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16464753 No.16464753 [Reply] [Original]

Hey chief, we do things differently here in Ohio

>> No.16464760

The rest of use choose to pretend Ohio doesn't exist.
We really, REALLY wish Ohio doesn't exist.

>> No.16464777
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It was really good but I got a mental image of Niko avocado from a shitposter last evening so I threw it up

>> No.16464919

Yeah I seen this shit before back in Milwaukee. But it was blended together much better and had a higher ratio of actual chili lol. This looks far less appealing.

Damn I love the midwest you find so many funny little comfort foods and appetizers that don't make sense but that are way more satisfying and affordable than pretentious "street food" seed oil horseshit on the coasts. Midwest is the best.

>> No.16465145

It always bothered me that Ohio is considered 'Midwest.' It literally sits next to a New England state and shares longitude with fucking Florida. I don't get it but whatever.

>> No.16465171
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the only way to eat chili spaghetti is to eat it with a bro

>> No.16465178

this shit looks so damn good. I don't live anywhere near a skyline or chili bar. I want it so bad

>> No.16465182







>> No.16465265

It aligns far more topographically, culturally, economically, etc with the other Midwestern states than any of the New England states
Also New York is not a New England state, it's mid-Atlantic.
Plus Ohio is west of the Appalachian mountain range.

>> No.16465276

This was one of the biggest culture shocks when I moved to Indiana. Chili on spaghetti?? Why?? But I tried it at Steak & Shake and I fell in love. It has to be the 5-way though. I think they've streamlined the menu since then but there was a few options that weren't as good. I've never felt like making it at home, but I've had it a few times eating out and I never regretted it. Different cultures everywhere, so beautiful.

>> No.16465290

Oh... my fucking God. I was repulsed by Skyline when it was the actual shit on top of shit in the restaurant. Is this what it looks like when it's fuckin' delivered?

I think my asshole just fell out of my body.

>> No.16465298

On the coasts we literally have the same cheap, filling, comfort food options that you have in the Midwest. The difference is that we have many more options on top of that where you guys don’t. Midwest flyovers always fail to realize this and think we only have pretentious “tomato, stick and a leaf” meals for $300. Just because we have pretentious crap doesn’t mean we don’t have other shit. We have the ability to choose what we want to eat. You dont.

>> No.16465301
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We do, too. I grew up in SoCal and when I moved to the midwest the only two things that I found to be lacking were fresh fish and cheap mexican food. There's pretty much everything else still in abundance if you actually leave your house and look around a little.

>> No.16465302

honestly it looks very japanese

>> No.16465304

Swap that cheese ball with an uncooked egg and you've got a fine nippon meal.

>> No.16465313

Subway or McDonalds isn’t “having a choice”

>> No.16465332

>He thinks everyone in the midwest goes to the interstate for food.

>> No.16466774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16467450

are those IPAs?

>> No.16467465


>> No.16467477

That looks like one of my diarrhea shits after 15 Budweiser’s only dyed yellow on top

>> No.16467481
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>> No.16467483

Went there once for my great aunts funeral. The history was really cool and OUs campus was fun to tour, but the food was awful. I had skyline chili due to my grandpa insisting how good it was, it was god awful. I had it with beans and onions, but the cheese was terrible, cold not even slightly melted, the chili was pretty mediocre and the noodles were really overcooked. 2/10 at best, chief

>> No.16467530

that looks legit disgusting

>> No.16467562
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>> No.16467685

It’s pretty easy make just google a high rated sweet chili recipe and slop it on some spaghetti

>> No.16467813


Now adjust for population and land area.

Nuke tests. Compare US figures to Ukraine and Belarus.

>> No.16467836
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It's actually quite good at local places and not Skyline. It's funny that people get so disgusted by the amount of cheese or the idea of chili on spaghetti (it's really just a meat sauce) and dont even know that the secret ingredients in the sauce are chocolate and cinnamon.

>> No.16467893

nah nigga the first bite of that shit and you're asking why it tastes like cinnamon or why it's sweet. shit is nasty no matter where you go, they shouldn't even be calling it fucking chili.

>> No.16467927
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Probably, but what do you call it then? Would you prefer they call it bolognese? Also cinnamon isnt sweet, nor are darker chocolates, you just think it is because it's almost exclusively in sweet dishes. Sweet and savory can go together well regardless. This, first example is another Cincinnati thing, which is a grilled cheese donut. They also put pickles on pizza there. It seems to be a Cincinnati thing to combine things that dont sound good but turn out being pretty great. You have to try it, I guess, but do not get Skyline, it's shit. Even Goold Star is better.

