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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 315 KB, 690x690, mixer 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16455057 No.16455057 [Reply] [Original]

>mixes stuff
>costs $400
why is this shit so expensive

>> No.16455072
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>> No.16455078

>90$ for something that would otherwise increasr your health and strength while also being free
retards, if you dont have the 10m extra of time why dont you just work all day and order mcfood™ from your state approved diets™

>> No.16455081

>Chinkshit motors

>> No.16455098
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>> No.16455118

nostalgia. enjoy youre plastic geared transmission systems and orthologically designed controls from the great derppression

>> No.16455179

i have the top one. it works pretty well. i even screwed up my paddle by putting it in the dishwasher, emailed the company, and they sent me another one for free

>> No.16455182

My mom still uses her mom's mixer from the 60's

>> No.16455194

Rather own a Toyota than a Ford any day

>> No.16455200

good luck kneading bread with your $50 chink shit mixer

>> No.16455202

can also grind meat

>> No.16455204

>he doesn't knead bread with his bare hands like a real man

>> No.16455211


>> No.16455215

Who the fuck do you think is getting up at 03:30am to start the ovens?

>> No.16455218

do you ask your wifes boyfriens to knead it for you?

>> No.16455268

as opposed to buying all your soy laden prepackaged shit from a grocery store, I suppose?

>> No.16455538

Our new fuhrer come 2024

>> No.16455577

can't you just get the hand held ones for 30 bucks or whatever

>> No.16455688

>why is this shit so expensive

I got a kitchenaid for ~$130 35 years ago and it still works great

>> No.16455697

pls be my gf

>> No.16456154

it's le made out of metal and has 87 speeds!! you don't understand bro I literally need one to make box mix cake!!

>> No.16456169

>Thinks $400 is a lot of money for an appliance that has a million applications and lasts for decades.
how fucking poor are you?

>> No.16456195

I've had cars that cost less than 400.

>> No.16456202

because there's a parts shortage, so there's not very many of them for sale.

>> No.16456208

are you on this board primarily to post in fast food threads

>> No.16456214

Okay. What is your opinion on little femenine penises ? ;-)

>> No.16456222

Well then yeah, if you're below the poverty line you're probably not buying a stand mixer. Spent a long time on /o/ and buying and selling cars...the sweet spot is about $1500 and Honda/Toyota. Most bang for your buck on average.

>> No.16456224

Is there anything that can only be done with a mixer like this? Basically all baked goods are older than these mixers so all you need is a hand whisk or just hands if we're talking dough.

>> No.16456226

And your feet can get you across the country....Obviously they're a convenience item.

>> No.16456240

We were all teenagers once.
A £400 kitchen appliance does not represent good value for money in my opinion.

>> No.16456252

>Year of Our Lord 2021
>using a dishwasher

>> No.16456259

Key word being opinion. I actually own the exact model pictured in black and between myself and my wife it gets used 3 times a week. If it broke today (which it wont because they last forever so this is hypothetical) I would go on Amazon and order a new without a second thought.

>> No.16456279

Of course. Everyone has personal proclivities.

>> No.16456281

I gave my mom the one on the bottom for Christmas , it works well and she loves it idk why y’all going on about chinkshit engines, they’re fine

>> No.16456312

This. Watch for a sale and scoop one. They’re built to last 10-20 years.

>> No.16456347

Because they are built well. This guy can be annoying but he shows why they cost so much.


>> No.16456374

no I mostly post in stealth /alck/ threads

>> No.16456380
File: 3.17 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, my thread (>>16447260) from the other day caught some attention
I bought it

>> No.16456462


>> No.16456466
File: 15 KB, 671x309, 1896 money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.16456572
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1591909116078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a dishwasher for all the annoying items to hand-wash like cups and cutlery.

>> No.16456601

what is it you object to? the speed? the convenience?

>> No.16457111

>$90 for something that'll burn out in a month.

"The thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet."--Terry Pratchet

>> No.16457127

really not the point he was making. It could be $1000 if today's money and his point of it being cheap would still stand considering it's lasted decades.

>> No.16457167

mit it by hand until you think its worth $400 to have something do it for you and be better at it

>> No.16457170

>cups and cutlery
>annoying to handwash

>> No.16457306

you use more water handwashing dumbfuck
i've never seen someone so autistic that the existence of dishwashers makes them seethe

>> No.16457623

tpbp look at all the femcels seething

>> No.16457627

>Put cream in
>Comes out as a solid
I don't buy it.

>> No.16458249

Theseus' kitchenaide

>> No.16458258

? do you not know how to whip cream

>> No.16458313


some stuff cant be mixed by hand unfortunately. i learned that the hard way when i tried doing meringue by hand and after 30 minutes of whisking decided it was good enough. i ended up crying at the result of my pie

>> No.16458327

Because it's still properly made to last for decades instead of around planned obsolescence

>> No.16458908

I just got two stand mixers from the 70s at my thrift store for $30 total. they both work great and came with meat grinder and slicer attachments. buying new isn't always the play anon.

