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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 516 KB, 1976x1085, wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16453660 No.16453660 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts?

>> No.16453665

>What are your thoughts?
My life sucks and I want to die.

>> No.16453668

I eat bone in meat like how your pic eats boneless wings, I only leave bits of bone shards from the center of the bone, marrow devoured. I have no idea how I have all my teeth.

>> No.16453673

I like the idea of wings, and the taste of a good one, but all the fat and veins and cartilage and crap grosses me out. Lame of me I know. Still better than boneless though, those are just shittier chicken nuggets.

>> No.16453681
File: 842 KB, 1224x1632, feetbonesc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, here is a picture of a chicken foot I ate. I know its not a wing, but foot bones are actually much tougher than wings and many of the bones don't have marrow, and you can see what I leave behind.

>> No.16453687

>but all the fat and veins and cartilage and crap grosses me out.


>> No.16453693

boneless wings aren't wings, literally just upsold nuggies

>> No.16453699

impartial. I usually eat the cartilage and sometimes the bones. If not, save them for some stock.

>> No.16453719

I like both.

>> No.16453736

Yeah, thanks

>> No.16453740

>after eating wings
>after eating nuggets

>> No.16453744

boneless wings is clever marketing to sell chicky nugs to adults

>> No.16453753

so like boneless wings are just deboned wings or genetically engineered chickens with wings but without bones

>> No.16453762

Left: you get rid of the bones
Right: chicken wings company gets rid of the bones

7/10 troll

>> No.16453773

Contrary to popular belief, unlike the buffalo wing which is made from chickens, boneless wings are actually made from an entirely different animal

>> No.16453792

you are a beast i would not want to hunt

>> No.16453795

wings arnt wasteful
you are wasteful

>> No.16453816

>eating cartilage

>> No.16453817

>being a little bitch

>> No.16453840

I like saving the bones to make stock out of.

>> No.16453843

only reasonable answer in this whole fucking thread.

>> No.16453863

way to put your saliva in the stock bros

>> No.16453868

It boils off

>> No.16453897

The bones from the boneless wings were thrown away at the factory, right? It must be the same waste, you just didn't see it. Otherwise where would they be.

>> No.16453911

Anyone who leaves that much left on the bone is an absolute faggot who should not be allowed to eat meat, but in fact should be ground and winnowed down into chicken feed as an apology to all fowl for their wastefulness

>> No.16453913

boneless wings come from boneless chickens, duh

>> No.16453914

Comparing wings to boneless wings is like comparing short ribs to meat balls

>> No.16453922
File: 37 KB, 512x293, Sassy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crunchy, man.
Tell me you at least eat the gristle and suck the marrow out of bones, because those are the best.

>> No.16453968

based feral human

>> No.16453976
File: 159 KB, 766x800, 1626404711302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boneless?? BONELESS??? BRO omg you must not be REAL man bro. A real man takes 5 minutes to eat 0.25oz of meat off of a BONE and getting SAUCE all over my HANDS bro! Just like the CAVEMEN bro!! That’s why I have this EPIC beard, haha I just gotta be careful that I don’t get any of this GHOST PEPPER SOYCE in my beard cuz it’ll mess with my MANLY beard OILS that I rub in. Boneless wings are practically CHIKY NUGGIES!! Haha get it??! Like those epic style baby yoda memes I’ve been seeing everywhere on reddit!!

>> No.16454047
File: 119 KB, 800x800, 1565838157254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting like this because someone doesn't like the thing you like.

>> No.16454052

Clean the bone, you faggot.

>> No.16454084

we eat chicken the same way brother
not a scrap of soft tissue left

>> No.16454092

All commercial nuggies are chicken mush molded into shape, boneless wings are fancy nuggies that are whole chunks of chicken. Tasty and don't have to deal with the bullshit of a wing

>> No.16454357

>Dial 8
It took me 5 minutes to figure out what this meant

>> No.16454479

this bar used to have $19.99 all you can eat wings. i ate 72. always tipped the waitress like $20 so they were happy to see me. she was fat and i always got a boner when she handed me a menu.

>> No.16454481


>> No.16454512

>tell me your poor without telling me your poor.

