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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.00 MB, 2880x2160, 20210721_100603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16450761 No.16450761 [Reply] [Original]

Look at these beans

>> No.16450768

Do americans really?

>> No.16450772

>grocery shopping at walmart

>> No.16450790

go buy some Nair furball

>> No.16450792
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i love walmart man. browsing their shelves for rare limited/promo/regional/prototype products is as pleasurable to me as wandering around a farmer's market in late summer

>> No.16450839

I bet they're at least decent. maybe even pretty good.

>> No.16450852

Would be tasty as fuck with some brown sugar and maple syrup added.

>> No.16450887

>buying the same shit they have at walmart at a place where it costs more

>> No.16450889


>> No.16450894

>intermingling with the absolute scum of the earth aka your people

>> No.16450916

ok then how do you feel about Walmart curbside pickup? it's a free service

>> No.16450917

Based Hairyarm McGee

>> No.16450959

We sell these at Aldi. People try them once and come back to tell me how terrible they were. Would not reccomend.

>> No.16450965

How do I get test arms like that?

>> No.16450977

I don't go to walmart but I wouldn't anyway because I'm not lazy and don't want someone touching all my shit anyway.

>> No.16450981

understandable. where do you shop for groceries?

>> No.16450991
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Lift weights and believe in jesus

>> No.16450994

what kind of watch is that? looks nice.

>> No.16450996


Goddamn, I'm think bout those beans.

>> No.16451006


Same fag.

>> No.16451047
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I just wanted tips on not having soylet wrists man

>> No.16451066

OP here, I'm a girl btw.

>> No.16451291


>> No.16451293

imm gonna come into your store and knock over all your cans of tomatoes

>> No.16451581
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No you won't. Anyway this is a bean thread.

>> No.16451608
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haha yeah

>> No.16451609


>> No.16451627

Baked beans are one of the worst foods in the world. And I dont believe for a moment that they were originally made to swim in a fucking SYRUP.

Its the most glaring example of how sugar just gets absolutely shoveled into the american diet.

>> No.16451649

I have tried these and they're actually high quality. I like the hot ones better than the Dr. Pepper flavor.

>> No.16451651

Shut up Nigel and eat your heart attack 3000 calorie breakfast.

>> No.16451665
File: 9 KB, 194x260, goatballsgoatatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah? Well, have a look at these potatoes

>> No.16451667

Good fucking Lord. Can you eurotrash faggots not go one second about worrying what the fuck us Americans do? Don't you have anything else to worry about in your life? You third worlders suck the fun out of everything.
Fucking A.

>> No.16451688

>Its the most glaring example of how sugar just gets absolutely shoveled into the american diet.
You don't even know how bad it gets my guy. There are a lot of people here that won't eat anything that isn't deepfried or sweet.
When I was a child, my family had some pretty decent neighbors that would often join us for dinner when we'd grill stuff outside, and they would add sugar to everything they cook. The first time I was invited to their house for dinner, they made spaghetti and added 2 entire cups of sugar to the sauce. Thinking that's just how they liked their spaghet, I thought eating with them again wouldn't be as bad, so when they made corned beef & cabbage for St. Patrick's day (I love me some corned beef) I was all for giving them a second chance.
Those fuckers dropped cups of sugar into the fucking crockpot. I'm still baffled to this day.
To them, anything that wasn't sweet was too spicy, bitter, salty, etc.. That was back when I lived in the Northwest, and it didn't get any better in the midwest and it's even worse here in the South.
Even with something as simple as going out for BBQ, I have to specify that I don't want any sauce on my pulled pork and shit, since they drown it in super sugary trashy slop.

>> No.16451692

hes right though. american processed food is swimming in sugar.
from what i understand is lots of white families raised a generation of kids my age who ate a fuck ton of processed shit. now everyone m age spends a fuck ton of money on super foods, or they eat chicken tendies and fast food.

>> No.16451697

>things that never happened

>> No.16451699
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>sugar bad
Post BMI.

