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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16457947 No.16457947 [Reply] [Original]

For me, its tomato tonight with fresh broccoli/carrots and fistful of almonds activated. Remember to eat clean and eat your deez!

>> No.16457948

I prefer the sardines with jalapenos and olive oil. Slapped them on a pizza last week, was an awsome healthy protein bump to what would of been just a greasy cheese carb pizza.

>> No.16457949

Herring is the superior white man's food and has been for a long time.

>> No.16457950

dang, that looks good in tomato sauce. I eat a can in olive oil every day for lunch, sometimes a Spanish style

>> No.16457951


Looking good anon

>> No.16457952

why does /pol/ have such cringe taste when it comes to food?

>> No.16457953

Anchovies and pickled herring Chad here. Fuck deenz.

>> No.16457954


for me its oysters.

>> No.16457955

Sardines are good for you, faggot. They make you not want to take dick up your ass. Clearly, you know nothing of the power of the fish.

>> No.16457956

Good for you OP. I’m trying to start a fast through this weekend though, so no dinner tonight. I need to get this fat off of me.

>> No.16457957

i had a really weird friend that liked sardines
even brought them on a fucking field trip
we were like 11 or 12

>> No.16457958

Anyone fuck with smoked oysters?

>> No.16457959

Pay for the good ones though. Bela in particular comes to mind. You won't want to eat King Oscar brand ever again.

>> No.16457960

Sardines give me diarrhea but I eat them daily anyway

>> No.16457961
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I like smoked kippers with onion and garlic, tossed over some rice or pasta with a little olive oil.

>> No.16457962

Do you eat the whole can in one sitting or are there leftovers?

>> No.16457963
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Actually canned fish is hot girl food, idiot. Why don’t you fuck off and go eat some faggot food, which is what? A pile of bloody AIDS poo, I assume.

>> No.16457964

>saying 'deenz' instead of sardines
do you say 'za when you mean pizza?
fucking hell

>> No.16457965

Bone broth, sparkling water and pickles. I know its not a "real fast" or whatever but itll do the same thing weight wise if you keep the cups of bone broth to a few a day.

>> No.16457966


>> No.16457967
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or on a crostini with some good cheese and tomato and olive

>> No.16457968

Suggesting herring as an alternative to deenz is a red herring, shalom.

>> No.16457969

i bought a tin of these the other day because of these threads and threw it away immediately. thanks for making me waste $4 fagz

>> No.16457970

>unfamiliar with deenz culture

>> No.16457971

based. buying sardines tomorrow.

>> No.16457972

Sardines with rice... Mmmm!

>> No.16457973

>threw it away
dis bih got da rona

>> No.16457974

I got the sparkling water and pickles already. I’ve never bought bone broth though. Does it matter where I get it, or can I just look for the cheapest one?

>> No.16457975

deenz threads belong on /pol/ and vice versa

>> No.16457976

>the kike fears the deen enjoyer
shalom to you all as well.

>> No.16457977
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>buying sodium-laced processed fish instead of a chunk of fresh fish that you grill up yourself
You do you, big boy.

>> No.16457978

olive oil Mediterranean seasoning blend deenz with sliced olives, makes me cum everytime

>> No.16457979

I like to eat pork breakfast sausages.
ami gonna make it bros?

>> No.16457980
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>> No.16457981

They look similar, but 'deenz isn't the same as 'za.
It's only gay on the outside.

>> No.16457982

Make sure of their provenance first. I used to love canned oysters from New Brunswick, but now they all come from China, which inspires me not at all.

>> No.16457983

so close so close

>> No.16457984


>> No.16457985

People get particular about it, but the only difference is the taste. The pricey stuff they just throw in tumeric, ginger, maybe a little lemon in it if its chicken bone broth and stuff like vinegar, jalapenos, if its beef. But i just get the cheap stuff and add those things anyways. Another cheap boost is add half of a ramen packet of the matching flavor per cup. I do bone broth fasting when i do extended fasts of more then a day or two, mostly for the high protein and low calories help maintain muscle while not interfering with the fast, assuming you keep it to maybe a cup per few hours or so.

>> No.16457986

Best part of the pig is all the blood. Give blood sausage a try!

>> No.16457987

I appreciate the tips anon!

>> No.16457988
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Deens, kippers, smoked oysters, caviar toothpaste, head cheese, gabagool, chicken livers, cheez whiz and pickled herring is the diet of the übermensch

>> No.16457989

I used to eat the shitty Bumblebee sardines in mustard sauce. It wasn't until these threads that I tried King Oscar. Holy shit the quality is so much better and that's all I'll eat now.

>> No.16457990

smaller fish have less contaminents

>> No.16457991

This is such a faggy way to say sardines. It's not cute or funny.

>> No.16457992

Actually, this is true. I rarely eat anything except canned fish, and I can't even count the number of times chicks have approached me sayin', "Oi! You smell like a bit of canned fish, you do! Let's have a shag!"

>> No.16457993
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King Oscar deenz are based. When the wuhanic panic hit, shelves were empty, there were only hundreds of cans of king oscar deenz left so I bought them all. Been eating them almost daily for great gainz.

>> No.16457994
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>This is such a faggy way to say sardines. It's not cute or funny.
kys, nigger

>> No.16457995
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>fresh fish
Just catch your own. Nothing like a fresh smoked/grilled salmon or trout.

>> No.16457996

Raw is gross, tell me your cooked deenz tips.