>> No.16454518

>muh money

>> No.16454526
File: 793 KB, 1080x1340, fnmAHoV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average bonefag after dinner

>> No.16454607

This, but you should put them in a bag in the freezer for a stock. Just take those and veg scraps that won't spoil when frozen and save them for stock. I usually do it and it's the best for all kinds of homemade foods.

>> No.16454633

Kill yourself you faggot.

>> No.16454658

>What are your thoughts?
You could gnaw most of that shit off the bones in your pic, AND "boneless" leaves a lot more waste at the factory AND let's not forget about the flavor and visceral experience of meat on the bone.

>> No.16454664

how about cooking the wings properly so you can easily just suck everything off them and there will be nothing but the bones left

>> No.16454666


i thought the idea behind chicken feet is to cook it down enough? my viet dad eats the toes

>> No.16454670

Lies, you'll be shitting blood from the bone shards as seen on the island with bear grylls

>> No.16454672

Mull of Kintyre was a good song but I don't know much of their discography other than that.

>> No.16454676

>my viet dad eats the toes
Jesus, we should have nuked that country.
Still not too late.

>> No.16454693

Just use the bones for broth if you're so obsessed with waste wtf.

>> No.16454754

Personally, the national wing shortage has hit me harder than this so-called COVID pandemic.

>> No.16454774

I eat the bones too

>> No.16454884
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1609851164931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think those bones came from a chicken

>> No.16455652


>> No.16455683

That's the song you think of? Not Jet, Band on the Run, With a Little Love, etc? Seriously BotR has the best album cover I can think of.

>> No.16455687
File: 219 KB, 1024x768, ribs-8-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bones are silly...

>> No.16455706
File: 168 KB, 727x682, 827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sucking on the marrow and chewing the bone after.

>> No.16455715

I don't care for bone-in, more due to personal preference more than anything
boneless is just easier to eat in the end
you might be able to make something with the bones after the fact, but I have a feeling it'd either take too much effort or whatever was on the chicken in the first place might contaminate whatever you're making

>> No.16455734

Save the bones and make bone broth later. Both are good.

>> No.16455740

I also never order ribs. Picking sauced meat off a bone is way messier than a meal experience needs to be

>> No.16455763

Rinse them in warm salt water first then dummy

>> No.16455828
File: 256 KB, 1102x2080, 9CC51A34-81A8-4013-8048-EA2C9F0F8C45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some Pb&j wings the other night. It’s just peanut sauce with sweet chilli sauce drizzled on top. Picrel

>> No.16455886

Dry Rub for Life, Brother!

>> No.16456051

I have 7 figures to my name. I'm frugal, not poor.

>> No.16456076
File: 94 KB, 664x498, duckheadc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that with my carcass. But for feet, heads and wing tips, I turn them into broth while they still have meat on them then eat the meat. Feet are my fave, heads not so much, but the heads make incredible broth.

I'm currently composting my vegetable scraps because I have 2 freezer bags stuffed full of scraps I'm unwilling to cook into broth due to the hot summer.

I actually got into chicken feet when I had dim sum style feet. They are delicious but I fucked up trying to make them and just use them to make broth instead now until I try to replicate that delicious recipe again. Based Vietnamese dad for eating the toes.

You got me, those are garloid bones.

>> No.16456077

>zoomer meme
>wrong "your"
Tell me you're underage without telling me you're underage. Did I do it right, little Timmy?

>> No.16456086

It's usually just chicken breast cut to size, think bigger than a nugget but smaller than a tender.

>> No.16456096

>Pb&j wings
what the fu—
>peanut sauce with sweet chilli sauce drizzled on top
Shit that's brilliant

>> No.16456105


just getting in the screenshot

>> No.16456109

i destroy my bone-in wings. not much is left afterwards and every bone is cracked open and marrow sucked out.

only when im alone though, with friends i just all the meat and breading off leaving nice and clean bones

>> No.16456114

I bought 2 dozen wings the other day thinking I could finish all of them. I could only manage 11 of them, and then I threw the rest in the garbage. Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.16456130

>let's not forget about the flavor and visceral experience of meat on the bone.
This is it honesty. I think meat on the bone tastes better, and I like the taste and texture of the skin on the wings. I understand that having an easier and cleaner dining experience is preferable to many people. To each their own.

