oil, and a mulltivitamin should cover you

>> No.16477036
File: 1.56 MB, 2365x2365, egg crate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get a crate of 60 eggs for around 7 usd. Milk is also pretty cheap if you just use it for cooking instead of drinking.
You can buy a packet of yeast and cultivate it with some flour. Flour is also pretty cheap. You could start making your own bread at that point.
Bulk shortening and bulk peanut oil are some cheap fats for cooking and baking.

For nutrients, just look for cheap stuff in the produce sections. Sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, etc.

>> No.16477154


>> No.16477188

wog cum

>> No.16477198

egg chickens beef rice
a lot of veggies pretty cheap too like cabbage

>> No.16477209

I lived on a 20 pound bag of rice for 3 months straight. I'd put ketchup on it once in a while or maybe butter.

>> No.16477210

Bread making is insanely based and cheap. I'm still using the same sourdough starter I made when I first got into baking five years ago, just feed it and bake it.

>> No.16477212

A Taco Bell $5 box and a 40 of Steel Reserve, every day.

>> No.16477960

He asked for food, not poison.

>> No.16478119

quinoa (complete amino acid and dirt cheap)

>> No.16478123

buy a whole pig, should be enough meat for a year with rice and beans. You could spend about 500 usd per year off that. Garden for vegetables..

>> No.16478128

Probably canned shit. It's pretty cheap and there's a huge variety. The salt content might cause issues long term tho

>> No.16478131

That's more for pigs. Cattle are actually pretty fucking sensitive to shitty food

>> No.16478395

why extreme moderation on seaweed? that shit is delicious.

>> No.16478464

Basically this. Something like rice, beans, ground beef, simple salad with oil and vinegar. Eggs and sardines for the nutrition, but not every day to save money. Whole milk is also crazy cheap for the amount of calories you get, and it's balanced.

>> No.16478501

depends how much youre willing to steal

>> No.16479008


chicken and rice
eggs. ramen.

given you have vitamin supplements and spices like pepper/curry and hot sauces.
>broken down monthly I spend three US dollars a day on these food ingredients.
>I eat two meals a day and drink coffee in the morning and 2-3 liters of water throughout the day
>the two meals amount to 800-1100 calories

>t. poorfag

>> No.16479026

czokoszoki diet

>> No.16479155

Rice and potato. Eat all the bug you find in your house and you'll be fine.

>> No.16479160

You must mean plaintain

>> No.16479363

Cheap kcals: Rice
Cheap protein: Beans, chicken, eggs potentially fish (frozen is cheaper)
Cheap fat: Buy fucking oil or some shit.
As for veggies get stuff in season. Not the shit in the store, but the stuff the farmers can't sell because it doesn't pass as "A-quality". At the market 30 minutes before closing you can often get fresh produce much cheaper.

Realistically the cheapest is probably dumpster diving, but assuming normal shit then the above. Chinese fried egg with tomato, chili, rice, beans are all piss cheap.

>> No.16479381

>- be careful to not drink tea near your meal
what's up with tea?

>> No.16479389

Can you substitite 2l of water with 1l of milk

>> No.16479436

Cancer if taken with food

>> No.16479515

>Cancer if taken with food
Says who?

>> No.16479517

You can't, milk is food.

>> No.16479523

What's up with picrel? Is that you OP? Are you malnourished?

>> No.16479524

Hahaha fucking what

>> No.16479539


>> No.16479599
File: 404 KB, 494x533, homestead_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy seeds and learn how to grow. I suggest permaculture.

>> No.16481530

Tannins interfere hugely with the absorption of non-eme iron and also a little bit with eme iron

nope. Milk (also proteins in general) in big quantities has a net negative on calcium

because tabacco makes you feel good

>> No.16481539

> Milk (also proteins in general) in big quantities has a net negative on calcium
Your body will deplet calcium from your bones to balance your blood ph

>> No.16482233

raw egg yolk blended in fresh oj...its all i eat.