>> No.16451700

Leather wrist watches are gay and for fags. Metal or plastic faggo

>> No.16451708

if its stayed around all this time its by definition not a fad retard. the real fad is the current average western diet high in sugar and refined carbs

>> No.16451710

Never said sugar bad, I'm just trying to get the point across that half the shit we eat is full of it to the point where I can't stand anything particularly sweet anymore. Makes me ill.
Hell, even with 'murica's beloved fast food, people still drown their nuggies & fries in BBQ sauce and honey mussie. You ever see someone be handed, like, 2 sauce cups for their nuggets & fries and say "yeah, that's plenty, I don't need several more."

>> No.16451714

Looks at these beans. These beans are amazing. Give them a kick. Taste just like Dr. Pepper.

>> No.16451728

Did they pay ATHF for the design on those beans they ripped off?

>> No.16451731

No, they were originally made to swim in MOLASSES.

>> No.16451736

Found the low t fag with no armhair.

>> No.16451738

Feel genuinely bad for 16451700

>> No.16451769

I tried them out of curiosity, they taste fucking terrible. Way too sweet but at the same time flavorless.

>> No.16451892
File: 1.84 MB, 2880x2160, 20210721_153641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have bad taste.
These guys? Yeah they look good too.
It's a cheapo Vincero I wear at work. The guys in /fa/ make fun of me, but I like it.

>> No.16451921

Yeah the buffalo beans. You can actually taste the spiciness unlike 99% of American "spicy" food.

>> No.16451954

I would try that, sounds bizarre. I've always wanted to go into a walmart if I ever visited America, sounds like a laugh to me

>> No.16451963

Finally a product americans can be proud of

>> No.16451985
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>no hfcs

>> No.16452040

what shitty hobo shoes are those? Jesus Christ anon how can you say you care about yourself if you dress like shit.

>> No.16452049

We literally do not deserve to exist as a species anymore

>> No.16452055

America deserves a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.16452058

They're these

Keens are my favorite shoes, and these are nice work shoes since they're cheap, sturdy, and super light. Also they're canvas so they're easy to clean.

>> No.16452059

All of southeast Asia has at least one dish that involves pouring coca cola into a wok.
>Oh that's different, it's exotic and Asian!!

>> No.16452064

The walmart in my college town often has better deals for the same brands than other stores

>> No.16452065

They look like decent work shoes, likely nonslip. The guy has some bulk on him and has rough hands. He works for a living.

You should consider trying it next time you ask mommy to buy you another pair of yeezies.

>> No.16452069

No, that shit is disgusting too anon

>> No.16452074

>the guy
>pretending you aren't OP
Truly sad

>> No.16452091

Are you a woman or just gay?

>> No.16452105
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ooh, I'm excited. . .

>> No.16452120
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>> No.16452140
File: 1.25 MB, 2576x1932, 20210721_173327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.16452154

>A fat woman

>> No.16452163

150lb middle aged man.
Try harder, your bait game blows, my guy. At least TRY to be funny.

>> No.16452177

Why are your fingernails pink? I thought it was nail polish but maybe it's just because you're fat. I also thought you were wearing a ring but it's actually a shitty tattoo
>Jokes on you, I'm not a fat woman, I'm just a fat faggot instead
Wow anon you sure showed me

>> No.16452193

William Montgomery hell yeah a man of fine taste

>> No.16452208

This is the hand of someone who has never done an ounce of hard work in their life

>> No.16452209

Now that attempt was trying a bit too hard. Tone it back a bit. You want to keep it simple, but snappy. When you project too much, you end up making yourself look like a gay retard instead of me.

>> No.16452219

Correct, I do systemsec, easiest job ever. I just sit around and play video games all day and get paid for it.