>> No.16460732
File: 389 KB, 1469x747, kitchenaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Professional 5 qt is $200 off at best buy right now. Just FYI.

>> No.16460738

you are an absolute idiot if you think that you can make homemade whipped cream or most other pastry or baking things with just a woodend spoon or whisk and doing it by hand.

>> No.16460741
File: 1.58 MB, 330x297, laughing-fuhrer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck do you think is getting up at 03:30am to start the ovens?

>> No.16460755

It does if it lasts for the rest of your life. And a KitchenAid mixer does.

>> No.16460757

Even if you had a hand mixer the stand mixer gets you wayyy better end result all the while you're free to do other things at the same time

Either get a stand mixer or a lifestyle where you do very little cooking/baking.

>> No.16461256

ok that was good

>> No.16461362
File: 28 KB, 466x712, 61S4Iw5yNFL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg beater are like 15$

>> No.16462741


>> No.16462742

It's hardy. Is it the hardiness?

>> No.16462827

whipping shit and high hydration doughs are absolute pain in the fucking ass.

If you think stand mixers are a meme, you eat mcfood all day.

>> No.16462831

maybe save up some money and you can afford cars that are better than audi/vw/bmw

>> No.16462834

by the time you add in all the other equipment to make doughs properly, stuff sausages and mince meats and do everything else a stand mixer can, you end up spending more money on garbage that takes up more space and is worse at the job than a stand mixer.

The easier it is to cook the more you want to cook.

There's a reason serious home cooks and chefs pay for better equipment.
Cause I'd be eating fucking intsant noodels all day if all I had to cook with was a soup bowl, some forks, tiny cutting board and a 1 dollar fruit knife.

>> No.16462838
File: 331 KB, 600x600, Koomoshida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People need stand mixers to mix their food for them

Fools, with the training I have undertaken at the hands of the noble Hentai masters, my arm strengthened through endless trial, my penis fapped ten thousand times for extra strength, your stand mixers are a hundred years too early to face me!

>> No.16462904
File: 368 KB, 1223x885, Screenshot 2021-07-24 124322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we pay meme prices in europe for that shit

>> No.16463051

the powdered coated steel costs a lot

>> No.16463987

That's why you have free health care

>> No.16464372

thanks anon, ordering one for my gf's birthday

>> No.16464397

I can't make pan di crystal dough by hand, and believe me I've tried. The 100% hydration is really only possible when you slowly incorporate water as the mixer goes on high.

>> No.16464512

Damn that deal already expired.

>> No.16464566

That’s not even close to a realistic comparison considering Toyota is the best and not just some cheaper option

>> No.16464641

If you bake bread once a week these things are worth it. The attachments and stuff are kinda memes, good for doing small amounts 2-3 lbs of ground meats and sausage or home made pastas. Not good for doing serious sausage or pasta making.

>> No.16464677
File: 43 KB, 750x750, Kitchenaid-Classic-KSM45_1_750px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related for $200
It's well made, watch this guy take it apart

>> No.16464683

You always wait for it to go on sale during Black Friday. You can get them around $200-250 around that time.

I got my mom one like 10 years ago and it is still going strong, and bought one last year.

>> No.16464697

Honda is the best chud. My civic could bootyblast your Corolla any day of the week.

>> No.16464731

I get that you guys cook advanced level stuff, but I have no need ever in my life to make crystal dough or pastries. That's what my local bakery is for. Support local businesses, you can't make EVERYTHING in life on your own.

>> No.16464779

also you can probaby find the chinese one at a yard sale or thrift store for $20 and im get some decent life out of it before it shits the bed

>> No.16464818


>> No.16464832

This fuckin killed me lmao

>> No.16464834

>orthologically designed controls
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16464849

I’ll buy you one for time stamped pics of your butthole. But only if you’re a girl that weighs less than 161 lbs.

>> No.16464866

>t. doesn't cook

>> No.16464868

what is it like to be a faggot?

>> No.16464924
File: 1.42 MB, 2560x1920, dc4b663049ac9483612332d131e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixes stuff
>cost like 10 bux

>> No.16464939

That shit's like $500 in my country and we are poor.

>> No.16465099

You didn’t hear this from me but I got one from the US on sale 19 years ago and it’s been running with an US to DE adapter ever since.

>> No.16465129

Toyota motors are made in america though, so what are you trying to say?

>> No.16465140

Can't tell you at the moment, I'm busy baking darling.

>> No.16465226

keep in mind he's looking at the "professional" series, which are $400+

also, wtf is wrong with this guy?

>> No.16466268

Check official Kitchenaid refurbished and if your credit card has extended warranty.

>> No.16466304

I got mine from an estate sale for $50

>> No.16466421

>Reputable OEM
>Easily serviceable
>Solid construction
>Steel gears

>Made by shady chinks
>No parts available, no customer service
>Flimsy chinesium construction
>Nylon gears

>> No.16466432

A good mixer
A low quality chink mixer