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File: 26 KB, 245x350, Super_Size_Me_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16437686 No.16437686 [Reply] [Original]

It's been 17 years and I STILL don't forgive this fucker making up lies about the effects of McDonald's, forcing them to get rid of the supersize options, my fucking go to back then. Now I have to buy 2 large meals just to get a similar feel, it's not enough though. Fuck this cunt.

>> No.16437694

Guy was scummy, no doubt about that. However it's just fast food dude. Maybe eat less of it if only Supersized stuff can satisfy you.

>> No.16437698

2large meals to get full? I’m impressed

>> No.16437700

Maybe you shouldn't need 1000 calories of fries and soda to feel full you fat fuck.

>> No.16437706

I miss the big mac junior, or whatever they called it.
Like a big mac, but only one beef patty and no extra middle bread.
I'd get two.
Call me a fatass.

>> No.16437708

Obvious bait. Nobody can eat that much

>> No.16437727

>a big mac but only one beef patty and no extra middle bread
so a cheeseburger

>> No.16437728

Immanuel Kant rightfully counted gross lies as worse than murder. The only fitting penalty for this guy is that he should die, the punishment fitting and heightened due to the perniciousness and sheer pervasiveness of his false speech. This has cost both McDonalds and its patrons, with zero restitution. If we lived in a just society, all conspirators in the propaganda film Supersize Me would be trailed and executed. I do not advocate extrajudicial killings as two wrongs do not make a right (As Kant himself stated in the Second Critique) but it should be clear that this action is so egregious that it warrants death so as to have the public sentiment and ultimately laws changed one day. If this happened under a monarchy, a king would not tolerate lies so damaging to the nation. The practice of dueling would have remedied this too, and its existence throughout human history kept such monstrosities from being perpetuated. There is not a convincing argument against in in this scenario and it would have deterred the "documentary" from being made in the first place as a mcdonalds employee, shareholder, or even customer would have sought satisfaction for the insult.

>> No.16437730
File: 331 KB, 944x1200, Euginia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Nobody can eat that much
Go home Eugenia, yer drunk.

>> No.16437739

Jesus, you Philistine,
Have you never had a Big Mac??????

It's a VERY specific type of cheeseburger.
You might as well call V8 a soup you drink cold.
You might as well call wine grape juice that's gone bad.

Even for McDonald's, it was a unique product.

>> No.16437743

>specific type of cheeseburger
its just a cheeseburger with about a pound of shitty lettuce and "mac sauce" which im pretty sure is just ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together with onions

>> No.16437754

I weigh 120 and need about 3000+ calories a day to stay my current weight. It I ate less I would fall below 17 BMI. The calories bad movement has cost me a considerable amount of money because most sandwiches are 500 calories or less which isn't enough. There isn't a reason why a meal shouldn't be 2000 calories. And this is without being supercharged on caffeine or other stimulants which nessicitates more calories.

>> No.16437787

I'm sorry that you're a freak of nature with a broken body but the good it does far outweighs niche cases like you.
basically get fucked

>> No.16437791

I guarantee this chick doesn’t have periods

>> No.16437847

get a meal and a milkshake you disgusting skelly
>captcha: KYSOP

>> No.16437865


>> No.16438009

You sure you don't have a tapeworm or fetus growing inside you?

>> No.16438034

Did he track his alcohol intake lmao

>> No.16438083

You'd sue McDonald's for making you fat just like that British lady in the 2000s, tubby

>> No.16438090
File: 711 KB, 2048x1365, you just know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even for McDonald's, it was a unique product.
They quite literally ripped-off Big Boy's.

>> No.16438098

You guaranteed have health problems from overeating sodium (high blood pressure etc).

>> No.16438118

Yeah. That fat bitch ruined it all! I bet that faggot is still super fat and now looking to blame something else. Fuck him!

>> No.16438123
File: 510 KB, 800x1007, ErnestBorgnine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're a blast at parties, and your Mom totally doesn't wish she had strangled you in your crib.

But I am still waiting to hear how I'm wrong.