>> No.16456266

I saw a chink eat the beak like it was a crisp. Is it tasty?

>> No.16456320
File: 63 KB, 710x533, duckheadstewc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know maybe if I hadn't stewed the bill after I roasted it it might have been edible like crispy. Ive eaten rib bones like they were chips. The head meat is tasty, so is the tongue, but there's not a lot of meat and the tongue has a cartilage rich bone inside. I'm white so i can't prepare unconventional meat like the based chinks can. The brains were the weirdest part. Some brains would be edible, others would be absolutely revolting. I have no idea why.

>> No.16456327

Did your dog shit out the bones after eating the foot?

>> No.16456328

I'm trans btw, not that it matters.

>> No.16456333

I don't have a dog. I'd only get a dog if I found a use for it. Having animals around with no use is pretty retarded.

>> No.16456335

I despise that show, don't know how it lasted 8 fucking years.

>> No.16456343

>others would be absolutely revolting. I have no idea why.
Brain matter is the first thing that starts rotting along with the eyes. Basically, bad storage.
> I'm white so i can't prepare unconventional meat like the based chinks can.
I believe in you Anon, just watch some Youtube videos. Or ask an older Asianoid neighbour to help you, they are nice people.

>> No.16456346

Did you meant to reply to the stroganoff thread?

>> No.16456355

>I'm trans btw, not that it matters.
A Viet Trans-girl?
Tell me more, honey...
Are you passable?
What size breasts?
Any hips?
I'm intrigued.

>> No.16456368
File: 229 KB, 960x1440, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16456371

Wait a minute.. I have had (fried) chicken feet, and it didnt seem there were bones.. it actually was a bit gummy in texture.

>> No.16456372

>What are your thoughts?
why is it when I post legitimate answers to questions on /ck/ or start a legitimate post I get banned or warned? yet blatant troll threads get started 20 times a day and nothing happens.

>> No.16456375

Saved as aflac.jpg

>> No.16456378

That would make sense except all those ducks were frozen at the same time after slaughter. Definitely didn't have time to rot.

>> No.16456379

You can get boneless feet

>> No.16456381

lol that you, Bigfoot?

>> No.16456384

Based. Boneless wings reign supreme

>> No.16456385

I think I have seen boneless feet for sale in asian grocery stores. So maybe you ate that.

>> No.16456390

Did you slaughter and store them? If so based.
In that case no idea Anon.

>> No.16456398
File: 95 KB, 830x468, duck dinnac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I was the one who did it. In early autumn, the weather was relatively cool. But I do take a while to pluck.

>> No.16456419

My grandad liked duck and geese too. He killed himself.

>> No.16456429

And that's your fault, because you didn't share his tastes and that made him depressed, hope you are happy.
Next time try to put the heads in storage as soon as you end preparing them as an experiment.

>> No.16456439

eh good riddance, my whole family is a gaggle of cunts anyway

>> No.16456468

i only recently discovered marrow
i got bored and chewed on a bone until it cracked open and i kinda chewed some of it out, it was pretty good
recently though the wings i buy have been really rubbery and gross

>> No.16456519

Sounds great with a nice chianti

>> No.16456528

>Bones cleaned dry

Jesus Christ.

>> No.16456531

Why would you not eat the ends of the bones with all the cartilage and flavour on? You some kind of pussy?

>> No.16456548

and some fava beans

>> No.16456559

Sorry to hear that. Please don't follow in his footsteps. He wouldn't want that.

I feel like I chilled the heads in the fridge overnight and then froze them. But maybe I should immediately freeze them after they are plucked. I pluck the heads first. Again, the whole ordeal takes quite a while since I do not have a plucking machine. About 3 hours per duck from start to finish. The meat and other organs taste wonderful, it's just some of the brains. So idk.

>> No.16456570

just keep the bones for stock

>> No.16456690

I'd like to try this out but it would be hard for me to do it if I'm looking at the duck's head and eyes. Same reason why I can't filet a whole fish or eat lobster/shrimp when their full bodies are intact. Their beady little eyes kill my appetite. Any advice on getting over this?

>> No.16456723

Man up and eat.
Or scoop out the eyes before cooking.

