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File: 114 KB, 1300x866, 39028325-professional-sushi-cook-young-asian-cook-looking-precisely-on-a-plate-with-various-kinds-of-japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16459212 No.16459212 [Reply] [Original]

i've been broadening my views on food recently and tried a lot of oriental foods - now i love me some fried chicken with sweet and sour sauce but sushi is still unknown to me
the question is will the sushi sensei cook the fish for me if i insist? i've been willing to taste some weird things on my journey through oriental cuisines but raw fish? that's too much, in fact i'm pretty sure the asians dont eat raw fish themselves and serving it to dumb westerners is a joke, well i'm not falling for that joke

>> No.16459255

grow up, incel shitter

>> No.16459298

what the fuck?

>> No.16459323

incel alert

>> No.16459338

Making sushi is pretty simple if you have one of those bamboo mats you roll it up with. Try making some yourself using imitation crab sticks instead, or even a little spread of salmon flavored cream cheese in there. Either of those will give you that seafood flavor without having to bother with real fish. That's what I do because I'm just too lazy to figure out how to use raw fish myself. That being said, raw fish in sushi is delicious and you're a complete pussy bitch for being all scared of it.

>> No.16459347

Read the fucking menu retard.

>> No.16459506

what does this have to do with having sex
what? the menus have nothing about cooked fish

>> No.16459546

Just order some varieties that are cooked, dumbass. Eel for instance is pretty much always cooked, as is egg. Octopus is often cooked and there's a variety of mackerel sushi that's cooked but IDK what it's called.

>> No.16459636

low effort bait

>> No.16459640

only salmon and tuna sushi where i reside and they always come raw

>> No.16459732

You're probably not looking hard enough but if that's really the case then just eat the damn fish or get something vegetarian.

>> No.16459753

well i never got the answer her, will the sushi man cook the salmon or tuna if i insist?

>> No.16459767

I'm sure whatever white people sushi place you're going to has a california roll. Just eat your avocado mush and leave the stuff with taste to non 11 year old children.

>> No.16459770

Call the restaurant and ask, how the fuck is anyone here supposed to tell you?

>> No.16459771

You're better off grabbing one of their ornamental swords and killing yourself with it.

>> No.16459779

Raw salmon and tuna is good. You should try it. Also try that fried chicken with gochujang. You can make a nice sauce for it with a few spoons of gochujang mixed with soy sauce and honey and whatever else.

>> No.16459969

What the fuck is goochwang?

>> No.16460032

but avocado rolls are american and i'm looking forward eating oriental food

>> No.16460038

Korean chili paste.

>> No.16460056
File: 147 KB, 1500x1081, 81iMITF351L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic and chili paste. Always keep some on hand, but have not tried adding it to fried chicken like the other guy said. Not sure if he meant in the batter/dredge or after it's been fried.

>> No.16460067

After it’s been fried.

>> No.16460080

Was gonna ask how you got it in the batter without making it gloopy. Was genuinely curious...I have actually made a wing sauce with some of this stuff added for a superbowl party before. Most people just ate the blue cheese, but I thought it was good.

>> No.16460108

terrible bait

>> No.16460282

WAY too spicy for me

>> No.16460315
File: 5 KB, 259x194, NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DEMAND someone post the japan pasta now!

>> No.16460330

Do it yourself it's not even funny.

>> No.16460555

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16460571


>> No.16460605

No, they'll probably tell you to fuck off until you manage to stop being a retard

>> No.16460628

I don't get the point behind constantly posting the same thing over and over again as soon as something even tangentially related. Does it make you laugh every time? Does it fulfill you or something?

>> No.16460667

well fuck off, how am I the retard for not wanting to eat raw seafood? might as well grab a living fish and shove it down my throat then if taste and texture dont matter

>> No.16461068

You're a retard because you're going to a place that specializes in something and asking them to do something completely different, when you could just as easily get cooked salmon or tuna and rice for much cheaper elsewhere or even make it yourself assuming you have the mental capacity to use a frying pan and rice cooker

The point of sushi is that the specific combination of the raw fish and rice has a taste and texture that you go there and pay the money to receive. Asking them to cook it is fucking retarded because it means you'll be eating incredibly expensive, dry, unflavored chunks of fish atop rice. You can do that at home instead of embarrassing yourself publicly by looking like a fucking simpleton

What you want isn't sushi. Given your other example of "oriental food" is chicken nuggets and sweet and sour sauce, I would recommend sticking to panda express if you're too much of a pussy to even try something once because it's "icky". If you don't want to actually eat sushi as it's supposed to be then what's the point of eating it at all? Are you going to actually sit there, eat a ball of rice with some fried salmon slices and go "I sure am a big and brave adventurous boy. I've eaten sushi! I'm truly worldly and experienced now" while the sushi chef looks on at you wanting to kill himself from secondhand embarrasment as you shovel Mike and ikes into your face for dessert?