>> No.16438132

I have his last voice recordings as a stork in an animated movie that was never made. My dad was trying to shop it around, got storyboarded and a symphony soundtrack, but just never came to fruition after various studios. Last time it looked like it was going through with the one that did Norm of the North, but just never came to be.

>> No.16438155
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, explaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I weigh 120
120 Kilos or pounds?

>and need about 3000+ calories a day to stay my current weight
Not unless you're an Olympic athlete.

> cost me a considerable amount of money
Only because you're eating at McDonald's.
Amazon sells 20 lbs of white rice for $32.95.
At 1655 calories per pound that's 33,300 calories or 3295 pennies.
That's 1,010 calories for a dollar.

A Big Mac costs $4.00 and has 563 calories, or 140 calories for a dollar.

>> No.16438168

based autism poster

>> No.16438172

>I bet you're a blast at parties
this coming from the guy who is obsessed with big macs, literally the most basic burger in the universe. but not even big macs, junior macs, which are just regular burgers with big mac sauce.

>> No.16438211

>the good it does
>removes voluntary choices
Honestly, fuck you and your savior complex. Maybe I want to eat 3000kcal in a single meal every once in a while. If some fat happens to choose to eat three super sized meals three times a day for 5 years and keels over from it, so be it; they made their choice and were better off with them choosing to remove themselves from the gene pool. Now bring back my supersize fries and I want that with extra salt, you turbo faggot.

>> No.16438238

Post body

>> No.16438247

Dude just order two large fries lmao

>> No.16438298

>removes voluntary choices
It's a simple fact that people can't be trusted to look after their best interests. It's why we have shit like seatbelt laws and speedlimits and why hard drugs are illegal
Get over it

>> No.16438303

>It's why we have shit like seatbelt laws and speedlimits and why hard drugs are illegal
And we shouldn't have these things.

>> No.16438322

You're an idiot. Society needs shit like that otherwise it starts to negatively effect everyone else as well.

>> No.16438326

How am I negatively affected by other people not wearing seatbelts?

>> No.16438347

>someone goes flying through a window when they get in a wreck
>their body splats against the street / your car
>let's say it's a parent or some shit, now their kid is parentless which is going to lead to all kinds of fucked up developmental shit which causes them to become a good for nothing
>they end up stabbing you one day to steal your wallet
There you go

>> No.16438350
File: 188 KB, 850x1090, 1600838966473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating fast food. It is expensive and terrible for you.

>> No.16438358

weighing 120 kilograms isn't normal even if you're a bodybuilder

>> No.16438362

I appreciate him because he forced McD's to basially go on a purge of shitty franchisees, remodel all their gross dirty buildings, and force workers to pay more care and attention to the presentation of the food. No more big macs that are falling to pieces and look like they've been sat on.
He forced McD's to up it's game to combat the PR disaster. Who cares if normies don't like it?

>> No.16438366

Mcdonalds feeds and employs more people then any government social program could, that's why scummy socialists hate it so much

Also, don't forget it starts off as real food at some point, before they add sugar and preservatives, so remember all the dairy, wheat, produce, and chicken farmers that they employ

>> No.16438375

>Not unless you're an Olympic athlete.
Anon, do you think 3000 is a lot of calories or something? An averge male who exercises just one hour at moderate intensity is burning 3k. In highschool when I played sports practicing 2-3 hours a day I would eat 4k calories a day and still lose weight.

>> No.16438385

Based. The only real questionably thing in mcdonalds is their fryer oil. So if you avoid fries and nuggets you're basically eating the same shit you'd get at any restaurant + an extra 5g of sugar in the bread(wow how horrifying)

>> No.16438433

>Mcdonalds feeds and employs more people then any government social program could, that's why scummy socialists hate it so much
Your logic doesn't even make sense, retard

>> No.16438448

Stop eating fast food you pleb.

>> No.16438479

If that's the best supporting argument for why we NEED these laws, then they should probably be repealed.

>> No.16438591

>boohoo its more expensive to be a fat bitch now
boring thread

>> No.16438649


>Socialists hate private business because they accomplish what government can't

Try supersizing your frontal lobe, brainlette

>> No.16438697

It was amazing to see that her being a walking skele, she revealed a BIG FUCKOFF ROAST BEEF between her thighs.

