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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 242 KB, 1280x848, 1280px-Fish_and_chips_blackpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16463324 No.16463324 [Reply] [Original]

>take the mildest fish in existence
>apply the thinnest possible coating of a batter that consists solely of plain white flour, a tiny bit of salt, and the mildest style of beer on the market
>fry it in the most neutral-tasting oil you can find
>pile it next to some potatoes you fried in the same oil
>give both a moderate hit of salt if you're feeling adventurous
>serve with mashed, unseasoned boiled peas
Why is this hailed as the most godlike of fish dishes? Everything about this preparation is designed to put as little flavor per unit weight of food into your mouth as possible

>> No.16463336

I had it when I went to disneyworld at one the little country food stalls at Epcot.
I thought that they just cooked it bad there at first, but no it's actually supposed to be practically tasteless

>> No.16463339

Eh? You never been to a chippy? They don't skimp on the batter, and the customer salts to their taste. If you think beer battered fish with malt vinegar and tartar sauce is lacking in flavour I reckon your tongue is broken.

>> No.16463345
File: 474 KB, 1920x955, fried-red-snapper-e1586725830798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh caught whole fried fish btfo's that bong shit. inb4 some yokel posts catfish.

>> No.16463348

Unless you get it at a coastal restaurant, then it's going to be shit.

I had one a couple of weeks ago that was fantastic, but it was haddock not cod, and the batter was clearly more carefully prepared.

>> No.16463350

What's wrong with catfish?

>> No.16463368

it's not bad just pretty overrated, as is most southern/soul food imo.

>> No.16463371

>Eh? You never been to a chippy? They don't skimp on the batter, and the customer salts to their taste. If you think beer battered fish with malt vinegar and tartar sauce is lacking in flavour I reckon your tongue is broken.
it's not flavor unless it's drowned in spice and swimming in hot sauce

>> No.16463374

meaning you can't get it in china where you live

>> No.16463395
File: 44 KB, 545x526, 1597268411766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live right above harlem lol. soul food aint shit and im a better cook than your grandma.

>> No.16463398

my grandma's dead, I hope you're better

>> No.16463410

God that looks delicious

>> No.16463422

OP, why are you posting such bullshit? Everybody knows that Britbongs don't even use the tiniest amounts of salt out of fear for their taste buds.

>> No.16463448

mine is dead as well. it happens.

>> No.16463457

100% of the time, usually

>> No.16463461

>Why is this hailed as the most godlike of fish dishes?
I've never heard someone treat it as anything but cheap fast-food.

>> No.16463525

>Why is this hailed as the most godlike of fish dishes?
because fish tastes like shit so less fishy is better.

>> No.16463536

>why british food bland
Quite a mystery.

>> No.16463558
File: 148 KB, 1000x563, fishnchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of
>simple as
don't you understand?

>> No.16464141

>a northerner talking shit about southern food
id heem you where you stood if you talked shit about fried catish to my face

>> No.16464154

Whats wrong with simple? Its still good food

>> No.16464169

What a shit argument.

>> No.16464189
File: 547 KB, 2114x2365, PicsArt_01-19-01.30.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from tartar, what's a good sauce recipe that would go good with battered fish, especially as a sandwich?

A sauce recipe that tastes oceany and compliments the fish?

>> No.16464200


It's a texture thing and a delivery vehicle for sauce

>> No.16464201

yum yum sauce

>> No.16464202
File: 8 KB, 228x221, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shredded cabbage
>grated carrots
>add mayo
>serve with the fish

>> No.16464335

I wish I could eat this everyday or more often

>> No.16464503
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its really not that serious cletus.

>> No.16465299

I didn't make the rules, the media did to pander to every dead tongue tyrone and thirdie

>> No.16465327

>curry sauce
>lemon sauce
>sweet and sour sauce
>plum sauce
>thousand island

>> No.16465347 [DELETED] 

Harlem lmao. Northern niggers can't cook. Black and white northerners at that. Shit

>> No.16465974

Don't know about oceany, but both tzatziki and skordalia go with anything and everything that's deep fried. It's unthinkable to go to a taverna and not order at least one of them when getting deep fried something.

t. greekfag

>> No.16466714

american southern soul food is ass just because of how overrated it is, sorry. the only good thing you fellas have going down there food wise is nola. and even then you can keep those crocadile fuckers.

