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File: 99 KB, 700x700, grocery-coca-cola-classic-canned-coke-products-12-oz-can-14052198088757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16456360 No.16456360 [Reply] [Original]

> want to lose weight
> Friend tells me to drink less coke every day
> Drink half the coke I normally would for a month
> Gain weight

>> No.16456364

You either replaced it with a higher calorie drink, you ate more food, or you exercised less. If you simply continued exactly how you were you would have less caloric intake and would have lost weight.

>> No.16456367

Try the other half

>> No.16456387

I wouldnt be able to do that all at once. Ive been drinking coke all day every day for almost 25 years. Im down to 11 cans a day right now

>> No.16456391

This. Unless there's some sort of underlying health condition that suddenly started causing weight gain in the month you decided to stop drinking coke, this is the only explanation.

Weight=calories on - calories out

If you end up with a positive number, you will gain weight. If you end up with a negative number, you will lose weight.

It's really that simple.

>> No.16456395

Do Americans really?

>> No.16456407

Count your fucking calories you fat disordered sack of garbage.

>> No.16456413

how is it that I drink 2 cans a day while being very thin and get pre-diabetes, and people like this exist and probably don't have it

>> No.16456593

>Im down to 11 cans a day right now
If 1 can is 250ml that's fucking 2.75 liters. That's a lot to say the least. Do you piss 30 times per hour?

>> No.16456604

How much coke are you drinking every day? That shit is literal rot gut. It will turn you into a balloon. I was fat in high school when I used to drink a couple every day. I cut it out of my diet and I went from like 210 to 165 in two months.

>> No.16456609

Bullshit. Otherwise if you’re not dead now you’ll be dead very soon.

>> No.16456617

You're just a retard and will be fat and stupid forever

>> No.16456819
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>11 cans a day

>> No.16456829

Wrong. He could have been steadily gaining weight and continued to gain weight after cutting the soda. Not sure why you assumed he was holding a steady weight in the first place

>> No.16456919
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>Im down to 11 cans a day right now
>down to 11 cans a day
What the fuck, if 11 was your lower bound how many cans a day was your maximum? Do you drink ANY water?

>> No.16456941

how expensive is 11 cans a day? Are you buying cases of Coke when its on sale? Or paying full price for 12 packs like a moron?

>> No.16456984

Do I drink any what?

>> No.16457045

Stress can also be a factor.

You suddenly start drinking less sugary heaven, it doesn't feel good, your body thinks there's an external crisis and less food available, slows down the metabolism to hold on to that vital fat more.

>> No.16457059

Spoken like a true boomer mom on facebook

>> No.16457095

You might be addicted to sugar and caffeine. This can make you tired and less active during the day.
Do you work out?

>> No.16457123

Idiot nutritionists think fizzy drinks are sugar poison because 600 pound americans drink 3 liters with a McDonalds meal.

In reality the are relatively filling and produce a satisfactory sugar rush if they contain sufficient sugar / glucose, the filling effect of the liquid (zero calories) with the satieting effect of the glucose rush make them an ideal diet drink especially these summer months.

Retards believe the opposite and give out advice like that your friend tells you.

Drink tasty sugary drinks in moderation: may not lead to weight loss, but giving them up can actually be a really really bad weightloss plan.

Don't tell that to the retard politicians and their sugar taxes though.

>> No.16457140

>Idiot nutritionists think fizzy drinks are sugar poison because
No hepatologists and diabetologists think soda is toxic because you're dumping a huge dose of fructose on it that it hasn't evolved to deal with. What does it do with it then? It turns it into fat and now we have epidemics of non alcoholic fatty liver disease to go along with obesity and diabetes.

>> No.16457175
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>lies fat people tell themselves to excuse their own degeneracy
Good thread, OP.

>> No.16457234

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.16457237

Holy fuck, hambeast, he triggered the fuck out of you.

>> No.16457452

every couple weeks i drive 3 hours to my mom's house to visit and she fills my car with 12/24 packs so i don't know what they cost

>> No.16457458

This is really not good anon please stop. Your liver will give out by the time you hit 30 if you keep this up.

