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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16434967 No.16434967 [Reply] [Original]

I'm planning on having a sword and sorcery movie marathon soon since my gf will be out of town. Im to watch Conan the Barbarian, Beastmaster, etc and take an edible. I'm going to make myself a Barbarian feast worthy of Conan to eat when I'm blazed enough to think I'm actually in Hyperboria.

What should I make? I'm thinking primitive stuff barbarians would eat. In addition to Mead and ale, im thinking some big piece of beef like London broil, a whole roast chicken (possibly 2 cornish game hens) and maybe some kind if pork (ribs or maybe a roast pork shoulder). What else would Conan eat? I'm thinking mostly meat but maybe some Flatbread of some sort, too.

>> No.16434985

Turkey leg, sucking pig, bourguignon, pheasant? Don't forget to watch Krull.

>> No.16436332

This sounds awesome, please give me your full movie playlist, I might do the same when my wife leaves next week.

In addition to what has been mentioned, I would say some good fresh bread, butter and cheese, baked potatoes, grapes / whole fruits, the women of your enemies.

>> No.16436565
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Prime Rib

>> No.16436581


Be sure to watch Fire and Ice, that's a badass movie. And throw in a couple Heavy Metals too, tits and beer and red meat.

Rack of lamb would be a good idea, or like the other guy said Prime Rib.

>> No.16436592
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im pretty sure this movie was my sexual awakening

>> No.16438237

Nonsarcastically: game of thrones has a cookbook based off things from the show called feast of fire and ice. Check that out.

>> No.16438773

If i was served that I'd slit the cunts throat

>> No.16438786

On top of all the meat don't forget some fish and fruit. Mostly for décor but also to cleanse the palate.

>> No.16438789
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Make some sort of hearty stew

>> No.16438930
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Others' suggestions are fine, so on to style:
Be sure to eat only with your hands; keep a small fingerbowl w/ water to cleanse.
Go buy some metal tankards (or wooden--if metal, make sure you don't get a real one with lead in it!), pic related.
Use candles. If you have dudes over, be sure they're big, beefy, utilitarian & unscented unless you want it to be Conan the Gaybarian Ass Destoryer.

I tried this once, watching LoTR. I got whatever would've likely been a Hobbit/ME meal, lots of berries, grainy bread, cheese (remember how they were eating bread & cheese at bree?). I forgot what I had for meat.
Ended up with a horrible stomach ache since I don't normally eat that kind of stuff.

>> No.16438946
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oh, yea! and get an actual honeycomb, if you can.
good for dunking bread in, spreading on bread, foods, etc.

>> No.16439062

>planning LARP feast for sword and sorcery marathon
>"since my gf will be out of town"

I don't think you have a gf. Enjoy your feast and hand.

>> No.16439084

Yeah, I figure I'm going to feel awful and be unable to shit for a few days since I'm not a real barbarian and am somewhat /fit/ normally, but hey, I only do stuff like this once or twice a year.

>> No.16439091

Most of this sounds good. Make sure to also have a bunch of stew since that's what most people would have eaten during the dark ages/middle ages.

>> No.16439096


>> No.16439345

I don't want to be "that guy", but in the stories Conan wandered over much of what would become Europe, Africa, and Asia, and ate the local food. What he ate when he was a pirate wasn't the same as what he ate as a a chief of Afghuli hillmen.

>> No.16439427 [DELETED] 

>everybody else participates in the thread and gives suggestion
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP he quickly mentioned weed! This is a straightedge board!!!!
Get a grip >>16439345

>> No.16439448

Buy a rotisserie chicken and tear pieces straight off the bird without a plate

>> No.16439449

Smart response, OP watches too much Joe Rogan
Choke on the devils cabbage

>> No.16439563

>t. Not invited to parties

>> No.16439595

Baked whole potato, maybe some stew or broth, fresh baked rustic bread or bannock whatever. Hard mode will be wild game and foraged edibles or even a fish you caught yourself. Also get a horn or goblet to drink from

>> No.16439626

>Also get a horn or goblet to drink from
This. A horn is pretty much mandatory for a barbarian feast.