>> No.16466723

I love me some shit and piss

>> No.16467221

>Why is this hailed as
Nice strawman you got there. It's good food, nothing more, nothing less. Now go and dumb a cup of spice mix over your chicken feet dumbass.

>> No.16467873

NYC has the best food in the world. It does every southern dish better than the South.

>> No.16467890

catfish is underrated if anything

>> No.16467985

>It does every southern dish better than the South.
as a new yorker who lived in georgia for several years is this demonstrably false

>> No.16467998

It's a fish dish for people who don't like fish.

>> No.16468070

i prefer freshwater fried fish. like walleye, perch or whitefish. and the fries must be crispy, none of that soggy garbage

>> No.16468106

swedish fishsauce
swedish shrimpsauce
swedish lobstersauce
swedish dillsauce

>> No.16468118

I’d love to do it that way but I don’t have a deep fryer big enough

>> No.16468142

Everyone has haddock, not cod

>> No.16468163

you forgot the malt vinegar, faggot

>> No.16468164

If you ever wondered what tastelets were.

This thread.

>> No.16468188
File: 3.19 MB, 1597x898, 234324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the mildest meat in existence
>apply the thinnest possible coating of a batter that consists solely of plain white flour, a tiny bit of salt, and the mildest style of egg on the market
>fry it in the most neutral-tasting butter you can find
>pile it next to some potatoes you cooked
>give both a moderate hit of salt and pepper if you're feeling adventurous
>serve it with a green salad and lemon

Is this perfection?

>> No.16468229
File: 427 KB, 970x960, 1627072249184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't even get vinegar
Laughing at your life, faggot.

>> No.16469164

>take bland as fuck fish and potatoes
>douse them in vinegar
>"see aren't you glad that you're tasting a mouthful of vinegar it's peak food kino"
I don't get it

>> No.16469192

Yes it is. Dubs confirm. Even now, there is nothing tastier than a freshly cooked kotlet.

>> No.16469236
File: 8 KB, 275x183, clams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the clams

>> No.16469247

>schnitzel breading
>consists solely of plain white flour
based cooklet

>> No.16469490

Cause british food is garbage and this is amazing in comparison

>> No.16469509

I dunno what fish you use but in Australia we use hake for solid pieces of fish, and flake (shark meat) for things like fish cocktails.

Fuckin love me some fish cocktails and calamari rings with lemon squeezed over it all.

>> No.16469516
File: 276 KB, 200x200, 1619294688911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tartar sauce

>> No.16469521



>> No.16469523

I like horseradish sauce

>> No.16469631
File: 17 KB, 308x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you quote the entire thing you replied to? faggot.
why cant you detect sarcasm?

>> No.16469732

This is seared tilapia, don't need a deep frier to get it in this condition

>> No.16469734

Absolute state of NY rodents

>> No.16469751

>Ironic dubs
Yes based Hitler's cook

>> No.16469755

anon thats a deep fried snapper...

>> No.16469944

What's wrong with tartar sauce?

>> No.16470014

where the hell is the tartar sauce

>> No.16470026

Wrong. Maybe if you count Greek or Italian-American food. Also the home-cooking is a thousand times better
t. Nassau County now living in north Florida

>> No.16470078


nyc is literally a global food destination you turkey.

>> No.16470134
File: 423 KB, 760x988, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did you quote the entire thing you replied to? faggot.
why cant you detect sarcasm?

>> No.16470156

tartar sauce doesn't go on fish and chips you dumb yank trash

>> No.16470180

i make the best fish and chips on ck, ask me anything

>> No.16470187

what time is it?

>> No.16470191

used to be all fried in beef fat but obviously you cant do that these days because of retarded vegetarians/pescatarians

>> No.16470208

bout 1130

>> No.16470288

what kind of fish do you use

>> No.16470339

i am a muscular black man, not some pussy white boy.

