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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16471391 No.16471391 [Reply] [Original]

I hate these little fucks so much. I just want them to be tossed into a lemon brine and forgotten of.
>bro they beat up food so much better
Don't use a microwave to reheat you little bastard. Convection ovens, toasters and frying pans do the exact same job as your little chink tabletop machine
>It's faster
You save minor time with this machine. Convection ovens don't take long to heat up and the broiler exists if you want things heated up in a flash. These chink fryers have no reason to exist and serve no actual purpose. They are the fools instant pot.

>> No.16471400

If you can't afford one then don't buy one. No need to make a cope thread.
>no reason to exist and no actual purpose
The only reason they need is that they enable people to reheat/cook food that would otherwise require an oven. There are of course, other reasons beyond this, but that low/medium volume oven replacement is enough of a justification for air fryers to exist.

>> No.16471410

I don't see people using these as supplimentary devices when they lack an oven. They just buy one of these things because they think it'll revolutionize their cooking. I don't hate instant pots because they have a purpose beyond being a supplimentary stovetop/slow cooker; they are also pressure cookers. The air fryer has no special unique feature. It's just a tiny oven.

>> No.16471452

Air fryers are just toaster ovens rebranded to sell to retards. Its the same people that buy Tomahawk steaks and don't realize its just ribeye with the bone on it.

They are for shit tier cooks.

>> No.16471461

I like them better than toaster ovens, what more do you want

>> No.16471462

They're great if you want fries or tots or something with a meal and don't want to turn your oven on in the 98 degree July heat. They don't replace a stove, but they have a place at least in my house

>> No.16471470

I should clarify, because you seem to be so poor that you can't understand having both of them, but air fryers are very useful even if you already have an oven, because many things that would otherwise take a long time for an oven to heat up (and use a lot more electricity while doing it) can be done in a much shorter time frame, without having to heat up the entire oven space.

>> No.16471481

whats wrong with a bone in ribeye?

>> No.16471482

Don't hate it if you haven't tried it.

I use it for cooking frozen nuggets, grilling steaks (perfect medium rare if you cook it at max heat straight from the fridge) and grilled chicken.

>t. Hater who tried it and now loves it.

>> No.16471493
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I was gifted an instant pot a few years ago and a Ninja Foodie air fryer last year as they are extremely popular.

I cook fries and tater tots, pretty much all my potato products in it.
Any frozen shit premade food like taquitos or eggrolls go in it.
I buy raw but battered chicken tendies and tenderloin.
I make a lot of mozzarella sticks as a snack.

It cooks these things faster, with less energy, without heating up the house. And arguably it cooks them better than the full oven.
And I have a decent split oven with convection, so my shit heats up faster than people with single ovens.

Being contrarian isnt going to make people think you are cool anon.

It has its place, just like the Instant Pot does.
Instant pots just shit all over crockpots for potroasts and stews and pulled meats.
I have more than enough counterspace so having them doesnt bother me at all.

>> No.16471494

When ribeye and tomahawks are the same price why would you buy a tomahawk? You're literally paying more money for a bone you won't eat.

>> No.16471521
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I used one of these and a rice cooker for 2 years straight, Its totally worth it if you can't afford a real fan forced oven or only reheat food for one person.

>> No.16471527

my pressure cooker is also an air fryer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.16471534

Its popular and his mother likes it, so its bad.

>> No.16471543

I love my air fryer. I will never stand around waiting for an oven to preheat ever again and it feels good

>> No.16471550

>Don't use a microwave to reheat you little bastard. Convection ovens, toasters and frying pans do the exact same job as your little chink tabletop machine
Most houses don't have convection ovens retard. Frying pans/toasters don't produce the same results.
>You save minor time with this machine.
Correct but you DO save time and an absolute shitload of space and money.
>These chink fryers have no reason to exist and serve no actual purpose.
Yes they do. It fills the gap that created for the above reasons. They save space, time, and money.

I work on a ship and literally don't have access to an over and the microwave is barely capable of heating up a cup of ramen. So I went and bought on of these things when we hit the dock. Greatest investment I've made out here.