>> No.16439726

Damn, sounds fun and comfy asf. Tell us the entire Sword and Sorcery movie line up you got my dude!

>> No.16439893

Right now im thinking both Arnold Conan flicks, Kull the Conquerer, Fire and Ice (per an anons suggestion) and maybe 1 more, researching still. Maybe another animated one. I'm also planning on playing through the Fighters guild quest line in Skyrim.

Im excited. I do something like this once or twice a year when my Gf goes out of town. It's a nice little reward for myself to just be a glutton, drink and get high. Sometimes I do movies, sometimes music (I'll Sometimes play my guitar along to songs I like and pretend I'm in the band). Kinda cringe, but also very comfy. It also helps me eat healthy most of the time because I have this to look forward to.

>> No.16440024

Totally worth it if it's once in a while.
Also, my comment re. candles: I meant for the candles to be big, beefy, utilitarian & unscendted, not your dudes. Obviously, dudes likely stink whether or not they're lit.

>> No.16440793
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>t. only invited to weed parties because everyone there is too high to realise how abrasive your personality is
alcohol ONLY parties are the true test of character, pleb

>> No.16440800

id toss in Willow too

>> No.16440807

>alcohol only parties
>where things are 1000x worse and more degenerate than where everyone’s mostly high
If you two are over 19 then you need to kill yourselves

>> No.16440811

I bought my buddy a drinking horn because I made a bet with him and lost big time.
It holds exactly one can of beer so it works out great.

>> No.16440816
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>where things are 1000x worse and more degenerate than where everyone’s mostly high
sitting around watching reddit and morty and talking about "how ghosts are heaps sick cos theyre just chill most of the time hey" is alot worse than singing and fucking around and sharing comradery with your mates
weed is the niggers drug, alcohol is the white mans choice

>> No.16440830

i worked with a guy a few years ago that said "i dont really like much booze, i LOVE a good mead though", im 99% sure that wasnt true because he had dumb medeival tattoos and wore tunics and shit, hes always quote skyrim in normal conversations, more or less he was autistic and so are you
he was severely injured when a lighting array truss fell on him a few years ago

>> No.16440831
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Check out Dragonslayer

>> No.16440842

You sound like you’re 30 and slowly getting shut out of parties where you can prey on drunk college girls.
>me and muh brothers singing!! Muh mates!!
You’re a bunch of drunk manchildren without families LARPing as your grandfathers who were actual men. Comradery with another man is charging into battle or being blood brothers, not screaming over a soccer match while pissing yourself. You’re just as cringe as the stoners and like I said, you should kill yourselves.

>> No.16440846

lol i was shut out of parties years ago u fucking idiot

>> No.16440851

A friend and I did something like this for the summer solstice last year.
We did turgkey legs, some sourdough his girl made, some decent cheese (think it was bond-ost), and some walleye that I caught a few days before.
We ate a shit ton, then drank some mead he bought, heated up, and put a few handfuls of psilocybin mushrooms into.
Didn't work very well so we just ate the rest and watched the LOTR trilogy.
It was a really good time. I don't typically do many drugs but it went off without a hitch.
Very happy memory for me.

>> No.16440858

>and so are you
Yeah, probably. Thankfully my job is very low risk so I haven't had the opportunity to severely injure myself yet.

>> No.16440863

you sound very lonely mate, none of that is true, maybe its time to start going out before your youth is entirely wasted on anime forums

>> No.16440869

>shut out of parties years ago and STILL going on about his “mates” and drunkenness
turn off your computer and find the local AA chapter

>> No.16440916

Old people party too, Anon. You don't really grow out of it if you enjoy catching a buzz. There are tons of 30 - 40+ men and women fucking and pissing themselves into a drunken stupor. I bet that you've never actually "charged into battle" or have been in an actual fight. That shit isn't anything to be proud of.

>> No.16440925

Meanwhile, you've blasted out too many brain cells for your mind to process full sentences.