>> No.16456735

this is fucking funny

>> No.16456756
File: 119 KB, 900x900, 1626882693558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you tellin me this guy eats the feet?
>no tone, I'm tellin you, this guy is an animal. I don't want nothin to do with him. Next thing you know I'm in that motherfucker's sunday gravy.

>> No.16456784

What do you mean "how"? Just chew them.

>> No.16456796

>breading on wings
you dont need that shit, and the bones should be clean. But at the end of the day I just really like wings.

>> No.16456824

I like cooking chicken to the point where I can just eat a lot of the bones.

>> No.16456871

>the spine is part of the foot now

>> No.16456880

they look like they're laughing at me

>> No.16456947

Whats a garloid?

>> No.16457009
File: 286 KB, 363x509, Smug Horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know.

>> No.16457026
File: 1.29 MB, 2448x3264, headleanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the heads are roasted their eyes turn white. You can barely see them by the time they are done. Pic rel (not my finest meal, I'll admit) the head was roasted, stewed, then pan fried (I tried to caramelize the skin with sugar it kind of worked but I wouldn't recommend it and I'd follow a normal recipe like a normal human being... if you can find one)

>> No.16457032

Cajun Cuisine

>> No.16457033

I agree with the picture.

>> No.16457037

they are not laughing at you they are laughing with you

Tru that was a foot AND neck. That the only photo I have of a skeletonized foot. Sorry.

>> No.16457151

good god man
ive had chicken feet for and i could never get it that clean
you alright man?
hows saving and investing so far?

>> No.16457204

How embarrassing to type that out. Fucking grow up.

>> No.16457262

>spell or grammar check
spend less time on reddit

>> No.16457825

that looks fucking disgusting

>> No.16457858
File: 417 KB, 544x565, 1539532202138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16457886


>> No.16457923
File: 13 KB, 240x160, braised-duck-heads-chinese-cuisine-40104010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly had it prepared differently than I did it. I stewed it for so long the meat was falling off the bone.

Yeah, it looked gross, didn't taste too bad but head isn't my fave. And since I was raised by fat tastelets I didn't get to learn how to properly prepare them. I would love to braise them chinese style like this pic.

But yeah. Just making a point, I don't waste a shred of meat. I will properly skeletonize the food, and if I can find a way to eat the bones, I'd do that too.

>> No.16458164

no you faggot you have to take an extremely strong position over this incredible mundane topic until one side wins and it becomes dogma

>> No.16458203

Based binary fren. I'm on your side.

>> No.16458205

nice bait thread is my thought

>> No.16458473
File: 2.88 MB, 1976x1085, 1612384478669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16458475

wtf did you eat a human hand?

>> No.16458476

Dude that is so fucking disgusting. My entire body is tingling right now and I want to rip off my skin.

>> No.16458483

You literally changed nothing other than making the file bigger for no FUCKING REASON NI

>> No.16458753

I kneel to your caveman like determination in cleaning the meat off the bones. You ever think how easy it'd be to butcher an animal by smashing their head in with a big rock?

>> No.16459809

That would be absolutely retarded. You would lose the entire head by bashing its head in and the kill might not be clean (aka instantaneous). Decapitation is the best method I have found for small animals, firearm for large animals. The goal is to kill them and shut off their central nervous system as quickly as possible.

If this bothers you maybe stick to safer places like tumblr or reddit.

>> No.16459831

Fuck off with your nasty ass shit lol

>> No.16459837
File: 443 KB, 480x238, 8c6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16459859

The correct way to eat.

>> No.16459866

egg and breast seem a bit overdone, especially if you're killing ducks yourself you can leave a bit pink to their flesh.

>> No.16459873

>My entire body is tingling right now and I want to rip off my skin.
>because a man ate slightly more chicken flesh and gristle than you would have
This is why they used to burn fags.

>> No.16459890

I get them for the meat. Theres is absolutely no argument that boneless (whether they call them nuggets, tenders, boneless wings, ect) dont have more meat. Price per pound they usually equal out to the same because you have to get 50 wings to get as much meat as 8 boneless.

>> No.16459891

You should be glad they don't. If they did, your closet fag father would have been lynched before you were born!