>> No.16470396

>take the mildest fish in existence
It's a not great tasting mild fish. Try Australian fish and chips. King George Whiting if you like it mild, Barramundi if you like oily fish.
>the mildest style of beer
Beer batter calls for stout / porter / dark ale, not American mass produced larger.

You forgot the ketchup / vinegar / tar-tare sauce / to shit talk people who eat fish and chips with curry.
And the chicken salt. Never forget the chick salt.

>> No.16470629

>especially as a sandwich
No sauce needed, the coleslaw dressing is enough.

>> No.16470631

I'll I got from that is "In Australia we suffer from systemic piss taking"

>> No.16470632

According to who, the faggots who own restaurants there?

>> No.16470633

that doesn't mean it's better at creating regional food than the original in every case you retarded faggot

>> No.16470635

thanks for letting us know you have a low IQ, should probably use small words only in this thread

>> No.16470638

Lime juice and salt
Korean sauces, I forget name

>> No.16470686

oh yeah dude all of the people that rave about nyc's food culture are just restauranteurs. its all kayfabe bro you cracked the code.

being the original doesnt make it the best either. also it isnt the 1900s anymore. food isnt region locked. people and information travel you dummy. besides, southern cuisine doesnt require you to live in the south to be good. it isnt some complex super specialized grub.

>> No.16470699

Do non-whites really eat this way?

>> No.16470706

All of the people who rave about NYC either live there or have a stake in business there. Get your cock out of your mouth.

>> No.16470713

Oh yeah bro for sure theres absolutely zero tourism here.

>> No.16470715


>> No.16470720

lol as if cornfucker.

>> No.16470724

Aioli and anything mayonnaise based

>> No.16470743

I'm starting to get pissed with you gay furry flavortown faggots. Just for reference, my Thai curries are pretty close to original recipes using a 'dozen' or 'handful' of chilies. But there's also a place for just salt & pepper dishes, especially with fish. Seems to me the tastelets are actually you guys smothering everything in five spice mix and sriracha.

>> No.16470771
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1626647461306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly bong, vinegar isn't a condiment

>> No.16470853

what the hell do you dip it in you bastard

>> No.16470887

Can’t we all just agree that fried fish regardless of variations is fucking delicious? Hell all seafood is.

>> No.16470893


>> No.16471131


>> No.16471135

Imagine complaining about fish and chips.

>> No.16471147

yes it does you fucking moron, it's a sauce primarily for for fish dishes so of course it can go on fish and chips
>t. not a mutt

>> No.16471174


GPT - 3 is a general purpose neural network that utilises an autoregressive language model that can track, analyse and imitate human speech and text. The algorithm has been used to scan user input for signals or identifiers of polarities in intelligence quotient by training on libraries of verified IQ data. For more information visit openAI.com or review our previous published work on the matter J.Wong et al DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2903444

>input: No. 16463324
>libraries: IQ english mean rev. 2.03, IQ outlier low range 1.12, IQ Adult normalised 3.43, General library 14.3
>network: GPT 3 22.07.2021
>ID volume: 4
>majority identifier: "flavor"
>output range estimate: 0.85 to 0.9

lol teslas AI thinks you're a 85IQ moron.

>> No.16471308

they have catfish in china

>> No.16471358

So, "Coleslaw that you make yourself." Gotcha.
Not shitting on your idea, I'd probably vy for coleslaw if I made it myself

>> No.16471375

>batter that consists solely of plain white flour, a tiny bit of salt, and the mildest style of egg on the market
Thats not how you make Schnitzel coating my friend and you fry it in clarified butter, not butter (butter and clarified butter are both not neutral tasting like plant seed oil)
You eat the Schnitzel with Lingo-berry jam.
The traditional side dish is parsley potatos or austrian style potato salad.(potato, onion, salt, pepper, vinegar, hot mustard, oil, chives)

>> No.16471434

You are also obese and a kike.

>> No.16471582

not even brits hold up fish and chips as 'the most godlike fish dish'

it's seen as reliably tasty, affordable, unhealthy food.

whole turbot is surely the king of fish dishes

>> No.16471608
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 1627131753596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt be further off the mark.

>> No.16471686