>> No.16461098

>well fuck off, how am I the retard for not wanting to eat raw seafood?

Because you want to eat sushi, but don't want to eat sushi. This is what's known as a "contradiction"

Raw tuna and salmon atop the sushi rice tastes good and has a good texture. They are specifically chosen for this, they don't just pick any random fish, they have specifically chosen fish that taste good raw and then they serve it to you. Other fish and sealife does not taste good raw and unseasoned, so they cook and add seasoning and sauce. Asking them to cook the raw fish will, in any reasonably authentic sushi restaraunt will either result in you being asked to leave, or they'll offer other sushi. If you don't want to eat the tuna or salmon rolls, just don't. If they cook it, it's not sushi, it's a shitty tiny salmon entree with no seasoning or flavor.

You should ram a fish down your throat and leave it there, though, until you pass out for the betterment of mankind

>> No.16461100
File: 97 KB, 700x933, How to cook sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taste and texture dont matter
Who ITT told you that?

>> No.16461103

If this is a genuine post then I've lost all hope for America and I hope humanity just ends. It was an interesting experiment but it's clearly failed.

>> No.16461118

>Ew, raw fish? That's icky.
>I love oriental food like fried chicken with sweet and sour sauce

I don't think food is for you. You should just stop eating any

>> No.16461126

How much do you spend on fast food a month OP. I'm guessing you go to mcdonalds alone 3 times a week

>> No.16461205

tl;dr you fucking shitheads, stop shitposting and give me a good reason to eat a disgusting slimy piece of raw fish instead of cooking it properly and enjoying both the taste and the texture

>> No.16461213

I suppose you could make a flour/water batter and mix some gochujang into that. I wonder now that would effect the color of the final product.
People kinda suck at trying new things sometimes. That’s sad. At least you got to enjoy them.

>> No.16461214

probably less than you eat dick and ass you fucking homo since i dont eat fast food

>> No.16461216
File: 107 KB, 750x713, 07c835c72ddb1f150af098e761abe3f5-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16461271

consider going out amd having sex you inbred sack of shit

>> No.16461550

I don't care if you eat it or not, you're an utter faggot regardless.

The good reason is it tastes better uncooked than it does cooked. You're clearly retarded because that should be fucking obvious to anyone with a brain.

"Hmm, the japanese eat raw fish on rice. I wonder if there's a reason for that. Could it be that since they've been doing it that way for hundreds of years, there might possibly be a reason for it? That perhaps they have experimented with cooking it and it turns out it tastes better without cooking? No, clearly what needs to be done is that I should fry it. It's completely impossible that they have any reason for it, and the only reason for it is to put me off it personally"

Since you don't seem capable of logical thought I recommend you have yourself committed to a mental hospital. There they'll cook the shit out of everything for you, and you don't have to do any of those confusing daily tasks you must struggle to perform with no active mental processes.

>> No.16461571

firstly, makizushi (sushi rolls) isnt real sushi.
you want nigiri.

secondly, sushi isnt always raw fish. you can get spam, mini-hamburger-patties, canned tuna w/ mayo, meatballs, omelettes and even fried/baked fish on top.

>> No.16461592

Your example given of the "oriental" cuisine you tried is fucking chicken nuggets and sweet and sour sauce. That's fucking fast food, and considering your childlike aversion to anything even remotely foreign, I'm assuming you cram several McChickens down your fat neck a day.

This entire thread is fucking stupid. Go back to eating orange chicken at panda express and pretend you're exploring oriental cuisine because if you can't even comprehend that raw fish might taste good, you're not cut out for eating anything remotely authentic. Hell I doubt you can even make Kraft mac and cheese without wondering if there's a way of doing it without cheese or some retarded bullshit

>> No.16462997

what's your problem? oriental fried chicken has nothing to do with chicken mc nuggets, you shouldnt disrespect foreign cuisines like that

>> No.16463102

just get tempora desu senpai
no asian bitch is gonna marry you, ditch the sword collection and shave your neckbeard, i know i know it hides your acne, maybe get your mum to wash your sheets once a week you greasy fatass

>> No.16463150

i'll ask the sushi sensei for tempora then but i didnt see it at the buffet when i checked it out... looks delicious though