>> No.16452225

>Implying you need to spend 500 on shoes to look decent

Money wouldn't be such a concern if you stopped eating so much either

>> No.16452255

That's probably why you're so fat and gay

>> No.16452296

Shut up faglord
^ he's right. Like, any can of beans I buy is not savoury but SWEET. Bacon with Pork? Sweet. Beans with Bacon? Sweet. Beans with Tomato sauce? You bet your ass it's sweet.
How are you physicaly incapable of making a can of ready-to-eat beans without spoonfulls of sugar?

>> No.16452301

Showboat beans are savory, they lack the "boatloads" of sugar. I myself try not to eat too much sugar, but two eaches own I guess.

>> No.16452309

That's a goat. I'm Irish I'd know.

>> No.16452313

You and your vernacular are gay.

>> No.16452315

I can be a cocksucking faggot, but at least I'm not a cocksucking faggot who eats beans with sugar.

>> No.16452366
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>Blocks your path

>> No.16452424

Very based. The jalapeno ones are really nice over cornbread.

>> No.16452482
File: 95 KB, 900x1200, 1624135080764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar good

>> No.16452486

If sugar only went to the tits on women I would 110% pro max sugar consumption. Unfortunately we don't live in such a blessed timeline.

>> No.16452492

The real fad is the Mediterranean diet

>> No.16452578
File: 268 KB, 1300x919, 1624132116206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a nice world.

>> No.16452587

The Med diet as it gets described in popular culture is a meme. Diets in that region vary hugely depending on where you go with different amounts of sat fat and red meat/fish

>> No.16452709

Extreme cringe. Please kill yourself you disgusting mess. Never post again. I would hurt you so much if I could. Id torture you for days. You are truly repulsive. ID FUCKING SKIN YOU FUCKING OOUR SALT AND VINEHAR AML OVER YOU FUCK YOU REPULSIVE OISS OF SHIT ULK HUDT YOU SO MUCH

>> No.16452930
File: 280 KB, 960x745, no....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post.
I'm currently experiencing this. It's not as fun as it looks. I don't have many prospects, mostly because I'm super picky. I'm 31 so I have to be more discerning now. The only girl I've been attracted to the past three months is this girl who works at Chick-Fil-A, I hit on her and nothing happened so there's that. I say past three months because I broke up with my ex back in April. She was nice, but she was a Seventh Day Adventist and I'm a Roman Catholic so go figure lmao. Also she was a vegan, kinda lefty, and that was really annoying. Knew it wasn't going to work out. I guess right now I'm just waiting and working on improving myself. I just don't find many women that happen to be around me very appealing, at least not in any capacity beyond physically. Also I've had covid the past couple weeks and have completely lost my sense of taste and smell. I couldn't even enjoy the Dr. Pepper beans if I wanted, it would just be a hot mushy flavorless paste! Thanks China!

It's It's a miracle that I'm not cripplingly depressed lol. I don't even drink! Ha ha ha. Life is a riot though, let's admit. Every day is precious. I now have Tubthumping stuck in my head. Thanks /ck/

>> No.16452989

oh, you're a woman. it makes sense now

>> No.16454307

Jesus Anon, get a little sun, you look sick.

>> No.16454333

>haha you cant insult me
>t-trying too hard
Your post comes across as you coping because you got called out

>> No.16454338

You will never be white

>> No.16454348

dont remember asking

>> No.16454356

Is this an old pasta?

>> No.16454905
File: 480 KB, 357x480, 1620269443155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just my classic late night logorrhea

>> No.16454929

Dr Pepper is great for a pork butt in the crackpot. You like you know where the shoulder seam is supposed to hit, which is more than a lot of dudes.

>> No.16455719

>mutts' tard

>> No.16456134


>> No.16456149

I wonder how much money they had to pay Dr Pepper to let them use their logo on the can.

>> No.16456158

Phew man... probably like a million dollars

>> No.16456210

>but two eaches own I guess.

>> No.16456323

what did they mean by this.

>> No.16456506


>no has

>> No.16457562
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>tfw still no bean pokemon

>> No.16457567
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gluten free