>> No.16457463

i'm 34 right now. will be 35 in a little under a month

>> No.16457466

personal fat threshold. Body fat is actually the body protecting itself against diabetes. Once your fat cells are "full" rhe damage starts being done

>> No.16457470

>against diabetes. Once your fat cells are "full" rhe damage starts being done
What about all the normal weight diabetics?

>> No.16457473

Exactly. Some people don't gain much fat before the body starts killing itself.

>> No.16457478

So maybe its the liver fat and not the body fat?

>> No.16457486

That plays a role of course but while the body can still absorb more energy it reduces the damage done.

Interestingly when people fast or go on low carb diets, liver fat is the first to disappear

>> No.16457508

What do caloric restriction, exercise, and low carb diets all have in common? They all lower insulin. And if you're obese or type 2 diabetic you almost definitely secrete higher amounts of insulin (insulin resistant). Perhaps that's the common thread through many of these chronic diseases. inb4 ketofag

>> No.16457510

Yes, I agree

>> No.16457532

>a huge dose of fructose
Literally found in only one fizzy drink I know of. Sugar and Glucose in almost everything else. Revolting cancer causing sweetners now the sugar taxes have been imposed.

>> No.16457550

I quit coke cold turkey when I was young and thank fuck I did so, I'd probably be 300 pounds

>> No.16457551

>Literally found in only one fizzy drink
Fructose is found in every sugary drink unless its using something like stevia. Fructose is the other half of sucrose that's bound to the glucose. Being in a liquid also makes it worse because it will hit your liver even quicker.

>> No.16457750


please stop. a 12 pack a day for decades is clearly addiction territory. literally seek help my dude

>> No.16457942

Type 2 Diabetes risk is mostly hereditary, and healthy practices like diet and exercise won't do much if it's in your "fate".

>> No.16458099

carbohydrate restricted diet can reverse or put it into remission most of the time. these are profoundly insulin resistant and carbohydrate intolerant people why continue feeding carbohydrate?


>> No.16458479

Standard cans in NA are 355ml

>> No.16458490

Drink Diet Coke instead. Aspartame isn’t as bad as we thought. A lot of the negative press about it actually comes from the sugar industry.

>> No.16458540

>Type 2 Diabetes risk is mostly hereditary


That doesn't mean you will get it if you mitigate risk. Learn basic terminology and what it means.

>> No.16458547
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Don't you mean Diapretes

>> No.16458559

This post really should have gotten a lot more replies. This is put me in the screencap levels of autism.

>> No.16458561


>> No.16458563
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>Ive been drinking coke all day every day for almost 25 years
I want to believe this is bait, but I know it's an american

>> No.16458592

sugar is pretty addictive so you probably made up for the deficit with sugary foods.

or if you have disordered eating and don't eat enough maybe the drop in calories caused your body to start retaining calories

>> No.16458658

how do your teeth look?

>> No.16458770

The body has evolved to digest fructose. It is called fructose because it is found in literally every fruit known to mankind.

Seriously the amount of total dumb on the internet is next to thrilling.

>> No.16458845

We can handle regular doses found in nature which is bound up with fiber and slows the transit time but not the huge dose and speed that gets dumped on the liver by drinking sugary beverages.

>> No.16458850

Tobacco leaves exist in nature so cigarettes must be benign.

>> No.16459144

How the actual fuck do americans

>> No.16459151

I'm betting you think cause you dropped the coke, you can be relaxed in other areas. It's the same as people who switch to diet coke, they reward themselves by eating shittier. Just do OMAD.

>> No.16459154

>Do you drink ANY water?
Coke does contain water

>> No.16459404

I love this nature and evolution shit in regards to the defense of fruits. I'm sure in nature in fruits are available year round and are genetically and selective bred to be as sweet and plump as possible and available at every animal convenience. People who say this don't realize the role of fruit is to make animals eat as much of it as possible to spread the seeds. Animals in turn use the fruits to store fat for winter fast or hibernation when there they can't walk to Walmart and pick up some apples.