>> No.16482257
File: 976 KB, 1500x2250, denji diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice, beans, and spinach
>tuna and eggs
Add some cheap bulk frozen chicken in there and you have a decent poverty diet. If you want it even better, buy some bulk carrots and tomatoes too and find the cheapest possible bulk multivitamin

>> No.16482460

someone once said they just buy the cheapest off brand soda`s from discount whatever and pour a few of those into the feed as well. cheap calories

>> No.16482461

why is everyone saying vitamins. that shit aint cheap

>> No.16482484

isnt it weird we eat our boogers and scabs, but dont eat the white stuff when we pop pimples?

>> No.16482495

>but dont eat the white stuff when we pop pimples?
speak for yourself

>> No.16482525

Quinoa, fiber and tomato juice

>> No.16482542

>ctrl + f whey
>0 results
It's most nutritionally dense food item for the price. Lots of amino acids.
Vitamins aren't hard to get.
Fats come in at 3€ per liter, which has 8500 kalories so thats not an issue.
Carbs aren't needed at all.

Shakes with whey, milk, oil, banana, spinach or whatever will be cheapest.

>> No.16482607

>/larp/ general
t. seething /out/ist

>> No.16482622

soda is nothing but sugar you dunce

>> No.16482632

and sugar is calories? im not following here.

>> No.16482733

calories yes but it brings no nutrients and has plenty of other downsides so its not a good idea to drink it. in fruit at lower concentrations and with fiber is a different story

>> No.16482754

...this was being poured into feed for pigs, presumably the feed has all the other necessary stuff and this was just to fatten them up a bit more.

>> No.16484029


Can someone explain how this is /larp/ing?

>> No.16484763

>rice or pasta for carb
Replace with potatoes. Better carbs and more vitamins.

>> No.16485685

OP here, how the fuck is this thread still alive?

>> No.16485774

Potatoes and milk.

>> No.16486153

Is eating nothing but eggs some kind of /fit/ tier weight loss fad diet people do now? I know someone who did this

> Friend decides to go on a diet and eat nothing but eggs
> Swears he will lose weight, this is the most big brain diet of all
> Does it for two weeks
> So constipated he ends up in the hospital
> He's so constipated they have to give him painkiller just to shit

>> No.16486635

pretending to be some desperate neet or fitizen preparing to go live in deep space who has no earthly desire or want for earth foods

>> No.16486670

Please learn to read dates.

>> No.16486691

Bulk oats to make oatmeal with can sustain you a long time.

>> No.16487463

Grains are the staff of life. Then everything else you listed. If you need to see your nutrient consumption cronometer.com will do that, note that vitamins weren't discovered until after 1930 and our health is declining. Better to listen to our bodies intuition and common sense.

>> No.16487718
File: 81 KB, 750x1050, Mexican-Beans-and-Corn-Frijoles-con-Elote3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proteins in humans are made of chains of approximately 20 different amino acids. Of these amino acids, 11 of them can be manufactured by the body, changing one amino acid into another. 9 of them cannot, and have to be consumed in food for the body to use. These 9 are the “essential amino acids” (EAA)

A “Complete Protein” is a food that contains significant quantities of all 9 EAA.

Black beans contain a large amount of protein, and by themselves are almost a complete protein — black beans have, but are low in quantity, of one EAA, methionine.

Corn, on the other hand, has a decent panel of amino acids on its own, with a good level of methionine but a low level of lysine.

The combination should present a “complete protein”.

However, the idea that you need to eat a complete protein at every meal is somewhat discredited. It is important to get all the EAAs in your diet, but there is no need to make sure that they are all present in every meal.

>> No.16487730

corn + beans > meat

>> No.16487741

zoomers can't differentiate between online life and offline life, so they think LARP is something you can do online through forum posts

>> No.16487742

I don't give a shit about fitness, I just don't want to die

>> No.16487827

These are the best types of discussions.

>> No.16488667

>3 meals and snacks
>disregard nutrients

>> No.16488704

Based on what? You get more protein and micro nutrients per calorie in red meat.

>> No.16488707

Then chug as much soda and alcohol as you can tolerate and your liver will give out in no time.