>> No.16438840

If you get two large meals you end up with an extra burger. You would want another fries and coke (but actually only another fries, because a supersize soda was just a larger cup with more ice) to equate a supersize. If you need another burger, supersize was never enough for you anyway.

>> No.16438871
File: 105 KB, 818x806, 1494794426754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's physically impossible unless you're shitting 5 times a day because your broken intestines only absorb 1/4 of the shit you eat. Learn to count calories better.

>> No.16438874

>oh no supersize is gone
you can always just order more manually you fat fuck

>> No.16438891
File: 37 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16439178
File: 106 KB, 700x523, 88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not hearing why I'm wrong.

>> No.16439188

>Anon, do you think 3000 is a lot of calories or something?
Not a ton, but should be more than his/your equilibrium diet, unless there's a lot of exercise involved.
And I don't see athletes eating at McD's.

>> No.16439192

>The only real questionably thing in mcdonalds is their fryer oil.
They've got a really high salt content.

>> No.16439218

i'll never understand people that have to go out and buy fast food. most fast food takes minutes to create yourself and with regards to a burger, in the long run is cheaper. don't care about this movie or whatever but I am glad the supersize option is gone, in fact- you should be taxed to hell like ciggies are if you really want that shit back. it's a win/win for me and you.

>> No.16439470

>BMI 17
It has to be pounds, then. Holy fuck anon, get your tapeworm removed. Nobody with presumably that little muscle mass would veer lose weight at 3k calories

>> No.16439476


>> No.16439596

I want to fuck this.

>> No.16439606

Why is that Ricky crippled dude from youtube in drag?

>> No.16440129
File: 219 KB, 690x900, 1624842527079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be constant europeans who never order anything in their life for enjoyment on this board.

Like yeah dont eat fast food every fucking day but i order it once a week because its enjoyable and clearly has a taste you cant "recplicate" even if you make it yourself.

If you can 1:1 make me a Quesadilla just like taco bell makes that tastes exactly the same, please inform me.

Same for things like Checker's Fries or any other popular menu items chains are known for.

>> No.16440137

Based. Spurtcock must die.

>> No.16440150

Not only has his documentary aged like shit but everybody in it is either arrested or Me Too'ed.

The only decent human being in the entire film is Don Gorske. A guy who to this day still eats big macs.

>> No.16440324
File: 39 KB, 457x494, fat marv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I have to buy 2 large meals just to get a similar feel, it's not enough though.

>> No.16440382

stop eating garbage, lardass

>> No.16440427

all fries = same size

>> No.16441314

>WAAAAAH if I wanna eat a 3lbs pound of potatoes and 2 quarts of pop I have to order it separately

>> No.16441317

I remember they showed this shit in school to us, and then I was in a car with my friend and his mom said that the documentary proved that McDonald's was literal poison. Blackpill moment about how dishonest and retarded everyone was.

>> No.16441331

You don't feel full because the shit you're eating is largely empty calories

Also you've been stuffing your face so much that your stomach has stretched and you don't "feel full" without eating more. Fast every other day and your stomach should go back to a normal size

>> No.16441418
File: 20 KB, 360x261, 1499225749642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically posting Chinese propaganda
>easily faked bullshit where the bottoms aren't shown to prove M/L are actually empty
Your presence is not welcome here.

>> No.16441431

Shut the fuck up you retarded fat fucks. McDonald's is terrible garbage and if you eat it more than once every couple weeks you're a disgusting fucking retarded whale. Literally if I have McDonald's twice in a week I can feel the lack of nutrients and negative effects in my body. You like it because you're addicted and nothing else. It 100% makes you sluggish and feel worse but you're already a fat fuck so you hardly notice anything different from your base level which is already abysmal.

>> No.16441433

Here comes disinfo, right on cue.

>> No.16441461

This may blow your mind but just because a law exists doesn't mean everyone follows it. The people who are likeliest to get into traffic wrecks are reckless individuals who won't wear a seat belt whether Big Brother says they need to or not. People who want to do anyway. See: New Hampshire still lacks a seat belt law and their average seat belt usage is statistically tied with all its neighbors that do have laws. The law does nothing, it's just big government brainwashing people like you to believe in slippery slope tangential causality like your anecdote about how you're responsible for someone's poor decisions 20 years from now if you don't do what you're told today.