>> No.16459537

bro wtf
I drink one minature can of coke (125ml) every 3 weeks on average. That's my total soda consumption with the exception of a radler beer on a hot summers day.

>> No.16459838

>don't track calories
>wonder why he's gaining weight

>> No.16459844
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Calorie counting doesn't work for fat people.

>> No.16459868

I was going along with this until they went full retard at the end and threw in a whole extra chocolate bar to fluff up the end count. I'm completely guilty of not counting sour cream or an extra spoon of peanut butter, but what kind of colossal fatfuck throws in a cheeky chocolate bar and doesn't think that counts?

>> No.16460116

Please post a picture of your fridge

>> No.16460274

oh, duh! switch to Pepsi; there's your problem

>> No.16460292

Calorie counting is useless. How did people not get obese before we knew what a calorie was? In other words all of human history circa the twentieth century.

>> No.16460293

This thread is just some dumb larp fishing for (you)s. It makes the board quality go down.

Now that you know better, this should be the last post in this thread. Don't be a fucking mark, move on.

>> No.16460453

Welcome back to another round of "Bait or American"!

>> No.16460545

See the thing is that that person was RIGHT.
I have a wife who is addicted to coca cola. Never understood it until meeting her and re-examines the coke threads here. You guys. You coke addicts. It is a sugar addiction man. She drinks it like its fuel. She used to spend a whole day not really eating but have cokes here and there, never finishing them, that was key, or elze she'd die, and by the end of one day she had 7-8 half full cokes lying around. And then she would run around and wonder why she was so gassed and so stressed all the time... it's because that sugar drink does not make adequate person fuel. Sorry broccoli chicken rice is the true fuel.

I am not even one of those health freaks I am trying to be rational here. I just gotta say something when I see the defensiveness you skooma addicts put up when someone mentions the truth.

>> No.16460640


>> No.16461169

>replying to pasta
Ngmi kiddo.

>> No.16461240

I am in the process of cutting back from about 8-12 cans of diet coke a day. I dont know what causes it, but Im so addicted to the shit.

If I dont have any diet coke in the house, I start to feel uneasy. If I go to bed knowing there is none left, I plan my next day around making sure I can get some as soon as possible. If I dont have some, I start getting a crippling headache. It depends how much I drank the day before. If I have had plenty the day before Im normally ok until mid afternoon without any. But if I havent had so much the day before, by 11am if Ive not drank at least one can, then my head will feel like its going to explode.

Using coffee seems to be a good way to taper off for now. Hopefully I can get to the point where I dont get anxious about not having diet coke in the house.

>> No.16461249
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>11 cans
you are small time
this is what i was putting away back in 2010

>> No.16461273

>I start getting a crippling headache.
This sounds like a result of the caffeine. But the rest sounds like addiction type behavior. Try to taper down and if you can't you might have to go cold turkey. Caffeine withdrawals can be pretty brutal but it won't kill you. Find what works for you.

>> No.16461303

Do americans really think 2.75l is alot?

>> No.16461805

Jesus Christ read some fucking medical information. Diabetes Type 1 is a failure of the body to produce insulin enabling the processing of glucose in the blood. Diabetes Type 2 can be the failure to produce enough, a lack of insulin sensitivity, or any number of combinations of the two. Eating healthier is always good advice and typically is given to Type 2s as the obesity has taken such a toll on the body that they now have a chronic illness. A "healthy" (healthy weight) can develop insulin insentivity which means that now their body's natural source no longer works. Chronic illnesses especially autoimmune based ones have been on the rise for decades. A very common component of their rise is usually a tie to less nutritionally beneficial and fresh food. There is a belief this new generation of food is exacerbating our illnesses through secondary factors.

>> No.16461811

By not having a surplus of food readily available

>> No.16461819

I'm having a hard time processing the black, white-outlined object stage-left of that person

>> No.16461820

You refuted none of my post and I was specifically talking about type 2 but type 1s can do better by reducing their insulin usage as well.

>> No.16461827

>Diabetes Type 2 can be the failure to produce enough, a lack of insulin sensitivity, or any number of combinations of the two.
This is a roundabout way of admitting they are insulin resistant. Type 2 diabetes is the insulin resistant form of diabetes. By the time they fail to maintain euglycemia their beta cells are pumping 300% more insulin yet it fails to control their blood sugar.

