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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16462790 No.16462790 [Reply] [Original]

>People who get no browning on their chicken because they keep flipping it as it sears
>People who dice onions way too fucking big and you get semi crunchy onions in your dish
>People who cook everything on the highest heat setting because "it's faster"
>People who wash pans directly after cooking and waste amazing fonds instead of making pan sauces
>People who don't wash rice
>People who salt pasta after it's cooked instead of salting the water
>People who add the garlic while sweating the onions and end up burning it
Fucking hate non-cooking normies, bros

>> No.16462794

refusing to use salt

>> No.16462991

i use a strainer when i wash my rice
its quicker and cleaner

>> No.16463086

>overcooking meat, vegetables, pasta and legumes
>undercooking meat and vegetables (pork, chicken, eggplants, potatoes, etc)
>oversalting and undersalting
And generally, cooking anything that ends up more calorie dense than tasty (unnecessary amount of fat, sugar or carbs, no fibers)

>> No.16463091

>People who add the garlic while sweating the onions and end up burning it
But if you're properly sweating onions, the temperature should never become high enough to burn the garlic.

>> No.16463092

People who make reddit threads

>> No.16463108

Biggest one:
>People who act like cleaning up after cooking is a nightmare and don't just clean up as they go instead.
>People who "wing it" when baking.
>People giving instruction in my own kitchen without being asked and not doing anything helpful.
>People who try to "improve" a dish during their first time cooking said dish.

>> No.16463214
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>People who try to "improve" a dish during their first time cooking said dish.
Fucking this. Just follow the recipe the first time you make it. Once I can remember a recipe that's when I will tweak it or start improvising.
For me it's
>I cooked you clean
Every single person I've met who has this rule is lazy, and the kitchen look ls like a train wreck afterwards. They don't even attempt to be tidy because lol not my problem.

>> No.16463217

shit frog threads

>> No.16463230

Agreed. It's not hard to clean up your stuff as you're cooking. Like, if I'm using ketchup in a recipe and I'm done with it and have a few seconds while waiting for something else to get done I'll put it up.

People will do shit with three different bowls, measuring utensils, cookware and appliances and will just let it sit there while they do fuck all and then wonder
>Why is cleanup always the longest part of cooking?
It's because you're a halfwitted ignoramus who likes to complain.

Is it just me or does it seem to be almost exclusively a woman thing to do that? I've met some men who do, but only a few.

>> No.16463241

Haha, yeah it's always women. They just don't think logically.

>> No.16463242

Reasonable grievances, boys.

>> No.16463252

Had to put up with this shit literally the only time someone who wasn't me was washing the dishes, it was so inconsistent, it was some stars aligning crap. Thankfully out of that situation now, every time I cook, I clean because even a small amount of dishes has to be managed because putting the shit off until it's a pile that takes about 90 minutes upwards 2 fucking hours is a headache not worth having.

>> No.16463256

I hate people who make sloppy baked goods. It’s more repugnant to me than lousy savory cooks or people who are indifferent to the enterprise of cooking entirely. I had a roommate who was incapable of baking anything good and did so nearly every other day. Cookies always came out looking different, tasted like shit, and would use canola oil instead of butter.

>> No.16463257

people that add deliberately add things they know you don't like in an attempt to have a "gotcha" moment.
this type of behavior should result in legal execution of the individual because they are a psychopath and cannot be trusted to be safe around children.

>> No.16463290

Let me see

>People who don't set timers for anything they put in the oven -- whether it's meat that's broiling or roasting or baked goods and sweets.. No, you are not an expert if you avoid this. Especially if you're not good at eyeballing the food.
>Not using HOT water to wash oily dishes
>Using the wrong knife for the job. Every knife is built for a purpose and some knives are more versatile than others.
>Using too much seasoning in one go. Seasons and spices are expensive, you do not have to use 1/4th of a container on your preparation
>Washing your chicken. Black folks, stop. Vinegar and lemon exist. Brining exists. Heat kills bacteria. Science confirms these things. Stop doing dumbass shit like adding soap or bleach to be "extra" safe.
>Cutting and dicing vegetables too uneven and chunky. Get a slapchop or something
>Not emptying the drying rack before washing a new pile of dishes. Also not putting away dishes in sets between washes if a larger pile.
>Thinking that salt and fat are bad for flavor
>Family recipes that aren't really well thought out and only repeated because it's tradition.

>> No.16463291

>t. picky eater

Also, you have shit friends. Can't you make new ones?

>> No.16463430

Washing rice? I feel like a tard because I’ve never heard of this. I make rice all the time. Like with a kind of soap or something? Is rice dirty?

>> No.16463482
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Just remembered one
>Do you want to wash or dry
>I'll dry
>Proceed to dry dishes as the other person washes

>Do you want to wash or dry
>I'll wash
>Other person proceeds to fuck off and sit on the couch and leave dishes in dish rack for the next few hours
Fuck you.

>> No.16463485

Put it in a sieve and rinse it until the water runs clear. It washes away the starch.

>> No.16463501

>picky eater
this is a compliment that i am a man of distinction and not a garbage huffing swine.

>> No.16463504


>> No.16463506

>you have shit friends
who said i was speaking of friends.
i was speaking in general.
you only have food prepared by friends?
your social life must be really minimal.

>> No.16463513

>calls a man of distinction a "coper"
the projection is astounding.

>> No.16463516

Stay mad tastelet.

>> No.16463520

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.16463530

how would i know what tastes bad if i didn't have superior taste?
the projection is getting even more astounding.

>> No.16463538
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>> No.16463579

PB Crisps.
Now go away.

>> No.16463580

>I feel like a tard because I’ve never heard of this.
It's not a thing in all places and with all kinds of rice. I generally do it, especially with brown rice, but if I want the rice sticky then I don't.

>> No.16463597

>Using the wrong knife for the job. Every knife is built for a purpose and some knives are more versatile than others.
That's right, and an 8" does everything.

>> No.16463649

>Using the wrong knife for the job.
I let a friend live with me for a while and this became a big issue for me. Need to spread butter? Use a steak knife because it's within reach instead of 2 steps away. Need to cut a cake or pie? Same thing. Need to cut a pizza? Leave it on the metal pan instead of moving it to my bigass wooden cutting board and use my fucking filet knife because "it's so sharp." Every time I told him to stop doing something he'd find a different way to fuck up.

>> No.16463734

Lazy people are so annoying.

>> No.16463876

No kidding. Dude personified halfassedness. Now he lives with his parents again because he wasted the time I gave him in the real world and they're already calling him useless and complaining about how he leaves everything a mess, especially the kitchen.

Cleaning my kitchen after he left and waking up to a still clean kitchen was glorious.

>> No.16464049
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>>People who wash pans directly after cooking and waste amazing fonds instead of making pan sauces
Guilty of this one. Fuck though I'm just lazy and don't have a just-opened bottle of wine, a little bit of stock, fresh herbs all lying around ready to use, much less having to rush to get all that stuff ready, dice a shallot, and make the sauce all on a time limit while the meat is getting cold. I feel bad throwing out the fond but I can't be arsed, I just want some easy food, man.

>> No.16464065

>add oil to the pan and turn on the heat
>immediately add their ingredients to the cold oil
rustles my jimmies like you wouldnt believe

>> No.16464501

\>People who don't wash rice
You're not supposed to wash rice, idiot.

>> No.16464930

Depends on the rice. I usually don't wash mine but my roommate once obliterated mine to make dog food and when I told him to replace it he came back with some sketchy Mexican rice that I didn't trust without a thorough cleansing.