>> No.16441467

you fat fuck

>> No.16441481

Too bad there are no statistics showing a sharp decline in traffic fatalities following the enforcement of seat belt laws.

>> No.16441507

Go act like a smarmy redditor on Reddit, you faggoty nigger. Engage in the conversation if you want to be serious instead of talking in memes. The rise in seat belt usage occurred in states without seat belt laws just the same as the ones that did. It was education that rose those numbers up, not a government sticking a gun in people's faces.

>> No.16441512

I don't debate with retards

>> No.16441528


>> No.16441533

Is that kilograms or stones?

>> No.16441578

Didn’t he get hashtagMeToo’d?

>> No.16441597

Yeah, and it tanked an entire production that he was making.

>> No.16441648

>Who are you cosplaying
"The little stick figures on road signs"

>> No.16441655

In Berlin they made it a real character

>> No.16441658

>I bet you're a blast at parties,

People who say this shit don't go to parties. I'm not suggesting that there is something about parties they're missing or whatever the fuck, it's just that people who say this are unlikeable faggots who aren't invited to things.

>> No.16441712

You're spot on
Add a splash of vinegar and dill and there's your secret sauce

>> No.16442057

>Remove themselves from the gene pool
Fat people procreate much more often than you think

>> No.16442066

I shouldn't have to pay extra because fat people can't control themselves. I need as much calories as possible for the lowest price.

>> No.16442488


Based and Kant-pilled

>> No.16442507

Buy fresh potatoes and bake them with a coat of oil.

>> No.16442517
File: 41 KB, 1161x433, M2SL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's took Supersize away because they weren't making enough money from it in terms of extra food served compared to cost, and the amount of people requesting it. Also they would have taken cheap heart disease away 100% anyway because of shrinkonomics and CPI inflation from the USD supply more than tripling since the film came out.

>> No.16442540

The documentary was just an excuse, McDonald's has been going way up in price and way down in quality and quantity for ages now. Just eat somewhere else.

>> No.16442933

Fast food is cheaper than home cooked meals in every way.
Tell me how much it would cost for you to have a full pantry of ingredients, a stovetop and cooking implements.

>> No.16442980
File: 257 KB, 700x933, 1583102763219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An averge male who exercises just one hour at moderate intensity is burning 3k
not how this works at all

>> No.16443003

On the one hand he was a filthy liar, but on the other hand you're obviously an obese amerishart. Not sure who to side with on this one.

>> No.16443033

Dammit now I'm hungry

>> No.16443036
File: 429 KB, 1080x942, 65a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aged like shit
>Its just is, Okay?

>> No.16443038

when in doubt, side with the person who didn't make bank

>> No.16443138

Do you have cancer, nigga?

>> No.16443238

Because he lied to do it, while pretending to be impartial.

>> No.16443281


Plus it was the perfect excuse for some tables ideas on the executive board to push into rival markets such as coffee and pastries, seriously you see more people buying coffee from McCafe than McDonald's proper. So they get two fingers in a pie and deal with their rivals

>> No.16443392

>2 large meals aren't enough

>> No.16443479

The thought of Morgan Spurlock being bested in a pistol duel by Ronald McDonald is fucking kino

>> No.16443483

More food costs more money you tard

>> No.16443552

Fucking based

>> No.16443615

>It's been 17 years and I STILL don't forgive this fucker making up lies about the effects of McDonald's
When I watched the movie, I was always under the impression that he spent a LOT of time pointing to how he was going from a fairly active lifestyle to one that was sedentary, as well as set rules for himself for ordering that would make anyone not burning 6,000 calories a day pack on pounds, but then didn't seem to make a clear point that the food's just there as food and it comes down to the person ordering it having to make the choice to gorge or not.

Penn & Teller's Bullshit! did a much better job covering the topic.

>> No.16443947
File: 692 KB, 974x654, mcdonalds soy trio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]