>> No.16471565

calling it a “tomahawk” is extremely colonialist and is a micro aggression towards indigenous people
its bone-in ribeye, when you use the other term you sound like an ignorant hipster

now onto the point: we eat with our eyes
the bone sticking out of the steak has good presentation, besides the fact that bone-in meat cooks a little differently and has subtle effect on the flavor
anyone who actually cooks would know all of this

some diners enjoy picking up the bone and cleaning it off at the end, others dont wish to fuss with a bone when eating
neither opinion is greater than the other its a case of STOPLIKINGWHATIDONTLIKE.jpg

>> No.16471581

Wife bought one a few years ago and I said it was a waste of money as I thought it were a health gimmick but we use it 5 times a week.
The food is already half cooked before the oven is at the correct temperature and it doesn't heat the kitchen up in summer.

>> No.16471587
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So what you're saying is air fryers are for poor people and shitty cooks

Can't tell if this is bait or not but i'll bite.

1. I don't give a fuck if calling it a Tomahawk Steak offends people
2. "Presentation" and subtle effect on the flavor? Please. Tell me the difference between a bone in and boneless ribeye anon? You're basically saying you buy it to impress people that probably don't even care about you to begin with.
3. I don't give a fuck what you eat. I'm just saying if you buy a tomahawk steak instead of a boneless ribeye you might as well go outside , take a few singles out of your pocket and burn them. Unless you enjoy willingly giving your money to these big farming cocksuckers to impress Susan and Hank when they come over for dinner

>> No.16471599

i bought an old house recently and we're redoing the kitchen soon. but for the time being i don't have any appliances, so for now i have an air fryer in stead of a regular oven.
i think it works great. it's fast and the food turns out crispy. i was never able to get good sweet potato fries before using an air fryer.
there's a lot of hype around them, but they're just small cheaper ovens that take up less space. it's more convenient for many.

>> No.16471602

>So what you're saying is air fryers are for poor people and shitty cooks
What he is saying, is that air fryers are so good they in fact can be full on replacements for real appliances if need be.
If you arent poor and have counterspace like everyone else, you use them for their distinct advantages. Just like everyone else does.

>> No.16471638

No. I use an oven, a pan, or my BBQ/smoker. I will never give my money to china to buy something I already have 3 slightly different tools of that do the same thing. I also don't eat fried food or frozen food. I typically buy fresh/grab from my garden but I haven't been to the frozen food section in years.

>> No.16471647

You can continue to cope all you want. Just understand you are a minority and nobody is impressed with your contrarianism

>> No.16471656

I'm not a contrarian its just a waste of money lol. Why do you eat fried food? Its bad for you. Don't you want to be healthy? I just read you live on a ship. I could see a need for a situation kind of like that. But I'm not talking about you autismo. I'm talking about every Dick and Jane that runs around buying one despite the fact that they have no need. I have a friend with a 3500 sq foot half million dollar house that has turned his oven on twice. He uses his air fryer every night because he is a shitty cook. Its insanity. Most people literally just need to try a little bit. Its like they can't figure anything out without explicit instructions: heat airfryer to 325, put these in for 20 minutes, pull and let cool for 4.

>> No.16471664

>I'm not a contrarian its just a waste of money lol.
So you are poor?
Is that why you are larping and making up grand stories of other people being rich?

At least we got to the root of the problem here, its coping about your financial situation, not actually about the machine and its merits.

>> No.16471674

>Proves him wrong
>Accuses me of being poor

lmao seriously man. The air fryer is for shitty cooks and people in a bind who can't have a regular oven. Tell me why I would use an air fryer instead of my regular oven or bbq right now. Please tell me why I should spend 100$ (or however much they cost) on something I already own a slight variation of?

>> No.16471692

Saying that fried food is unhealthy and that 100 bucks is too much money for you isnt proving any argument wrong.
Its just allowing you to pretend to be a snob above it all, when in reality its just your financial situation actually making the decision.

>> No.16471702
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LOL, I make 6 figs by myself. My wife brings in a decent portion too. We live in a rural town that we bought as a fixer upper. We could sell right now for 100$K more than we bought it for with how hot the market is. I can afford a fucking airfryer. I can afford a lot of shit. Buying it because everyone says its great is some dumb shit though for real. You're engaging in rampant consumerism just like your boomer parents did. Its not worth it. My goal is to retire in the next 10 years (I'm 33). We set our budget like we make 45,000$ a year and everything else goes to debt or savings. I don't buy shit just to buy shit. We've made it a competitive game with each other (the wife and I) to figure out who can come up with the more creative ways to save money. We clip coupons in this house. We don't have cable. We turn the lights off most of the time to save electric money. The sooner this shit is paid off the sooner you can retire. The sooner you don't have to work. You go oh its just an air fryer? No dude its the fucking mindset and its alllll these little things that eventually pile up. Embrace your inner jew like me. Those air fryed chicken nuggies aint worth it man. Not to mention they're bad for you.

t.chad, get on my level

>> No.16471719
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>> No.16471730

re-iterating what a lot of people have already said in this thread, but I live in an apartment with a shitty gas oven. Seriously thinking of getting an air fryer/small convection oven to heat up single serving leftovers / frozen food more efficiently.

