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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16463079 No.16463079 [Reply] [Original]

You could be eating fish right now. Why aren't you?

>> No.16463082

because its expensive and im probably gonna kill myself soon anyway

>> No.16463100

i dont like fish unless its beer batter fried or in a cutlet with potato

>> No.16463129

i had salt and pepper squid for dinner.

>> No.16463132

I'm too full of ice cream

>> No.16463170

Holy shit that's a lotta deenz.

>> No.16463180
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1622945113407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go fishing on lake
>spend more time drinking beer than fishing
>caught 1 shitty 6 inch blue gill
>descale it, too small to fillet
>cook and eat it
>still hungry
>remember i put a minnow trap in hours ago
>its filled with minnows
>dredge them in flour, spices, eggs, and pan fry
>they taste like shit
>still eat them
>wake up in the middle of the night and puke full, unchewed minnows into the toilet

havent eaten fish since then

>> No.16463198

The woman creature doesn't like fish. I'd mow some smoked salmon or fried smelts right about now, but it looks like it's poached eggs, turkey bacon and sadness for breakfast... yet again.

>> No.16463205

>not making fritters with the minnows

>> No.16463206

i have no idea what that is

>> No.16463208

You've never heard of minnow fritters?

>> No.16463210

you don't know what a fritter is?

>> No.16463213

because im vegan and flesh repulses me

>> No.16463227

>I have no idea what that is
>you don't know what a fitter is?
Great help retard

>> No.16463245

It appears to be a request for clarification through the lens of disbelief.

A fritter is a deep fried pastry comprised of often heavily breaded or battered fish, fruit, vegetables, or sometimes just dough/batter. They can be sweet, savoury, or both. Examples include apple fritter doughnuts, aloo pakora, and fish-n-chip bites. The only truly defining factors are that there is at least a casing of batter or breading, and that the fritter is either deep fried, or cooked in such a way as to approximate the resulting texture.

>> No.16463259


>> No.16463273

i'm a land animal.
i require land animals.
fish are for when the humans run out.

>> No.16463294
File: 38 KB, 550x367, 94B3FBEC-EEA0-473E-B7AB-FDA9813AABD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s all I eat.

>> No.16463301

I always have a can of deenz in my back pocket. I hate gypsies.

>> No.16463682

That story went from cringe, to based and then to unbased. It’s like a roller coaster of emotions desu.

>> No.16463688


>> No.16463726

try praying first

>> No.16463775

Cost, my mom eats canned sardines everyday and I used to as well until I realized how much this was costing me. Similar thing with salmon or cod, I only cook those for dinner once or twice a week instead of 4 times a week and for the rest I'll eat chicken or beef depending on what was cheaper or really craving when I go to my local butcher.

>> No.16463818

Because I like variety and also limit fish consumption to once or twice a week due to mercury concerns. I eat the fish I catch probably once or twice a month.

>> No.16463919

Because I have pork chops. I did buy a bunch of frozen tuna on sale though, gonna make some tuna steaks for a friend as thanks for helping me out with something.

>> No.16463923

I will be eating hot smoked salmon later today. I fucking love that shit.

>> No.16463981

Did you cure it in salt and sugar before you're hot smoking it? I like both the cured and uncured version. Bon appetit anon.

>> No.16464376

>blames minnahs for beer problems
I have puked up so many half-chewed, undigested foods after drinking that I know how long of a time instant ramen has been in my stomach by how crumbly it gets.
beer is your problem, faggot
(mine too)

>> No.16464384

>caring what women think
>caring what ANYONE thinks
You're getting served what you deserve.

>> No.16464432

Don't feel like it right now, but I've got nearly 30 pounds of bluegill sitting in my freezer.

>> No.16464585

fish is nasty bro

>> No.16464740

Do you have an opening for a bull?
I promise you, she won't care about your fish when she's smelled the kind of meat I bring.