>> No.16459954


>> No.16460004

Dude if I'm home I ate the fucking bones, I need the solidified narrow on my taste buds

>> No.16460027

boneless wings are just shitty chicken nuggets they shouldn't be called wings they aren't made out of wings they might actually be good if they were

>> No.16460033

But they are shit and not wing meat which makes them inferior in every way.
Quality > Quantity.

>> No.16460101

>killing and eating an animal
>nasty ass shit
I guess it's true /ck/ is full of femoids.

>> No.16460192

Filets are more expensive than wings, even subtracting the weight of bones and cartilage. Yes, I've actually done before-and-after weighing.

>> No.16460363

And this here class is called projection on fragile masculinity

>> No.16460448

>calls others fragile
>dry heaves when zhe looks at a steak

>> No.16460464

One what planet is that piles of bones a steak?

>> No.16460468

Garbage part of the bird only suitable for making stock. That gets drenched in fat and sugar and sold as something special at a huge mark up.

>> No.16460476

Actually my family blamed me occasionally for not letting the dog enough bones.

>> No.16460483

>gets drenched in fat and sugar and sold as something special at a huge mark up
Really? Here's a food por poorfags, usually prepared in a soup made of chicken feet, necks, livers, hearts and gizzards with potatoes and vegetables. It's actually pretty good and healthy.

>> No.16460530

>boneless wings
Marketing to Americans is like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.16460539

>your dad's gay
That's a totally retarded comeback.
Fags have had free reign for well over a decade before most of the users of this site were born, even though many of us were bastard children undoubtedly born to whores, it's almost entirely certain that our fathers were straight, they fucked women to make us.

>> No.16460558

Your mom gay though.

>> No.16460563

Wingin' today bros....

>> No.16460590

Have sex

>> No.16460874

Honestly, I like to make my own 'boneless wings' using boneless skinless chicken thighs.

>> No.16460887

I plan to tonight, but IN SPITE of your post, not because of it.

>> No.16460891
File: 67 KB, 478x637, duck dinnerc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the breast. That was some leftover t bone beef steak I stupidly cooked twice. I don't do that anymore (leftover steak goes cold in salads). Here's a blurry pic of a duck breast I cooked. It wasn't perfect and Ive done better since then, but you can see there's still some red in it.

>> No.16460899

Chicken foot eater here; I'm not a dude.

>> No.16461047


It's rare to see ppl not wasting food

>> No.16461054


>> No.16461104
File: 977 KB, 806x795, Screenshots_2021-07-23-19-23-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16461552

you spelled heroes wrong you fucking idiot.

>> No.16461559
File: 72 KB, 750x697, 1621799988952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fpbp, and based

>> No.16461567

Epic, put me in the screenshot

>> No.16461568

its a fake thing made up by /b/tards to confuse people

>> No.16461589

Chicken bones get crushed between the teeth and their marrow extracted. If you do it any other way, you're doing it wrong.
PS: Don't do this with shitty wings you get from a restaurant.

>> No.16461597

knife and fork

>> No.16461602
File: 2.42 MB, 1976x1085, Sigma Wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16461611

You're not normal

>> No.16461734

Man I do this and people always freak. Always figured it was an islander thing

>> No.16462010

Fuck you. you go change it

>> No.16462033
File: 586 KB, 632x474, food waste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not normal to waste food, it's only become a freak luxury in the postindustrial west. Though I don't know how much longer that's gonna last.

>> No.16462071

>Playe isn't clean

>> No.16462787

that pic is not of wasted food

>> No.16462807

>clearly left a knife and fork
>won't degrade for hundreds of years

>> No.16462850
File: 810 KB, 530x642, 1c9cc6b147ba9534d16a1f0ec1127a1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genetically engineered chickens with wings but without bones

>> No.16462893

How are people surprised by this? I always get chickens feet when I go to Yum Cha.

>> No.16462901
File: 137 KB, 500x420, recent-polls-have-shown-a-fifth-of-americans-cant-locate-5035897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a strange way to spell am*risharts

>> No.16462911

>cant into grammar of the only language he speaks
back to school

>> No.16462931


>> No.16462945

My advisor is informing me that wings are popular amongst minorities. Therefore, my thoughts are rather negative.

>> No.16462982

more like ligma wings lmao

>> No.16463509

what is it a picture of then?

>> No.16463521

They're chicken nuggets you fucking faggots.

>> No.16463548

Eat the bones.