>> No.16471785

Maybe I'm just retarded but I like the chicken I make in my air fryer much more than the chicken from the oven. I also eat a lot more roast vegetables now since it takes so little time and effort to make them.

>> No.16471823

just say it’s the George Foreman grill of the 2020s and move on

its not worth an argument and it needs no further explanation beyond that

>> No.16471991

based halogen chad

>> No.16472019
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What's with the meme about hating them? I got one for my wedding and it's been pretty handy. I think I might throw the tofu I've been marinating in it tonight and see how it turns out.

>> No.16472021

Not the guy you were arguing with, but you sound like a massive faggot. Pic of your bank statement or gtfo you 12 year old LARPer

>> No.16472045

Good, filthy pagans deserve it

>> No.16472086

They're rebranded toaster ovens. Its not so much that they're that bad its that all these bad cooks act like they're the craziest coolest thing ever invented. They've existed for years. I can see them serving a purpose for some people but why would I use one instead of a)conventional oven b) toaster oven c) bbq when I don't eat frozen or fried food?

>> No.16472144

>don't see people using these as supplimentary devices when they lack an oven.
I literally use one because the "appliance shortage" means I can't buy a new oven until September (I need a specific size that is rarely posted on CL and sells out almost immediately at used places).

That said even I had an oven I'd still use it for roasting vegetables or cooking potatoes.

>> No.16472735
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>not using a model with a rotating basket
>clueless as fuck
>getting filtered by a $100 appliance

OP status: all of the above

>> No.16472750

I have a toaster oven instead of a toaster or an air dryer. Does both things for small foods, could even cook a small pizza in the toaster oven. Uses less energy, doesn't need to preheat, etc.

>> No.16472761

This. People understand estimate how well they work in a short period of time. I use mine to roast veggies and reheat food.

>> No.16472771

>No kids
Not chad of you at all

>> No.16472779

Are you 65+ years old? Fuck off boomer

>> No.16472905
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>If you can't afford one then don't buy one. No need to make a cope thread.
ya dun goof'd, op.

>> No.16473597

holy fucking cope LMAO

>> No.16473599

poorfag cope

>> No.16474355

Turned out pretty well.

>> No.16474472

Tupically the type of garbage meant to be sold for women.
>be woman
>have about 1 or 2 extra kilos
>men don't care because it makes more tits
>"I'm fat!"
>"just eat less fries..."
>"Noooooooo, not muh delicious french frieserinoooooo"
>buy this shit
>"no oil, so it's healthier, right... right?"
>cook shit fries with no taste
>add sauce
>get fat
>convince yourself it's not your fault if you're fat
>become vegan and buy more garbage
>get even fatter because you fucked up your metabolism
>rope yourself

>> No.16474802

>purchase table top convention oven
>complains that regular convention oven is better
is you're retardation heretical or simply random chance?

>> No.16474804

i just realized what i spelled. im going to bed

>> No.16474810

damn op btfo and accidentally creates a airfryer love thread.

>> No.16474815
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When I worked at best buy and stocked the shelves as a seasonal worker, I was amazed at how many of these got sold in the few months I worked there. Like, even before black friday, these things sold constantly. And when got so much we had to stack them up in the middle of the isle. Of course, the second most sold items were obviously tvs. Still, I had no idea that air fryers were so desired.

>> No.16475505

No but I act like it

My favorite musicians are Zeppelin, Seger, and Ted Nugent.

I have 2 of those as well

because americans are retarded people who love giving their money to china and jews. Did you know people actually buy margarita makers?