>> No.16440931

he probably was a jewish puppet in iraq and thins hes a manly man for it

>> No.16440933

I don't give a fuck. I have a college degree and it didn't do a fucking thing for me when I was sober. My life is exactly the same except now I actually enjoy manual labor since alcohol gives me something to look forward to after my shift is done.

>> No.16440943

>smart and sober
>starts smoking weed
>literally troglodyte tier work because is brain is so destroyed
>so addicted looks forward to it during every shift
sounds pretty chill and rad to me

>> No.16440948

I don't smoke weed you fucking retard. I drink.

>> No.16440955

my bad, im drunk, still fuck weed smokers

>> No.16440963

Dumb fucker. Learn to read if you want to pretend to have an IQ above 30.

>> No.16440966

>the 45 year old alcoholics crawl out of the woodwork to defend mass drinking as the height of social engagement
Like pottery. Also
>I bet you haven’t charged into battle
Where did I claim I did? My point is that something as soulless as boozing is not a form of comradery, you’re just a bunch of drunk idiots yelling and doing things you’d generally be embarrassed of sober. It’s particularly worse if you’re a grown man at that

>> No.16440972
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>> No.16440978

you should have some fruit and cheese. im thinking at least grapes. copy the shit the dwarves were eating in the first hobbit movie, i bet that would be pretty close. no vegetables

>> No.16440991

>It’s particularly worse if you’re a grown man at that
This. If you're still acting like a rowdy drunk in public, or really ever, past 25 (even that's a little late), you're guaranteed an idiot. I drink AND I smoke weed, but I don't make either of those things part of my personality (not anymore), and I also can hold my liquor without making a fool of myself. I'm a married man, though, so my attitudes have changed drastically.

>> No.16441001

I'm not defending alcohol as the height of social engagement you projecting retard. I'm just calling you a stupid posing faggot. MUH CHARGE INTO BATTLE lmfao. Life isn't a video game, autismo. I've been in plenty of fights and there isn't anything glorious about it.

>> No.16441002

>No vegetables
Someone living in that time period would have had a diet of mostly cheese, fruit, vegetables and bread, along with a lot of ale, mead, or wine. Can't have a proper beef stew without carrots, potatoes, onions, celery.

>> No.16441021

>Nothing glorious about fighting
You haven't fought for the right reasons.

>> No.16441039

I'm willing to bet that you've never fought at all, anon. Enjoy getting arrested for stupid shit. If you're underage b&, go ham with it like I did back in the day, though. It won't change anything but you'll have some fun I guess.

>> No.16441041

>eating precolombian produce like potatoes
i forgot to add OP, you should get some honeycomb

>> No.16441052

turkey leg

>> No.16441059

I think a good idea might be to eat stuff like sheep balls and beef heart for sexual potency and to make you strong. That kind of thing. See if you can get an ostrich egg and eat it raw too

>> No.16441065

>I’ve been in plenty of fights
Bro you at most drunkenly swung on another guy in a plaza parking lot. I was giving an example off the top of my head of something that requires comradery with another man, such as being in a unit together where the stakes are extremely serious and there is often a lifelong feeling of unity. But sure, I bet you getting piss drunk and embarrassing yourself can compare. You’re social standards literally involves forcing yourself into another mental state to feign personal happiness or enjoyment with other individuals

Why are you so angry? Try to calm down and salvage your remains brain cells before they overheat

>> No.16441070

Dumb shitpost. You try too hard.

>> No.16441099

Grist for the mill:




>> No.16441100

I got into martial arts because I grew up in a bad neighborhood, been in lots of fights, real life or death fights. Beating someone down, after he came after you and your wife with a knife, is an indescribably exhilarating, albeit terrifying simultaneously, feeling.

>> No.16441129

It sounds like a feeling that you should be used to. How many of those fights did you instigate, though?

>> No.16441141

>cant tell the difference between being a rambling pisshead in the streets and getting a bit loose with the boys
most people have enough self control to slow down towards the end of the night, and not do it everyday u spaz

>> No.16441147
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they wanted to be men and do some fighting in the street, they said