>> No.16467957
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I didn't say cinnamon was sweet, nor do I think it's sweet, don't tell me what I think. The chili always has a sweetness to it, no matter where I've tried, and I lived in Cincinnati for a year for work and half the people I knew there insisted on having me try their favorite because 'it's so much better than xyz', the other half couldn't stand the shit.

>> No.16468066


>> No.16468798

Alaska's population is small, the toxins are probably from oil / gas drilling. Also the chart refers to things released in 2016 so nuke tests are irrelevant

>> No.16470136
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IPAs are not for hipsters they are for colonizing the indians, same with gin and tonics

>> No.16470540


>> No.16470556
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>> No.16470566

jesus fucking christ. why do flyovers take so much pride in this kind of garbage.

>> No.16470996
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It was kind of funny to talk to people online and learn that they were utterly unfamiliar with grilled cheese maker pizzas/hobo pies/whatever you want to call them

>> No.16471047

No cap, flyovers need to be executed.

>> No.16471054
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>Ohio has brains soaked in tumeric and curry powder on their spaghetti

>> No.16471070

i don't know...probably tastes better than it looks.

>> No.16471277

Not liking cinnamon in meat dishes is the ultimate tastelet filter. You can't even say it's anglos being anglos because even bongs love curry, it's just g*ermanic burgers acting allergic to flavor because their protestant work ethic teaches them that tasting food is sinful

>> No.16471315

>nooo you have to enjoy muh cinnamon ground beef spaghetti with 5lbs of shredded cheese or your a tastelet!
Slapping random shit together isn’t “creating complex flavor profiles”, it’s what a 5 year old who can’t cook does. Only other 5 year olds will claim it to be good, proving that all of the midwest has the palate of children. I would too if all we had was factory farmed beef and canned vegetables.

>> No.16471355

>nooooooooo you can't just remind me that complaining about the yucky icky spices makes me look like a child think of the cheese!!!
A predictable response, but still disappointing

>> No.16471444

I haven't had a 7/7 in forever. Got so drunk I let a dude from a frat house suck my dick. Then my crush walked in and my life has been in shambles ever since.

>> No.16471449

Ohio takes pride in their abysmal excuse for chili. It's all they have. Runny tomato sauce with hardly any meat and 2 pounds of cinnamon. I'd kill everyone in Ohio given the chance.

>> No.16471468

no theyre beers

>> No.16471486

you don't even have to look as far as curry.
Cinnamon is traditional European winter spice, one example of a savoury dish it is used in being tourtiere.

>> No.16471489

Doesn't take into account the chemical dumping via plane over LA

>> No.16471952


>> No.16471982

>There's pretty much everything else still in abundance if you actually leave your house and look around a little.
you need to live in a semi-major city or a college town for that to be the case, I live in a place with 70 thousand and the options are pretty lacking outside of the chains and sportspub type places.

>> No.16472025

OhioWio to you outsiders

>> No.16472594

What chemical dumping

>> No.16472842

IDKW people shit on Cincinnati chili, it's just slightly Americanized Greek food.

Seriously, look it up, the cinnamon in the chili is a Greek thing that the Greeks brought to Cincinnati and recreated their dish to be served at lunch counters to hungry factory workers.

Also, what OP posted in NOT anything you'd see in any chili restaurant, it looks like a microwave meal.

Sincerely 513 fag

>> No.16472885

we called these mountain pies

>> No.16472936

That's fair. I mean my town I actually live in has next to nothing, I do have to drive a half hour to get to the variety. I guess I'm just used to have to driving a bit, even in CA I had to drive 30-40 minutes to get to the grocery stores I liked. I guess I've never lived true rural where I'm 60+ minutes from things.

>> No.16474120

Chemicals are dumped into the atmosphere over LA on a regular basis. Military is basically unloading toxic chemical byproducts that they couldn't get rid of elsewhere. They've decided to unload via plane over a long period of time to avoid being detected. But there's a reason that people in LA are sick as fuck

>> No.16474151

They sell the pre-mixed spices in packets that are in a lot of grocery stores and on Amazon for like $2. All you need is 1.5-2 lbs of ground beef and a can of tomato paste. Sure it's probably not as good as if you made it from scratch but it's super easy and cheap to make so I make it pretty often. Great on hot dogs too.

>> No.16474159