>> No.16475509

>chink tabletop machine
>chink fryers
sound a little obsessed there m8

>> No.16475902

I just used my air fryer to save some tortilla chips that got stale and now they taste better than they did when I opened the bag

>> No.16475939

I didn't care for it at first but great for fries and other appetizer type foods

>> No.16475956

airfryers make amazing steaks, i dont have a grill so this is the next best thing

>> No.16476063

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16476075
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>he uses a pressure cooker
enjoy your house bomb

>> No.16476100

>bragging about wealth on an anonymous Nepalese underwater basket-weaving forum

>> No.16476206

toaster ovens/regular ovens aren't as good for frozen fried foods like chips and mozzarella sticks unless you feel like turning the food every 4 minutes
i agree that they're pointless because the difference is marginal, but the people that buy these things exclusively eat frozen french fries so i'd assume it's a worthwhile improvement for them

>> No.16476549

Calm down, retard.

>> No.16477068

what sort of recipes do you make weekly? I still have a hard time picturing how to use one of these.

>> No.16477314

I can’t imagine the actual state of your life if this is what you spend your time doing

>> No.16478066

They make mediocre steaks compared to a CI or stainless skillet actually, but with an air fryer it's stupid easy so it cancels out.

>> No.16478879

calling it a “tomahawk” is extremely colonialist and is a micro aggression towards indigenous people
its BGM-109, when you use the other term you sound like an ignorant hipster

>> No.16479446

ok larp faggot

>> No.16479722

Turkey HEH

>> No.16479878

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.16480331
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Aren't they just little ovens? I don't get what the big deal is.
>Google "difference between air fryer and oven"
>First result says that conventional ovens use an element to produce heat
>Air fryers use "rapid air technology" instead

>> No.16480336

It’s a convection oven. It circulates the air resulting in more even heating. If you don’t have a convection oven then it does some things better. If you do, it’s superfluous.

>> No.16480391

This is an iconic post

>> No.16480393

Turkey, heh

>> No.16480394

found the psychopath

>> No.16480395

>haha am psychopathic xddd

>> No.16480396

fuck you stop typing with autocaps you're not on an iphone you dick

>> No.16480398

Nice samefag faggot

>> No.16480400

clearly because i was claiming otherwise chink shit for brains

>> No.16480401
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>> No.16480537

I use my slow cooker more in autumn and winter when it’s 90 out soup chili and Stew isn’t appetizing

>> No.16480542

are you telling me i should go buy a convection oven to replace my perfectly good oven for $1000 instead of buying a $45 air fryer? fuck you
god i hate canadians

>> No.16480551

>Don't use a microwave to reheat you little bastard.
I don't have a microwave and am not going to heat up my entire oven for a handful of fries or 4 mozzarella sticks.

>> No.16481977

do they actually fry stuff? or do they bake stuff?
does the food need to be oily?

>> No.16482015

Their a cucked convection oven.

>> No.16482020

How fucking often are you people making mozzarella sticks and French fries? Do you know how pathetic it sounds that this is your main reason for owning one of these?

>> No.16482066

I use mine multiple times a day. Why waste money heating a big ass oven when a countertop appliance can do it cheaper and faster?

>> No.16482079

Get fucked chug

>> No.16482465

>Its the same people that buy Tomahawk steaks and don't realize its just ribeye with the bone on it.
Honestly anybody who buys a tomahawk steak should be removed from the gene pool.

>> No.16482515

>my life is empty unless i'm paying for things

>> No.16482567

Oldest trick in the book is to make an OP pretending to hate on whatever you want to make a thread on. It is way more likely to last than a thread where you just go "air fryers are cool let's talk about them". That, or OP is actually just dumb.

>> No.16482573

>he didn't buy a philips
LMAOING at your life, many such cases of poorfags buying inferior branded airfryers and being disappointed KEK

>> No.16482648
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nobody assumes they don't work
it's that the egg shaped ones are pointlessly specialized compared to alternatives
just get a bench top oven with air fryer style convection
it can do everything and more without being stupidly cramped

>> No.16482745

> I don't see people using these as supplimentary devices when they lack an oven.

Then you're not looking hard enough. I have one at work. Office type workplace, small kitchenette, no ovens.

Also, a regular 'economy class' full-sized oven is a hassle. Maybe if you got one of the modern gizmos with all the bells&whistles that costs an arm and a leg, it would be less of a hassle than air fryer. Regular stovetop-oven combo? Cleaning on your knees diving into it to reach the back (vs take the drawer out and put it in the sink), paying attention not to forget to switch it off (vs timer), and extra time it takes to heat up. Convenience of putting food in and taking it out is also much different. It's just when you want to bake a cake, or a tray of cookies where an oven is really better.