>> No.16461879

Wealthy populations didn't exist before the past fifty years. And the wealthiest people now are the healthiest/thinnest and its the poor people who have the highest rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc

>> No.16462836
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If your mother is just giving away 288 cans(27 gallons) of beetus juice every time you visit, how much does she keep for herself??

>> No.16462843

stop drinking soda fatty brained retard
if you're skinny it makes you scrawny and skinny fat.
if you're fat it makes you a bloat lord.
there's no reason to drink sugar water like some farm cattle eating candy

>> No.16462861

I used to do the same shit. If whatever you're doing is working then keep doing it, but you should try to expedite the process. Once you get off you will realize how much impact it was having on the way you eat, and taste food.

>> No.16462873

At this point your body is high fructose corn syrup taking the shape of a human and gaining sentience

>> No.16462876

>inb4 he just switched the coke to mtn dew or some shit and wonders why he is still gaining weight

>> No.16462881

>> Gain weight
You should calorie count.
Try not to drink your calories. Make a pitcher of iced tea each night, even sweet tea, and you'll have a cold drink ready to go 24/7 that will be less sugar than your soda habit. If your soda habit is an away from home thing, like out of a work fridge, and you just need that tickle on your tonsils of fizz, then you start getting into diet soda, or flavored seltzer.
Calorie count if the weight gain s a mystery. Your gain can bea 200cals per day, 1 can, seriously. Track it.

>> No.16462890

how is it that people drink fucking soft drinks or beer all day exist at all?

>> No.16462895

this, fuck counting calories tho.

Literally just drink water instead.

Get thirsty for coke?
Drink a big glass of water. You're now too full to want to eat or dirnk coke.

I'd be shocked if you don't lose 1 kg a day after that.

>> No.16462907

Don't you mean die-of-eaties

>> No.16463096

It was one of those gaming chairs for consoles that just sat on the ground and had speakers and everything built into it. Was always too scared to properly use it because the sound of explosions would vibrate through the floor right into the livingrom

>> No.16463573

ah, I was thinking something amogus mixed with a large child's play chair

>> No.16463642

Because America is the best. Fuck you chink.

>> No.16463946

>Do you drink any water?
soda does have water, and water is boring so I actually drink MORE water by drinking Coke or juice because it actually has flavor

>> No.16463977

>How did people not get obese before we knew what a calorie was?
They weighed themselves daily.

>> No.16464289

God americans are so obese.

>> No.16464389

You're probably gaining weight because of medical reasons. What you need to do is join a gym and drag your ass there for 20 minutes a day.

>> No.16464406
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Based, don't let them tell you Coke is bad for you, American brother, resist the modern world by filling yourself with freedomjuice

>> No.16464407

Post teeth

>> No.16464451

>11 cans a day
Jesus Christ anon, I've kinda got a cola addiction myself but that's just fucking insane.

>> No.16464454

I feel a little better for having soda 2-3 times a week thanks guys

>> No.16465564

OP you might have a bezoar. This is an organic buildup in the abdomen which prevents your digestive system working properly. LOTS of coca cola is effective in reducing the size of bezoars. This may be a reason why you became more ill after you cut down.

>> No.16465653

I'm Canadian

>> No.16465689

bruv that's 1540kcal in soda per diem alone, you're drinking an entire day's worth of calories on top of your meals.

>> No.16465840

drinking calories passes them through and you pee them out though

a lot of cans is fine because you won't digest them

>> No.16465858

Calories you drink go through you faster which is WORSE in this case because you're dumping a huge dose of fructose on your liver quickly.

>> No.16466097

I normally drink those powdered lemon tea once a day, am I going to catch diabetes?

>> No.16466143
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I was about to say that that seems like a lot then I remembered I drink a minimum of 12 beers every day

>> No.16466669

I would call this bait except I literally met a man in real life who used to do that.
Keep working on getting that number down brother. Do you think watering it down might help?

>> No.16467616