>> No.16457997

Yea np, youll lose the weight. just keep at the fasting, when you have to break, just eat till full and start again. Dont be afraid to workout while fasted either. Its a good idea to atleast keep lifting to help preserve muscle while losing fat.

>> No.16457998

The only ones I can find at my grocery store are the Mediterranean style. Those are amazing, however I'm curious about the tomato sauce ones, or other flavors.

>> No.16457999
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Tilapia has the same mercury content on average as a sardine, and salmon is incredibly close

>> No.16458000

Fishermans eggs for breakfast, med style deenz on crackers for lunch.

>> No.16458001


>> No.16458002

Literally all seafood is processed in China and probably will kill you

>> No.16458003

Do any of you meme deenz? Like pack them in your airplane luggage or offer them to loved ones and strangers?

>> No.16458004
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Use a bit of Knorr beef broth cube instead of ramen flavour packets. You don’t want to be chugging that chink juice.

>> No.16458005

Canned food is cooked food. All canned food is precooked in the canning process. "Cooking" anything from a can is just reheating or rehydrating then reheating in the case of condense soups.

>> No.16458006
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>> No.16458007

I have to eat them in shame, as anytime i crack a tin, pussy ass bitches around me start complaining of the fish smell. Imma fucking bear, i eat fish and shit in the woods.

>> No.16458008
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Burger bros what’s the best deenz brand for flavor/ quality. Price is not an issue

>> No.16458009

K O is made in Norway and Poland.

>> No.16458010

Ooo Good idea! Imma use this tip.

>> No.16458011


>Anyone fuck with smoked oysters?
"fuck with" - you dumb zoomer nigger culture enthusiast. Stay the fuck away from smoked oysters since you are clearly not man enough to enjoy them properly.

>Sardines give me diarrhea but I eat them daily anyway
Pro-tip: stop eating Beach Cliff brand.

>randomly placed cilantro cutting
>randomly placed salt mixed with hot peppers
>neither of them actually on the meat
I hate this pretentious food photography shit.

>I used to eat the shitty Bumblebee sardines
Those and Beach Cliff are garbage tier.

>> No.16458012

Try enjouing some deenz on a plane. Next level trolling.

>> No.16458013

Pop a can and see for yourself. I have never had leftovers and I've consumed tens of thousands of these fish

>> No.16458014


>> No.16458015
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Nuri. There's even a mini-doc. It's legitimately interesting. One of the numerous comfy reasons for Deus Vault.

>> No.16458016

Id do it with pride infront of the maskies, like what you can smell that? Seems like your mask doesnt really do anything, oh well.

>> No.16458017

>boomer off his meds and off his rocker
settle down and have a couple deenz, you don't want to have a stroke

>> No.16458018

King Oscar pretty good. But if you go to a gourmet grocery store that has European foods you will find some really higher end deenz. Not sure of what high end brands... Just experiment.

>> No.16458019

you sad sacks will latch onto anything really. such is your lot in life

>> No.16458020

I just had a sardine sandwich

>> No.16458021
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Since I was a kid I used to eat whatever brand of sardines because my dad got me on them. If you're buying shitty cheap brands get them in mustard sauce. Cheap sardines taste like absolute shit in water or oil. Cheap sardines are also heavy on the bones (they're mushy anyway).

However good sardines are King Oscar. I've been eating Mediterranean style, and have yet to try tomato sauce.

>Those and Beach Cliff are garbage tier.
I literally just said that they were. Are you that desperate for attention?

>> No.16458022

Nothing compared to Sürströmming.

>> No.16458023

I’ve got this before. The were 6 leafbucks a can which s an outrageous price for deenz even collapsing Canada. They were really good but reminded me more of herring than the usual deenz. Brunswick brand deenz are only around $2 here in comparison.

>> No.16458024

What's a good cheese to go with sardines and garlic?

>> No.16458025

I would never opt for dairy with fish, but if you must
I would go with parmesan

>> No.16458026

mediterranean sardines with cheese and crackers

>> No.16458027

Hell yeah smoked oysters are awesome. Smoked herring is good too.

>> No.16458028
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>I literally just said that they were.
Nigger, you said Bumblebee in your post, not Beach Cliff.

>> No.16458029

If you're not averse to carbs, some pasta, sardines in olive oil, pepper, and decent parmesean makes for a fast and satisfying meal.

>> No.16458030
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there's no way it's even legal to bring that on a plane

>> No.16458031

Seconding smoked oysters.

>> No.16458032

I was talking more about how you felt the absolute need to reply to ten different posters crying about "deenz" like some underaged faggot seeking a (you)

>> No.16458033
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Forgot pic. . Bar harbour

>> No.16458034

Damn that's probably why since Beach cliff ones are the ones I eat most since they are cheaper

>> No.16458039
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hello /ck/

>> No.16458040

Bumping and fuck nannies

>> No.16458047

Jannies fear the political implications of the canned fish

>> No.16458073

deenz threads are both wholesome and political

>> No.16458142


>> No.16458144
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For me its Millionaires Brisling Sardines in olive oil. Eat them everyday with hot sauce and salt. Theybare a bit more expensive than other brands but they have no sugar from added flavor, and have olive oil instead of seed oils.

>> No.16458266

trump lost

>> No.16458508

Should I avoid canned mackerel?

>> No.16458683
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Somebody memes me into buying King Oscar's so I did. They were awful and dry compared to the "shitty" deenz I enjoy. Pic related, tastes better than King Oscar deenz

>> No.16458806

The only real difference I noticed between king Oscar and chicken of the sea was that the chicken of the sea had bigger fish

>> No.16458825