>> No.16482753

id like to see you eat with your eyes faggot

>> No.16482759

How do they compare price-wise? 'cause I got my "egg shaped" for $15 (post-exhibit).

>> No.16482761
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seething wagie spotted

>> No.16482767
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>calling it a “tomahawk” is extremely colonialist and is a micro aggression towards indigenous people

no need to read any further. Woke trash.

>> No.16482768

modern pressure cookers have a retard-proof amount of safety features in them. your intelligence would have to be that of a reddit browser to cause yourself or your property any amount of harm.

>> No.16482775
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the only based thing about air fryers are rotating baskets, crisps chips up nice.
sadly most baskets can only hold like 2 servings worth, so if you're cooking for multiple people it's not worth it.

>> No.16482796

more expensive, $150 but i've seen them on sale for $100
if you have literally no money then fine, a regular air fryer will do some things at a small scale pretty well, but for most people you have to be using it constantly to justify the waste of space
in a kitchen i treat space as seriously as price, and combination air fryer oven is a way better space/utility tradeoff for a price that isn't that much higher all things considered

>> No.16482799

cooked to perfection

>> No.16484294

>so if you're cooking for multiple people

Does not apply

>> No.16484305

Americans are too retarded to have convection functionality built into ovens so they use air-fryers instead. That's literally the only reason these exist and are popular, because burgers finally have convection ovens in their homes.
Inb4 some retard that bought his own oven says "BUT I HAVE ONE", I'm talking about the general population

>> No.16484422

Airfryers are basically small TURBO OVENS

>> No.16484502
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>calling it a “tomahawk” is extremely colonialist and is a micro aggression towards indigenous people
>its bone-in ribeye, when you use the other term you sound like an ignorant hipster
>now onto the point: we eat with our eyes
>the bone sticking out of the steak has good presentation, besides the fact that bone-in meat cooks a little differently and has subtle effect on the flavor
>anyone who actually cooks would know all of this
>some diners enjoy picking up the bone and cleaning it off at the end, others dont wish to fuss with a bone when eating
>neither opinion is greater than the other its a case of STOPLIKINGWHATIDONTLIKE.jpg

>> No.16484506

I get nice hot crispy tendies any time I want within 15 minutes. Seethe, airfryerlet.

>> No.16484632
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>Drags out 10gal jug of Vegetable Glycerin 99.7% USP Food Grade
>Opens up loading dock, begins hauling sacks of potatoes and dumping them into his Commercial Automatic Food Washer Vegetable Tomato Potato Washing Machine
>Runs washed potatoes through Nella 1/2 hp Heavy-Duty Elite Potato Peeler and rapidfiring them through New Star 37340 Commercial Grade French Fry Cutter with Suction Feet into his Ultrafryer E20-20 Four Vat Industrial Electric Deep Fryer with UltraClear Filtration

>> No.16484675

>the fools instant pot.
Isn't the instant pot itself filling this role?

>> No.16484843

>I don't hate instant pots because they have a purpose beyond being a supplimentary stovetop/slow cooker; they are also pressure cookers.
Isn't the pressure cooking function is inferior to what a proper pressure cooker can do?

>> No.16484872

God hates a coward Johnny.

>> No.16484894

They make standard household ovens with a convection fan feature. Hell, you can even get a toaster oven with a convection fan. It's not some mythical commercial-industrial device.

>> No.16484895
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I would happily spend the extra thousand dollars to have one of these on my counter instead of a rubbermaid or whatever the other brand of mixer is that people rave over.

>> No.16485139
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>I don't see people using these as supplimentary devices when they lack an oven.

Well you can scratch that bud, since you're seeing me doing exactly that. My shitty apartment's oven is, ya know, shit. So I use the air fryer/little convection oven for stuff and it's way better than heating up my entire apartment.

>> No.16485199
File: 64 KB, 720x742, cd18278c512ab33961e3b07f71107299f2c55883949a0edb2dd358dfbc23895e_1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16485207
File: 48 KB, 449x720, 9719e9c3275f14185921943ba5324b6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these things make people so fucking mad? I didn't have a toaster oven or anything when I moved into my first apartment, and I was gifted an air fryer. It cooks anything from vegetables, to meat and seafood, within 20-25 minutes or less depending on the food. It's really convenient, and it has made it much easier for me to get into the habit of preparing all of my meals. Some of the best chicken thighs I've had came from an air fryer.

>> No.16485406

How comparable is the taste to a deep fryer?